[comp.sys.amiga.tech] amiga-relay -> newsreader

C506634@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU ("Eric Edwards") (06/15/90)

The way I currently read comp.sys.amiga.* goes something like this:
amiga-relay -> my account -> [bunch of scripts, vt100, short c program]
-> seperate newsgroup files -> Keep

Currently I browse through the results on my amiga using a program called Keep.
Keep is inteded for browsing through bbs captures.  It's better than a general
file viewer like more, etc but it lacks the bounty of features in a modern
newsreader like rn.

What I'm thinking of doing is modifying my filter program to produce an actual
newsfile.  That way I could use one of the newsreaders available on the Amiga.

What I need to know is

1) How much massaging is neccessary?  More to the point:  What does a news file
   look like?

2) Given that the massaging is practical is it worthwhile?
   a) are Amiga newsreaders stable?
   b) will they run practicly on a 1 meg, 2 drive system?
      (newsreader only, I obviously don't need UUCP)

3) Are they powerfull enough to make it worthwhile?

Side note:  If I could find a USEABLE NNTP for VM/SP, number 1 would be

   /*/Eric Edwards  c506634@umcvmb.missouri.edu or c506634@umcvmb.bitnet/*/
  /*/ "Sir, you are an excellent star ship captain /"We come in peace, /*/
 /*/  but as a taxi cab driver you leave much to  / shoot to kill"    /*/
/*/  be desired" - Spock, "A Piece of the Action"/  --"Star Trekkin'"/*/