edwin@hcr.UUCP (Edwin Hoogerbeets) (01/25/89)
This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. We hope that you refer to this article first before posting to the net. This helps keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. In rn type: s newuser <return> to save this article in the file News/newuser. To read any of the following topics, type 'g' for 'go to' and the three letter index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP TEC How to get the Technical Reference Manual for the 500/2000 from Commodore. bill@cbmvax.UUCP UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP Edwin uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* NOV >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set to low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Manx uses 16 bits as a default size for ints. Lattice uses 32 bits as its default, and is therefore not subject to this. The problem lies in trying to call a routine from Manx that requires 32 bit ints. Most calls to the operating system and most programs or libraries that use the operating system calls need to use 32 bit ints or they do wild and wonderful things all over memory. To get Manx to use 32 bits by default, just add +L to the 'cc' line. Also, once you have done this, remember to link with the 32 bit libraries: c32.lib m32.lib. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. This includes Window, Gadget and BitMap structures that Intuition uses. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to malloc: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* MOT From: daveh@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* MOU From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on the net (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector no where near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrongo buffalo breath, if you apply our formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yesh, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 like you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this: DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 Now, not only does it work, but be have more avilable space on our hard drive!!! Some of you may look at this and go, gee, why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive? Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible spped of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calcualted off of the current MountLsit entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)418-1236 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 17302 Park Ave. Lansing IL 60438 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP P.S. I will create a program to automatically create either an entire MountList or individual MountList entries if demand warrents it. -- |DISCLAIMER: Being a consultant, none of my opions represent anything. | | Except possiblely my own, but then again, maybe not. | |----------kjohn@richp1--or--USMail-17302-Park-Ave.,-Lansing-IL,-60438--------| | "I didn't do it, must be a bug in the operating system." | ************************************************************************* REE From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* TEC >From: bill@cbmvax.UUCP (Bill Koester CATS) Subject: Re: SCSI Speed (was Re: FFS speed. Bytes/Bits per s) In article <12330@orchid.waterloo.edu> tdwest@orchid.waterloo.edu (Terry D. West) writes: >I posted an article requesting info about the 2090, but nobody replied :-( You can get the A500/A2000 Technical reference manual by sending $40 US to: Commodore Business Machines Attn: Lauren Brown 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19380 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bill Koester (CATS) >>Commodore Amiga Technical Support<< Commodore International Ltd. UUCP {allegra|burdvax|rutgers|ihnp4}!cbmvax!bill PHONE (215) 431-9355 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pleese desrigard eny spealing airors!!!!!!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >From: lauren@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: how to improve sound capabilities In article <1856.AA1856@heimat> sneakers@heimat.UUCP (Dan "Sneakers" Schein) writes: >In Message <8808100911.AA07219@decwrl.dec.com>, carli@munich.dec.com (Bernardo da Vinci - the Amiga genius) writes: > >> I'm desperately seeking for a cheap solution to set the cut off >> frequency of the filter to 14kHz or higher. It shouldn't be a hard job, >> but without any printsets it isn't a simple task (for me). >> Maybe someone tried it allready - I don't want to reinvent the wheel. >> As far as I know can this filter be turned off on newer A500 or A2000 >> with the LED PD-Programm. So CATS, what do I have to do ??? >> > I wrote just such an article with a A1000 hardware hack & A2000/A500 'C' > code examples when I was at CBM. It was for a (then) upcomming AmigaMail, > im not sure if it was published yet or not. Lauren or Carolyn? > >> Any recommendations would be appreciated. >> >> Bernhard > > >-- > Dan "Sneakers" Schein {alegra|amiga|rutgers|uunet}!cbmvax!heimat!sneakers Dan wrote an article called "Amiga Audio Cutoff Filter, which we published in the March/April issue of AmigaMail. Sorry, we do not make back issues available to non-subscribers (our supply is limited). If you would like to subscribe to AmigaMail, send a check for U.S $20 (22.50 in Canada, 25.00 all other global points) to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19380 At the same time, you can request any back copy you might be interested in. As long as we still have a supply, we will fulfill your request. -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lauren Brown -- CBM >>Amiga Technical Support<< UUCP ...{allegra,caip,ihnp4,seismo}!cbmvax!lauren PHONE 215-431-9100 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* UNS From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession
edwin@hcr.UUCP (Edwin Hoogerbeets) (03/04/89)
This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. This posting last modified: March 3, 1989 It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. We hope that you refer to this article first before posting to the net. This helps keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. * * There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. * To save this posting when you are using rn or vn: s newuser <return> to save in the file News/newuser. notes: snewuser<return> to save this article in the file ./newuser. To read any of the following topics after this page, type 'g' for 'go to' and the three letter index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: ,NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP ,MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP ,REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,TEC How to get the Technical Reference Manual for the 500/2000 from Commodore. bill@cbmvax.UUCP ,UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,REC Resource reclamation, why can't it be done? cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP ,CUS Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP ,EXC Info on exceptions dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,IFF IFF File Format carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP ,REQ Intuition requestors: how to stop them? koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Edwin uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* ,NOV >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set to low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Manx uses 16 bits as a default size for ints. Lattice uses 32 bits as its default, and is therefore not subject to this. The problem lies in trying to call a routine from Manx that requires 32 bit ints. Most calls to the operating system and most programs or libraries that use the operating system calls need to use 32 bit ints or they do wild and wonderful things all over memory. To get Manx to use 32 bits by default, just add +L to the 'cc' line. Also, once you have done this, remember to link with the 32 bit libraries: c32.lib m32.lib. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. This includes Window, Gadget and BitMap structures that Intuition uses. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to malloc: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* ,MOT From: daveh@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* ,MOU From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on the net (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector no where near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrongo buffalo breath, if you apply our formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yesh, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 like you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this: DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 Now, not only does it work, but be have more avilable space on our hard drive!!! Some of you may look at this and go, gee, why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive? Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible spped of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calcualted off of the current MountLsit entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)418-1236 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 17302 Park Ave. Lansing IL 60438 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP P.S. I will create a program to automatically create either an entire MountList or individual MountList entries if demand warrents it. -- |DISCLAIMER: Being a consultant, none of my opions represent anything. | | Except possiblely my own, but then again, maybe not. | |----------kjohn@richp1--or--USMail-17302-Park-Ave.,-Lansing-IL,-60438--------| | "I didn't do it, must be a bug in the operating system." | ************************************************************************* ,REE From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,TEC >From: bill@cbmvax.UUCP (Bill Koester CATS) Subject: Re: SCSI Speed (was Re: FFS speed. Bytes/Bits per s) In article <12330@orchid.waterloo.edu> tdwest@orchid.waterloo.edu (Terry D. West) writes: >I posted an article requesting info about the 2090, but nobody replied :-( You can get the A500/A2000 Technical reference manual by sending $40 US to: Commodore Business Machines Attn: Lauren Brown 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19380 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bill Koester (CATS) >>Commodore Amiga Technical Support<< Commodore International Ltd. UUCP {allegra|burdvax|rutgers|ihnp4}!cbmvax!bill PHONE (215) 431-9355 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pleese desrigard eny spealing airors!!!!!!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >From: lauren@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: how to improve sound capabilities In article <1856.AA1856@heimat> sneakers@heimat.UUCP (Dan "Sneakers" Schein) writes: >In Message <8808100911.AA07219@decwrl.dec.com>, carli@munich.dec.com (Bernardo da Vinci - the Amiga genius) writes: > >> I'm desperately seeking for a cheap solution to set the cut off >> frequency of the filter to 14kHz or higher. It shouldn't be a hard job, >> but without any printsets it isn't a simple task (for me). >> Maybe someone tried it allready - I don't want to reinvent the wheel. >> As far as I know can this filter be turned off on newer A500 or A2000 >> with the LED PD-Programm. So CATS, what do I have to do ??? >> > I wrote just such an article with a A1000 hardware hack & A2000/A500 'C' > code examples when I was at CBM. It was for a (then) upcomming AmigaMail, > im not sure if it was published yet or not. Lauren or Carolyn? > >> Any recommendations would be appreciated. >> >> Bernhard > > >-- > Dan "Sneakers" Schein {alegra|amiga|rutgers|uunet}!cbmvax!heimat!sneakers Dan wrote an article called "Amiga Audio Cutoff Filter, which we published in the March/April issue of AmigaMail. Sorry, we do not make back issues available to non-subscribers (our supply is limited). If you would like to subscribe to AmigaMail, send a check for U.S $20 (22.50 in Canada, 25.00 all other global points) to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19380 At the same time, you can request any back copy you might be interested in. As long as we still have a supply, we will fulfill your request. -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lauren Brown -- CBM >>Amiga Technical Support<< UUCP ...{allegra,caip,ihnp4,seismo}!cbmvax!lauren PHONE 215-431-9100 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* ,UNS From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession ************************************************************************* ,REC >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: resource reclamation In article <YX2ERcy00Uh0IEQFxo@andrew.cmu.edu> (Miles Bader) writes: > How come simple resource reclamation isn't done? It seems like it > would be pretty simple to hang a list of allocated resources off a > task... > -Miles Because it isn't. The original DOS specified for the Amiga included resource reclamation, however when time got tight and Commodore had to go with MetaCompCo's modified version of TriPOS, there wasn't time to put it in. If you look at some of the structures you will notice that there entries for Tasks such as tc_MemEntry which were for this kind of stuff. That is not to say that it isn't possible. The ARP project (AmigaDOS Replacement Project) has created a library which allows you to track resources and free them on exit. The ARP stuff in on a Fish disk #??? and available thru the amiga archives. The question Miles didn't ask but always follows is : How come I can't kill a hung process with ^C or something? And when the program breaks why do I have to reboot the machine? The reason is that the Amiga does not have memory protection between tasks. And when a program goes astray, you do not know what sort of damage it may have caused to internal memory structures. It can damage the memory free list, trackdisk buffers, the stack of other programs, and a host of other "sensitive" areas. Consequently, if you continue to run the machine after a program has died, you run the much greater risk of destroying completely unrelated data. For most people this is unacceptable and that is why you have to reboot. For those people who like to gamble, there is a commercial program called GOMF which attempts to recover from these situations. It does keep the machine running, however if another program you are running crashes, you should be aware that it is much more likely that the originally crashed program probably is responsible, not a bug in the code that just ran. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ************************************************************************* ,CUS >From: papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP Subject: Re: Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? >How can I redirect System Request windows to a screen other than the >Workbench screen? In particular, I'm interested in the ones that say >"Please insert volume ... in any drive". >From the bag of tricks of Bryce Nesbitt: struct Process *mproc; struct Window *window; APTR temp; ... mproc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L); temp = mproc->pr_WindowPtr; mproc->WindowPtr = (APTR) window; /* any window open on custom screen */ at the end: ... mproc->pr_WindowPtr = temp; /* retore BEFORE CloseWindow */ CloseWindow(window); Enjoy. -- Marco papa 'Doc' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uucp:...!pollux!papa BIX:papa ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* ,EXC >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Need info on exceptions Time to go into a brief description of the three types of interrupts that exist on the Amiga: (1) Task Exceptions (via SetExcept() and standard signals). This is a task-level interrupt and only interrupts the task it is attached to. Other tasks still run... the interrupt only interrupts the one task. That is, any number of tasks may be handling exceptions all simultaniously. This is analogous to UNIX signals with one major exception.... system calls can get interrupted in the middle (i.e. library calls). Although all run-time libraries are reentrant between tasks, this is not always so within a given task. For instance, you cannot interrupt a DOS Write() with an exception and then do a Write() from within the exception!! Another for instance: you CAN call AllocMem(). So you have to be very careful as to when to allow an exception and when not to. Forbid() effectively disables exceptions (but also task switching). Also, there is a bug in the exception handler in that if an exception occured during a Forbid() it does NOT execute when you Permit()... i.e. you also have to do a SetExcept(0,0) to force EXEC to check for active exceptions after you Permit(). The 'simple' description of an exception is this: First, a task gets signalled and if the exception bit for that signal bit is set, the EXCEPTION-ENABLE BIT AND THE SIGNAL BIT IS CLEARED and the task then enters its exception handler. D0 contains a mask of the exception that occured (more than one bit may be set if more than one exception occured at once). The exception handler thus must be reentrant for different exception bits. After the handler runs, it must return a bitmask in D0 of those exceptions that occured. EXEC automatically ENABLES the exceptions specified by the bitmask. However, it doesn't check to see if they re-occured at this time... Thus, there is a window of vulnerability here. Usually, I reenable the exceptions manually with a SetExcept() call from the handler and return 0 in D0. Unlike other types of interrupts, EXEC saves and restores ALL of our registers (except the stack pointer) for us. But, you cannot make assumptions as to the contents of the registers (except for D0 and A1(=tc_ExceptData). Specifically, there is no guarentee A4 will contain the small-code-model data segment base so you must reload it if you intend to use that model inside the handler. (2) Software Interrupts. Software interrupts are HIGHER priority than tasks but LOWER priority than interrupts. Essentially, these are pseudo hardware interrupts but without the timing restrictions in real interrupts.... you can do things that you would not want to do in normal interrupts because they would otherwise take too long. BUT! A software interrupt is not a task, and you still may not use memory allocation/free functions within one (same restrictions as for hardware interrupts apply with the exception that you can take a longer time in the soft int). For example, instead of calling ReplyMsg() from an HARD interrupt handler you might want to Cause() a softint instead. This allows the HARD int to end (and other HARD ints to occur). A software interrupt uses the same structure as a hardware interrupt. (3) Hardware Interrupts. Real honest to goodness hardware interrupts. Implemented by SetIntVector() and AddIntServer() and the like. These are real hardware interrupts and the service routine should take as little time as possible in them... I mean as *little* time as possible. Make your code tight. Calling something like ReplyMsg() or PutMsg(), while it works, usually takes too much time for an interrupt handler to spare. Cause() a softint for things that take too much time so other interrupts can go. I don't know how much time Signal() takes. There are two flavors. (1) Direct hardware interrupts (SetIntVector()), and (2) Chained hardware interrupts. In many cases there are also resources (misc.resource, for instance) to arbitrate usage of some of the interrupt vectors. -Matt ************************************************************************* ,IFF >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: IFF File Format >What exactly is the format of an Amiga IFF file? Intro to Amiga IFF ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes ================================================= Carolyn Scheppner - Commodore Amiga Technical Support The IFF (Interchange File Format) for graphic images on the Amiga is called FORM ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap). It follows a standard parsable IFF format. Sample hex dump of beginning of an ILBM: ======================================== Important note! You can NOT ever depend on any particular ILBM chunk being at any particular offset into the file! IFF files are composed, in their simplest form, of chunks within a FORM. Each chunk starts starts with a 4-letter chunkID, followed by a 32-bit length of the rest of the chunk. You PARSE IFF files, skipping past unneeded or unknown chunks by seeking their length (+1 if odd length) to the next 4-letter chunkID. 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A0E0 424F4459 ............BODY 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Interpretation: 'F O R M' length 'I L B M''B M H D'<-start of BitMapHeader chunk 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD length WideHigh XorgYorg PlMkCoPd <- Planes Mask Compression Pad 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... TranAspt PagwPagh 'C A M G' length <- start of C-AMiGa View modes chunk 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... Viewmode 'C M A P' length R g b R <- Viewmode 800=HAM | 4=LACE 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... g b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g <- Rgb's are for reg0 thru regN 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g b 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. R g b R g b R g b R g b 'B O D Y' 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A000 424F4459 ............BODY length start of body data <- Compacted (Compression=1 above) 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Notes on CAMG Viewmodes: HIRES=0x8000 LACE=0x4 HAM=0x800 HALFBRITE=0x80 ------ ILBM is a fairly simple IFF FORM. All you really need to deal with to extract the image are the following chunks: (Note - Also watch for AUTH Author chunks and (c) Copyright chunks and preserve any copyright information if you rewrite the ILBM) BMHD - info about the size, depth, compaction method (See interpreted hex dump above) CAMG - optional Amiga viewmodes chunk Most HAM and HALFBRITE ILBMs should have this chunk. If no CAMG chunk is present, and image is 6 planes deep, assume HAM and you'll probably be right. Some Amiga viewmodes flags are HIRES=0x8000, LACE=0x4, HAM=0x800, HALFBRITE=0x80. CMAP - RGB values for color registers 0 to n (each component left justified in a byte) BODY - The pixel data, stored in an interleaved fashion as follows: (each line individually compacted if BMHD Compression = 1) plane 0 scan line 0 plane 1 scan line 0 plane 2 scan line 0 ... plane n scan line 0 plane 0 scan line 1 plane 1 scan line 1 etc. Body Compression ================ The BODY contains pixel data for the image. Width, Height, and depth (Planes) is specified in the BMHD. If the BMHD Compression byte is 0, then the scan line data is not compressed. If Compression=1, then each scan line is individually compressed as follows: More than 2 bytes the same stored as BYTE code value n from -1 to -127 followed by byte to be repeated (-n) + 1 times. Varied bytes stored as BYTE code n from 0 to 127 followed by n+1 bytes of data. The byte code -128 is a NOP. Interpreting the Scan Line Data: ================================ If the ILBM is not HAM or HALFBRITE, then after parsing and uncompacting if necessary, you will have N planes of pixel data. Color register used for each pixel is specified by looking at each pixel thru the planes. IE - if you have 5 planes, and the bit for a particular pixel is set in planes 0 and 3: PLANE 4 3 2 1 0 PIXEL 0 1 0 0 1 then that pixel uses color register binary 01001 = 9 The RGB value for each color register is stored in the CMAP chunk of the ILBM, starting with register 0, with each register's RGB value stored as one byte of R, one byte G, and one byte of B, with each component left justified in the byte. (ie. Amiga R, G, and B components are each stored in the high nibble of a byte) BUT - if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, it is interpreted differently. === ========= Hopefully, if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, the package that saved it properly saved a CAMG chunk (look at a hex dump of your file with ascii interpretation - you will see the chunks - they all start with a 4-ascii-char chunk ID). If the picture is 6 planes deep and has no CAMG chunk, it is probably HAM. If you see a CAMG chunk, the "CAMG" is followed by the 32-bit chunk length, and then the 32-bit Amiga Viewmode flags. HAM pics will have the 0x800 bit set in CAMG chunk ViewModes. HALBRITE pics will have the 0x80 bit set. To transport a HAM or HALFBRITE picture to another machine, you must understand how HAM and HALFBRITE work on the Amiga. How Amiga HAM mode works: ========================= Amiga HAM (Hold and Modify) mode lets the Amiga display all 4096 RGB values. In HAM mode, the bits in the two last planes describe an R G or B modification to the color of the previous pixel on the line to create the color of the current pixel. So a 6-plane HAM picture has 4 planes for specifying absolute color pixels giving up to 16 absolute colors which would be specified in the ILBM CMAP chunk. The bits in the last two planes are color modification bits which cause the Amiga, in HAM mode, to take the RGB value of the previous pixel (Hold and), substitute the 4 bits in planes 0-3 for the previous color's R G or B component (Modify) and display the result for the current pixel. The color modification bits in the last two planes are interpreted as follows: 00 - no modification. Use planes 0-3 as normal color register index 10 - hold previous, replacing Blue component with bits from planes 0-3 01 - hold previous, replacing Red component with bits from planes 0-3 11 - hold previous. replacing Green component with bits from planes 0-3 How Amiga HALFBRITE mode works: =============================== This one is simpler. In HALFBRITE mode, the Amiga interprets the bit in the last plane as HALFBRITE modification. The bits in the other planes are treated as normal color register numbers (RGB values for each color register is specified in the CMAP chunk). If the bit in the last plane is set (1), then that pixel is displayed at half brightness. This can provide up to 64 absolute colors. Other Notes: ============ Amiga ILBMs images must be a even number of bytes wide. Smaller images (such as brushes) are padded to an even byte width. ILBMs created with Electronic Arts IBM and Amiga "DPaintII" packages are compatible (though you may have to use a '.lbm' filename extension on an IBM). The ILBM graphic files may be transferred between the machines (or between the Amiga and IBM sides your Amiga if you have a CBM Bridgeboard card installed) and loaded into either package. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,REQ >From: koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Intuition requestors: how to stop them? >How do I make Intuition requestors NOT appear? Just place a $ffffffff (or -1) in the pr_windowptr field of your process, and intuition will mind its own business, returning errors when it would return a message. Note that you will want to restore this after your program exits, as leaving it at -1 will mean the CLI will not get intuition requestors anymore. Normally pr_windowptr is a 0. koster@cory.berkeley.edu David Ashley *************************************************************************
bartonr@psu-cs.UUCP (Robert Barton) (03/07/89)
> # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the > first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that > these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. This includes > Window, Gadget and BitMap structures that Intuition uses. To make sure > that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to > malloc: > > foobar *milkchocolate; > milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); > > Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". > > Edwin Hoogerbeets > uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin This is a new one to me. When the OpenWindow() routine allocates the memory for the Window structure it asks for MEMF_CLEAR | MEMF_PUBLIC. Same with OpenScreen() when allocating a Screen or RasInfo structure. Since a Screen contains a ViewPort, a RastPort, a BitMap, and a LayerInfo this implies that none of these structures need to be in chip memory either.
kevin@uts.amdahl.com (Kevin Clague) (03/08/89)
In article <1739@psu-cs.UUCP> bartonr@psu-cs.UUCP (Robert Barton) writes: >> # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the >> first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that >> these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. This includes >> Window, Gadget and BitMap structures that Intuition uses. To make sure >> that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to >> malloc: >> >> foobar *milkchocolate; >> milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); >> >> Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". >> >> Edwin Hoogerbeets >> uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin > > This is a new one to me. When the OpenWindow() routine allocates the >memory for the Window structure it asks for MEMF_CLEAR | MEMF_PUBLIC. Same >with OpenScreen() when allocating a Screen or RasInfo structure. Since a >Screen contains a ViewPort, a RastPort, a BitMap, and a LayerInfo this >implies that none of these structures need to be in chip memory either. It is true that things the custom chips need to access need to be in CHIP RAM. The "art" or hard part is knowing which things the custom chips actually access. Example: Bit planes need to be in CHIP RAM, but RastPort and Window structures do not. The 680X0 access these higher level structures, and eventually calls the custom chips to actually manipulate data in your viewport or screen's bitmaps. Here is a list of the places where some of the resources should be placed (I wish I had RKM's here at work): CHIP RAM NOT CHIP RAM ________ ___________ BitPlanes BitMap structure RastPort structure LayerInfo structure Window structure NewWindow structure Screen structure NewScreen structure ViewPort structure BitPlanes Image structure Border structure So you see that really very few things actually need to be in chip RAM. I hope this helps. Kevin -- UUCP: kevin@uts.amdahl.com or: {sun,decwrl,hplabs,pyramid,seismo,oliveb}!amdahl!kevin DDD: 408-737-5481 USPS: Amdahl Corp. M/S 249, 1250 E. Arques Av, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 [ Any thoughts or opinions which may or may not have been expressed ] [ herein are my own. They are not necessarily those of my employer. ]
cmcmanis%pepper@Sun.COM (Chuck McManis) (03/09/89)
In article <1739@psu-cs.UUCP> bartonr@psu-cs.UUCP (Robert Barton) writes: > This is a new one to me. When the OpenWindow() routine allocates the >memory for the Window structure it asks for MEMF_CLEAR | MEMF_PUBLIC. Same >with OpenScreen() when allocating a Screen or RasInfo structure. Since a >Screen contains a ViewPort, a RastPort, a BitMap, and a LayerInfo this >implies that none of these structures need to be in chip memory either. You are correct, the custom chips (blitter, dma channels) never "see" the various structures, they see the data. That is why you can allocate a RastPort from anywhere but the actual data areas that the PlanePtrs of the BitMap structure point to must be in chip memory. Same is true with Audio device or Trackdisk device requests, the IORequest struct can be in any kind of memory but the data buffers must be in chip memory. The only place this gets kinda weird are things like the Image data in an Intuition Image structure. This my not appear at first as data for a custom chip, however Intuition does indeed point the blitter at it and blit so it too has to be in chip memory. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you.
edwin@hcr.UUCP (Edwin Hoogerbeets) (04/03/89)
This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. This posting last changed: April 3, 1989 It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. Please refer to this article first before posting to the net. This will help keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. * * There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. * To save this posting when you are using rn or vn: s newuser<return> to save in the file News/newuser. notes: snewuser<return> to save this article in the file ./newuser. To read any of the following topics, type 'g' for 'go to' and the three letter index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: ,NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP ,MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP ,REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,TEC How to get the Technical Reference Documents from Commodore cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) ,UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,REC Resource reclamation, why can't it be done? cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP ,CUS Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP ,EXC Info on exceptions dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,IFF IFF File Format carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP ,REQ Intuition requestors: how to stop them? koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP ,BUG How to report bugs to Commodore (info on 1.3 crash to KickStart bug) bryce@cbmvax.UUCP ,STA How to find the stack size in a program peter@sugar.UUCP Edwin uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* ,NOV >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set too low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Manx uses 16 bits as a default size for ints. Lattice uses 32 bits as its default, and is therefore not subject to this. The problem lies in trying to call a routine from Manx that requires 32 bit ints. Most calls to the operating system and most programs or libraries that use the operating system calls need to use 32 bit ints or they do wild and wonderful things all over memory. To get Manx to use 32 bits by default, just add +L to the 'cc' line. Also, once you have done this, remember to link with the 32 bit libraries: c32.lib m32.lib. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. This includes Window, Gadget and BitMap structures that Intuition uses. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to malloc: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* ,MOT From: daveh@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* ,MOU From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on the net (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector no where near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrongo buffalo breath, if you apply our formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yesh, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 like you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this: DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 Now, not only does it work, but be have more avilable space on our hard drive!!! Some of you may look at this and go, gee, why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive? Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible spped of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calcualted off of the current MountLsit entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)418-1236 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 17302 Park Ave. Lansing IL 60438 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP P.S. I will create a program to automatically create either an entire MountList or individual MountList entries if demand warrents it. -- |DISCLAIMER: Being a consultant, none of my opions represent anything. | | Except possiblely my own, but then again, maybe not. | |----------kjohn@richp1--or--USMail-17302-Park-Ave.,-Lansing-IL,-60438--------| | "I didn't do it, must be a bug in the operating system." | ************************************************************************* ,REE From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,TEC From: cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) Subject: Re: Tech Ref. Docs This list will be growing, as we make the 1.3 Native Developer Update available, along with some other stuff we're planning. Commodore-Amiga Technical Information ===================================== Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications Full A1000 schematics, timing diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation of auto-config process IFF Manual and Disk Full IFF documentation and source listings, including new IFF form chunk ANIM. IFF disk includes source code, object files, executable programs and documentation. Fall 1986 Developers Conference Notes Contains the diagrams, outlines and additional notes pertaining to each conference speakers' topic. Some additional information has been included (e.g., 8520 specifications). AmigaMail Bimonthly technical newsletter produced by CATS. Articles range from programming standards through programming for compatibility to advance technical information on new products (hardware and software). Cost EACH for any of the above: U.S. $20 (in Canada $22.50, $25 elsewhere) A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual 275 page reference manual that describes the technical features of the A500 and A2000, and the features that differ from the A1000. Included are: System block diagrams, Amiga Expansion, Designing hardware for the Amiga Expansion Arhictecture, Driver documentation, Software for Amiga Expansion, BIOS entry points, Clock/Calendar Registers, plus much more. Also included are schematics. Cost each: U.S. $40 (in Canada $42.50, $45 elsewhere) TO ORDER ======== Send check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 Commodore Amiga Technical Support Programs ========================================== Certified Developer Support Program: Cost is $75 for the first year. Provides technical support through AmigaMail (our bimonthly newsletter) and through the amiga.dev conferences on BIX. Provides marketing information through AmigaMail-Markets our quarterly marketing newsletter. Hardware discounts are available to members of this program. Internal documentation and technical updates are made available when possible. Ths program is for third party developers who have not yet brought a product to market. Also, many user groups and education institutions find this program useful. Commercial Developer Support Program: Cost is $500 for the first year. This program includes all of the benefits listed above, along with eligibility for direct phone support from Commodore Amiga Technical Support (CATS) and membership in the closed developer conferences on BIX. When possible, and when a need is shown, beta versions of hardware and software are made available to Commercial developers. This program is designed for individuals and companies who have already sucessfully launched products into the commercial market. Because of the increased effort and resources required to provide this more intensive form of support, membership is limited, and subject to approval by Commodore. To receive an application for either support program, write to: CATS-Inquiries 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 ************************************************************************* ,UNS From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession ************************************************************************* ,REC >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: resource reclamation In article <YX2ERcy00Uh0IEQFxo@andrew.cmu.edu> (Miles Bader) writes: > How come simple resource reclamation isn't done? It seems like it > would be pretty simple to hang a list of allocated resources off a > task... > -Miles Because it isn't. The original DOS specified for the Amiga included resource reclamation, however when time got tight and Commodore had to go with MetaCompCo's modified version of TriPOS, there wasn't time to put it in. If you look at some of the structures you will notice that there entries for Tasks such as tc_MemEntry which were for this kind of stuff. That is not to say that it isn't possible. The ARP project (AmigaDOS Replacement Project) has created a library which allows you to track resources and free them on exit. The ARP stuff in on a Fish disk #??? and available thru the amiga archives. The question Miles didn't ask but always follows is : How come I can't kill a hung process with ^C or something? And when the program breaks why do I have to reboot the machine? The reason is that the Amiga does not have memory protection between tasks. And when a program goes astray, you do not know what sort of damage it may have caused to internal memory structures. It can damage the memory free list, trackdisk buffers, the stack of other programs, and a host of other "sensitive" areas. Consequently, if you continue to run the machine after a program has died, you run the much greater risk of destroying completely unrelated data. For most people this is unacceptable and that is why you have to reboot. For those people who like to gamble, there is a commercial program called GOMF which attempts to recover from these situations. It does keep the machine running, however if another program you are running crashes, you should be aware that it is much more likely that the originally crashed program probably is responsible, not a bug in the code that just ran. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ************************************************************************* ,CUS >From: papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP Subject: Re: Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? >How can I redirect System Request windows to a screen other than the >Workbench screen? In particular, I'm interested in the ones that say >"Please insert volume ... in any drive". >From the bag of tricks of Bryce Nesbitt: struct Process *mproc; struct Window *window; APTR temp; ... mproc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L); temp = mproc->pr_WindowPtr; mproc->WindowPtr = (APTR) window; /* any window open on custom screen */ at the end: ... mproc->pr_WindowPtr = temp; /* retore BEFORE CloseWindow */ CloseWindow(window); Enjoy. -- Marco papa 'Doc' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uucp:...!pollux!papa BIX:papa ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* ,EXC >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Need info on exceptions Time to go into a brief description of the three types of interrupts that exist on the Amiga: (1) Task Exceptions (via SetExcept() and standard signals). This is a task-level interrupt and only interrupts the task it is attached to. Other tasks still run... the interrupt only interrupts the one task. That is, any number of tasks may be handling exceptions all simultaniously. This is analogous to UNIX signals with one major exception.... system calls can get interrupted in the middle (i.e. library calls). Although all run-time libraries are reentrant between tasks, this is not always so within a given task. For instance, you cannot interrupt a DOS Write() with an exception and then do a Write() from within the exception!! Another for instance: you CAN call AllocMem(). So you have to be very careful as to when to allow an exception and when not to. Forbid() effectively disables exceptions (but also task switching). Also, there is a bug in the exception handler in that if an exception occured during a Forbid() it does NOT execute when you Permit()... i.e. you also have to do a SetExcept(0,0) to force EXEC to check for active exceptions after you Permit(). The 'simple' description of an exception is this: First, a task gets signalled and if the exception bit for that signal bit is set, the EXCEPTION-ENABLE BIT AND THE SIGNAL BIT IS CLEARED and the task then enters its exception handler. D0 contains a mask of the exception that occured (more than one bit may be set if more than one exception occured at once). The exception handler thus must be reentrant for different exception bits. After the handler runs, it must return a bitmask in D0 of those exceptions that occured. EXEC automatically ENABLES the exceptions specified by the bitmask. However, it doesn't check to see if they re-occured at this time... Thus, there is a window of vulnerability here. Usually, I reenable the exceptions manually with a SetExcept() call from the handler and return 0 in D0. Unlike other types of interrupts, EXEC saves and restores ALL of our registers (except the stack pointer) for us. But, you cannot make assumptions as to the contents of the registers (except for D0 and A1(=tc_ExceptData). Specifically, there is no guarentee A4 will contain the small-code-model data segment base so you must reload it if you intend to use that model inside the handler. (2) Software Interrupts. Software interrupts are HIGHER priority than tasks but LOWER priority than interrupts. Essentially, these are pseudo hardware interrupts but without the timing restrictions in real interrupts.... you can do things that you would not want to do in normal interrupts because they would otherwise take too long. BUT! A software interrupt is not a task, and you still may not use memory allocation/free functions within one (same restrictions as for hardware interrupts apply with the exception that you can take a longer time in the soft int). For example, instead of calling ReplyMsg() from an HARD interrupt handler you might want to Cause() a softint instead. This allows the HARD int to end (and other HARD ints to occur). A software interrupt uses the same structure as a hardware interrupt. (3) Hardware Interrupts. Real honest to goodness hardware interrupts. Implemented by SetIntVector() and AddIntServer() and the like. These are real hardware interrupts and the service routine should take as little time as possible in them... I mean as *little* time as possible. Make your code tight. Calling something like ReplyMsg() or PutMsg(), while it works, usually takes too much time for an interrupt handler to spare. Cause() a softint for things that take too much time so other interrupts can go. I don't know how much time Signal() takes. There are two flavors. (1) Direct hardware interrupts (SetIntVector()), and (2) Chained hardware interrupts. In many cases there are also resources (misc.resource, for instance) to arbitrate usage of some of the interrupt vectors. -Matt ************************************************************************* ,IFF >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: IFF File Format >What exactly is the format of an Amiga IFF file? Intro to Amiga IFF ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes ================================================= Carolyn Scheppner - Commodore Amiga Technical Support The IFF (Interchange File Format) for graphic images on the Amiga is called FORM ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap). It follows a standard parsable IFF format. Sample hex dump of beginning of an ILBM: ======================================== Important note! You can NOT ever depend on any particular ILBM chunk being at any particular offset into the file! IFF files are composed, in their simplest form, of chunks within a FORM. Each chunk starts starts with a 4-letter chunkID, followed by a 32-bit length of the rest of the chunk. You PARSE IFF files, skipping past unneeded or unknown chunks by seeking their length (+1 if odd length) to the next 4-letter chunkID. 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A0E0 424F4459 ............BODY 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Interpretation: 'F O R M' length 'I L B M''B M H D'<-start of BitMapHeader chunk 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD length WideHigh XorgYorg PlMkCoPd <- Planes Mask Compression Pad 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... TranAspt PagwPagh 'C A M G' length <- start of C-AMiGa View modes chunk 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... Viewmode 'C M A P' length R g b R <- Viewmode 800=HAM | 4=LACE 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... g b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g <- Rgb's are for reg0 thru regN 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g b 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. R g b R g b R g b R g b 'B O D Y' 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A000 424F4459 ............BODY length start of body data <- Compacted (Compression=1 above) 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Notes on CAMG Viewmodes: HIRES=0x8000 LACE=0x4 HAM=0x800 HALFBRITE=0x80 ------ ILBM is a fairly simple IFF FORM. All you really need to deal with to extract the image are the following chunks: (Note - Also watch for AUTH Author chunks and (c) Copyright chunks and preserve any copyright information if you rewrite the ILBM) BMHD - info about the size, depth, compaction method (See interpreted hex dump above) CAMG - optional Amiga viewmodes chunk Most HAM and HALFBRITE ILBMs should have this chunk. If no CAMG chunk is present, and image is 6 planes deep, assume HAM and you'll probably be right. Some Amiga viewmodes flags are HIRES=0x8000, LACE=0x4, HAM=0x800, HALFBRITE=0x80. CMAP - RGB values for color registers 0 to n (each component left justified in a byte) BODY - The pixel data, stored in an interleaved fashion as follows: (each line individually compacted if BMHD Compression = 1) plane 0 scan line 0 plane 1 scan line 0 plane 2 scan line 0 ... plane n scan line 0 plane 0 scan line 1 plane 1 scan line 1 etc. Body Compression ================ The BODY contains pixel data for the image. Width, Height, and depth (Planes) is specified in the BMHD. If the BMHD Compression byte is 0, then the scan line data is not compressed. If Compression=1, then each scan line is individually compressed as follows: More than 2 bytes the same stored as BYTE code value n from -1 to -127 followed by byte to be repeated (-n) + 1 times. Varied bytes stored as BYTE code n from 0 to 127 followed by n+1 bytes of data. The byte code -128 is a NOP. Interpreting the Scan Line Data: ================================ If the ILBM is not HAM or HALFBRITE, then after parsing and uncompacting if necessary, you will have N planes of pixel data. Color register used for each pixel is specified by looking at each pixel thru the planes. IE - if you have 5 planes, and the bit for a particular pixel is set in planes 0 and 3: PLANE 4 3 2 1 0 PIXEL 0 1 0 0 1 then that pixel uses color register binary 01001 = 9 The RGB value for each color register is stored in the CMAP chunk of the ILBM, starting with register 0, with each register's RGB value stored as one byte of R, one byte G, and one byte of B, with each component left justified in the byte. (ie. Amiga R, G, and B components are each stored in the high nibble of a byte) BUT - if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, it is interpreted differently. === ========= Hopefully, if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, the package that saved it properly saved a CAMG chunk (look at a hex dump of your file with ascii interpretation - you will see the chunks - they all start with a 4-ascii-char chunk ID). If the picture is 6 planes deep and has no CAMG chunk, it is probably HAM. If you see a CAMG chunk, the "CAMG" is followed by the 32-bit chunk length, and then the 32-bit Amiga Viewmode flags. HAM pics will have the 0x800 bit set in CAMG chunk ViewModes. HALBRITE pics will have the 0x80 bit set. To transport a HAM or HALFBRITE picture to another machine, you must understand how HAM and HALFBRITE work on the Amiga. How Amiga HAM mode works: ========================= Amiga HAM (Hold and Modify) mode lets the Amiga display all 4096 RGB values. In HAM mode, the bits in the two last planes describe an R G or B modification to the color of the previous pixel on the line to create the color of the current pixel. So a 6-plane HAM picture has 4 planes for specifying absolute color pixels giving up to 16 absolute colors which would be specified in the ILBM CMAP chunk. The bits in the last two planes are color modification bits which cause the Amiga, in HAM mode, to take the RGB value of the previous pixel (Hold and), substitute the 4 bits in planes 0-3 for the previous color's R G or B component (Modify) and display the result for the current pixel. The color modification bits in the last two planes are interpreted as follows: 00 - no modification. Use planes 0-3 as normal color register index 10 - hold previous, replacing Blue component with bits from planes 0-3 01 - hold previous, replacing Red component with bits from planes 0-3 11 - hold previous. replacing Green component with bits from planes 0-3 How Amiga HALFBRITE mode works: =============================== This one is simpler. In HALFBRITE mode, the Amiga interprets the bit in the last plane as HALFBRITE modification. The bits in the other planes are treated as normal color register numbers (RGB values for each color register is specified in the CMAP chunk). If the bit in the last plane is set (1), then that pixel is displayed at half brightness. This can provide up to 64 absolute colors. Other Notes: ============ Amiga ILBMs images must be a even number of bytes wide. Smaller images (such as brushes) are padded to an even byte width. ILBMs created with Electronic Arts IBM and Amiga "DPaintII" packages are compatible (though you may have to use a '.lbm' filename extension on an IBM). The ILBM graphic files may be transferred between the machines (or between the Amiga and IBM sides your Amiga if you have a CBM Bridgeboard card installed) and loaded into either package. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,REQ >From: koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Intuition requestors: how to stop them? >How do I make Intuition requestors NOT appear? Just place a $ffffffff (or -1) in the pr_windowptr field of your process, and intuition will mind its own business, returning errors when it would return a message. Note that you will want to restore this after your program exits, as leaving it at -1 will mean the CLI will not get intuition requestors anymore. Normally pr_windowptr is a 0. koster@cory.berkeley.edu David Ashley ************************************************************************* ,BUG From: bryce@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Crashing all the way to Kickstart (*the solution*) In several articles <> several.net.posters wrote: > [Since installing V1.3 I have noticed something strange. If the > machine ever crashes, it sometimes goes back to the Kickstart hand > instead of the Workbench hand.] Thank you all for noting and reporting this bug. I have located the cause; a code mistake causes the Kickstart protected memory to be left open open for writing during some types of system Alert. This problem will be addressed in the next version of "SetPatch" (no date or distribution details are available at this time). Please note that some types of bug reports can be sent directly to Commodore. Before reporting, please verify the accuracy of your statements. Try removing any special programs or hacks you may be running (booting from your unmodified master Workbench disk is a good way to guarantee this). Submitted reports must include a TELEPHONE number. Reports must be CLEAR, COMPLETE and CONCISE. Based on your bug report alone, we must be able to repeat the bug. Bugs that we can repeat in-house GET FIXED. -Bryce Nesbitt, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Here is a sample bug report form: BUG REPORT ---------- Date: Name: Phone: Company: EMail: ### Bug Location (Hardware, Documentation, Software, Other): ### Your Configuration (Model, number and type of disks, memory, ### add-on equipment): ### Other software running or resident at the time of the bug (should be ### "none"): ### Revisions (Kickstart/Workbench revision numbers, etc.): ### Brief Bug Description: ### Bug Generation Procedure (remember that someone else will be trying to repeat this bug based on your description): ### Related bugs: -- |\_/| . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH! {O o} . Bryce Nesbitt (") BIX: bnesbitt U USENET: cbmvax!bryce@uunet.uu.NET -or- rutgers!cbmvax!bryce Lawyers: America's untapped export market. ************************************************************************* ,STA From: peter@sugar.UUCP Subject: Re: A little help please... This is the code I use to find the stack size for launch... ---------[from launch.shar]--------- struct Process *FindTask(); ... struct Process *me; struct CommandLineInterface *cli; long stack; ... if(stack == 0) { me = FindTask(0); if(me->pr_CLI) { cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)(me->pr_CLI<<2); stack = cli->cli_DefaultStack<<2; /* DefaultStack is in Longwords */ } else stack = me->pr_StackSize; } -- Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva `-_-' Hackercorp. ...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net 'U` *************************************************************************
ehoogerbeets@rose.waterloo.edu (Edwin Hoogerbeets) (05/03/89)
[Please note my new address: ehoogerbeets@rose.waterloo.edu or uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets. Please do not send to hcr!edwin anymore] This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. This posting last changed: April 3, 1989 It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. Please refer to this article first before posting to the net. This will help keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. * * There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. * To save this posting when you are using rn or vn: s newuser<return> to save in the file News/newuser. notes: snewuser<return> to save this article in the file ./newuser. To read any of the following topics, type 'g' for 'go to' and the three letter index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: ,NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP ,MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP ,REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,TEC How to get the Technical Reference Documents from Commodore cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) ,UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,REC Resource reclamation, why can't it be done? cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP ,CUS Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP ,EXC Info on exceptions dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,IFF IFF File Format carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP ,REQ Intuition requestors: how to stop them? koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP ,BUG How to report bugs to Commodore (info on 1.3 crash to KickStart bug) bryce@cbmvax.UUCP ,STA How to find the stack size in a program peter@sugar.UUCP Edwin edwin@rose.waterloo.edu ************************************************************************* ,NOV >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set too low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Manx uses 16 bits as a default size for ints. Lattice uses 32 bits as its default, and is therefore not subject to this. The problem lies in trying to call a routine from Manx that requires 32 bit ints. Most calls to the operating system and most programs or libraries that use the operating system calls need to use 32 bit ints or they do wild and wonderful things all over memory. To get Manx to use 32 bits by default, just add +L to the 'cc' line. Also, once you have done this, remember to link with the 32 bit libraries: c32.lib m32.lib. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. This includes Window, Gadget and BitMap structures that Intuition uses. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to malloc: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* ,MOT From: daveh@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* ,MOU From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on the net (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector no where near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrongo buffalo breath, if you apply our formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yesh, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 like you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this: DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 Now, not only does it work, but be have more avilable space on our hard drive!!! Some of you may look at this and go, gee, why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive? Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible spped of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calcualted off of the current MountLsit entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)418-1236 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 17302 Park Ave. Lansing IL 60438 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP P.S. I will create a program to automatically create either an entire MountList or individual MountList entries if demand warrents it. -- |DISCLAIMER: Being a consultant, none of my opions represent anything. | | Except possiblely my own, but then again, maybe not. | |----------kjohn@richp1--or--USMail-17302-Park-Ave.,-Lansing-IL,-60438--------| | "I didn't do it, must be a bug in the operating system." | ************************************************************************* ,REE From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,TEC From: cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) Subject: Re: Tech Ref. Docs This list will be growing, as we make the 1.3 Native Developer Update available, along with some other stuff we're planning. Commodore-Amiga Technical Information ===================================== Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications Full A1000 schematics, timing diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation of auto-config process IFF Manual and Disk Full IFF documentation and source listings, including new IFF form chunk ANIM. IFF disk includes source code, object files, executable programs and documentation. Fall 1986 Developers Conference Notes Contains the diagrams, outlines and additional notes pertaining to each conference speakers' topic. Some additional information has been included (e.g., 8520 specifications). AmigaMail Bimonthly technical newsletter produced by CATS. Articles range from programming standards through programming for compatibility to advance technical information on new products (hardware and software). Cost EACH for any of the above: U.S. $20 (in Canada $22.50, $25 elsewhere) A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual 275 page reference manual that describes the technical features of the A500 and A2000, and the features that differ from the A1000. Included are: System block diagrams, Amiga Expansion, Designing hardware for the Amiga Expansion Arhictecture, Driver documentation, Software for Amiga Expansion, BIOS entry points, Clock/Calendar Registers, plus much more. Also included are schematics. Cost each: U.S. $40 (in Canada $42.50, $45 elsewhere) TO ORDER ======== Send check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 Commodore Amiga Technical Support Programs ========================================== Certified Developer Support Program: Cost is $75 for the first year. Provides technical support through AmigaMail (our bimonthly newsletter) and through the amiga.dev conferences on BIX. Provides marketing information through AmigaMail-Markets our quarterly marketing newsletter. Hardware discounts are available to members of this program. Internal documentation and technical updates are made available when possible. Ths program is for third party developers who have not yet brought a product to market. Also, many user groups and education institutions find this program useful. Commercial Developer Support Program: Cost is $500 for the first year. This program includes all of the benefits listed above, along with eligibility for direct phone support from Commodore Amiga Technical Support (CATS) and membership in the closed developer conferences on BIX. When possible, and when a need is shown, beta versions of hardware and software are made available to Commercial developers. This program is designed for individuals and companies who have already sucessfully launched products into the commercial market. Because of the increased effort and resources required to provide this more intensive form of support, membership is limited, and subject to approval by Commodore. To receive an application for either support program, write to: CATS-Inquiries 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 ************************************************************************* ,UNS From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession ************************************************************************* ,REC >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: resource reclamation In article <YX2ERcy00Uh0IEQFxo@andrew.cmu.edu> (Miles Bader) writes: > How come simple resource reclamation isn't done? It seems like it > would be pretty simple to hang a list of allocated resources off a > task... > -Miles Because it isn't. The original DOS specified for the Amiga included resource reclamation, however when time got tight and Commodore had to go with MetaCompCo's modified version of TriPOS, there wasn't time to put it in. If you look at some of the structures you will notice that there entries for Tasks such as tc_MemEntry which were for this kind of stuff. That is not to say that it isn't possible. The ARP project (AmigaDOS Replacement Project) has created a library which allows you to track resources and free them on exit. The ARP stuff in on a Fish disk #??? and available thru the amiga archives. The question Miles didn't ask but always follows is : How come I can't kill a hung process with ^C or something? And when the program breaks why do I have to reboot the machine? The reason is that the Amiga does not have memory protection between tasks. And when a program goes astray, you do not know what sort of damage it may have caused to internal memory structures. It can damage the memory free list, trackdisk buffers, the stack of other programs, and a host of other "sensitive" areas. Consequently, if you continue to run the machine after a program has died, you run the much greater risk of destroying completely unrelated data. For most people this is unacceptable and that is why you have to reboot. For those people who like to gamble, there is a commercial program called GOMF which attempts to recover from these situations. It does keep the machine running, however if another program you are running crashes, you should be aware that it is much more likely that the originally crashed program probably is responsible, not a bug in the code that just ran. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ************************************************************************* ,CUS >From: papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP Subject: Re: Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? >How can I redirect System Request windows to a screen other than the >Workbench screen? In particular, I'm interested in the ones that say >"Please insert volume ... in any drive". >From the bag of tricks of Bryce Nesbitt: struct Process *mproc; struct Window *window; APTR temp; ... mproc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L); temp = mproc->pr_WindowPtr; mproc->WindowPtr = (APTR) window; /* any window open on custom screen */ at the end: ... mproc->pr_WindowPtr = temp; /* retore BEFORE CloseWindow */ CloseWindow(window); Enjoy. -- Marco papa 'Doc' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uucp:...!pollux!papa BIX:papa ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* ,EXC >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Need info on exceptions Time to go into a brief description of the three types of interrupts that exist on the Amiga: (1) Task Exceptions (via SetExcept() and standard signals). This is a task-level interrupt and only interrupts the task it is attached to. Other tasks still run... the interrupt only interrupts the one task. That is, any number of tasks may be handling exceptions all simultaniously. This is analogous to UNIX signals with one major exception.... system calls can get interrupted in the middle (i.e. library calls). Although all run-time libraries are reentrant between tasks, this is not always so within a given task. For instance, you cannot interrupt a DOS Write() with an exception and then do a Write() from within the exception!! Another for instance: you CAN call AllocMem(). So you have to be very careful as to when to allow an exception and when not to. Forbid() effectively disables exceptions (but also task switching). Also, there is a bug in the exception handler in that if an exception occured during a Forbid() it does NOT execute when you Permit()... i.e. you also have to do a SetExcept(0,0) to force EXEC to check for active exceptions after you Permit(). The 'simple' description of an exception is this: First, a task gets signalled and if the exception bit for that signal bit is set, the EXCEPTION-ENABLE BIT AND THE SIGNAL BIT IS CLEARED and the task then enters its exception handler. D0 contains a mask of the exception that occured (more than one bit may be set if more than one exception occured at once). The exception handler thus must be reentrant for different exception bits. After the handler runs, it must return a bitmask in D0 of those exceptions that occured. EXEC automatically ENABLES the exceptions specified by the bitmask. However, it doesn't check to see if they re-occured at this time... Thus, there is a window of vulnerability here. Usually, I reenable the exceptions manually with a SetExcept() call from the handler and return 0 in D0. Unlike other types of interrupts, EXEC saves and restores ALL of our registers (except the stack pointer) for us. But, you cannot make assumptions as to the contents of the registers (except for D0 and A1(=tc_ExceptData). Specifically, there is no guarentee A4 will contain the small-code-model data segment base so you must reload it if you intend to use that model inside the handler. (2) Software Interrupts. Software interrupts are HIGHER priority than tasks but LOWER priority than interrupts. Essentially, these are pseudo hardware interrupts but without the timing restrictions in real interrupts.... you can do things that you would not want to do in normal interrupts because they would otherwise take too long. BUT! A software interrupt is not a task, and you still may not use memory allocation/free functions within one (same restrictions as for hardware interrupts apply with the exception that you can take a longer time in the soft int). For example, instead of calling ReplyMsg() from an HARD interrupt handler you might want to Cause() a softint instead. This allows the HARD int to end (and other HARD ints to occur). A software interrupt uses the same structure as a hardware interrupt. (3) Hardware Interrupts. Real honest to goodness hardware interrupts. Implemented by SetIntVector() and AddIntServer() and the like. These are real hardware interrupts and the service routine should take as little time as possible in them... I mean as *little* time as possible. Make your code tight. Calling something like ReplyMsg() or PutMsg(), while it works, usually takes too much time for an interrupt handler to spare. Cause() a softint for things that take too much time so other interrupts can go. I don't know how much time Signal() takes. There are two flavors. (1) Direct hardware interrupts (SetIntVector()), and (2) Chained hardware interrupts. In many cases there are also resources (misc.resource, for instance) to arbitrate usage of some of the interrupt vectors. -Matt ************************************************************************* ,IFF >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: IFF File Format >What exactly is the format of an Amiga IFF file? Intro to Amiga IFF ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes ================================================= Carolyn Scheppner - Commodore Amiga Technical Support The IFF (Interchange File Format) for graphic images on the Amiga is called FORM ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap). It follows a standard parsable IFF format. Sample hex dump of beginning of an ILBM: ======================================== Important note! You can NOT ever depend on any particular ILBM chunk being at any particular offset into the file! IFF files are composed, in their simplest form, of chunks within a FORM. Each chunk starts starts with a 4-letter chunkID, followed by a 32-bit length of the rest of the chunk. You PARSE IFF files, skipping past unneeded or unknown chunks by seeking their length (+1 if odd length) to the next 4-letter chunkID. 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A0E0 424F4459 ............BODY 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Interpretation: 'F O R M' length 'I L B M''B M H D'<-start of BitMapHeader chunk 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD length WideHigh XorgYorg PlMkCoPd <- Planes Mask Compression Pad 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... TranAspt PagwPagh 'C A M G' length <- start of C-AMiGa View modes chunk 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... Viewmode 'C M A P' length R g b R <- Viewmode 800=HAM | 4=LACE 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... g b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g <- Rgb's are for reg0 thru regN 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g b 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. R g b R g b R g b R g b 'B O D Y' 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A000 424F4459 ............BODY length start of body data <- Compacted (Compression=1 above) 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Notes on CAMG Viewmodes: HIRES=0x8000 LACE=0x4 HAM=0x800 HALFBRITE=0x80 ------ ILBM is a fairly simple IFF FORM. All you really need to deal with to extract the image are the following chunks: (Note - Also watch for AUTH Author chunks and (c) Copyright chunks and preserve any copyright information if you rewrite the ILBM) BMHD - info about the size, depth, compaction method (See interpreted hex dump above) CAMG - optional Amiga viewmodes chunk Most HAM and HALFBRITE ILBMs should have this chunk. If no CAMG chunk is present, and image is 6 planes deep, assume HAM and you'll probably be right. Some Amiga viewmodes flags are HIRES=0x8000, LACE=0x4, HAM=0x800, HALFBRITE=0x80. CMAP - RGB values for color registers 0 to n (each component left justified in a byte) BODY - The pixel data, stored in an interleaved fashion as follows: (each line individually compacted if BMHD Compression = 1) plane 0 scan line 0 plane 1 scan line 0 plane 2 scan line 0 ... plane n scan line 0 plane 0 scan line 1 plane 1 scan line 1 etc. Body Compression ================ The BODY contains pixel data for the image. Width, Height, and depth (Planes) is specified in the BMHD. If the BMHD Compression byte is 0, then the scan line data is not compressed. If Compression=1, then each scan line is individually compressed as follows: More than 2 bytes the same stored as BYTE code value n from -1 to -127 followed by byte to be repeated (-n) + 1 times. Varied bytes stored as BYTE code n from 0 to 127 followed by n+1 bytes of data. The byte code -128 is a NOP. Interpreting the Scan Line Data: ================================ If the ILBM is not HAM or HALFBRITE, then after parsing and uncompacting if necessary, you will have N planes of pixel data. Color register used for each pixel is specified by looking at each pixel thru the planes. IE - if you have 5 planes, and the bit for a particular pixel is set in planes 0 and 3: PLANE 4 3 2 1 0 PIXEL 0 1 0 0 1 then that pixel uses color register binary 01001 = 9 The RGB value for each color register is stored in the CMAP chunk of the ILBM, starting with register 0, with each register's RGB value stored as one byte of R, one byte G, and one byte of B, with each component left justified in the byte. (ie. Amiga R, G, and B components are each stored in the high nibble of a byte) BUT - if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, it is interpreted differently. === ========= Hopefully, if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, the package that saved it properly saved a CAMG chunk (look at a hex dump of your file with ascii interpretation - you will see the chunks - they all start with a 4-ascii-char chunk ID). If the picture is 6 planes deep and has no CAMG chunk, it is probably HAM. If you see a CAMG chunk, the "CAMG" is followed by the 32-bit chunk length, and then the 32-bit Amiga Viewmode flags. HAM pics will have the 0x800 bit set in CAMG chunk ViewModes. HALBRITE pics will have the 0x80 bit set. To transport a HAM or HALFBRITE picture to another machine, you must understand how HAM and HALFBRITE work on the Amiga. How Amiga HAM mode works: ========================= Amiga HAM (Hold and Modify) mode lets the Amiga display all 4096 RGB values. In HAM mode, the bits in the two last planes describe an R G or B modification to the color of the previous pixel on the line to create the color of the current pixel. So a 6-plane HAM picture has 4 planes for specifying absolute color pixels giving up to 16 absolute colors which would be specified in the ILBM CMAP chunk. The bits in the last two planes are color modification bits which cause the Amiga, in HAM mode, to take the RGB value of the previous pixel (Hold and), substitute the 4 bits in planes 0-3 for the previous color's R G or B component (Modify) and display the result for the current pixel. The color modification bits in the last two planes are interpreted as follows: 00 - no modification. Use planes 0-3 as normal color register index 10 - hold previous, replacing Blue component with bits from planes 0-3 01 - hold previous, replacing Red component with bits from planes 0-3 11 - hold previous. replacing Green component with bits from planes 0-3 How Amiga HALFBRITE mode works: =============================== This one is simpler. In HALFBRITE mode, the Amiga interprets the bit in the last plane as HALFBRITE modification. The bits in the other planes are treated as normal color register numbers (RGB values for each color register is specified in the CMAP chunk). If the bit in the last plane is set (1), then that pixel is displayed at half brightness. This can provide up to 64 absolute colors. Other Notes: ============ Amiga ILBMs images must be a even number of bytes wide. Smaller images (such as brushes) are padded to an even byte width. ILBMs created with Electronic Arts IBM and Amiga "DPaintII" packages are compatible (though you may have to use a '.lbm' filename extension on an IBM). The ILBM graphic files may be transferred between the machines (or between the Amiga and IBM sides your Amiga if you have a CBM Bridgeboard card installed) and loaded into either package. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,REQ >From: koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Intuition requestors: how to stop them? >How do I make Intuition requestors NOT appear? Just place a $ffffffff (or -1) in the pr_windowptr field of your process, and intuition will mind its own business, returning errors when it would return a message. Note that you will want to restore this after your program exits, as leaving it at -1 will mean the CLI will not get intuition requestors anymore. Normally pr_windowptr is a 0. koster@cory.berkeley.edu David Ashley ************************************************************************* ,BUG From: bryce@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Crashing all the way to Kickstart (*the solution*) In several articles <> several.net.posters wrote: > [Since installing V1.3 I have noticed something strange. If the > machine ever crashes, it sometimes goes back to the Kickstart hand > instead of the Workbench hand.] Thank you all for noting and reporting this bug. I have located the cause; a code mistake causes the Kickstart protected memory to be left open open for writing during some types of system Alert. This problem will be addressed in the next version of "SetPatch" (no date or distribution details are available at this time). Please note that some types of bug reports can be sent directly to Commodore. Before reporting, please verify the accuracy of your statements. Try removing any special programs or hacks you may be running (booting from your unmodified master Workbench disk is a good way to guarantee this). Submitted reports must include a TELEPHONE number. Reports must be CLEAR, COMPLETE and CONCISE. Based on your bug report alone, we must be able to repeat the bug. Bugs that we can repeat in-house GET FIXED. -Bryce Nesbitt, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Here is a sample bug report form: BUG REPORT ---------- Date: Name: Phone: Company: EMail: ### Bug Location (Hardware, Documentation, Software, Other): ### Your Configuration (Model, number and type of disks, memory, ### add-on equipment): ### Other software running or resident at the time of the bug (should be ### "none"): ### Revisions (Kickstart/Workbench revision numbers, etc.): ### Brief Bug Description: ### Bug Generation Procedure (remember that someone else will be trying to repeat this bug based on your description): ### Related bugs: -- |\_/| . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH! {O o} . Bryce Nesbitt (") BIX: bnesbitt U USENET: cbmvax!bryce@uunet.uu.NET -or- rutgers!cbmvax!bryce Lawyers: America's untapped export market. ************************************************************************* ,STA From: peter@sugar.UUCP Subject: Re: A little help please... This is the code I use to find the stack size for launch... ---------[from launch.shar]--------- struct Process *FindTask(); ... struct Process *me; struct CommandLineInterface *cli; long stack; ... if(stack == 0) { me = FindTask(0); if(me->pr_CLI) { cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)(me->pr_CLI<<2); stack = cli->cli_DefaultStack<<2; /* DefaultStack is in Longwords */ } else stack = me->pr_StackSize; } -- Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva `-_-' Hackercorp. ...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net 'U` *************************************************************************
ehoogerbeets@rose.waterloo.edu (Edwin Hoogerbeets) (06/03/89)
This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. This posting last changed: June 2, 1989 It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. Please refer to this article first before posting to the net. This will help keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. * * There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. * To save this posting when you are using rn or vn: s newuser<return> to save in the file News/newuser. notes: snewuser<return> to save this article in the file ./newuser. To read any of the following topics, type 'g' for 'go to' and the three letter index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: ,NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP ,MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP ,REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,TEC How to get the Technical Reference Documents from Commodore cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) ,UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,REC Resource reclamation, why can't it be done? cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP ,CUS Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP ,EXC Info on exceptions dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,IFF IFF File Format carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP ,REQ Intuition requestors: how to stop them? koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP ,BUG How to report bugs to Commodore (info on 1.3 crash to KickStart bug) bryce@cbmvax.UUCP ,STA How to find the stack size in a program peter@sugar.UUCP Edwin edwin@rose.waterloo.edu ************************************************************************* ,NOV >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set too low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Manx uses 16 bits as a default size for ints. Lattice uses 32 bits as its default, and is therefore not subject to this. The problem lies in trying to call a routine from Manx that requires 32 bit ints. Most calls to the operating system and most programs or libraries that use the operating system calls need to use 32 bit ints or they do wild and wonderful things all over memory. To get Manx to use 32 bits by default, just add +L to the 'cc' line. Also, once you have done this, remember to link with the 32 bit libraries: c32.lib m32.lib. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to AllocMem: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) A rule of thumb is to double the current size and try again until it works. Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* ,MOT From: daveh@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* ,MOU From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on Usenet (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! [You might want to simulate a floppy disk on your hard drive so that you can use the Amiga 1.3 DISKCOPY program which only does the job when it believes that the source and destination disks are identical. That is, the number of tracks, the number of sectors per track and the number of heads]. When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector nowhere near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrong! If you apply the formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yes, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 as you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 [ Each mountlist entry seems to separately tell AmigaDOS the complete physical configuration of the drive, but the calculations for starting cylinder, track and number of sectors per surface are simply providing a non-overlapping method of telling AmigaDOS which is calculated sector to assign as the first sector within a logical partition. All of the calculations come down to that.] Some of you may look at this and say, "Why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive?" Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible speed of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calculated from of the current MountList entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)403-4762 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 14465 Middle Pine Creek Dr. Orland Park, IL 60462 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP ************************************************************************* ,REE From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,TEC From: cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) Subject: Re: Tech Ref. Docs This list will be growing, as we make the 1.3 Native Developer Update available, along with some other stuff we're planning. Commodore-Amiga Technical Information ===================================== Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications Full A1000 schematics, timing diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation of auto-config process IFF Manual and Disk Full IFF documentation and source listings, including new IFF form chunk ANIM. IFF disk includes source code, object files, executable programs and documentation. Fall 1986 Developers Conference Notes Contains the diagrams, outlines and additional notes pertaining to each conference speakers' topic. Some additional information has been included (e.g., 8520 specifications). AmigaMail Bimonthly technical newsletter produced by CATS. Articles range from programming standards through programming for compatibility to advance technical information on new products (hardware and software). Cost EACH for any of the above: U.S. $20 (in Canada $22.50, $25 elsewhere) A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual 275 page reference manual that describes the technical features of the A500 and A2000, and the features that differ from the A1000. Included are: System block diagrams, Amiga Expansion, Designing hardware for the Amiga Expansion Arhictecture, Driver documentation, Software for Amiga Expansion, BIOS entry points, Clock/Calendar Registers, plus much more. Also included are schematics. Cost each: U.S. $40 (in Canada $42.50, $45 elsewhere) TO ORDER ======== Send check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 Commodore Amiga Technical Support Programs ========================================== Certified Developer Support Program: Cost is $75 for the first year. Provides technical support through AmigaMail (our bimonthly newsletter) and through the amiga.dev conferences on BIX. Provides marketing information through AmigaMail-Markets our quarterly marketing newsletter. Hardware discounts are available to members of this program. Internal documentation and technical updates are made available when possible. Ths program is for third party developers who have not yet brought a product to market. Also, many user groups and education institutions find this program useful. Commercial Developer Support Program: Cost is $500 for the first year. This program includes all of the benefits listed above, along with eligibility for direct phone support from Commodore Amiga Technical Support (CATS) and membership in the closed developer conferences on BIX. When possible, and when a need is shown, beta versions of hardware and software are made available to Commercial developers. This program is designed for individuals and companies who have already sucessfully launched products into the commercial market. Because of the increased effort and resources required to provide this more intensive form of support, membership is limited, and subject to approval by Commodore. To receive an application for either support program, write to: CATS-Inquiries 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 ------------- New documents: Commodore-Amiga, Incorporated. Amiga Technical Reference Series. Reading, Massachusets: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1989; 3 volumes; 28 cm. Amiga Hardware Reference Manual. [STILL on order] approx $30 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Libraries & Devices. [STILL on order] approx $40 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Includes & Autodocs. approx. 760 pages. "This manual corresponds to V1.3 system software release." ISBN 0-201-18177-0. $32.95. Commodore Item Number 327271-06. Introduction Library Summaries diskfont.doc exec.doc expansion.doc graphics.doc icon.doc intuition.doc layers.doc mathffp.doc mathieeedoubbas.doc mathieeedoubtrans.doc mathtrans.doc translator.doc Devices Summaries audio.doc clipboard.doc console.doc gameport.doc input.doc keyboard.doc narrator.doc parallel.doc printer.doc serial.doc timer.doc trackdisk.doc Resource Summaries cia.doc disk.doc misc.doc potgo.doc C Include files - ".h" Files Assembly Include Files - ".i" Files Linker Libraries [amiga.lib stuff] Sample Device, Sample Library Reference Charts 1.3_Base_Offset_Reference Assembly_Prefix_Reference C_Language_Cross-Reference Chip_Register_Map Structure Reference IFF - Interchange File Format EA IFF 85 - General IFF Format Specifications Form Specifications from the Original EA Document Additional IFF Documents Third Party Registered FORM and Chunk Specifications EA IFF Source Code Additional IFF Examples Function Index ------- John A. Thywissen <thywiss@csvax.cs.ukans.edu> ************************************************************************* ,UNS From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession ************************************************************************* ,REC >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: resource reclamation In article <YX2ERcy00Uh0IEQFxo@andrew.cmu.edu> (Miles Bader) writes: > How come simple resource reclamation isn't done? It seems like it > would be pretty simple to hang a list of allocated resources off a > task... > -Miles Because it isn't. The original DOS specified for the Amiga included resource reclamation, however when time got tight and Commodore had to go with MetaCompCo's modified version of TriPOS, there wasn't time to put it in. If you look at some of the structures you will notice that there entries for Tasks such as tc_MemEntry which were for this kind of stuff. That is not to say that it isn't possible. The ARP project (AmigaDOS Replacement Project) has created a library which allows you to track resources and free them on exit. The ARP stuff in on a Fish disk #??? and available thru the amiga archives. The question Miles didn't ask but always follows is : How come I can't kill a hung process with ^C or something? And when the program breaks why do I have to reboot the machine? The reason is that the Amiga does not have memory protection between tasks. And when a program goes astray, you do not know what sort of damage it may have caused to internal memory structures. It can damage the memory free list, trackdisk buffers, the stack of other programs, and a host of other "sensitive" areas. Consequently, if you continue to run the machine after a program has died, you run the much greater risk of destroying completely unrelated data. For most people this is unacceptable and that is why you have to reboot. For those people who like to gamble, there is a commercial program called GOMF which attempts to recover from these situations. It does keep the machine running, however if another program you are running crashes, you should be aware that it is much more likely that the originally crashed program probably is responsible, not a bug in the code that just ran. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ************************************************************************* ,CUS >From: papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP Subject: Re: Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? >How can I redirect System Request windows to a screen other than the >Workbench screen? In particular, I'm interested in the ones that say >"Please insert volume ... in any drive". >From the bag of tricks of Bryce Nesbitt: struct Process *mproc; struct Window *window; APTR temp; ... mproc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L); temp = mproc->pr_WindowPtr; mproc->WindowPtr = (APTR) window; /* any window open on custom screen */ at the end: ... mproc->pr_WindowPtr = temp; /* retore BEFORE CloseWindow */ CloseWindow(window); Enjoy. -- Marco papa 'Doc' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uucp:...!pollux!papa BIX:papa ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* ,EXC >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Need info on exceptions Time to go into a brief description of the three types of interrupts that exist on the Amiga: (1) Task Exceptions (via SetExcept() and standard signals). This is a task-level interrupt and only interrupts the task it is attached to. Other tasks still run... the interrupt only interrupts the one task. That is, any number of tasks may be handling exceptions all simultaniously. This is analogous to UNIX signals with one major exception.... system calls can get interrupted in the middle (i.e. library calls). Although all run-time libraries are reentrant between tasks, this is not always so within a given task. For instance, you cannot interrupt a DOS Write() with an exception and then do a Write() from within the exception!! Another for instance: you CAN call AllocMem(). So you have to be very careful as to when to allow an exception and when not to. Forbid() effectively disables exceptions (but also task switching). Also, there is a bug in the exception handler in that if an exception occured during a Forbid() it does NOT execute when you Permit()... i.e. you also have to do a SetExcept(0,0) to force EXEC to check for active exceptions after you Permit(). The 'simple' description of an exception is this: First, a task gets signalled and if the exception bit for that signal bit is set, the EXCEPTION-ENABLE BIT AND THE SIGNAL BIT IS CLEARED and the task then enters its exception handler. D0 contains a mask of the exception that occured (more than one bit may be set if more than one exception occured at once). The exception handler thus must be reentrant for different exception bits. After the handler runs, it must return a bitmask in D0 of those exceptions that occured. EXEC automatically ENABLES the exceptions specified by the bitmask. However, it doesn't check to see if they re-occured at this time... Thus, there is a window of vulnerability here. Usually, I reenable the exceptions manually with a SetExcept() call from the handler and return 0 in D0. Unlike other types of interrupts, EXEC saves and restores ALL of our registers (except the stack pointer) for us. But, you cannot make assumptions as to the contents of the registers (except for D0 and A1(=tc_ExceptData). Specifically, there is no guarentee A4 will contain the small-code-model data segment base so you must reload it if you intend to use that model inside the handler. (2) Software Interrupts. Software interrupts are HIGHER priority than tasks but LOWER priority than interrupts. Essentially, these are pseudo hardware interrupts but without the timing restrictions in real interrupts.... you can do things that you would not want to do in normal interrupts because they would otherwise take too long. BUT! A software interrupt is not a task, and you still may not use memory allocation/free functions within one (same restrictions as for hardware interrupts apply with the exception that you can take a longer time in the soft int). For example, instead of calling ReplyMsg() from an HARD interrupt handler you might want to Cause() a softint instead. This allows the HARD int to end (and other HARD ints to occur). A software interrupt uses the same structure as a hardware interrupt. (3) Hardware Interrupts. Real honest to goodness hardware interrupts. Implemented by SetIntVector() and AddIntServer() and the like. These are real hardware interrupts and the service routine should take as little time as possible in them... I mean as *little* time as possible. Make your code tight. Calling something like ReplyMsg() or PutMsg(), while it works, usually takes too much time for an interrupt handler to spare. Cause() a softint for things that take too much time so other interrupts can go. I don't know how much time Signal() takes. There are two flavors. (1) Direct hardware interrupts (SetIntVector()), and (2) Chained hardware interrupts. In many cases there are also resources (misc.resource, for instance) to arbitrate usage of some of the interrupt vectors. -Matt ************************************************************************* ,IFF >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: IFF File Format >What exactly is the format of an Amiga IFF file? Intro to Amiga IFF ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes ================================================= Carolyn Scheppner - Commodore Amiga Technical Support The IFF (Interchange File Format) for graphic images on the Amiga is called FORM ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap). It follows a standard parsable IFF format. Sample hex dump of beginning of an ILBM: ======================================== Important note! You can NOT ever depend on any particular ILBM chunk being at any particular offset into the file! IFF files are composed, in their simplest form, of chunks within a FORM. Each chunk starts starts with a 4-letter chunkID, followed by a 32-bit length of the rest of the chunk. You PARSE IFF files, skipping past unneeded or unknown chunks by seeking their length (+1 if odd length) to the next 4-letter chunkID. 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A0E0 424F4459 ............BODY 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Interpretation: 'F O R M' length 'I L B M''B M H D'<-start of BitMapHeader chunk 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD length WideHigh XorgYorg PlMkCoPd <- Planes Mask Compression Pad 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... TranAspt PagwPagh 'C A M G' length <- start of C-AMiGa View modes chunk 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... Viewmode 'C M A P' length R g b R <- Viewmode 800=HAM | 4=LACE 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... g b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g <- Rgb's are for reg0 thru regN 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g b 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. R g b R g b R g b R g b 'B O D Y' 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A000 424F4459 ............BODY length start of body data <- Compacted (Compression=1 above) 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Notes on CAMG Viewmodes: HIRES=0x8000 LACE=0x4 HAM=0x800 HALFBRITE=0x80 ------ ILBM is a fairly simple IFF FORM. All you really need to deal with to extract the image are the following chunks: (Note - Also watch for AUTH Author chunks and (c) Copyright chunks and preserve any copyright information if you rewrite the ILBM) BMHD - info about the size, depth, compaction method (See interpreted hex dump above) CAMG - optional Amiga viewmodes chunk Most HAM and HALFBRITE ILBMs should have this chunk. If no CAMG chunk is present, and image is 6 planes deep, assume HAM and you'll probably be right. Some Amiga viewmodes flags are HIRES=0x8000, LACE=0x4, HAM=0x800, HALFBRITE=0x80. CMAP - RGB values for color registers 0 to n (each component left justified in a byte) BODY - The pixel data, stored in an interleaved fashion as follows: (each line individually compacted if BMHD Compression = 1) plane 0 scan line 0 plane 1 scan line 0 plane 2 scan line 0 ... plane n scan line 0 plane 0 scan line 1 plane 1 scan line 1 etc. Body Compression ================ The BODY contains pixel data for the image. Width, Height, and depth (Planes) is specified in the BMHD. If the BMHD Compression byte is 0, then the scan line data is not compressed. If Compression=1, then each scan line is individually compressed as follows: More than 2 bytes the same stored as BYTE code value n from -1 to -127 followed by byte to be repeated (-n) + 1 times. Varied bytes stored as BYTE code n from 0 to 127 followed by n+1 bytes of data. The byte code -128 is a NOP. Interpreting the Scan Line Data: ================================ If the ILBM is not HAM or HALFBRITE, then after parsing and uncompacting if necessary, you will have N planes of pixel data. Color register used for each pixel is specified by looking at each pixel thru the planes. IE - if you have 5 planes, and the bit for a particular pixel is set in planes 0 and 3: PLANE 4 3 2 1 0 PIXEL 0 1 0 0 1 then that pixel uses color register binary 01001 = 9 The RGB value for each color register is stored in the CMAP chunk of the ILBM, starting with register 0, with each register's RGB value stored as one byte of R, one byte G, and one byte of B, with each component left justified in the byte. (ie. Amiga R, G, and B components are each stored in the high nibble of a byte) BUT - if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, it is interpreted differently. === ========= Hopefully, if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, the package that saved it properly saved a CAMG chunk (look at a hex dump of your file with ascii interpretation - you will see the chunks - they all start with a 4-ascii-char chunk ID). If the picture is 6 planes deep and has no CAMG chunk, it is probably HAM. If you see a CAMG chunk, the "CAMG" is followed by the 32-bit chunk length, and then the 32-bit Amiga Viewmode flags. HAM pics will have the 0x800 bit set in CAMG chunk ViewModes. HALBRITE pics will have the 0x80 bit set. To transport a HAM or HALFBRITE picture to another machine, you must understand how HAM and HALFBRITE work on the Amiga. How Amiga HAM mode works: ========================= Amiga HAM (Hold and Modify) mode lets the Amiga display all 4096 RGB values. In HAM mode, the bits in the two last planes describe an R G or B modification to the color of the previous pixel on the line to create the color of the current pixel. So a 6-plane HAM picture has 4 planes for specifying absolute color pixels giving up to 16 absolute colors which would be specified in the ILBM CMAP chunk. The bits in the last two planes are color modification bits which cause the Amiga, in HAM mode, to take the RGB value of the previous pixel (Hold and), substitute the 4 bits in planes 0-3 for the previous color's R G or B component (Modify) and display the result for the current pixel. The color modification bits in the last two planes are interpreted as follows: 00 - no modification. Use planes 0-3 as normal color register index 10 - hold previous, replacing Blue component with bits from planes 0-3 01 - hold previous, replacing Red component with bits from planes 0-3 11 - hold previous. replacing Green component with bits from planes 0-3 How Amiga HALFBRITE mode works: =============================== This one is simpler. In HALFBRITE mode, the Amiga interprets the bit in the last plane as HALFBRITE modification. The bits in the other planes are treated as normal color register numbers (RGB values for each color register is specified in the CMAP chunk). If the bit in the last plane is set (1), then that pixel is displayed at half brightness. This can provide up to 64 absolute colors. Other Notes: ============ Amiga ILBMs images must be a even number of bytes wide. Smaller images (such as brushes) are padded to an even byte width. ILBMs created with Electronic Arts IBM and Amiga "DPaintII" packages are compatible (though you may have to use a '.lbm' filename extension on an IBM). The ILBM graphic files may be transferred between the machines (or between the Amiga and IBM sides your Amiga if you have a CBM Bridgeboard card installed) and loaded into either package. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,REQ >From: koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Intuition requestors: how to stop them? >How do I make Intuition requestors NOT appear? Just place a $ffffffff (or -1) in the pr_windowptr field of your process, and intuition will mind its own business, returning errors when it would return a message. Note that you will want to restore this after your program exits, as leaving it at -1 will mean the CLI will not get intuition requestors anymore. Normally pr_windowptr is a 0. koster@cory.berkeley.edu David Ashley ************************************************************************* ,BUG From: bryce@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Crashing all the way to Kickstart (*the solution*) In several articles <> several.net.posters wrote: > [Since installing V1.3 I have noticed something strange. If the > machine ever crashes, it sometimes goes back to the Kickstart hand > instead of the Workbench hand.] Thank you all for noting and reporting this bug. I have located the cause; a code mistake causes the Kickstart protected memory to be left open open for writing during some types of system Alert. This problem will be addressed in the next version of "SetPatch" (no date or distribution details are available at this time). Please note that some types of bug reports can be sent directly to Commodore. Before reporting, please verify the accuracy of your statements. Try removing any special programs or hacks you may be running (booting from your unmodified master Workbench disk is a good way to guarantee this). Submitted reports must include a TELEPHONE number. Reports must be CLEAR, COMPLETE and CONCISE. Based on your bug report alone, we must be able to repeat the bug. Bugs that we can repeat in-house GET FIXED. -Bryce Nesbitt, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Here is a sample bug report form: BUG REPORT ---------- Date: Name: Phone: Company: EMail: ### Bug Location (Hardware, Documentation, Software, Other): ### Your Configuration (Model, number and type of disks, memory, ### add-on equipment): ### Other software running or resident at the time of the bug (should be ### "none"): ### Revisions (Kickstart/Workbench revision numbers, etc.): ### Brief Bug Description: ### Bug Generation Procedure (remember that someone else will be trying to repeat this bug based on your description): ### Related bugs: -- |\_/| . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH! {O o} . Bryce Nesbitt (") BIX: bnesbitt U USENET: cbmvax!bryce@uunet.uu.NET -or- rutgers!cbmvax!bryce Lawyers: America's untapped export market. ************************************************************************* ,STA From: peter@sugar.UUCP Subject: Re: A little help please... This is the code I use to find the stack size for launch... ---------[from launch.shar]--------- struct Process *FindTask(); ... struct Process *me; struct CommandLineInterface *cli; long stack; ... if(stack == 0) { me = FindTask(0); if(me->pr_CLI) { cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)(me->pr_CLI<<2); stack = cli->cli_DefaultStack<<2; /* DefaultStack is in Longwords */ } else stack = me->pr_StackSize; } -- Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva `-_-' Hackercorp. ...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net 'U` *************************************************************************
ehoogerbeets@rose.waterloo.edu (Edwin Hoogerbeets) (07/05/89)
This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. This posting last changed: July 4, 1989 It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. Please refer to this article first before posting to the net. This will help keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. * * There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. * To save this posting when you are using rn or vn: s newuser<return> to save in the file News/newuser. notes: snewuser<return> to save this article in the file ./newuser. To read any of the following topics, type 'g' for 'go to' and the three letter index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: ,NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP ,MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP ,REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,TEC How to get the Technical Reference Documents from Commodore cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) ,UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,REC Resource reclamation, why can't it be done? cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP ,CUS Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP ,EXC Info on exceptions dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,IFF IFF File Format carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP ,REQ Intuition requestors: how to stop them? koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP ,BUG How to report bugs to Commodore (info on 1.3 crash to KickStart bug) bryce@cbmvax.UUCP ,STA How to find the stack size in a program peter@sugar.UUCP ,BOO What the Amiga does on reboot page@sun.COM (Bob Page) ,LIB A description of the Lattice libraries fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) Edwin edwin@rose.waterloo.edu ************************************************************************* ,NOV >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set too low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Manx uses 16 bits as a default size for ints. Lattice uses 32 bits as its default, and is therefore not subject to this. The problem lies in trying to call a routine from Manx that requires 32 bit ints. Most calls to the operating system and most programs or libraries that use the operating system calls need to use 32 bit ints or they do wild and wonderful things all over memory. To get Manx to use 32 bits by default, just add +L to the 'cc' line. Also, once you have done this, remember to link with the 32 bit libraries: c32.lib m32.lib. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to AllocMem: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) A rule of thumb is to double the current size and try again until it works. Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* ,MOT From: daveh@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* ,MOU From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on Usenet (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! [You might want to simulate a floppy disk on your hard drive so that you can use the Amiga 1.3 DISKCOPY program which only does the job when it believes that the source and destination disks are identical. That is, the number of tracks, the number of sectors per track and the number of heads]. When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector nowhere near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrong! If you apply the formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yes, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 as you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 [ Each mountlist entry seems to separately tell AmigaDOS the complete physical configuration of the drive, but the calculations for starting cylinder, track and number of sectors per surface are simply providing a non-overlapping method of telling AmigaDOS which is calculated sector to assign as the first sector within a logical partition. All of the calculations come down to that.] Some of you may look at this and say, "Why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive?" Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible speed of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calculated from of the current MountList entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)403-4762 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 14465 Middle Pine Creek Dr. Orland Park, IL 60462 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP ************************************************************************* ,REE From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,TEC From: cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) Subject: Re: Tech Ref. Docs This list will be growing, as we make the 1.3 Native Developer Update available, along with some other stuff we're planning. Commodore-Amiga Technical Information ===================================== Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications Full A1000 schematics, timing diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation of auto-config process IFF Manual and Disk Full IFF documentation and source listings, including new IFF form chunk ANIM. IFF disk includes source code, object files, executable programs and documentation. Fall 1986 Developers Conference Notes Contains the diagrams, outlines and additional notes pertaining to each conference speakers' topic. Some additional information has been included (e.g., 8520 specifications). AmigaMail Bimonthly technical newsletter produced by CATS. Articles range from programming standards through programming for compatibility to advance technical information on new products (hardware and software). Cost EACH for any of the above: U.S. $20 (in Canada $22.50, $25 elsewhere) A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual 275 page reference manual that describes the technical features of the A500 and A2000, and the features that differ from the A1000. Included are: System block diagrams, Amiga Expansion, Designing hardware for the Amiga Expansion Arhictecture, Driver documentation, Software for Amiga Expansion, BIOS entry points, Clock/Calendar Registers, plus much more. Also included are schematics. Cost each: U.S. $40 (in Canada $42.50, $45 elsewhere) TO ORDER ======== Send check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 Commodore Amiga Technical Support Programs ========================================== Certified Developer Support Program: Cost is $75 for the first year. Provides technical support through AmigaMail (our bimonthly newsletter) and through the amiga.dev conferences on BIX. Provides marketing information through AmigaMail-Markets our quarterly marketing newsletter. Hardware discounts are available to members of this program. Internal documentation and technical updates are made available when possible. Ths program is for third party developers who have not yet brought a product to market. Also, many user groups and education institutions find this program useful. Commercial Developer Support Program: Cost is $500 for the first year. This program includes all of the benefits listed above, along with eligibility for direct phone support from Commodore Amiga Technical Support (CATS) and membership in the closed developer conferences on BIX. When possible, and when a need is shown, beta versions of hardware and software are made available to Commercial developers. This program is designed for individuals and companies who have already sucessfully launched products into the commercial market. Because of the increased effort and resources required to provide this more intensive form of support, membership is limited, and subject to approval by Commodore. To receive an application for either support program, write to: CATS-Inquiries 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 ------------- New documents: Commodore-Amiga, Incorporated. Amiga Technical Reference Series. Reading, Massachusets: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1989; 3 volumes; 28 cm. Amiga Hardware Reference Manual. [STILL on order] approx $30 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Libraries & Devices. [STILL on order] approx $40 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Includes & Autodocs. approx. 760 pages. "This manual corresponds to V1.3 system software release." ISBN 0-201-18177-0. $32.95. Commodore Item Number 327271-06. Introduction Library Summaries diskfont.doc exec.doc expansion.doc graphics.doc icon.doc intuition.doc layers.doc mathffp.doc mathieeedoubbas.doc mathieeedoubtrans.doc mathtrans.doc translator.doc Devices Summaries audio.doc clipboard.doc console.doc gameport.doc input.doc keyboard.doc narrator.doc parallel.doc printer.doc serial.doc timer.doc trackdisk.doc Resource Summaries cia.doc disk.doc misc.doc potgo.doc C Include files - ".h" Files Assembly Include Files - ".i" Files Linker Libraries [amiga.lib stuff] Sample Device, Sample Library Reference Charts 1.3_Base_Offset_Reference Assembly_Prefix_Reference C_Language_Cross-Reference Chip_Register_Map Structure Reference IFF - Interchange File Format EA IFF 85 - General IFF Format Specifications Form Specifications from the Original EA Document Additional IFF Documents Third Party Registered FORM and Chunk Specifications EA IFF Source Code Additional IFF Examples Function Index ------- John A. Thywissen <thywiss@csvax.cs.ukans.edu> ************************************************************************* ,UNS From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession ************************************************************************* ,REC >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: resource reclamation In article <YX2ERcy00Uh0IEQFxo@andrew.cmu.edu> (Miles Bader) writes: > How come simple resource reclamation isn't done? It seems like it > would be pretty simple to hang a list of allocated resources off a > task... > -Miles Because it isn't. The original DOS specified for the Amiga included resource reclamation, however when time got tight and Commodore had to go with MetaCompCo's modified version of TriPOS, there wasn't time to put it in. If you look at some of the structures you will notice that there entries for Tasks such as tc_MemEntry which were for this kind of stuff. That is not to say that it isn't possible. The ARP project (AmigaDOS Replacement Project) has created a library which allows you to track resources and free them on exit. The ARP stuff in on a Fish disk #??? and available thru the amiga archives. The question Miles didn't ask but always follows is : How come I can't kill a hung process with ^C or something? And when the program breaks why do I have to reboot the machine? The reason is that the Amiga does not have memory protection between tasks. And when a program goes astray, you do not know what sort of damage it may have caused to internal memory structures. It can damage the memory free list, trackdisk buffers, the stack of other programs, and a host of other "sensitive" areas. Consequently, if you continue to run the machine after a program has died, you run the much greater risk of destroying completely unrelated data. For most people this is unacceptable and that is why you have to reboot. For those people who like to gamble, there is a commercial program called GOMF which attempts to recover from these situations. It does keep the machine running, however if another program you are running crashes, you should be aware that it is much more likely that the originally crashed program probably is responsible, not a bug in the code that just ran. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ************************************************************************* ,CUS >From: papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP Subject: Re: Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? >How can I redirect System Request windows to a screen other than the >Workbench screen? In particular, I'm interested in the ones that say >"Please insert volume ... in any drive". >From the bag of tricks of Bryce Nesbitt: struct Process *mproc; struct Window *window; APTR temp; ... mproc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L); temp = mproc->pr_WindowPtr; mproc->WindowPtr = (APTR) window; /* any window open on custom screen */ at the end: ... mproc->pr_WindowPtr = temp; /* retore BEFORE CloseWindow */ CloseWindow(window); Enjoy. -- Marco papa 'Doc' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uucp:...!pollux!papa BIX:papa ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* ,EXC >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Need info on exceptions Time to go into a brief description of the three types of interrupts that exist on the Amiga: (1) Task Exceptions (via SetExcept() and standard signals). This is a task-level interrupt and only interrupts the task it is attached to. Other tasks still run... the interrupt only interrupts the one task. That is, any number of tasks may be handling exceptions all simultaniously. This is analogous to UNIX signals with one major exception.... system calls can get interrupted in the middle (i.e. library calls). Although all run-time libraries are reentrant between tasks, this is not always so within a given task. For instance, you cannot interrupt a DOS Write() with an exception and then do a Write() from within the exception!! Another for instance: you CAN call AllocMem(). So you have to be very careful as to when to allow an exception and when not to. Forbid() effectively disables exceptions (but also task switching). Also, there is a bug in the exception handler in that if an exception occured during a Forbid() it does NOT execute when you Permit()... i.e. you also have to do a SetExcept(0,0) to force EXEC to check for active exceptions after you Permit(). The 'simple' description of an exception is this: First, a task gets signalled and if the exception bit for that signal bit is set, the EXCEPTION-ENABLE BIT AND THE SIGNAL BIT IS CLEARED and the task then enters its exception handler. D0 contains a mask of the exception that occured (more than one bit may be set if more than one exception occured at once). The exception handler thus must be reentrant for different exception bits. After the handler runs, it must return a bitmask in D0 of those exceptions that occured. EXEC automatically ENABLES the exceptions specified by the bitmask. However, it doesn't check to see if they re-occured at this time... Thus, there is a window of vulnerability here. Usually, I reenable the exceptions manually with a SetExcept() call from the handler and return 0 in D0. Unlike other types of interrupts, EXEC saves and restores ALL of our registers (except the stack pointer) for us. But, you cannot make assumptions as to the contents of the registers (except for D0 and A1(=tc_ExceptData). Specifically, there is no guarentee A4 will contain the small-code-model data segment base so you must reload it if you intend to use that model inside the handler. (2) Software Interrupts. Software interrupts are HIGHER priority than tasks but LOWER priority than interrupts. Essentially, these are pseudo hardware interrupts but without the timing restrictions in real interrupts.... you can do things that you would not want to do in normal interrupts because they would otherwise take too long. BUT! A software interrupt is not a task, and you still may not use memory allocation/free functions within one (same restrictions as for hardware interrupts apply with the exception that you can take a longer time in the soft int). For example, instead of calling ReplyMsg() from an HARD interrupt handler you might want to Cause() a softint instead. This allows the HARD int to end (and other HARD ints to occur). A software interrupt uses the same structure as a hardware interrupt. (3) Hardware Interrupts. Real honest to goodness hardware interrupts. Implemented by SetIntVector() and AddIntServer() and the like. These are real hardware interrupts and the service routine should take as little time as possible in them... I mean as *little* time as possible. Make your code tight. Calling something like ReplyMsg() or PutMsg(), while it works, usually takes too much time for an interrupt handler to spare. Cause() a softint for things that take too much time so other interrupts can go. I don't know how much time Signal() takes. There are two flavors. (1) Direct hardware interrupts (SetIntVector()), and (2) Chained hardware interrupts. In many cases there are also resources (misc.resource, for instance) to arbitrate usage of some of the interrupt vectors. -Matt ************************************************************************* ,IFF >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: IFF File Format >What exactly is the format of an Amiga IFF file? Intro to Amiga IFF ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes ================================================= Carolyn Scheppner - Commodore Amiga Technical Support The IFF (Interchange File Format) for graphic images on the Amiga is called FORM ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap). It follows a standard parsable IFF format. Sample hex dump of beginning of an ILBM: ======================================== Important note! You can NOT ever depend on any particular ILBM chunk being at any particular offset into the file! IFF files are composed, in their simplest form, of chunks within a FORM. Each chunk starts starts with a 4-letter chunkID, followed by a 32-bit length of the rest of the chunk. You PARSE IFF files, skipping past unneeded or unknown chunks by seeking their length (+1 if odd length) to the next 4-letter chunkID. 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A0E0 424F4459 ............BODY 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Interpretation: 'F O R M' length 'I L B M''B M H D'<-start of BitMapHeader chunk 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD length WideHigh XorgYorg PlMkCoPd <- Planes Mask Compression Pad 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... TranAspt PagwPagh 'C A M G' length <- start of C-AMiGa View modes chunk 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... Viewmode 'C M A P' length R g b R <- Viewmode 800=HAM | 4=LACE 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... g b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g <- Rgb's are for reg0 thru regN 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g b 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. R g b R g b R g b R g b 'B O D Y' 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A000 424F4459 ............BODY length start of body data <- Compacted (Compression=1 above) 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Notes on CAMG Viewmodes: HIRES=0x8000 LACE=0x4 HAM=0x800 HALFBRITE=0x80 ------ ILBM is a fairly simple IFF FORM. All you really need to deal with to extract the image are the following chunks: (Note - Also watch for AUTH Author chunks and (c) Copyright chunks and preserve any copyright information if you rewrite the ILBM) BMHD - info about the size, depth, compaction method (See interpreted hex dump above) CAMG - optional Amiga viewmodes chunk Most HAM and HALFBRITE ILBMs should have this chunk. If no CAMG chunk is present, and image is 6 planes deep, assume HAM and you'll probably be right. Some Amiga viewmodes flags are HIRES=0x8000, LACE=0x4, HAM=0x800, HALFBRITE=0x80. CMAP - RGB values for color registers 0 to n (each component left justified in a byte) BODY - The pixel data, stored in an interleaved fashion as follows: (each line individually compacted if BMHD Compression = 1) plane 0 scan line 0 plane 1 scan line 0 plane 2 scan line 0 ... plane n scan line 0 plane 0 scan line 1 plane 1 scan line 1 etc. Body Compression ================ The BODY contains pixel data for the image. Width, Height, and depth (Planes) is specified in the BMHD. If the BMHD Compression byte is 0, then the scan line data is not compressed. If Compression=1, then each scan line is individually compressed as follows: More than 2 bytes the same stored as BYTE code value n from -1 to -127 followed by byte to be repeated (-n) + 1 times. Varied bytes stored as BYTE code n from 0 to 127 followed by n+1 bytes of data. The byte code -128 is a NOP. Interpreting the Scan Line Data: ================================ If the ILBM is not HAM or HALFBRITE, then after parsing and uncompacting if necessary, you will have N planes of pixel data. Color register used for each pixel is specified by looking at each pixel thru the planes. IE - if you have 5 planes, and the bit for a particular pixel is set in planes 0 and 3: PLANE 4 3 2 1 0 PIXEL 0 1 0 0 1 then that pixel uses color register binary 01001 = 9 The RGB value for each color register is stored in the CMAP chunk of the ILBM, starting with register 0, with each register's RGB value stored as one byte of R, one byte G, and one byte of B, with each component left justified in the byte. (ie. Amiga R, G, and B components are each stored in the high nibble of a byte) BUT - if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, it is interpreted differently. === ========= Hopefully, if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, the package that saved it properly saved a CAMG chunk (look at a hex dump of your file with ascii interpretation - you will see the chunks - they all start with a 4-ascii-char chunk ID). If the picture is 6 planes deep and has no CAMG chunk, it is probably HAM. If you see a CAMG chunk, the "CAMG" is followed by the 32-bit chunk length, and then the 32-bit Amiga Viewmode flags. HAM pics will have the 0x800 bit set in CAMG chunk ViewModes. HALBRITE pics will have the 0x80 bit set. To transport a HAM or HALFBRITE picture to another machine, you must understand how HAM and HALFBRITE work on the Amiga. How Amiga HAM mode works: ========================= Amiga HAM (Hold and Modify) mode lets the Amiga display all 4096 RGB values. In HAM mode, the bits in the two last planes describe an R G or B modification to the color of the previous pixel on the line to create the color of the current pixel. So a 6-plane HAM picture has 4 planes for specifying absolute color pixels giving up to 16 absolute colors which would be specified in the ILBM CMAP chunk. The bits in the last two planes are color modification bits which cause the Amiga, in HAM mode, to take the RGB value of the previous pixel (Hold and), substitute the 4 bits in planes 0-3 for the previous color's R G or B component (Modify) and display the result for the current pixel. The color modification bits in the last two planes are interpreted as follows: 00 - no modification. Use planes 0-3 as normal color register index 10 - hold previous, replacing Blue component with bits from planes 0-3 01 - hold previous, replacing Red component with bits from planes 0-3 11 - hold previous. replacing Green component with bits from planes 0-3 How Amiga HALFBRITE mode works: =============================== This one is simpler. In HALFBRITE mode, the Amiga interprets the bit in the last plane as HALFBRITE modification. The bits in the other planes are treated as normal color register numbers (RGB values for each color register is specified in the CMAP chunk). If the bit in the last plane is set (1), then that pixel is displayed at half brightness. This can provide up to 64 absolute colors. Other Notes: ============ Amiga ILBMs images must be a even number of bytes wide. Smaller images (such as brushes) are padded to an even byte width. ILBMs created with Electronic Arts IBM and Amiga "DPaintII" packages are compatible (though you may have to use a '.lbm' filename extension on an IBM). The ILBM graphic files may be transferred between the machines (or between the Amiga and IBM sides your Amiga if you have a CBM Bridgeboard card installed) and loaded into either package. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,REQ >From: koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Intuition requestors: how to stop them? >How do I make Intuition requestors NOT appear? Just place a $ffffffff (or -1) in the pr_windowptr field of your process, and intuition will mind its own business, returning errors when it would return a message. Note that you will want to restore this after your program exits, as leaving it at -1 will mean the CLI will not get intuition requestors anymore. Normally pr_windowptr is a 0. koster@cory.berkeley.edu David Ashley ************************************************************************* ,BUG From: bryce@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Crashing all the way to Kickstart (*the solution*) In several articles <> several.net.posters wrote: > [Since installing V1.3 I have noticed something strange. If the > machine ever crashes, it sometimes goes back to the Kickstart hand > instead of the Workbench hand.] Thank you all for noting and reporting this bug. I have located the cause; a code mistake causes the Kickstart protected memory to be left open open for writing during some types of system Alert. This problem will be addressed in the next version of "SetPatch" (no date or distribution details are available at this time). Please note that some types of bug reports can be sent directly to Commodore. Before reporting, please verify the accuracy of your statements. Try removing any special programs or hacks you may be running (booting from your unmodified master Workbench disk is a good way to guarantee this). Submitted reports must include a TELEPHONE number. Reports must be CLEAR, COMPLETE and CONCISE. Based on your bug report alone, we must be able to repeat the bug. Bugs that we can repeat in-house GET FIXED. -Bryce Nesbitt, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Here is a sample bug report form: BUG REPORT ---------- Date: Name: Phone: Company: EMail: ### Bug Location (Hardware, Documentation, Software, Other): ### Your Configuration (Model, number and type of disks, memory, ### add-on equipment): ### Other software running or resident at the time of the bug (should be ### "none"): ### Revisions (Kickstart/Workbench revision numbers, etc.): ### Brief Bug Description: ### Bug Generation Procedure (remember that someone else will be trying to repeat this bug based on your description): ### Related bugs: -- |\_/| . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH! {O o} . Bryce Nesbitt (") BIX: bnesbitt U USENET: cbmvax!bryce@uunet.uu.NET -or- rutgers!cbmvax!bryce Lawyers: America's untapped export market. ************************************************************************* ,STA From: peter@sugar.UUCP Subject: Re: A little help please... This is the code I use to find the stack size for launch... ---------[from launch.shar]--------- struct Process *FindTask(); ... struct Process *me; struct CommandLineInterface *cli; long stack; ... if(stack == 0) { me = FindTask(0); if(me->pr_CLI) { cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)(me->pr_CLI<<2); stack = cli->cli_DefaultStack<<2; /* DefaultStack is in Longwords */ } else stack = me->pr_StackSize; } -- Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva `-_-' Hackercorp. ...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net 'U` ************************************************************************* ,BOO From: page@Sun.COM (Bob Page) Subject: What the Amiga does on reboot u586182058ea@deneb.ucdavis.edu Frank Kuan wrote: >What does the Amiga do when you reboot? - Clear Chips (screen turns blue on custom chip failure) - Disable DMA and Interrupts - Clear the Screen - Check the Hardware - Pass or fail the Hardware to the Screen (dark grey if OK) - Checksum the WCS (OS does not checksum the ROM) - Pass or fail the WCS to the Screen (displays "Insert Kickstart" screen) - System setup - Check the for RAM at $C00000 - Move SYS_BASE to $C00000 if it exists - RAM Test - Pass or fail the RAM to the Screen (green if bad) - Check the Software - Pass or fail the Software to the Screen (light grey if OK) - Set up the RAM - Link the Libraries - Find External RAM and link it to the list - Set up Interrupts and DMA - Start default Task - Check for 68010, 68020, and 68881 - Check for an Exception (screen yellow if found and GURU handler not set up) - System Reset >Is it possible to change a vector somewhere and have the Amiga >run your code instead of the reboot sequence? Yes. This is one of those Amiga Secrets, most people don't discuss it because (presumably) it encourages crackers to write viruses and other nasty stuff. ..bob ************************************************************************* ,LIB From: fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) Subject: Re: Lattice Library Question >From article <690@dsacg2.UUCP>, by nor1675@dsacg2.UUCP (Michael Figg): > I've been programming with Lattice 'C' off and on for about 2.5 years now, > but continually get confused with what libraries need to be linked when. Take a look at the Addendum.docs file on disk 5 of your compiler package. Among other things it contains a description of all the files in the LIB: directory. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : 12 :::::::::::::::::::Library Descriptions::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cback.o Startup routine to detach process from CLI and run in background. catchres.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions in resident programs. lcs.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers. catch.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions. lcms.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library for use with 16-bit integers. lcm881.lib Lattice 68881 Coprocessor Math Library. c.o Standard Lattice Startup routine. lcnb.lib Lattice C Library for use with no base-relative data addressing. catchresnr.o Startup - Catch Exceptions, Resident, No Requesters on exception. lcmffp.lib Lattice Motorola Fast Floating Point Math Library. lcmieee.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Commodore Resident Library. lcsr.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers and Registerized Parameters. lcr.lib Lattice C Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lcmr.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lc.lib Lattice Standard C Library. cres.o Startup routine for Resident Programs. lcm.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library. lcsnb.lib Lattice C Library for 16-bit integers and no base-relative addressing. ddebug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Parallel Port. debug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Serial Port. amiga.lib Library of linkage routines to Amiga Resident Libraries. --Fabbian Dufoe 350 Ling-A-Mor Terrace South St. Petersburg, Florida 33705 813-823-2350 UUCP: ...uunet!pdn!jc3b21!fgd3 *************************************************************************
ehoogerbeets@rose.waterloo.edu (Edwin Hoogerbeets) (08/02/89)
[please note: next month's posting may be a little late as I am going to work next semester (back in January). My new address will be w-edwinh@microsoft.uucp -ed] This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. This posting last changed: August 1, 1989 Changes this month: Added: How to get audiotools It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. Please refer to this article first before posting to the net. This will help keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. * * There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. * To save this posting when you are using rn or vn: s newuser<return> to save in the file News/newuser. notes: snewuser<return> to save this article in the file ./newuser. To read any of the following topics, type 'g' for 'go to' and the three letter index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: ,NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP ,MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP ,REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,TEC How to get the Technical Reference Documents from Commodore cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) ,UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,REC Resource reclamation, why can't it be done? cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP ,CUS Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP ,EXC Info on exceptions dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,IFF IFF File Format carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP ,REQ Intuition requestors: how to stop them? koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP ,BUG How to report bugs to Commodore (info on 1.3 crash to KickStart bug) bryce@cbmvax.UUCP ,STA How to find the stack size in a program peter@sugar.UUCP ,BOO What the Amiga does on reboot page@sun.COM (Bob Page) ,LIB A description of the Lattice libraries fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) ,AUD How to get audiotools uunet!ardent.com!rap (Rob Peck) Edwin edwin@rose.waterloo.edu (or as of September: w-edwinh@microsoft.uucp) ************************************************************************* ,NOV >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set too low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Manx uses 16 bits as a default size for ints. Lattice uses 32 bits as its default, and is therefore not subject to this. The problem lies in trying to call a routine from Manx that requires 32 bit ints. Most calls to the operating system and most programs or libraries that use the operating system calls need to use 32 bit ints or they do wild and wonderful things all over memory. To get Manx to use 32 bits by default, just add +L to the 'cc' line. Also, once you have done this, remember to link with the 32 bit libraries: c32.lib m32.lib. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to AllocMem: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) A rule of thumb is to double the current size and try again until it works. Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* ,MOT From: daveh@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* ,MOU From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on Usenet (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! [You might want to simulate a floppy disk on your hard drive so that you can use the Amiga 1.3 DISKCOPY program which only does the job when it believes that the source and destination disks are identical. That is, the number of tracks, the number of sectors per track and the number of heads]. When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector nowhere near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrong! If you apply the formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yes, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 as you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 [ Each mountlist entry seems to separately tell AmigaDOS the complete physical configuration of the drive, but the calculations for starting cylinder, track and number of sectors per surface are simply providing a non-overlapping method of telling AmigaDOS which is calculated sector to assign as the first sector within a logical partition. All of the calculations come down to that.] Some of you may look at this and say, "Why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive?" Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible speed of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calculated from of the current MountList entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)403-4762 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 14465 Middle Pine Creek Dr. Orland Park, IL 60462 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP ************************************************************************* ,REE From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,TEC From: cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) Subject: Re: Tech Ref. Docs This list will be growing, as we make the 1.3 Native Developer Update available, along with some other stuff we're planning. Commodore-Amiga Technical Information ===================================== Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications Full A1000 schematics, timing diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation of auto-config process IFF Manual and Disk Full IFF documentation and source listings, including new IFF form chunk ANIM. IFF disk includes source code, object files, executable programs and documentation. Fall 1986 Developers Conference Notes Contains the diagrams, outlines and additional notes pertaining to each conference speakers' topic. Some additional information has been included (e.g., 8520 specifications). AmigaMail Bimonthly technical newsletter produced by CATS. Articles range from programming standards through programming for compatibility to advance technical information on new products (hardware and software). Cost EACH for any of the above: U.S. $20 (in Canada $22.50, $25 elsewhere) A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual 275 page reference manual that describes the technical features of the A500 and A2000, and the features that differ from the A1000. Included are: System block diagrams, Amiga Expansion, Designing hardware for the Amiga Expansion Arhictecture, Driver documentation, Software for Amiga Expansion, BIOS entry points, Clock/Calendar Registers, plus much more. Also included are schematics. Cost each: U.S. $40 (in Canada $42.50, $45 elsewhere) TO ORDER ======== Send check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 Commodore Amiga Technical Support Programs ========================================== Certified Developer Support Program: Cost is $75 for the first year. Provides technical support through AmigaMail (our bimonthly newsletter) and through the amiga.dev conferences on BIX. Provides marketing information through AmigaMail-Markets our quarterly marketing newsletter. Hardware discounts are available to members of this program. Internal documentation and technical updates are made available when possible. Ths program is for third party developers who have not yet brought a product to market. Also, many user groups and education institutions find this program useful. Commercial Developer Support Program: Cost is $500 for the first year. This program includes all of the benefits listed above, along with eligibility for direct phone support from Commodore Amiga Technical Support (CATS) and membership in the closed developer conferences on BIX. When possible, and when a need is shown, beta versions of hardware and software are made available to Commercial developers. This program is designed for individuals and companies who have already sucessfully launched products into the commercial market. Because of the increased effort and resources required to provide this more intensive form of support, membership is limited, and subject to approval by Commodore. To receive an application for either support program, write to: CATS-Inquiries 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 ------------- New documents: Commodore-Amiga, Incorporated. Amiga Technical Reference Series. Reading, Massachusets: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1989; 3 volumes; 28 cm. Amiga Hardware Reference Manual. [STILL on order] approx $30 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Libraries & Devices. [STILL on order] approx $40 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Includes & Autodocs. approx. 760 pages. "This manual corresponds to V1.3 system software release." ISBN 0-201-18177-0. $32.95. Commodore Item Number 327271-06. Introduction Library Summaries diskfont.doc exec.doc expansion.doc graphics.doc icon.doc intuition.doc layers.doc mathffp.doc mathieeedoubbas.doc mathieeedoubtrans.doc mathtrans.doc translator.doc Devices Summaries audio.doc clipboard.doc console.doc gameport.doc input.doc keyboard.doc narrator.doc parallel.doc printer.doc serial.doc timer.doc trackdisk.doc Resource Summaries cia.doc disk.doc misc.doc potgo.doc C Include files - ".h" Files Assembly Include Files - ".i" Files Linker Libraries [amiga.lib stuff] Sample Device, Sample Library Reference Charts 1.3_Base_Offset_Reference Assembly_Prefix_Reference C_Language_Cross-Reference Chip_Register_Map Structure Reference IFF - Interchange File Format EA IFF 85 - General IFF Format Specifications Form Specifications from the Original EA Document Additional IFF Documents Third Party Registered FORM and Chunk Specifications EA IFF Source Code Additional IFF Examples Function Index ------- John A. Thywissen <thywiss@csvax.cs.ukans.edu> ************************************************************************* ,UNS From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession ************************************************************************* ,REC >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: resource reclamation In article <YX2ERcy00Uh0IEQFxo@andrew.cmu.edu> (Miles Bader) writes: > How come simple resource reclamation isn't done? It seems like it > would be pretty simple to hang a list of allocated resources off a > task... > -Miles Because it isn't. The original DOS specified for the Amiga included resource reclamation, however when time got tight and Commodore had to go with MetaCompCo's modified version of TriPOS, there wasn't time to put it in. If you look at some of the structures you will notice that there entries for Tasks such as tc_MemEntry which were for this kind of stuff. That is not to say that it isn't possible. The ARP project (AmigaDOS Replacement Project) has created a library which allows you to track resources and free them on exit. The ARP stuff in on a Fish disk #??? and available thru the amiga archives. The question Miles didn't ask but always follows is : How come I can't kill a hung process with ^C or something? And when the program breaks why do I have to reboot the machine? The reason is that the Amiga does not have memory protection between tasks. And when a program goes astray, you do not know what sort of damage it may have caused to internal memory structures. It can damage the memory free list, trackdisk buffers, the stack of other programs, and a host of other "sensitive" areas. Consequently, if you continue to run the machine after a program has died, you run the much greater risk of destroying completely unrelated data. For most people this is unacceptable and that is why you have to reboot. For those people who like to gamble, there is a commercial program called GOMF which attempts to recover from these situations. It does keep the machine running, however if another program you are running crashes, you should be aware that it is much more likely that the originally crashed program probably is responsible, not a bug in the code that just ran. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ************************************************************************* ,CUS >From: papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP Subject: Re: Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? >How can I redirect System Request windows to a screen other than the >Workbench screen? In particular, I'm interested in the ones that say >"Please insert volume ... in any drive". >From the bag of tricks of Bryce Nesbitt: struct Process *mproc; struct Window *window; APTR temp; ... mproc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L); temp = mproc->pr_WindowPtr; mproc->WindowPtr = (APTR) window; /* any window open on custom screen */ at the end: ... mproc->pr_WindowPtr = temp; /* retore BEFORE CloseWindow */ CloseWindow(window); Enjoy. -- Marco papa 'Doc' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uucp:...!pollux!papa BIX:papa ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* ,EXC >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Need info on exceptions Time to go into a brief description of the three types of interrupts that exist on the Amiga: (1) Task Exceptions (via SetExcept() and standard signals). This is a task-level interrupt and only interrupts the task it is attached to. Other tasks still run... the interrupt only interrupts the one task. That is, any number of tasks may be handling exceptions all simultaniously. This is analogous to UNIX signals with one major exception.... system calls can get interrupted in the middle (i.e. library calls). Although all run-time libraries are reentrant between tasks, this is not always so within a given task. For instance, you cannot interrupt a DOS Write() with an exception and then do a Write() from within the exception!! Another for instance: you CAN call AllocMem(). So you have to be very careful as to when to allow an exception and when not to. Forbid() effectively disables exceptions (but also task switching). Also, there is a bug in the exception handler in that if an exception occured during a Forbid() it does NOT execute when you Permit()... i.e. you also have to do a SetExcept(0,0) to force EXEC to check for active exceptions after you Permit(). The 'simple' description of an exception is this: First, a task gets signalled and if the exception bit for that signal bit is set, the EXCEPTION-ENABLE BIT AND THE SIGNAL BIT IS CLEARED and the task then enters its exception handler. D0 contains a mask of the exception that occured (more than one bit may be set if more than one exception occured at once). The exception handler thus must be reentrant for different exception bits. After the handler runs, it must return a bitmask in D0 of those exceptions that occured. EXEC automatically ENABLES the exceptions specified by the bitmask. However, it doesn't check to see if they re-occured at this time... Thus, there is a window of vulnerability here. Usually, I reenable the exceptions manually with a SetExcept() call from the handler and return 0 in D0. Unlike other types of interrupts, EXEC saves and restores ALL of our registers (except the stack pointer) for us. But, you cannot make assumptions as to the contents of the registers (except for D0 and A1(=tc_ExceptData). Specifically, there is no guarentee A4 will contain the small-code-model data segment base so you must reload it if you intend to use that model inside the handler. (2) Software Interrupts. Software interrupts are HIGHER priority than tasks but LOWER priority than interrupts. Essentially, these are pseudo hardware interrupts but without the timing restrictions in real interrupts.... you can do things that you would not want to do in normal interrupts because they would otherwise take too long. BUT! A software interrupt is not a task, and you still may not use memory allocation/free functions within one (same restrictions as for hardware interrupts apply with the exception that you can take a longer time in the soft int). For example, instead of calling ReplyMsg() from an HARD interrupt handler you might want to Cause() a softint instead. This allows the HARD int to end (and other HARD ints to occur). A software interrupt uses the same structure as a hardware interrupt. (3) Hardware Interrupts. Real honest to goodness hardware interrupts. Implemented by SetIntVector() and AddIntServer() and the like. These are real hardware interrupts and the service routine should take as little time as possible in them... I mean as *little* time as possible. Make your code tight. Calling something like ReplyMsg() or PutMsg(), while it works, usually takes too much time for an interrupt handler to spare. Cause() a softint for things that take too much time so other interrupts can go. I don't know how much time Signal() takes. There are two flavors. (1) Direct hardware interrupts (SetIntVector()), and (2) Chained hardware interrupts. In many cases there are also resources (misc.resource, for instance) to arbitrate usage of some of the interrupt vectors. -Matt ************************************************************************* ,IFF >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: IFF File Format >What exactly is the format of an Amiga IFF file? Intro to Amiga IFF ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes ================================================= Carolyn Scheppner - Commodore Amiga Technical Support The IFF (Interchange File Format) for graphic images on the Amiga is called FORM ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap). It follows a standard parsable IFF format. Sample hex dump of beginning of an ILBM: ======================================== Important note! You can NOT ever depend on any particular ILBM chunk being at any particular offset into the file! IFF files are composed, in their simplest form, of chunks within a FORM. Each chunk starts starts with a 4-letter chunkID, followed by a 32-bit length of the rest of the chunk. You PARSE IFF files, skipping past unneeded or unknown chunks by seeking their length (+1 if odd length) to the next 4-letter chunkID. 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A0E0 424F4459 ............BODY 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Interpretation: 'F O R M' length 'I L B M''B M H D'<-start of BitMapHeader chunk 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD length WideHigh XorgYorg PlMkCoPd <- Planes Mask Compression Pad 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... TranAspt PagwPagh 'C A M G' length <- start of C-AMiGa View modes chunk 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... Viewmode 'C M A P' length R g b R <- Viewmode 800=HAM | 4=LACE 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... g b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g <- Rgb's are for reg0 thru regN 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g b 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. R g b R g b R g b R g b 'B O D Y' 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A000 424F4459 ............BODY length start of body data <- Compacted (Compression=1 above) 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Notes on CAMG Viewmodes: HIRES=0x8000 LACE=0x4 HAM=0x800 HALFBRITE=0x80 ------ ILBM is a fairly simple IFF FORM. All you really need to deal with to extract the image are the following chunks: (Note - Also watch for AUTH Author chunks and (c) Copyright chunks and preserve any copyright information if you rewrite the ILBM) BMHD - info about the size, depth, compaction method (See interpreted hex dump above) CAMG - optional Amiga viewmodes chunk Most HAM and HALFBRITE ILBMs should have this chunk. If no CAMG chunk is present, and image is 6 planes deep, assume HAM and you'll probably be right. Some Amiga viewmodes flags are HIRES=0x8000, LACE=0x4, HAM=0x800, HALFBRITE=0x80. CMAP - RGB values for color registers 0 to n (each component left justified in a byte) BODY - The pixel data, stored in an interleaved fashion as follows: (each line individually compacted if BMHD Compression = 1) plane 0 scan line 0 plane 1 scan line 0 plane 2 scan line 0 ... plane n scan line 0 plane 0 scan line 1 plane 1 scan line 1 etc. Body Compression ================ The BODY contains pixel data for the image. Width, Height, and depth (Planes) is specified in the BMHD. If the BMHD Compression byte is 0, then the scan line data is not compressed. If Compression=1, then each scan line is individually compressed as follows: More than 2 bytes the same stored as BYTE code value n from -1 to -127 followed by byte to be repeated (-n) + 1 times. Varied bytes stored as BYTE code n from 0 to 127 followed by n+1 bytes of data. The byte code -128 is a NOP. Interpreting the Scan Line Data: ================================ If the ILBM is not HAM or HALFBRITE, then after parsing and uncompacting if necessary, you will have N planes of pixel data. Color register used for each pixel is specified by looking at each pixel thru the planes. IE - if you have 5 planes, and the bit for a particular pixel is set in planes 0 and 3: PLANE 4 3 2 1 0 PIXEL 0 1 0 0 1 then that pixel uses color register binary 01001 = 9 The RGB value for each color register is stored in the CMAP chunk of the ILBM, starting with register 0, with each register's RGB value stored as one byte of R, one byte G, and one byte of B, with each component left justified in the byte. (ie. Amiga R, G, and B components are each stored in the high nibble of a byte) BUT - if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, it is interpreted differently. === ========= Hopefully, if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, the package that saved it properly saved a CAMG chunk (look at a hex dump of your file with ascii interpretation - you will see the chunks - they all start with a 4-ascii-char chunk ID). If the picture is 6 planes deep and has no CAMG chunk, it is probably HAM. If you see a CAMG chunk, the "CAMG" is followed by the 32-bit chunk length, and then the 32-bit Amiga Viewmode flags. HAM pics will have the 0x800 bit set in CAMG chunk ViewModes. HALBRITE pics will have the 0x80 bit set. To transport a HAM or HALFBRITE picture to another machine, you must understand how HAM and HALFBRITE work on the Amiga. How Amiga HAM mode works: ========================= Amiga HAM (Hold and Modify) mode lets the Amiga display all 4096 RGB values. In HAM mode, the bits in the two last planes describe an R G or B modification to the color of the previous pixel on the line to create the color of the current pixel. So a 6-plane HAM picture has 4 planes for specifying absolute color pixels giving up to 16 absolute colors which would be specified in the ILBM CMAP chunk. The bits in the last two planes are color modification bits which cause the Amiga, in HAM mode, to take the RGB value of the previous pixel (Hold and), substitute the 4 bits in planes 0-3 for the previous color's R G or B component (Modify) and display the result for the current pixel. The color modification bits in the last two planes are interpreted as follows: 00 - no modification. Use planes 0-3 as normal color register index 10 - hold previous, replacing Blue component with bits from planes 0-3 01 - hold previous, replacing Red component with bits from planes 0-3 11 - hold previous. replacing Green component with bits from planes 0-3 How Amiga HALFBRITE mode works: =============================== This one is simpler. In HALFBRITE mode, the Amiga interprets the bit in the last plane as HALFBRITE modification. The bits in the other planes are treated as normal color register numbers (RGB values for each color register is specified in the CMAP chunk). If the bit in the last plane is set (1), then that pixel is displayed at half brightness. This can provide up to 64 absolute colors. Other Notes: ============ Amiga ILBMs images must be a even number of bytes wide. Smaller images (such as brushes) are padded to an even byte width. ILBMs created with Electronic Arts IBM and Amiga "DPaintII" packages are compatible (though you may have to use a '.lbm' filename extension on an IBM). The ILBM graphic files may be transferred between the machines (or between the Amiga and IBM sides your Amiga if you have a CBM Bridgeboard card installed) and loaded into either package. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,REQ >From: koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Intuition requestors: how to stop them? >How do I make Intuition requestors NOT appear? Just place a $ffffffff (or -1) in the pr_windowptr field of your process, and intuition will mind its own business, returning errors when it would return a message. Note that you will want to restore this after your program exits, as leaving it at -1 will mean the CLI will not get intuition requestors anymore. Normally pr_windowptr is a 0. koster@cory.berkeley.edu David Ashley ************************************************************************* ,BUG From: bryce@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Crashing all the way to Kickstart (*the solution*) In several articles <> several.net.posters wrote: > [Since installing V1.3 I have noticed something strange. If the > machine ever crashes, it sometimes goes back to the Kickstart hand > instead of the Workbench hand.] Thank you all for noting and reporting this bug. I have located the cause; a code mistake causes the Kickstart protected memory to be left open open for writing during some types of system Alert. This problem will be addressed in the next version of "SetPatch" (no date or distribution details are available at this time). Please note that some types of bug reports can be sent directly to Commodore. Before reporting, please verify the accuracy of your statements. Try removing any special programs or hacks you may be running (booting from your unmodified master Workbench disk is a good way to guarantee this). Submitted reports must include a TELEPHONE number. Reports must be CLEAR, COMPLETE and CONCISE. Based on your bug report alone, we must be able to repeat the bug. Bugs that we can repeat in-house GET FIXED. -Bryce Nesbitt, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Here is a sample bug report form: BUG REPORT ---------- Date: Name: Phone: Company: EMail: ### Bug Location (Hardware, Documentation, Software, Other): ### Your Configuration (Model, number and type of disks, memory, ### add-on equipment): ### Other software running or resident at the time of the bug (should be ### "none"): ### Revisions (Kickstart/Workbench revision numbers, etc.): ### Brief Bug Description: ### Bug Generation Procedure (remember that someone else will be trying to repeat this bug based on your description): ### Related bugs: -- |\_/| . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH! {O o} . Bryce Nesbitt (") BIX: bnesbitt U USENET: cbmvax!bryce@uunet.uu.NET -or- rutgers!cbmvax!bryce Lawyers: America's untapped export market. ************************************************************************* ,STA From: peter@sugar.UUCP Subject: Re: A little help please... This is the code I use to find the stack size for launch... ---------[from launch.shar]--------- struct Process *FindTask(); ... struct Process *me; struct CommandLineInterface *cli; long stack; ... if(stack == 0) { me = FindTask(0); if(me->pr_CLI) { cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)(me->pr_CLI<<2); stack = cli->cli_DefaultStack<<2; /* DefaultStack is in Longwords */ } else stack = me->pr_StackSize; } -- Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva `-_-' Hackercorp. ...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net 'U` ************************************************************************* ,BOO From: page@Sun.COM (Bob Page) Subject: What the Amiga does on reboot u586182058ea@deneb.ucdavis.edu Frank Kuan wrote: >What does the Amiga do when you reboot? - Clear Chips (screen turns blue on custom chip failure) - Disable DMA and Interrupts - Clear the Screen - Check the Hardware - Pass or fail the Hardware to the Screen (dark grey if OK) - Checksum the WCS (OS does not checksum the ROM) - Pass or fail the WCS to the Screen (displays "Insert Kickstart" screen) - System setup - Check the for RAM at $C00000 - Move SYS_BASE to $C00000 if it exists - RAM Test - Pass or fail the RAM to the Screen (green if bad) - Check the Software - Pass or fail the Software to the Screen (light grey if OK) - Set up the RAM - Link the Libraries - Find External RAM and link it to the list - Set up Interrupts and DMA - Start default Task - Check for 68010, 68020, and 68881 - Check for an Exception (screen yellow if found and GURU handler not set up) - System Reset >Is it possible to change a vector somewhere and have the Amiga >run your code instead of the reboot sequence? Yes. This is one of those Amiga Secrets, most people don't discuss it because (presumably) it encourages crackers to write viruses and other nasty stuff. ..bob ************************************************************************* ,LIB From: fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) Subject: Re: Lattice Library Question >From article <690@dsacg2.UUCP>, by nor1675@dsacg2.UUCP (Michael Figg): > I've been programming with Lattice 'C' off and on for about 2.5 years now, > but continually get confused with what libraries need to be linked when. Take a look at the Addendum.docs file on disk 5 of your compiler package. Among other things it contains a description of all the files in the LIB: directory. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : 12 :::::::::::::::::::Library Descriptions::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cback.o Startup routine to detach process from CLI and run in background. catchres.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions in resident programs. lcs.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers. catch.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions. lcms.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library for use with 16-bit integers. lcm881.lib Lattice 68881 Coprocessor Math Library. c.o Standard Lattice Startup routine. lcnb.lib Lattice C Library for use with no base-relative data addressing. catchresnr.o Startup - Catch Exceptions, Resident, No Requesters on exception. lcmffp.lib Lattice Motorola Fast Floating Point Math Library. lcmieee.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Commodore Resident Library. lcsr.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers and Registerized Parameters. lcr.lib Lattice C Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lcmr.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lc.lib Lattice Standard C Library. cres.o Startup routine for Resident Programs. lcm.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library. lcsnb.lib Lattice C Library for 16-bit integers and no base-relative addressing. ddebug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Parallel Port. debug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Serial Port. amiga.lib Library of linkage routines to Amiga Resident Libraries. --Fabbian Dufoe 350 Ling-A-Mor Terrace South St. Petersburg, Florida 33705 813-823-2350 UUCP: ...uunet!pdn!jc3b21!fgd3 ************************************************************************* ,AUD >From: uunet!ardent.com!rap (Rob Peck) Subject: audiotools How do I play sounds on the Amiga? I offer a disk of audiotools for the Amiga, for only $8.00. It includes source and object code in both C and Modula that makes it easier to add audio to your programs. It includes functions for obtaining and releasing audio channels, playing notes, explicit frequencies, sampled sounds, allows queueing of sounds to play, and even includes an ability to synchronize sound and graphics by having the audio.device itself tell you when a particular note begins to play. The audiotools are a continuing project, based on an article I originally wrote for Amiga World: July, 1987, but updated to add more capabilities, and with the text of the article now explaining the latest version of the tools. As of this writing, the audiotools are at release 3.0, the same level as that released at the Washington DC developers conference. I encourage submission of additional features and functions for and from interested parties. Pseudo public domain... that is, NO ROYALTIES, but I would hope that interested parties would contact me directly so that I can continue to receive suggestions for improvements and bug reports. Rob Peck, DATAPATH, POBox 1828, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Rob Peck *************************************************************************
w-edwinh@microsoft.UUCP (Edwin Hoogerbeets) (11/01/89)
This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. This posting last changed: August 1, 1989 Changes this month: none It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. Please refer to this article first before posting to the net. This will help keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. Previously deleted topics are still available from the editor via email. * * There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. * To save this posting when you are using rn or vn: s newuser<return> to save in the file News/newuser. notes: snewuser<return> to save this article in the file ./newuser. To read any of the following topics, type 'g' for 'go to' and the three letter index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: ,NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP ,MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP ,REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,TEC How to get the Technical Reference Documents from Commodore cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) ,UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,REC Resource reclamation, why can't it be done? cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP ,CUS Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP ,EXC Info on exceptions dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,IFF IFF File Format carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP ,REQ Intuition requestors: how to stop them? koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP ,BUG How to report bugs to Commodore (info on 1.3 crash to KickStart bug) bryce@cbmvax.UUCP ,STA How to find the stack size in a program peter@sugar.UUCP ,BOO What the Amiga does on reboot page@sun.COM (Bob Page) ,LIB A description of the Lattice libraries fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) ,AUD How to get audiotools uunet!ardent.com!rap (Rob Peck) Edwin edwin@rose.waterloo.edu (or as of September: w-edwinh@microsoft.uucp) ************************************************************************* ,NOV >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set too low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Manx uses 16 bits as a default size for ints. Lattice uses 32 bits as its default, and is therefore not subject to this. The problem lies in trying to call a routine from Manx that requires 32 bit ints. Most calls to the operating system and most programs or libraries that use the operating system calls need to use 32 bit ints or they do wild and wonderful things all over memory. To get Manx to use 32 bits by default, just add +L to the 'cc' line. Also, once you have done this, remember to link with the 32 bit libraries: c32.lib m32.lib. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to AllocMem: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) A rule of thumb is to double the current size and try again until it works. Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* ,MOT From: daveh@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* ,MOU From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on Usenet (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! [You might want to simulate a floppy disk on your hard drive so that you can use the Amiga 1.3 DISKCOPY program which only does the job when it believes that the source and destination disks are identical. That is, the number of tracks, the number of sectors per track and the number of heads]. When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector nowhere near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrong! If you apply the formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yes, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 as you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 [ Each mountlist entry seems to separately tell AmigaDOS the complete physical configuration of the drive, but the calculations for starting cylinder, track and number of sectors per surface are simply providing a non-overlapping method of telling AmigaDOS which is calculated sector to assign as the first sector within a logical partition. All of the calculations come down to that.] Some of you may look at this and say, "Why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive?" Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible speed of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calculated from of the current MountList entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)403-4762 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 14465 Middle Pine Creek Dr. Orland Park, IL 60462 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP ************************************************************************* ,REE From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,TEC From: cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) Subject: Re: Tech Ref. Docs This list will be growing, as we make the 1.3 Native Developer Update available, along with some other stuff we're planning. Commodore-Amiga Technical Information ===================================== Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications Full A1000 schematics, timing diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation of auto-config process IFF Manual and Disk Full IFF documentation and source listings, including new IFF form chunk ANIM. IFF disk includes source code, object files, executable programs and documentation. Fall 1986 Developers Conference Notes Contains the diagrams, outlines and additional notes pertaining to each conference speakers' topic. Some additional information has been included (e.g., 8520 specifications). AmigaMail Bimonthly technical newsletter produced by CATS. Articles range from programming standards through programming for compatibility to advance technical information on new products (hardware and software). Cost EACH for any of the above: U.S. $20 (in Canada $22.50, $25 elsewhere) A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual 275 page reference manual that describes the technical features of the A500 and A2000, and the features that differ from the A1000. Included are: System block diagrams, Amiga Expansion, Designing hardware for the Amiga Expansion Arhictecture, Driver documentation, Software for Amiga Expansion, BIOS entry points, Clock/Calendar Registers, plus much more. Also included are schematics. Cost each: U.S. $40 (in Canada $42.50, $45 elsewhere) TO ORDER ======== Send check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 Commodore Amiga Technical Support Programs ========================================== Certified Developer Support Program: Cost is $75 for the first year. Provides technical support through AmigaMail (our bimonthly newsletter) and through the amiga.dev conferences on BIX. Provides marketing information through AmigaMail-Markets our quarterly marketing newsletter. Hardware discounts are available to members of this program. Internal documentation and technical updates are made available when possible. Ths program is for third party developers who have not yet brought a product to market. Also, many user groups and education institutions find this program useful. Commercial Developer Support Program: Cost is $500 for the first year. This program includes all of the benefits listed above, along with eligibility for direct phone support from Commodore Amiga Technical Support (CATS) and membership in the closed developer conferences on BIX. When possible, and when a need is shown, beta versions of hardware and software are made available to Commercial developers. This program is designed for individuals and companies who have already sucessfully launched products into the commercial market. Because of the increased effort and resources required to provide this more intensive form of support, membership is limited, and subject to approval by Commodore. To receive an application for either support program, write to: CATS-Inquiries 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 ------------- New documents: Commodore-Amiga, Incorporated. Amiga Technical Reference Series. Reading, Massachusets: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1989; 3 volumes; 28 cm. Amiga Hardware Reference Manual. [STILL on order] approx $30 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Libraries & Devices. [STILL on order] approx $40 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Includes & Autodocs. approx. 760 pages. "This manual corresponds to V1.3 system software release." ISBN 0-201-18177-0. $32.95. Commodore Item Number 327271-06. Introduction Library Summaries diskfont.doc exec.doc expansion.doc graphics.doc icon.doc intuition.doc layers.doc mathffp.doc mathieeedoubbas.doc mathieeedoubtrans.doc mathtrans.doc translator.doc Devices Summaries audio.doc clipboard.doc console.doc gameport.doc input.doc keyboard.doc narrator.doc parallel.doc printer.doc serial.doc timer.doc trackdisk.doc Resource Summaries cia.doc disk.doc misc.doc potgo.doc C Include files - ".h" Files Assembly Include Files - ".i" Files Linker Libraries [amiga.lib stuff] Sample Device, Sample Library Reference Charts 1.3_Base_Offset_Reference Assembly_Prefix_Reference C_Language_Cross-Reference Chip_Register_Map Structure Reference IFF - Interchange File Format EA IFF 85 - General IFF Format Specifications Form Specifications from the Original EA Document Additional IFF Documents Third Party Registered FORM and Chunk Specifications EA IFF Source Code Additional IFF Examples Function Index ------- John A. Thywissen <thywiss@csvax.cs.ukans.edu> ************************************************************************* ,UNS From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession ************************************************************************* ,REC >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: resource reclamation In article <YX2ERcy00Uh0IEQFxo@andrew.cmu.edu> (Miles Bader) writes: > How come simple resource reclamation isn't done? It seems like it > would be pretty simple to hang a list of allocated resources off a > task... > -Miles Because it isn't. The original DOS specified for the Amiga included resource reclamation, however when time got tight and Commodore had to go with MetaCompCo's modified version of TriPOS, there wasn't time to put it in. If you look at some of the structures you will notice that there entries for Tasks such as tc_MemEntry which were for this kind of stuff. That is not to say that it isn't possible. The ARP project (AmigaDOS Replacement Project) has created a library which allows you to track resources and free them on exit. The ARP stuff in on a Fish disk #??? and available thru the amiga archives. The question Miles didn't ask but always follows is : How come I can't kill a hung process with ^C or something? And when the program breaks why do I have to reboot the machine? The reason is that the Amiga does not have memory protection between tasks. And when a program goes astray, you do not know what sort of damage it may have caused to internal memory structures. It can damage the memory free list, trackdisk buffers, the stack of other programs, and a host of other "sensitive" areas. Consequently, if you continue to run the machine after a program has died, you run the much greater risk of destroying completely unrelated data. For most people this is unacceptable and that is why you have to reboot. For those people who like to gamble, there is a commercial program called GOMF which attempts to recover from these situations. It does keep the machine running, however if another program you are running crashes, you should be aware that it is much more likely that the originally crashed program probably is responsible, not a bug in the code that just ran. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ************************************************************************* ,CUS >From: papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP Subject: Re: Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? >How can I redirect System Request windows to a screen other than the >Workbench screen? In particular, I'm interested in the ones that say >"Please insert volume ... in any drive". >From the bag of tricks of Bryce Nesbitt: struct Process *mproc; struct Window *window; APTR temp; ... mproc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L); temp = mproc->pr_WindowPtr; mproc->WindowPtr = (APTR) window; /* any window open on custom screen */ at the end: ... mproc->pr_WindowPtr = temp; /* retore BEFORE CloseWindow */ CloseWindow(window); Enjoy. -- Marco papa 'Doc' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uucp:...!pollux!papa BIX:papa ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* ,EXC >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Need info on exceptions Time to go into a brief description of the three types of interrupts that exist on the Amiga: (1) Task Exceptions (via SetExcept() and standard signals). This is a task-level interrupt and only interrupts the task it is attached to. Other tasks still run... the interrupt only interrupts the one task. That is, any number of tasks may be handling exceptions all simultaniously. This is analogous to UNIX signals with one major exception.... system calls can get interrupted in the middle (i.e. library calls). Although all run-time libraries are reentrant between tasks, this is not always so within a given task. For instance, you cannot interrupt a DOS Write() with an exception and then do a Write() from within the exception!! Another for instance: you CAN call AllocMem(). So you have to be very careful as to when to allow an exception and when not to. Forbid() effectively disables exceptions (but also task switching). Also, there is a bug in the exception handler in that if an exception occured during a Forbid() it does NOT execute when you Permit()... i.e. you also have to do a SetExcept(0,0) to force EXEC to check for active exceptions after you Permit(). The 'simple' description of an exception is this: First, a task gets signalled and if the exception bit for that signal bit is set, the EXCEPTION-ENABLE BIT AND THE SIGNAL BIT IS CLEARED and the task then enters its exception handler. D0 contains a mask of the exception that occured (more than one bit may be set if more than one exception occured at once). The exception handler thus must be reentrant for different exception bits. After the handler runs, it must return a bitmask in D0 of those exceptions that occured. EXEC automatically ENABLES the exceptions specified by the bitmask. However, it doesn't check to see if they re-occured at this time... Thus, there is a window of vulnerability here. Usually, I reenable the exceptions manually with a SetExcept() call from the handler and return 0 in D0. Unlike other types of interrupts, EXEC saves and restores ALL of our registers (except the stack pointer) for us. But, you cannot make assumptions as to the contents of the registers (except for D0 and A1(=tc_ExceptData). Specifically, there is no guarentee A4 will contain the small-code-model data segment base so you must reload it if you intend to use that model inside the handler. (2) Software Interrupts. Software interrupts are HIGHER priority than tasks but LOWER priority than interrupts. Essentially, these are pseudo hardware interrupts but without the timing restrictions in real interrupts.... you can do things that you would not want to do in normal interrupts because they would otherwise take too long. BUT! A software interrupt is not a task, and you still may not use memory allocation/free functions within one (same restrictions as for hardware interrupts apply with the exception that you can take a longer time in the soft int). For example, instead of calling ReplyMsg() from an HARD interrupt handler you might want to Cause() a softint instead. This allows the HARD int to end (and other HARD ints to occur). A software interrupt uses the same structure as a hardware interrupt. (3) Hardware Interrupts. Real honest to goodness hardware interrupts. Implemented by SetIntVector() and AddIntServer() and the like. These are real hardware interrupts and the service routine should take as little time as possible in them... I mean as *little* time as possible. Make your code tight. Calling something like ReplyMsg() or PutMsg(), while it works, usually takes too much time for an interrupt handler to spare. Cause() a softint for things that take too much time so other interrupts can go. I don't know how much time Signal() takes. There are two flavors. (1) Direct hardware interrupts (SetIntVector()), and (2) Chained hardware interrupts. In many cases there are also resources (misc.resource, for instance) to arbitrate usage of some of the interrupt vectors. -Matt ************************************************************************* ,IFF >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: IFF File Format >What exactly is the format of an Amiga IFF file? Intro to Amiga IFF ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes ================================================= Carolyn Scheppner - Commodore Amiga Technical Support The IFF (Interchange File Format) for graphic images on the Amiga is called FORM ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap). It follows a standard parsable IFF format. Sample hex dump of beginning of an ILBM: ======================================== Important note! You can NOT ever depend on any particular ILBM chunk being at any particular offset into the file! IFF files are composed, in their simplest form, of chunks within a FORM. Each chunk starts starts with a 4-letter chunkID, followed by a 32-bit length of the rest of the chunk. You PARSE IFF files, skipping past unneeded or unknown chunks by seeking their length (+1 if odd length) to the next 4-letter chunkID. 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A0E0 424F4459 ............BODY 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Interpretation: 'F O R M' length 'I L B M''B M H D'<-start of BitMapHeader chunk 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD length WideHigh XorgYorg PlMkCoPd <- Planes Mask Compression Pad 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... TranAspt PagwPagh 'C A M G' length <- start of C-AMiGa View modes chunk 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... Viewmode 'C M A P' length R g b R <- Viewmode 800=HAM | 4=LACE 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... g b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g <- Rgb's are for reg0 thru regN 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g b 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. R g b R g b R g b R g b 'B O D Y' 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A000 424F4459 ............BODY length start of body data <- Compacted (Compression=1 above) 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Notes on CAMG Viewmodes: HIRES=0x8000 LACE=0x4 HAM=0x800 HALFBRITE=0x80 ------ ILBM is a fairly simple IFF FORM. All you really need to deal with to extract the image are the following chunks: (Note - Also watch for AUTH Author chunks and (c) Copyright chunks and preserve any copyright information if you rewrite the ILBM) BMHD - info about the size, depth, compaction method (See interpreted hex dump above) CAMG - optional Amiga viewmodes chunk Most HAM and HALFBRITE ILBMs should have this chunk. If no CAMG chunk is present, and image is 6 planes deep, assume HAM and you'll probably be right. Some Amiga viewmodes flags are HIRES=0x8000, LACE=0x4, HAM=0x800, HALFBRITE=0x80. CMAP - RGB values for color registers 0 to n (each component left justified in a byte) BODY - The pixel data, stored in an interleaved fashion as follows: (each line individually compacted if BMHD Compression = 1) plane 0 scan line 0 plane 1 scan line 0 plane 2 scan line 0 ... plane n scan line 0 plane 0 scan line 1 plane 1 scan line 1 etc. Body Compression ================ The BODY contains pixel data for the image. Width, Height, and depth (Planes) is specified in the BMHD. If the BMHD Compression byte is 0, then the scan line data is not compressed. If Compression=1, then each scan line is individually compressed as follows: More than 2 bytes the same stored as BYTE code value n from -1 to -127 followed by byte to be repeated (-n) + 1 times. Varied bytes stored as BYTE code n from 0 to 127 followed by n+1 bytes of data. The byte code -128 is a NOP. Interpreting the Scan Line Data: ================================ If the ILBM is not HAM or HALFBRITE, then after parsing and uncompacting if necessary, you will have N planes of pixel data. Color register used for each pixel is specified by looking at each pixel thru the planes. IE - if you have 5 planes, and the bit for a particular pixel is set in planes 0 and 3: PLANE 4 3 2 1 0 PIXEL 0 1 0 0 1 then that pixel uses color register binary 01001 = 9 The RGB value for each color register is stored in the CMAP chunk of the ILBM, starting with register 0, with each register's RGB value stored as one byte of R, one byte G, and one byte of B, with each component left justified in the byte. (ie. Amiga R, G, and B components are each stored in the high nibble of a byte) BUT - if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, it is interpreted differently. === ========= Hopefully, if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, the package that saved it properly saved a CAMG chunk (look at a hex dump of your file with ascii interpretation - you will see the chunks - they all start with a 4-ascii-char chunk ID). If the picture is 6 planes deep and has no CAMG chunk, it is probably HAM. If you see a CAMG chunk, the "CAMG" is followed by the 32-bit chunk length, and then the 32-bit Amiga Viewmode flags. HAM pics will have the 0x800 bit set in CAMG chunk ViewModes. HALBRITE pics will have the 0x80 bit set. To transport a HAM or HALFBRITE picture to another machine, you must understand how HAM and HALFBRITE work on the Amiga. How Amiga HAM mode works: ========================= Amiga HAM (Hold and Modify) mode lets the Amiga display all 4096 RGB values. In HAM mode, the bits in the two last planes describe an R G or B modification to the color of the previous pixel on the line to create the color of the current pixel. So a 6-plane HAM picture has 4 planes for specifying absolute color pixels giving up to 16 absolute colors which would be specified in the ILBM CMAP chunk. The bits in the last two planes are color modification bits which cause the Amiga, in HAM mode, to take the RGB value of the previous pixel (Hold and), substitute the 4 bits in planes 0-3 for the previous color's R G or B component (Modify) and display the result for the current pixel. The color modification bits in the last two planes are interpreted as follows: 00 - no modification. Use planes 0-3 as normal color register index 10 - hold previous, replacing Blue component with bits from planes 0-3 01 - hold previous, replacing Red component with bits from planes 0-3 11 - hold previous. replacing Green component with bits from planes 0-3 How Amiga HALFBRITE mode works: =============================== This one is simpler. In HALFBRITE mode, the Amiga interprets the bit in the last plane as HALFBRITE modification. The bits in the other planes are treated as normal color register numbers (RGB values for each color register is specified in the CMAP chunk). If the bit in the last plane is set (1), then that pixel is displayed at half brightness. This can provide up to 64 absolute colors. Other Notes: ============ Amiga ILBMs images must be a even number of bytes wide. Smaller images (such as brushes) are padded to an even byte width. ILBMs created with Electronic Arts IBM and Amiga "DPaintII" packages are compatible (though you may have to use a '.lbm' filename extension on an IBM). The ILBM graphic files may be transferred between the machines (or between the Amiga and IBM sides your Amiga if you have a CBM Bridgeboard card installed) and loaded into either package. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,REQ >From: koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Intuition requestors: how to stop them? >How do I make Intuition requestors NOT appear? Just place a $ffffffff (or -1) in the pr_windowptr field of your process, and intuition will mind its own business, returning errors when it would return a message. Note that you will want to restore this after your program exits, as leaving it at -1 will mean the CLI will not get intuition requestors anymore. Normally pr_windowptr is a 0. koster@cory.berkeley.edu David Ashley ************************************************************************* ,BUG From: bryce@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Crashing all the way to Kickstart (*the solution*) In several articles <> several.net.posters wrote: > [Since installing V1.3 I have noticed something strange. If the > machine ever crashes, it sometimes goes back to the Kickstart hand > instead of the Workbench hand.] Thank you all for noting and reporting this bug. I have located the cause; a code mistake causes the Kickstart protected memory to be left open open for writing during some types of system Alert. This problem will be addressed in the next version of "SetPatch" (no date or distribution details are available at this time). Please note that some types of bug reports can be sent directly to Commodore. Before reporting, please verify the accuracy of your statements. Try removing any special programs or hacks you may be running (booting from your unmodified master Workbench disk is a good way to guarantee this). Submitted reports must include a TELEPHONE number. Reports must be CLEAR, COMPLETE and CONCISE. Based on your bug report alone, we must be able to repeat the bug. Bugs that we can repeat in-house GET FIXED. -Bryce Nesbitt, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Here is a sample bug report form: BUG REPORT ---------- Date: Name: Phone: Company: EMail: ### Bug Location (Hardware, Documentation, Software, Other): ### Your Configuration (Model, number and type of disks, memory, ### add-on equipment): ### Other software running or resident at the time of the bug (should be ### "none"): ### Revisions (Kickstart/Workbench revision numbers, etc.): ### Brief Bug Description: ### Bug Generation Procedure (remember that someone else will be trying to repeat this bug based on your description): ### Related bugs: -- |\_/| . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH! {O o} . Bryce Nesbitt (") BIX: bnesbitt U USENET: cbmvax!bryce@uunet.uu.NET -or- rutgers!cbmvax!bryce Lawyers: America's untapped export market. ************************************************************************* ,STA From: peter@sugar.UUCP Subject: Re: A little help please... This is the code I use to find the stack size for launch... ---------[from launch.shar]--------- struct Process *FindTask(); ... struct Process *me; struct CommandLineInterface *cli; long stack; ... if(stack == 0) { me = FindTask(0); if(me->pr_CLI) { cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)(me->pr_CLI<<2); stack = cli->cli_DefaultStack<<2; /* DefaultStack is in Longwords */ } else stack = me->pr_StackSize; } -- Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva `-_-' Hackercorp. ...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net 'U` ************************************************************************* ,BOO From: page@Sun.COM (Bob Page) Subject: What the Amiga does on reboot u586182058ea@deneb.ucdavis.edu Frank Kuan wrote: >What does the Amiga do when you reboot? - Clear Chips (screen turns blue on custom chip failure) - Disable DMA and Interrupts - Clear the Screen - Check the Hardware - Pass or fail the Hardware to the Screen (dark grey if OK) - Checksum the WCS (OS does not checksum the ROM) - Pass or fail the WCS to the Screen (displays "Insert Kickstart" screen) - System setup - Check the for RAM at $C00000 - Move SYS_BASE to $C00000 if it exists - RAM Test - Pass or fail the RAM to the Screen (green if bad) - Check the Software - Pass or fail the Software to the Screen (light grey if OK) - Set up the RAM - Link the Libraries - Find External RAM and link it to the list - Set up Interrupts and DMA - Start default Task - Check for 68010, 68020, and 68881 - Check for an Exception (screen yellow if found and GURU handler not set up) - System Reset >Is it possible to change a vector somewhere and have the Amiga >run your code instead of the reboot sequence? Yes. This is one of those Amiga Secrets, most people don't discuss it because (presumably) it encourages crackers to write viruses and other nasty stuff. ..bob ************************************************************************* ,LIB From: fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) Subject: Re: Lattice Library Question >From article <690@dsacg2.UUCP>, by nor1675@dsacg2.UUCP (Michael Figg): > I've been programming with Lattice 'C' off and on for about 2.5 years now, > but continually get confused with what libraries need to be linked when. Take a look at the Addendum.docs file on disk 5 of your compiler package. Among other things it contains a description of all the files in the LIB: directory. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : 12 :::::::::::::::::::Library Descriptions::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cback.o Startup routine to detach process from CLI and run in background. catchres.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions in resident programs. lcs.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers. catch.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions. lcms.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library for use with 16-bit integers. lcm881.lib Lattice 68881 Coprocessor Math Library. c.o Standard Lattice Startup routine. lcnb.lib Lattice C Library for use with no base-relative data addressing. catchresnr.o Startup - Catch Exceptions, Resident, No Requesters on exception. lcmffp.lib Lattice Motorola Fast Floating Point Math Library. lcmieee.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Commodore Resident Library. lcsr.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers and Registerized Parameters. lcr.lib Lattice C Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lcmr.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lc.lib Lattice Standard C Library. cres.o Startup routine for Resident Programs. lcm.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library. lcsnb.lib Lattice C Library for 16-bit integers and no base-relative addressing. ddebug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Parallel Port. debug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Serial Port. amiga.lib Library of linkage routines to Amiga Resident Libraries. --Fabbian Dufoe 350 Ling-A-Mor Terrace South St. Petersburg, Florida 33705 813-823-2350 UUCP: ...uunet!pdn!jc3b21!fgd3 ************************************************************************* ,AUD >From: uunet!ardent.com!rap (Rob Peck) Subject: audiotools How do I play sounds on the Amiga? I offer a disk of audiotools for the Amiga, for only $8.00. It includes source and object code in both C and Modula that makes it easier to add audio to your programs. It includes functions for obtaining and releasing audio channels, playing notes, explicit frequencies, sampled sounds, allows queueing of sounds to play, and even includes an ability to synchronize sound and graphics by having the audio.device itself tell you when a particular note begins to play. The audiotools are a continuing project, based on an article I originally wrote for Amiga World: July, 1987, but updated to add more capabilities, and with the text of the article now explaining the latest version of the tools. As of this writing, the audiotools are at release 3.0, the same level as that released at the Washington DC developers conference. I encourage submission of additional features and functions for and from interested parties. Pseudo public domain... that is, NO ROYALTIES, but I would hope that interested parties would contact me directly so that I can continue to receive suggestions for improvements and bug reports. Rob Peck, DATAPATH, POBox 1828, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Rob Peck *************************************************************************
w-edwinh@microsoft.UUCP (Edwin Hoogerbeets) (11/29/89)
[I'm going skiing in Whistler this weekend (yeah!), so that's why this is a bit early this month -ed] This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. This posting last changed: August 1, 1989 Changes this month: none It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. Please refer to this article first before posting to the net. This will help keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. Previously deleted topics are still available from the editor via email. * * There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. * To save this posting when you are using rn or vn: s newuser<return> to save in the file News/newuser. notes: snewuser<return> to save this article in the file ./newuser. To read any of the following topics, type 'g' for 'go to' and the three letter index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: ,NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP ,MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP ,REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,TEC How to get the Technical Reference Documents from Commodore cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) ,UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,REC Resource reclamation, why can't it be done? cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP ,CUS Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP ,EXC Info on exceptions dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,IFF IFF File Format carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP ,REQ Intuition requestors: how to stop them? koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP ,BUG How to report bugs to Commodore (info on 1.3 crash to KickStart bug) bryce@cbmvax.UUCP ,STA How to find the stack size in a program peter@sugar.UUCP ,BOO What the Amiga does on reboot page@sun.COM (Bob Page) ,LIB A description of the Lattice libraries fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) ,AUD How to get audiotools uunet!ardent.com!rap (Rob Peck) Edwin edwin@rose.waterloo.edu (or as of September: w-edwinh@microsoft.uucp) ************************************************************************* ,NOV >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set too low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Manx uses 16 bits as a default size for ints. Lattice uses 32 bits as its default, and is therefore not subject to this. The problem lies in trying to call a routine from Manx that requires 32 bit ints. Most calls to the operating system and most programs or libraries that use the operating system calls need to use 32 bit ints or they do wild and wonderful things all over memory. To get Manx to use 32 bits by default, just add +L to the 'cc' line. Also, once you have done this, remember to link with the 32 bit libraries: c32.lib m32.lib. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to AllocMem: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) A rule of thumb is to double the current size and try again until it works. Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* ,MOT From: daveh@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* ,MOU From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on Usenet (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! [You might want to simulate a floppy disk on your hard drive so that you can use the Amiga 1.3 DISKCOPY program which only does the job when it believes that the source and destination disks are identical. That is, the number of tracks, the number of sectors per track and the number of heads]. When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector nowhere near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrong! If you apply the formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yes, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 as you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 [ Each mountlist entry seems to separately tell AmigaDOS the complete physical configuration of the drive, but the calculations for starting cylinder, track and number of sectors per surface are simply providing a non-overlapping method of telling AmigaDOS which is calculated sector to assign as the first sector within a logical partition. All of the calculations come down to that.] Some of you may look at this and say, "Why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive?" Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible speed of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calculated from of the current MountList entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)403-4762 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 14465 Middle Pine Creek Dr. Orland Park, IL 60462 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP ************************************************************************* ,REE From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,TEC From: cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) Subject: Re: Tech Ref. Docs This list will be growing, as we make the 1.3 Native Developer Update available, along with some other stuff we're planning. Commodore-Amiga Technical Information ===================================== Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications Full A1000 schematics, timing diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation of auto-config process IFF Manual and Disk Full IFF documentation and source listings, including new IFF form chunk ANIM. IFF disk includes source code, object files, executable programs and documentation. Fall 1986 Developers Conference Notes Contains the diagrams, outlines and additional notes pertaining to each conference speakers' topic. Some additional information has been included (e.g., 8520 specifications). AmigaMail Bimonthly technical newsletter produced by CATS. Articles range from programming standards through programming for compatibility to advance technical information on new products (hardware and software). Cost EACH for any of the above: U.S. $20 (in Canada $22.50, $25 elsewhere) A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual 275 page reference manual that describes the technical features of the A500 and A2000, and the features that differ from the A1000. Included are: System block diagrams, Amiga Expansion, Designing hardware for the Amiga Expansion Arhictecture, Driver documentation, Software for Amiga Expansion, BIOS entry points, Clock/Calendar Registers, plus much more. Also included are schematics. Cost each: U.S. $40 (in Canada $42.50, $45 elsewhere) TO ORDER ======== Send check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 Commodore Amiga Technical Support Programs ========================================== Certified Developer Support Program: Cost is $75 for the first year. Provides technical support through AmigaMail (our bimonthly newsletter) and through the amiga.dev conferences on BIX. Provides marketing information through AmigaMail-Markets our quarterly marketing newsletter. Hardware discounts are available to members of this program. Internal documentation and technical updates are made available when possible. Ths program is for third party developers who have not yet brought a product to market. Also, many user groups and education institutions find this program useful. Commercial Developer Support Program: Cost is $500 for the first year. This program includes all of the benefits listed above, along with eligibility for direct phone support from Commodore Amiga Technical Support (CATS) and membership in the closed developer conferences on BIX. When possible, and when a need is shown, beta versions of hardware and software are made available to Commercial developers. This program is designed for individuals and companies who have already sucessfully launched products into the commercial market. Because of the increased effort and resources required to provide this more intensive form of support, membership is limited, and subject to approval by Commodore. To receive an application for either support program, write to: CATS-Inquiries 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 ------------- New documents: Commodore-Amiga, Incorporated. Amiga Technical Reference Series. Reading, Massachusets: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1989; 3 volumes; 28 cm. Amiga Hardware Reference Manual. [STILL on order] approx $30 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Libraries & Devices. [STILL on order] approx $40 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Includes & Autodocs. approx. 760 pages. "This manual corresponds to V1.3 system software release." ISBN 0-201-18177-0. $32.95. Commodore Item Number 327271-06. Introduction Library Summaries diskfont.doc exec.doc expansion.doc graphics.doc icon.doc intuition.doc layers.doc mathffp.doc mathieeedoubbas.doc mathieeedoubtrans.doc mathtrans.doc translator.doc Devices Summaries audio.doc clipboard.doc console.doc gameport.doc input.doc keyboard.doc narrator.doc parallel.doc printer.doc serial.doc timer.doc trackdisk.doc Resource Summaries cia.doc disk.doc misc.doc potgo.doc C Include files - ".h" Files Assembly Include Files - ".i" Files Linker Libraries [amiga.lib stuff] Sample Device, Sample Library Reference Charts 1.3_Base_Offset_Reference Assembly_Prefix_Reference C_Language_Cross-Reference Chip_Register_Map Structure Reference IFF - Interchange File Format EA IFF 85 - General IFF Format Specifications Form Specifications from the Original EA Document Additional IFF Documents Third Party Registered FORM and Chunk Specifications EA IFF Source Code Additional IFF Examples Function Index ------- John A. Thywissen <thywiss@csvax.cs.ukans.edu> ************************************************************************* ,UNS From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession ************************************************************************* ,REC >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: resource reclamation In article <YX2ERcy00Uh0IEQFxo@andrew.cmu.edu> (Miles Bader) writes: > How come simple resource reclamation isn't done? It seems like it > would be pretty simple to hang a list of allocated resources off a > task... > -Miles Because it isn't. The original DOS specified for the Amiga included resource reclamation, however when time got tight and Commodore had to go with MetaCompCo's modified version of TriPOS, there wasn't time to put it in. If you look at some of the structures you will notice that there entries for Tasks such as tc_MemEntry which were for this kind of stuff. That is not to say that it isn't possible. The ARP project (AmigaDOS Replacement Project) has created a library which allows you to track resources and free them on exit. The ARP stuff in on a Fish disk #??? and available thru the amiga archives. The question Miles didn't ask but always follows is : How come I can't kill a hung process with ^C or something? And when the program breaks why do I have to reboot the machine? The reason is that the Amiga does not have memory protection between tasks. And when a program goes astray, you do not know what sort of damage it may have caused to internal memory structures. It can damage the memory free list, trackdisk buffers, the stack of other programs, and a host of other "sensitive" areas. Consequently, if you continue to run the machine after a program has died, you run the much greater risk of destroying completely unrelated data. For most people this is unacceptable and that is why you have to reboot. For those people who like to gamble, there is a commercial program called GOMF which attempts to recover from these situations. It does keep the machine running, however if another program you are running crashes, you should be aware that it is much more likely that the originally crashed program probably is responsible, not a bug in the code that just ran. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ************************************************************************* ,CUS >From: papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP Subject: Re: Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? >How can I redirect System Request windows to a screen other than the >Workbench screen? In particular, I'm interested in the ones that say >"Please insert volume ... in any drive". >From the bag of tricks of Bryce Nesbitt: struct Process *mproc; struct Window *window; APTR temp; ... mproc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L); temp = mproc->pr_WindowPtr; mproc->WindowPtr = (APTR) window; /* any window open on custom screen */ at the end: ... mproc->pr_WindowPtr = temp; /* retore BEFORE CloseWindow */ CloseWindow(window); Enjoy. -- Marco papa 'Doc' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uucp:...!pollux!papa BIX:papa ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* ,EXC >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Need info on exceptions Time to go into a brief description of the three types of interrupts that exist on the Amiga: (1) Task Exceptions (via SetExcept() and standard signals). This is a task-level interrupt and only interrupts the task it is attached to. Other tasks still run... the interrupt only interrupts the one task. That is, any number of tasks may be handling exceptions all simultaniously. This is analogous to UNIX signals with one major exception.... system calls can get interrupted in the middle (i.e. library calls). Although all run-time libraries are reentrant between tasks, this is not always so within a given task. For instance, you cannot interrupt a DOS Write() with an exception and then do a Write() from within the exception!! Another for instance: you CAN call AllocMem(). So you have to be very careful as to when to allow an exception and when not to. Forbid() effectively disables exceptions (but also task switching). Also, there is a bug in the exception handler in that if an exception occured during a Forbid() it does NOT execute when you Permit()... i.e. you also have to do a SetExcept(0,0) to force EXEC to check for active exceptions after you Permit(). The 'simple' description of an exception is this: First, a task gets signalled and if the exception bit for that signal bit is set, the EXCEPTION-ENABLE BIT AND THE SIGNAL BIT IS CLEARED and the task then enters its exception handler. D0 contains a mask of the exception that occured (more than one bit may be set if more than one exception occured at once). The exception handler thus must be reentrant for different exception bits. After the handler runs, it must return a bitmask in D0 of those exceptions that occured. EXEC automatically ENABLES the exceptions specified by the bitmask. However, it doesn't check to see if they re-occured at this time... Thus, there is a window of vulnerability here. Usually, I reenable the exceptions manually with a SetExcept() call from the handler and return 0 in D0. Unlike other types of interrupts, EXEC saves and restores ALL of our registers (except the stack pointer) for us. But, you cannot make assumptions as to the contents of the registers (except for D0 and A1(=tc_ExceptData). Specifically, there is no guarentee A4 will contain the small-code-model data segment base so you must reload it if you intend to use that model inside the handler. (2) Software Interrupts. Software interrupts are HIGHER priority than tasks but LOWER priority than interrupts. Essentially, these are pseudo hardware interrupts but without the timing restrictions in real interrupts.... you can do things that you would not want to do in normal interrupts because they would otherwise take too long. BUT! A software interrupt is not a task, and you still may not use memory allocation/free functions within one (same restrictions as for hardware interrupts apply with the exception that you can take a longer time in the soft int). For example, instead of calling ReplyMsg() from an HARD interrupt handler you might want to Cause() a softint instead. This allows the HARD int to end (and other HARD ints to occur). A software interrupt uses the same structure as a hardware interrupt. (3) Hardware Interrupts. Real honest to goodness hardware interrupts. Implemented by SetIntVector() and AddIntServer() and the like. These are real hardware interrupts and the service routine should take as little time as possible in them... I mean as *little* time as possible. Make your code tight. Calling something like ReplyMsg() or PutMsg(), while it works, usually takes too much time for an interrupt handler to spare. Cause() a softint for things that take too much time so other interrupts can go. I don't know how much time Signal() takes. There are two flavors. (1) Direct hardware interrupts (SetIntVector()), and (2) Chained hardware interrupts. In many cases there are also resources (misc.resource, for instance) to arbitrate usage of some of the interrupt vectors. -Matt ************************************************************************* ,IFF >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: IFF File Format >What exactly is the format of an Amiga IFF file? Intro to Amiga IFF ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes ================================================= Carolyn Scheppner - Commodore Amiga Technical Support The IFF (Interchange File Format) for graphic images on the Amiga is called FORM ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap). It follows a standard parsable IFF format. Sample hex dump of beginning of an ILBM: ======================================== Important note! You can NOT ever depend on any particular ILBM chunk being at any particular offset into the file! IFF files are composed, in their simplest form, of chunks within a FORM. Each chunk starts starts with a 4-letter chunkID, followed by a 32-bit length of the rest of the chunk. You PARSE IFF files, skipping past unneeded or unknown chunks by seeking their length (+1 if odd length) to the next 4-letter chunkID. 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A0E0 424F4459 ............BODY 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Interpretation: 'F O R M' length 'I L B M''B M H D'<-start of BitMapHeader chunk 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD length WideHigh XorgYorg PlMkCoPd <- Planes Mask Compression Pad 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... TranAspt PagwPagh 'C A M G' length <- start of C-AMiGa View modes chunk 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... Viewmode 'C M A P' length R g b R <- Viewmode 800=HAM | 4=LACE 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... g b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g <- Rgb's are for reg0 thru regN 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g b 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. R g b R g b R g b R g b 'B O D Y' 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A000 424F4459 ............BODY length start of body data <- Compacted (Compression=1 above) 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Notes on CAMG Viewmodes: HIRES=0x8000 LACE=0x4 HAM=0x800 HALFBRITE=0x80 ------ ILBM is a fairly simple IFF FORM. All you really need to deal with to extract the image are the following chunks: (Note - Also watch for AUTH Author chunks and (c) Copyright chunks and preserve any copyright information if you rewrite the ILBM) BMHD - info about the size, depth, compaction method (See interpreted hex dump above) CAMG - optional Amiga viewmodes chunk Most HAM and HALFBRITE ILBMs should have this chunk. If no CAMG chunk is present, and image is 6 planes deep, assume HAM and you'll probably be right. Some Amiga viewmodes flags are HIRES=0x8000, LACE=0x4, HAM=0x800, HALFBRITE=0x80. CMAP - RGB values for color registers 0 to n (each component left justified in a byte) BODY - The pixel data, stored in an interleaved fashion as follows: (each line individually compacted if BMHD Compression = 1) plane 0 scan line 0 plane 1 scan line 0 plane 2 scan line 0 ... plane n scan line 0 plane 0 scan line 1 plane 1 scan line 1 etc. Body Compression ================ The BODY contains pixel data for the image. Width, Height, and depth (Planes) is specified in the BMHD. If the BMHD Compression byte is 0, then the scan line data is not compressed. If Compression=1, then each scan line is individually compressed as follows: More than 2 bytes the same stored as BYTE code value n from -1 to -127 followed by byte to be repeated (-n) + 1 times. Varied bytes stored as BYTE code n from 0 to 127 followed by n+1 bytes of data. The byte code -128 is a NOP. Interpreting the Scan Line Data: ================================ If the ILBM is not HAM or HALFBRITE, then after parsing and uncompacting if necessary, you will have N planes of pixel data. Color register used for each pixel is specified by looking at each pixel thru the planes. IE - if you have 5 planes, and the bit for a particular pixel is set in planes 0 and 3: PLANE 4 3 2 1 0 PIXEL 0 1 0 0 1 then that pixel uses color register binary 01001 = 9 The RGB value for each color register is stored in the CMAP chunk of the ILBM, starting with register 0, with each register's RGB value stored as one byte of R, one byte G, and one byte of B, with each component left justified in the byte. (ie. Amiga R, G, and B components are each stored in the high nibble of a byte) BUT - if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, it is interpreted differently. === ========= Hopefully, if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, the package that saved it properly saved a CAMG chunk (look at a hex dump of your file with ascii interpretation - you will see the chunks - they all start with a 4-ascii-char chunk ID). If the picture is 6 planes deep and has no CAMG chunk, it is probably HAM. If you see a CAMG chunk, the "CAMG" is followed by the 32-bit chunk length, and then the 32-bit Amiga Viewmode flags. HAM pics will have the 0x800 bit set in CAMG chunk ViewModes. HALBRITE pics will have the 0x80 bit set. To transport a HAM or HALFBRITE picture to another machine, you must understand how HAM and HALFBRITE work on the Amiga. How Amiga HAM mode works: ========================= Amiga HAM (Hold and Modify) mode lets the Amiga display all 4096 RGB values. In HAM mode, the bits in the two last planes describe an R G or B modification to the color of the previous pixel on the line to create the color of the current pixel. So a 6-plane HAM picture has 4 planes for specifying absolute color pixels giving up to 16 absolute colors which would be specified in the ILBM CMAP chunk. The bits in the last two planes are color modification bits which cause the Amiga, in HAM mode, to take the RGB value of the previous pixel (Hold and), substitute the 4 bits in planes 0-3 for the previous color's R G or B component (Modify) and display the result for the current pixel. The color modification bits in the last two planes are interpreted as follows: 00 - no modification. Use planes 0-3 as normal color register index 10 - hold previous, replacing Blue component with bits from planes 0-3 01 - hold previous, replacing Red component with bits from planes 0-3 11 - hold previous. replacing Green component with bits from planes 0-3 How Amiga HALFBRITE mode works: =============================== This one is simpler. In HALFBRITE mode, the Amiga interprets the bit in the last plane as HALFBRITE modification. The bits in the other planes are treated as normal color register numbers (RGB values for each color register is specified in the CMAP chunk). If the bit in the last plane is set (1), then that pixel is displayed at half brightness. This can provide up to 64 absolute colors. Other Notes: ============ Amiga ILBMs images must be a even number of bytes wide. Smaller images (such as brushes) are padded to an even byte width. ILBMs created with Electronic Arts IBM and Amiga "DPaintII" packages are compatible (though you may have to use a '.lbm' filename extension on an IBM). The ILBM graphic files may be transferred between the machines (or between the Amiga and IBM sides your Amiga if you have a CBM Bridgeboard card installed) and loaded into either package. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,REQ >From: koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Intuition requestors: how to stop them? >How do I make Intuition requestors NOT appear? Just place a $ffffffff (or -1) in the pr_windowptr field of your process, and intuition will mind its own business, returning errors when it would return a message. Note that you will want to restore this after your program exits, as leaving it at -1 will mean the CLI will not get intuition requestors anymore. Normally pr_windowptr is a 0. koster@cory.berkeley.edu David Ashley ************************************************************************* ,BUG From: bryce@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Crashing all the way to Kickstart (*the solution*) In several articles <> several.net.posters wrote: > [Since installing V1.3 I have noticed something strange. If the > machine ever crashes, it sometimes goes back to the Kickstart hand > instead of the Workbench hand.] Thank you all for noting and reporting this bug. I have located the cause; a code mistake causes the Kickstart protected memory to be left open open for writing during some types of system Alert. This problem will be addressed in the next version of "SetPatch" (no date or distribution details are available at this time). Please note that some types of bug reports can be sent directly to Commodore. Before reporting, please verify the accuracy of your statements. Try removing any special programs or hacks you may be running (booting from your unmodified master Workbench disk is a good way to guarantee this). Submitted reports must include a TELEPHONE number. Reports must be CLEAR, COMPLETE and CONCISE. Based on your bug report alone, we must be able to repeat the bug. Bugs that we can repeat in-house GET FIXED. -Bryce Nesbitt, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Here is a sample bug report form: BUG REPORT ---------- Date: Name: Phone: Company: EMail: ### Bug Location (Hardware, Documentation, Software, Other): ### Your Configuration (Model, number and type of disks, memory, ### add-on equipment): ### Other software running or resident at the time of the bug (should be ### "none"): ### Revisions (Kickstart/Workbench revision numbers, etc.): ### Brief Bug Description: ### Bug Generation Procedure (remember that someone else will be trying to repeat this bug based on your description): ### Related bugs: -- |\_/| . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH! {O o} . Bryce Nesbitt (") BIX: bnesbitt U USENET: cbmvax!bryce@uunet.uu.NET -or- rutgers!cbmvax!bryce Lawyers: America's untapped export market. ************************************************************************* ,STA From: peter@sugar.UUCP Subject: Re: A little help please... This is the code I use to find the stack size for launch... ---------[from launch.shar]--------- struct Process *FindTask(); ... struct Process *me; struct CommandLineInterface *cli; long stack; ... if(stack == 0) { me = FindTask(0); if(me->pr_CLI) { cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)(me->pr_CLI<<2); stack = cli->cli_DefaultStack<<2; /* DefaultStack is in Longwords */ } else stack = me->pr_StackSize; } -- Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva `-_-' Hackercorp. ...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net 'U` ************************************************************************* ,BOO From: page@Sun.COM (Bob Page) Subject: What the Amiga does on reboot u586182058ea@deneb.ucdavis.edu Frank Kuan wrote: >What does the Amiga do when you reboot? - Clear Chips (screen turns blue on custom chip failure) - Disable DMA and Interrupts - Clear the Screen - Check the Hardware - Pass or fail the Hardware to the Screen (dark grey if OK) - Checksum the WCS (OS does not checksum the ROM) - Pass or fail the WCS to the Screen (displays "Insert Kickstart" screen) - System setup - Check the for RAM at $C00000 - Move SYS_BASE to $C00000 if it exists - RAM Test - Pass or fail the RAM to the Screen (green if bad) - Check the Software - Pass or fail the Software to the Screen (light grey if OK) - Set up the RAM - Link the Libraries - Find External RAM and link it to the list - Set up Interrupts and DMA - Start default Task - Check for 68010, 68020, and 68881 - Check for an Exception (screen yellow if found and GURU handler not set up) - System Reset >Is it possible to change a vector somewhere and have the Amiga >run your code instead of the reboot sequence? Yes. This is one of those Amiga Secrets, most people don't discuss it because (presumably) it encourages crackers to write viruses and other nasty stuff. ..bob ************************************************************************* ,LIB From: fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) Subject: Re: Lattice Library Question >From article <690@dsacg2.UUCP>, by nor1675@dsacg2.UUCP (Michael Figg): > I've been programming with Lattice 'C' off and on for about 2.5 years now, > but continually get confused with what libraries need to be linked when. Take a look at the Addendum.docs file on disk 5 of your compiler package. Among other things it contains a description of all the files in the LIB: directory. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : 12 :::::::::::::::::::Library Descriptions::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cback.o Startup routine to detach process from CLI and run in background. catchres.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions in resident programs. lcs.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers. catch.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions. lcms.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library for use with 16-bit integers. lcm881.lib Lattice 68881 Coprocessor Math Library. c.o Standard Lattice Startup routine. lcnb.lib Lattice C Library for use with no base-relative data addressing. catchresnr.o Startup - Catch Exceptions, Resident, No Requesters on exception. lcmffp.lib Lattice Motorola Fast Floating Point Math Library. lcmieee.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Commodore Resident Library. lcsr.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers and Registerized Parameters. lcr.lib Lattice C Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lcmr.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lc.lib Lattice Standard C Library. cres.o Startup routine for Resident Programs. lcm.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library. lcsnb.lib Lattice C Library for 16-bit integers and no base-relative addressing. ddebug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Parallel Port. debug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Serial Port. amiga.lib Library of linkage routines to Amiga Resident Libraries. --Fabbian Dufoe 350 Ling-A-Mor Terrace South St. Petersburg, Florida 33705 813-823-2350 UUCP: ...uunet!pdn!jc3b21!fgd3 ************************************************************************* ,AUD >From: uunet!ardent.com!rap (Rob Peck) Subject: audiotools How do I play sounds on the Amiga? I offer a disk of audiotools for the Amiga, for only $8.00. It includes source and object code in both C and Modula that makes it easier to add audio to your programs. It includes functions for obtaining and releasing audio channels, playing notes, explicit frequencies, sampled sounds, allows queueing of sounds to play, and even includes an ability to synchronize sound and graphics by having the audio.device itself tell you when a particular note begins to play. The audiotools are a continuing project, based on an article I originally wrote for Amiga World: July, 1987, but updated to add more capabilities, and with the text of the article now explaining the latest version of the tools. As of this writing, the audiotools are at release 3.0, the same level as that released at the Washington DC developers conference. I encourage submission of additional features and functions for and from interested parties. Pseudo public domain... that is, NO ROYALTIES, but I would hope that interested parties would contact me directly so that I can continue to receive suggestions for improvements and bug reports. Rob Peck, DATAPATH, POBox 1828, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Rob Peck *************************************************************************
ehoogerbeets@rose.waterloo.edu (Edwin Hoogerbeets) (01/07/90)
[Sorry about the delay this month -- lack of account prevented posting! -ed] This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. This posting last changed: January 1, 1990 Changes this month: none Updated: Technical Reference Manual section (,TEC) It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. Please refer to this article first before posting to the net. This will help keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. Previously deleted topics are still available from the editor via email. * * There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. * To save this posting when you are using rn or vn: s newuser<return> to save in the file News/newuser. notes: snewuser<return> to save this article in the file ./newuser. To read any of the following topics, type 'g' for 'go to' and the three letter index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: ,NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP ,MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP ,REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,TEC How to get the Technical Reference Documents from Commodore cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) ,UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,REC Resource reclamation, why can't it be done? cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP ,CUS Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP ,EXC Info on exceptions dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,IFF IFF File Format carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP ,REQ Intuition requestors: how to stop them? koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP ,BUG How to report bugs to Commodore (info on 1.3 crash to KickStart bug) bryce@cbmvax.UUCP ,STA How to find the stack size in a program peter@sugar.UUCP ,BOO What the Amiga does on reboot page@sun.COM (Bob Page) ,LIB A description of the Lattice libraries fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) ,AUD How to get audiotools uunet!ardent.com!rap (Rob Peck) Edwin ehoogerbeets@rose.waterloo.edu or edwin@watcsc.waterloo.edu uunet!watmath!watrose!ehoogerbeets or uunet!watmath!watcsc!edwin ************************************************************************* ,NOV >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set too low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Manx uses 16 bits as a default size for ints. Lattice uses 32 bits as its default, and is therefore not subject to this. The problem lies in trying to call a routine from Manx that requires 32 bit ints. Most calls to the operating system and most programs or libraries that use the operating system calls need to use 32 bit ints or they do wild and wonderful things all over memory. To get Manx to use 32 bits by default, just add +L to the 'cc' line. Also, once you have done this, remember to link with the 32 bit libraries: c32.lib m32.lib. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to AllocMem: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) A rule of thumb is to double the current size and try again until it works. Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* ,MOT From: daveh@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* ,MOU From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on Usenet (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! [You might want to simulate a floppy disk on your hard drive so that you can use the Amiga 1.3 DISKCOPY program which only does the job when it believes that the source and destination disks are identical. That is, the number of tracks, the number of sectors per track and the number of heads]. When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector nowhere near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrong! If you apply the formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yes, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 as you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 [ Each mountlist entry seems to separately tell AmigaDOS the complete physical configuration of the drive, but the calculations for starting cylinder, track and number of sectors per surface are simply providing a non-overlapping method of telling AmigaDOS which is calculated sector to assign as the first sector within a logical partition. All of the calculations come down to that.] Some of you may look at this and say, "Why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive?" Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible speed of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calculated from of the current MountList entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)403-4762 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 14465 Middle Pine Creek Dr. Orland Park, IL 60462 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP ************************************************************************* ,REE From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,TEC From: cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) Subject: Re: Tech Ref. Docs This list will be growing, as we make the 1.3 Native Developer Update available, along with some other stuff we're planning. Commodore-Amiga Technical Information ===================================== Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications Full A1000 schematics, timing diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation of auto-config process IFF Manual and Disk Full IFF documentation and source listings, including new IFF form chunk ANIM. IFF disk includes source code, object files, executable programs and documentation. Fall 1986 Developers Conference Notes Contains the diagrams, outlines and additional notes pertaining to each conference speakers' topic. Some additional information has been included (e.g., 8520 specifications). AmigaMail Bimonthly technical newsletter produced by CATS. Articles range from programming standards through programming for compatibility to advance technical information on new products (hardware and software). Cost EACH for any of the above: U.S. $20 (in Canada $22.50, $25 elsewhere) A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual 275 page reference manual that describes the technical features of the A500 and A2000, and the features that differ from the A1000. Included are: System block diagrams, Amiga Expansion, Designing hardware for the Amiga Expansion Arhictecture, Driver documentation, Software for Amiga Expansion, BIOS entry points, Clock/Calendar Registers, plus much more. Also included are schematics. Cost each: U.S. $40 (in Canada $42.50, $45 elsewhere) TO ORDER ======== Send check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 Commodore Amiga Technical Support Programs ========================================== Certified Developer Support Program: Cost is $75 for the first year. Provides technical support through AmigaMail (our bimonthly newsletter) and through the amiga.dev conferences on BIX. Provides marketing information through AmigaMail-Markets our quarterly marketing newsletter. Hardware discounts are available to members of this program. Internal documentation and technical updates are made available when possible. Ths program is for third party developers who have not yet brought a product to market. Also, many user groups and education institutions find this program useful. Commercial Developer Support Program: Cost is $500 for the first year. This program includes all of the benefits listed above, along with eligibility for direct phone support from Commodore Amiga Technical Support (CATS) and membership in the closed developer conferences on BIX. When possible, and when a need is shown, beta versions of hardware and software are made available to Commercial developers. This program is designed for individuals and companies who have already sucessfully launched products into the commercial market. Because of the increased effort and resources required to provide this more intensive form of support, membership is limited, and subject to approval by Commodore. To receive an application for either support program, write to: CATS-Inquiries 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 ------------- New documents: Commodore-Amiga, Incorporated. Amiga Technical Reference Series. Reading, Massachusets: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1989; 3 volumes; 28 cm; paperbound. Amiga Hardware Reference Manual. approx 400 pages. "This maual covers the A1000, A500, and A2000 release machines." ISBN 0-201-18157-6. $24.95. CBM Product Number 327272-04. Includes glossary and index. 1. Introduction 2. Coprocessor Hardware 3. Playfield Hardware 4. Sprite Hardware 5. Audio Hardware 6. Blitter Hardware 7. System Contol Hardware 8. Interface Hardware A. Register Summary--Alphabetical Order B. Register Summary--Address Order C. Custom Chip Pin Allocation List D. System Memory Map E. Interfaces F. Complex Interface Adapters G. AUTOCONFIG(tm) H. Keyboard I. External Disk Connector Interface Specifications J. Hardware Example Include File Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Libraries & Devices. [STILL on order] approx $40 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Includes & Autodocs. approx. 760 pages. "This manual corresponds to V1.3 system software release." ISBN 0-201-18177-0. $32.95. Commodore Item Number 327271-06. Introduction Library Summaries diskfont.doc exec.doc expansion.doc graphics.doc icon.doc intuition.doc layers.doc mathffp.doc mathieeedoubbas.doc mathieeedoubtrans.doc mathtrans.doc translator.doc Devices Summaries audio.doc clipboard.doc console.doc gameport.doc input.doc keyboard.doc narrator.doc parallel.doc printer.doc serial.doc timer.doc trackdisk.doc Resource Summaries cia.doc disk.doc misc.doc potgo.doc C Include files - ".h" Files Assembly Include Files - ".i" Files Linker Libraries [amiga.lib stuff] Sample Device, Sample Library Reference Charts 1.3_Base_Offset_Reference Assembly_Prefix_Reference C_Language_Cross-Reference Chip_Register_Map Structure Reference IFF - Interchange File Format EA IFF 85 - General IFF Format Specifications Form Specifications from the Original EA Document Additional IFF Documents Third Party Registered FORM and Chunk Specifications EA IFF Source Code Additional IFF Examples Function Index ------- John A. Thywissen <thywiss@csvax.cs.ukans.edu> ************************************************************************* ,UNS From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession ************************************************************************* ,REC >From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: Re: resource reclamation In article <YX2ERcy00Uh0IEQFxo@andrew.cmu.edu> (Miles Bader) writes: > How come simple resource reclamation isn't done? It seems like it > would be pretty simple to hang a list of allocated resources off a > task... > -Miles Because it isn't. The original DOS specified for the Amiga included resource reclamation, however when time got tight and Commodore had to go with MetaCompCo's modified version of TriPOS, there wasn't time to put it in. If you look at some of the structures you will notice that there entries for Tasks such as tc_MemEntry which were for this kind of stuff. That is not to say that it isn't possible. The ARP project (AmigaDOS Replacement Project) has created a library which allows you to track resources and free them on exit. The ARP stuff in on a Fish disk #??? and available thru the amiga archives. The question Miles didn't ask but always follows is : How come I can't kill a hung process with ^C or something? And when the program breaks why do I have to reboot the machine? The reason is that the Amiga does not have memory protection between tasks. And when a program goes astray, you do not know what sort of damage it may have caused to internal memory structures. It can damage the memory free list, trackdisk buffers, the stack of other programs, and a host of other "sensitive" areas. Consequently, if you continue to run the machine after a program has died, you run the much greater risk of destroying completely unrelated data. For most people this is unacceptable and that is why you have to reboot. For those people who like to gamble, there is a commercial program called GOMF which attempts to recover from these situations. It does keep the machine running, however if another program you are running crashes, you should be aware that it is much more likely that the originally crashed program probably is responsible, not a bug in the code that just ran. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ************************************************************************* ,CUS >From: papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP Subject: Re: Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? >How can I redirect System Request windows to a screen other than the >Workbench screen? In particular, I'm interested in the ones that say >"Please insert volume ... in any drive". >From the bag of tricks of Bryce Nesbitt: struct Process *mproc; struct Window *window; APTR temp; ... mproc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L); temp = mproc->pr_WindowPtr; mproc->WindowPtr = (APTR) window; /* any window open on custom screen */ at the end: ... mproc->pr_WindowPtr = temp; /* retore BEFORE CloseWindow */ CloseWindow(window); Enjoy. -- Marco papa 'Doc' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uucp:...!pollux!papa BIX:papa ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* ,EXC >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Need info on exceptions Time to go into a brief description of the three types of interrupts that exist on the Amiga: (1) Task Exceptions (via SetExcept() and standard signals). This is a task-level interrupt and only interrupts the task it is attached to. Other tasks still run... the interrupt only interrupts the one task. That is, any number of tasks may be handling exceptions all simultaniously. This is analogous to UNIX signals with one major exception.... system calls can get interrupted in the middle (i.e. library calls). Although all run-time libraries are reentrant between tasks, this is not always so within a given task. For instance, you cannot interrupt a DOS Write() with an exception and then do a Write() from within the exception!! Another for instance: you CAN call AllocMem(). So you have to be very careful as to when to allow an exception and when not to. Forbid() effectively disables exceptions (but also task switching). Also, there is a bug in the exception handler in that if an exception occured during a Forbid() it does NOT execute when you Permit()... i.e. you also have to do a SetExcept(0,0) to force EXEC to check for active exceptions after you Permit(). The 'simple' description of an exception is this: First, a task gets signalled and if the exception bit for that signal bit is set, the EXCEPTION-ENABLE BIT AND THE SIGNAL BIT IS CLEARED and the task then enters its exception handler. D0 contains a mask of the exception that occured (more than one bit may be set if more than one exception occured at once). The exception handler thus must be reentrant for different exception bits. After the handler runs, it must return a bitmask in D0 of those exceptions that occured. EXEC automatically ENABLES the exceptions specified by the bitmask. However, it doesn't check to see if they re-occured at this time... Thus, there is a window of vulnerability here. Usually, I reenable the exceptions manually with a SetExcept() call from the handler and return 0 in D0. Unlike other types of interrupts, EXEC saves and restores ALL of our registers (except the stack pointer) for us. But, you cannot make assumptions as to the contents of the registers (except for D0 and A1(=tc_ExceptData). Specifically, there is no guarentee A4 will contain the small-code-model data segment base so you must reload it if you intend to use that model inside the handler. (2) Software Interrupts. Software interrupts are HIGHER priority than tasks but LOWER priority than interrupts. Essentially, these are pseudo hardware interrupts but without the timing restrictions in real interrupts.... you can do things that you would not want to do in normal interrupts because they would otherwise take too long. BUT! A software interrupt is not a task, and you still may not use memory allocation/free functions within one (same restrictions as for hardware interrupts apply with the exception that you can take a longer time in the soft int). For example, instead of calling ReplyMsg() from an HARD interrupt handler you might want to Cause() a softint instead. This allows the HARD int to end (and other HARD ints to occur). A software interrupt uses the same structure as a hardware interrupt. (3) Hardware Interrupts. Real honest to goodness hardware interrupts. Implemented by SetIntVector() and AddIntServer() and the like. These are real hardware interrupts and the service routine should take as little time as possible in them... I mean as *little* time as possible. Make your code tight. Calling something like ReplyMsg() or PutMsg(), while it works, usually takes too much time for an interrupt handler to spare. Cause() a softint for things that take too much time so other interrupts can go. I don't know how much time Signal() takes. There are two flavors. (1) Direct hardware interrupts (SetIntVector()), and (2) Chained hardware interrupts. In many cases there are also resources (misc.resource, for instance) to arbitrate usage of some of the interrupt vectors. -Matt ************************************************************************* ,IFF >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: IFF File Format >What exactly is the format of an Amiga IFF file? Intro to Amiga IFF ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes ================================================= Carolyn Scheppner - Commodore Amiga Technical Support The IFF (Interchange File Format) for graphic images on the Amiga is called FORM ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap). It follows a standard parsable IFF format. Sample hex dump of beginning of an ILBM: ======================================== Important note! You can NOT ever depend on any particular ILBM chunk being at any particular offset into the file! IFF files are composed, in their simplest form, of chunks within a FORM. Each chunk starts starts with a 4-letter chunkID, followed by a 32-bit length of the rest of the chunk. You PARSE IFF files, skipping past unneeded or unknown chunks by seeking their length (+1 if odd length) to the next 4-letter chunkID. 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A0E0 424F4459 ............BODY 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Interpretation: 'F O R M' length 'I L B M''B M H D'<-start of BitMapHeader chunk 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD length WideHigh XorgYorg PlMkCoPd <- Planes Mask Compression Pad 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... TranAspt PagwPagh 'C A M G' length <- start of C-AMiGa View modes chunk 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... Viewmode 'C M A P' length R g b R <- Viewmode 800=HAM | 4=LACE 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... g b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g <- Rgb's are for reg0 thru regN 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g b 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. R g b R g b R g b R g b 'B O D Y' 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A000 424F4459 ............BODY length start of body data <- Compacted (Compression=1 above) 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Notes on CAMG Viewmodes: HIRES=0x8000 LACE=0x4 HAM=0x800 HALFBRITE=0x80 ------ ILBM is a fairly simple IFF FORM. All you really need to deal with to extract the image are the following chunks: (Note - Also watch for AUTH Author chunks and (c) Copyright chunks and preserve any copyright information if you rewrite the ILBM) BMHD - info about the size, depth, compaction method (See interpreted hex dump above) CAMG - optional Amiga viewmodes chunk Most HAM and HALFBRITE ILBMs should have this chunk. If no CAMG chunk is present, and image is 6 planes deep, assume HAM and you'll probably be right. Some Amiga viewmodes flags are HIRES=0x8000, LACE=0x4, HAM=0x800, HALFBRITE=0x80. CMAP - RGB values for color registers 0 to n (each component left justified in a byte) BODY - The pixel data, stored in an interleaved fashion as follows: (each line individually compacted if BMHD Compression = 1) plane 0 scan line 0 plane 1 scan line 0 plane 2 scan line 0 ... plane n scan line 0 plane 0 scan line 1 plane 1 scan line 1 etc. Body Compression ================ The BODY contains pixel data for the image. Width, Height, and depth (Planes) is specified in the BMHD. If the BMHD Compression byte is 0, then the scan line data is not compressed. If Compression=1, then each scan line is individually compressed as follows: More than 2 bytes the same stored as BYTE code value n from -1 to -127 followed by byte to be repeated (-n) + 1 times. Varied bytes stored as BYTE code n from 0 to 127 followed by n+1 bytes of data. The byte code -128 is a NOP. Interpreting the Scan Line Data: ================================ If the ILBM is not HAM or HALFBRITE, then after parsing and uncompacting if necessary, you will have N planes of pixel data. Color register used for each pixel is specified by looking at each pixel thru the planes. IE - if you have 5 planes, and the bit for a particular pixel is set in planes 0 and 3: PLANE 4 3 2 1 0 PIXEL 0 1 0 0 1 then that pixel uses color register binary 01001 = 9 The RGB value for each color register is stored in the CMAP chunk of the ILBM, starting with register 0, with each register's RGB value stored as one byte of R, one byte G, and one byte of B, with each component left justified in the byte. (ie. Amiga R, G, and B components are each stored in the high nibble of a byte) BUT - if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, it is interpreted differently. === ========= Hopefully, if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, the package that saved it properly saved a CAMG chunk (look at a hex dump of your file with ascii interpretation - you will see the chunks - they all start with a 4-ascii-char chunk ID). If the picture is 6 planes deep and has no CAMG chunk, it is probably HAM. If you see a CAMG chunk, the "CAMG" is followed by the 32-bit chunk length, and then the 32-bit Amiga Viewmode flags. HAM pics will have the 0x800 bit set in CAMG chunk ViewModes. HALBRITE pics will have the 0x80 bit set. To transport a HAM or HALFBRITE picture to another machine, you must understand how HAM and HALFBRITE work on the Amiga. How Amiga HAM mode works: ========================= Amiga HAM (Hold and Modify) mode lets the Amiga display all 4096 RGB values. In HAM mode, the bits in the two last planes describe an R G or B modification to the color of the previous pixel on the line to create the color of the current pixel. So a 6-plane HAM picture has 4 planes for specifying absolute color pixels giving up to 16 absolute colors which would be specified in the ILBM CMAP chunk. The bits in the last two planes are color modification bits which cause the Amiga, in HAM mode, to take the RGB value of the previous pixel (Hold and), substitute the 4 bits in planes 0-3 for the previous color's R G or B component (Modify) and display the result for the current pixel. The color modification bits in the last two planes are interpreted as follows: 00 - no modification. Use planes 0-3 as normal color register index 10 - hold previous, replacing Blue component with bits from planes 0-3 01 - hold previous, replacing Red component with bits from planes 0-3 11 - hold previous. replacing Green component with bits from planes 0-3 How Amiga HALFBRITE mode works: =============================== This one is simpler. In HALFBRITE mode, the Amiga interprets the bit in the last plane as HALFBRITE modification. The bits in the other planes are treated as normal color register numbers (RGB values for each color register is specified in the CMAP chunk). If the bit in the last plane is set (1), then that pixel is displayed at half brightness. This can provide up to 64 absolute colors. Other Notes: ============ Amiga ILBMs images must be a even number of bytes wide. Smaller images (such as brushes) are padded to an even byte width. ILBMs created with Electronic Arts IBM and Amiga "DPaintII" packages are compatible (though you may have to use a '.lbm' filename extension on an IBM). The ILBM graphic files may be transferred between the machines (or between the Amiga and IBM sides your Amiga if you have a CBM Bridgeboard card installed) and loaded into either package. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* ,REQ >From: koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: Intuition requestors: how to stop them? >How do I make Intuition requestors NOT appear? Just place a $ffffffff (or -1) in the pr_windowptr field of your process, and intuition will mind its own business, returning errors when it would return a message. Note that you will want to restore this after your program exits, as leaving it at -1 will mean the CLI will not get intuition requestors anymore. Normally pr_windowptr is a 0. koster@cory.berkeley.edu David Ashley ************************************************************************* ,BUG From: bryce@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Crashing all the way to Kickstart (*the solution*) In several articles <> several.net.posters wrote: > [Since installing V1.3 I have noticed something strange. If the > machine ever crashes, it sometimes goes back to the Kickstart hand > instead of the Workbench hand.] Thank you all for noting and reporting this bug. I have located the cause; a code mistake causes the Kickstart protected memory to be left open open for writing during some types of system Alert. This problem will be addressed in the next version of "SetPatch" (no date or distribution details are available at this time). Please note that some types of bug reports can be sent directly to Commodore. Before reporting, please verify the accuracy of your statements. Try removing any special programs or hacks you may be running (booting from your unmodified master Workbench disk is a good way to guarantee this). Submitted reports must include a TELEPHONE number. Reports must be CLEAR, COMPLETE and CONCISE. Based on your bug report alone, we must be able to repeat the bug. Bugs that we can repeat in-house GET FIXED. -Bryce Nesbitt, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Here is a sample bug report form: BUG REPORT ---------- Date: Name: Phone: Company: EMail: ### Bug Location (Hardware, Documentation, Software, Other): ### Your Configuration (Model, number and type of disks, memory, ### add-on equipment): ### Other software running or resident at the time of the bug (should be ### "none"): ### Revisions (Kickstart/Workbench revision numbers, etc.): ### Brief Bug Description: ### Bug Generation Procedure (remember that someone else will be trying to repeat this bug based on your description): ### Related bugs: -- |\_/| . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH! {O o} . Bryce Nesbitt (") BIX: bnesbitt U USENET: cbmvax!bryce@uunet.uu.NET -or- rutgers!cbmvax!bryce Lawyers: America's untapped export market. ************************************************************************* ,STA From: peter@sugar.UUCP Subject: Re: A little help please... This is the code I use to find the stack size for launch... ---------[from launch.shar]--------- struct Process *FindTask(); ... struct Process *me; struct CommandLineInterface *cli; long stack; ... if(stack == 0) { me = FindTask(0); if(me->pr_CLI) { cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)(me->pr_CLI<<2); stack = cli->cli_DefaultStack<<2; /* DefaultStack is in Longwords */ } else stack = me->pr_StackSize; } -- Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva `-_-' Hackercorp. ...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net 'U` ************************************************************************* ,BOO From: page@Sun.COM (Bob Page) Subject: What the Amiga does on reboot u586182058ea@deneb.ucdavis.edu Frank Kuan wrote: >What does the Amiga do when you reboot? - Clear Chips (screen turns blue on custom chip failure) - Disable DMA and Interrupts - Clear the Screen - Check the Hardware - Pass or fail the Hardware to the Screen (dark grey if OK) - Checksum the WCS (OS does not checksum the ROM) - Pass or fail the WCS to the Screen (displays "Insert Kickstart" screen) - System setup - Check the for RAM at $C00000 - Move SYS_BASE to $C00000 if it exists - RAM Test - Pass or fail the RAM to the Screen (green if bad) - Check the Software - Pass or fail the Software to the Screen (light grey if OK) - Set up the RAM - Link the Libraries - Find External RAM and link it to the list - Set up Interrupts and DMA - Start default Task - Check for 68010, 68020, and 68881 - Check for an Exception (screen yellow if found and GURU handler not set up) - System Reset >Is it possible to change a vector somewhere and have the Amiga >run your code instead of the reboot sequence? Yes. This is one of those Amiga Secrets, most people don't discuss it because (presumably) it encourages crackers to write viruses and other nasty stuff. ..bob ************************************************************************* ,LIB From: fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) Subject: Re: Lattice Library Question >From article <690@dsacg2.UUCP>, by nor1675@dsacg2.UUCP (Michael Figg): > I've been programming with Lattice 'C' off and on for about 2.5 years now, > but continually get confused with what libraries need to be linked when. Take a look at the Addendum.docs file on disk 5 of your compiler package. Among other things it contains a description of all the files in the LIB: directory. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : 12 :::::::::::::::::::Library Descriptions::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cback.o Startup routine to detach process from CLI and run in background. catchres.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions in resident programs. lcs.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers. catch.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions. lcms.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library for use with 16-bit integers. lcm881.lib Lattice 68881 Coprocessor Math Library. c.o Standard Lattice Startup routine. lcnb.lib Lattice C Library for use with no base-relative data addressing. catchresnr.o Startup - Catch Exceptions, Resident, No Requesters on exception. lcmffp.lib Lattice Motorola Fast Floating Point Math Library. lcmieee.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Commodore Resident Library. lcsr.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers and Registerized Parameters. lcr.lib Lattice C Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lcmr.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lc.lib Lattice Standard C Library. cres.o Startup routine for Resident Programs. lcm.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library. lcsnb.lib Lattice C Library for 16-bit integers and no base-relative addressing. ddebug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Parallel Port. debug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Serial Port. amiga.lib Library of linkage routines to Amiga Resident Libraries. --Fabbian Dufoe 350 Ling-A-Mor Terrace South St. Petersburg, Florida 33705 813-823-2350 UUCP: ...uunet!pdn!jc3b21!fgd3 ************************************************************************* ,AUD >From: uunet!ardent.com!rap (Rob Peck) Subject: audiotools How do I play sounds on the Amiga? I offer a disk of audiotools for the Amiga, for only $8.00. It includes source and object code in both C and Modula that makes it easier to add audio to your programs. It includes functions for obtaining and releasing audio channels, playing notes, explicit frequencies, sampled sounds, allows queueing of sounds to play, and even includes an ability to synchronize sound and graphics by having the audio.device itself tell you when a particular note begins to play. The audiotools are a continuing project, based on an article I originally wrote for Amiga World: July, 1987, but updated to add more capabilities, and with the text of the article now explaining the latest version of the tools. As of this writing, the audiotools are at release 3.0, the same level as that released at the Washington DC developers conference. I encourage submission of additional features and functions for and from interested parties. Pseudo public domain... that is, NO ROYALTIES, but I would hope that interested parties would contact me directly so that I can continue to receive suggestions for improvements and bug reports. Rob Peck, DATAPATH, POBox 1828, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Rob Peck *************************************************************************
ehoogerbeets@rose.waterloo.edu (Edwin Hoogerbeets) (03/04/90)
This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. This posting last changed: March 2, 1990 Changes this month: Added: Questions and answers about the Fatter Agnus (,AGNUS) Also changed is that all intro postings are now in mailbox format. Individual topics in a file called `introfile' can be accessed by executing mail -f introfile on a Unix system. It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. Please refer to this article first before posting to the net. This will help keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. Previously deleted topics are still available from the editor via email. * * There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. * To save this posting when you are using rn or vn: s newuser<return> to save in the file News/newuser. notes: snewuser<return> to save this article in the file ./newuser. To read any of the following topics, type 'g' for 'go to' and the index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: ,NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP ,MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP ,REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,TEC How to get the Technical Reference Documents from Commodore cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) ,UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,REC Resource reclamation, why can't it be done? cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP ,CUS Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP ,EXC Info on exceptions dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,IFF IFF File Format carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP ,REQ Intuition requestors: how to stop them? koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP ,BUG How to report bugs to Commodore (info on 1.3 crash to KickStart bug) bryce@cbmvax.UUCP ,STA How to find the stack size in a program peter@sugar.UUCP ,BOO What the Amiga does on reboot page@sun.COM (Bob Page) ,LIB A description of the Lattice libraries fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) ,AUD How to get audiotools uunet!ardent.com!rap (Rob Peck) ,AGNUS Questions and answers about the Fatter Agnus peter@cbmvax.commodore.com (Peter Cherna) Edwin ehoogerbeets@rose.waterloo.edu or edwin@watcsc.waterloo.edu uunet!watmath!watrose!ehoogerbeets or uunet!watmath!watcsc!edwin ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: (,NOV) Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set too low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Manx uses 16 bits as a default size for ints. Lattice uses 32 bits as its default, and is therefore not subject to this. The problem lies in trying to call a routine from Manx that requires 32 bit ints. Most calls to the operating system and most programs or libraries that use the operating system calls need to use 32 bit ints or they do wild and wonderful things all over memory. To get Manx to use 32 bits by default, just add +L to the 'cc' line. Also, once you have done this, remember to link with the 32 bit libraries: c32.lib m32.lib. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to AllocMem: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) A rule of thumb is to double the current size and try again until it works. Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: daveh@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: (,MOT) B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: (,MOU) AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on Usenet (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! [You might want to simulate a floppy disk on your hard drive so that you can use the Amiga 1.3 DISKCOPY program which only does the job when it believes that the source and destination disks are identical. That is, the number of tracks, the number of sectors per track and the number of heads]. When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector nowhere near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrong! If you apply the formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yes, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 as you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 [ Each mountlist entry seems to separately tell AmigaDOS the complete physical configuration of the drive, but the calculations for starting cylinder, track and number of sectors per surface are simply providing a non-overlapping method of telling AmigaDOS which is calculated sector to assign as the first sector within a logical partition. All of the calculations come down to that.] Some of you may look at this and say, "Why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive?" Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible speed of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calculated from of the current MountList entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)403-4762 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 14465 Middle Pine Creek Dr. Orland Park, IL 60462 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: (,REE) Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) Subject: (,TEC) Tech Ref. Docs This list will be growing, as we make the 1.3 Native Developer Update available, along with some other stuff we're planning. Commodore-Amiga Technical Information ===================================== Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications Full A1000 schematics, timing diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation of auto-config process IFF Manual and Disk Full IFF documentation and source listings, including new IFF form chunk ANIM. IFF disk includes source code, object files, executable programs and documentation. Fall 1986 Developers Conference Notes Contains the diagrams, outlines and additional notes pertaining to each conference speakers' topic. Some additional information has been included (e.g., 8520 specifications). AmigaMail Bimonthly technical newsletter produced by CATS. Articles range from programming standards through programming for compatibility to advance technical information on new products (hardware and software). Cost EACH for any of the above: U.S. $20 (in Canada $22.50, $25 elsewhere) A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual 275 page reference manual that describes the technical features of the A500 and A2000, and the features that differ from the A1000. Included are: System block diagrams, Amiga Expansion, Designing hardware for the Amiga Expansion Arhictecture, Driver documentation, Software for Amiga Expansion, BIOS entry points, Clock/Calendar Registers, plus much more. Also included are schematics. Cost each: U.S. $40 (in Canada $42.50, $45 elsewhere) TO ORDER ======== Send check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 Commodore Amiga Technical Support Programs ========================================== Certified Developer Support Program: Cost is $75 for the first year. Provides technical support through AmigaMail (our bimonthly newsletter) and through the amiga.dev conferences on BIX. Provides marketing information through AmigaMail-Markets our quarterly marketing newsletter. Hardware discounts are available to members of this program. Internal documentation and technical updates are made available when possible. Ths program is for third party developers who have not yet brought a product to market. Also, many user groups and education institutions find this program useful. Commercial Developer Support Program: Cost is $500 for the first year. This program includes all of the benefits listed above, along with eligibility for direct phone support from Commodore Amiga Technical Support (CATS) and membership in the closed developer conferences on BIX. When possible, and when a need is shown, beta versions of hardware and software are made available to Commercial developers. This program is designed for individuals and companies who have already sucessfully launched products into the commercial market. Because of the increased effort and resources required to provide this more intensive form of support, membership is limited, and subject to approval by Commodore. To receive an application for either support program, write to: CATS-Inquiries 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 ------------- New documents: Commodore-Amiga, Incorporated. Amiga Technical Reference Series. Reading, Massachusets: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1989; 3 volumes; 28 cm; paperbound. Amiga Hardware Reference Manual. approx 400 pages. "This maual covers the A1000, A500, and A2000 release machines." ISBN 0-201-18157-6. $24.95. CBM Product Number 327272-04. Includes glossary and index. 1. Introduction 2. Coprocessor Hardware 3. Playfield Hardware 4. Sprite Hardware 5. Audio Hardware 6. Blitter Hardware 7. System Contol Hardware 8. Interface Hardware A. Register Summary--Alphabetical Order B. Register Summary--Address Order C. Custom Chip Pin Allocation List D. System Memory Map E. Interfaces F. Complex Interface Adapters G. AUTOCONFIG(tm) H. Keyboard I. External Disk Connector Interface Specifications J. Hardware Example Include File Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Libraries & Devices. [STILL on order] approx $40 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Includes & Autodocs. approx. 760 pages. "This manual corresponds to V1.3 system software release." ISBN 0-201-18177-0. $32.95. Commodore Item Number 327271-06. Introduction Library Summaries diskfont.doc exec.doc expansion.doc graphics.doc icon.doc intuition.doc layers.doc mathffp.doc mathieeedoubbas.doc mathieeedoubtrans.doc mathtrans.doc translator.doc Devices Summaries audio.doc clipboard.doc console.doc gameport.doc input.doc keyboard.doc narrator.doc parallel.doc printer.doc serial.doc timer.doc trackdisk.doc Resource Summaries cia.doc disk.doc misc.doc potgo.doc C Include files - ".h" Files Assembly Include Files - ".i" Files Linker Libraries [amiga.lib stuff] Sample Device, Sample Library Reference Charts 1.3_Base_Offset_Reference Assembly_Prefix_Reference C_Language_Cross-Reference Chip_Register_Map Structure Reference IFF - Interchange File Format EA IFF 85 - General IFF Format Specifications Form Specifications from the Original EA Document Additional IFF Documents Third Party Registered FORM and Chunk Specifications EA IFF Source Code Additional IFF Examples Function Index ------- John A. Thywissen <thywiss@csvax.cs.ukans.edu> ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: (,UNS) Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP Subject: (,REC) Re: resource reclamation In article <YX2ERcy00Uh0IEQFxo@andrew.cmu.edu> (Miles Bader) writes: > How come simple resource reclamation isn't done? It seems like it > would be pretty simple to hang a list of allocated resources off a > task... > -Miles Because it isn't. The original DOS specified for the Amiga included resource reclamation, however when time got tight and Commodore had to go with MetaCompCo's modified version of TriPOS, there wasn't time to put it in. If you look at some of the structures you will notice that there entries for Tasks such as tc_MemEntry which were for this kind of stuff. That is not to say that it isn't possible. The ARP project (AmigaDOS Replacement Project) has created a library which allows you to track resources and free them on exit. The ARP stuff in on a Fish disk #??? and available thru the amiga archives. The question Miles didn't ask but always follows is : How come I can't kill a hung process with ^C or something? And when the program breaks why do I have to reboot the machine? The reason is that the Amiga does not have memory protection between tasks. And when a program goes astray, you do not know what sort of damage it may have caused to internal memory structures. It can damage the memory free list, trackdisk buffers, the stack of other programs, and a host of other "sensitive" areas. Consequently, if you continue to run the machine after a program has died, you run the much greater risk of destroying completely unrelated data. For most people this is unacceptable and that is why you have to reboot. For those people who like to gamble, there is a commercial program called GOMF which attempts to recover from these situations. It does keep the machine running, however if another program you are running crashes, you should be aware that it is much more likely that the originally crashed program probably is responsible, not a bug in the code that just ran. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP Subject: (,CUS) Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? >How can I redirect System Request windows to a screen other than the >Workbench screen? In particular, I'm interested in the ones that say >"Please insert volume ... in any drive". >From the bag of tricks of Bryce Nesbitt: struct Process *mproc; struct Window *window; APTR temp; ... mproc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L); temp = mproc->pr_WindowPtr; mproc->WindowPtr = (APTR) window; /* any window open on custom screen */ at the end: ... mproc->pr_WindowPtr = temp; /* retore BEFORE CloseWindow */ CloseWindow(window); Enjoy. -- Marco papa 'Doc' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uucp:...!pollux!papa BIX:papa ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: (,EXC) Need info on exceptions Time to go into a brief description of the three types of interrupts that exist on the Amiga: (1) Task Exceptions (via SetExcept() and standard signals). This is a task-level interrupt and only interrupts the task it is attached to. Other tasks still run... the interrupt only interrupts the one task. That is, any number of tasks may be handling exceptions all simultaniously. This is analogous to UNIX signals with one major exception.... system calls can get interrupted in the middle (i.e. library calls). Although all run-time libraries are reentrant between tasks, this is not always so within a given task. For instance, you cannot interrupt a DOS Write() with an exception and then do a Write() from within the exception!! Another for instance: you CAN call AllocMem(). So you have to be very careful as to when to allow an exception and when not to. Forbid() effectively disables exceptions (but also task switching). Also, there is a bug in the exception handler in that if an exception occured during a Forbid() it does NOT execute when you Permit()... i.e. you also have to do a SetExcept(0,0) to force EXEC to check for active exceptions after you Permit(). The 'simple' description of an exception is this: First, a task gets signalled and if the exception bit for that signal bit is set, the EXCEPTION-ENABLE BIT AND THE SIGNAL BIT IS CLEARED and the task then enters its exception handler. D0 contains a mask of the exception that occured (more than one bit may be set if more than one exception occured at once). The exception handler thus must be reentrant for different exception bits. After the handler runs, it must return a bitmask in D0 of those exceptions that occured. EXEC automatically ENABLES the exceptions specified by the bitmask. However, it doesn't check to see if they re-occured at this time... Thus, there is a window of vulnerability here. Usually, I reenable the exceptions manually with a SetExcept() call from the handler and return 0 in D0. Unlike other types of interrupts, EXEC saves and restores ALL of our registers (except the stack pointer) for us. But, you cannot make assumptions as to the contents of the registers (except for D0 and A1(=tc_ExceptData). Specifically, there is no guarentee A4 will contain the small-code-model data segment base so you must reload it if you intend to use that model inside the handler. (2) Software Interrupts. Software interrupts are HIGHER priority than tasks but LOWER priority than interrupts. Essentially, these are pseudo hardware interrupts but without the timing restrictions in real interrupts.... you can do things that you would not want to do in normal interrupts because they would otherwise take too long. BUT! A software interrupt is not a task, and you still may not use memory allocation/free functions within one (same restrictions as for hardware interrupts apply with the exception that you can take a longer time in the soft int). For example, instead of calling ReplyMsg() from an HARD interrupt handler you might want to Cause() a softint instead. This allows the HARD int to end (and other HARD ints to occur). A software interrupt uses the same structure as a hardware interrupt. (3) Hardware Interrupts. Real honest to goodness hardware interrupts. Implemented by SetIntVector() and AddIntServer() and the like. These are real hardware interrupts and the service routine should take as little time as possible in them... I mean as *little* time as possible. Make your code tight. Calling something like ReplyMsg() or PutMsg(), while it works, usually takes too much time for an interrupt handler to spare. Cause() a softint for things that take too much time so other interrupts can go. I don't know how much time Signal() takes. There are two flavors. (1) Direct hardware interrupts (SetIntVector()), and (2) Chained hardware interrupts. In many cases there are also resources (misc.resource, for instance) to arbitrate usage of some of the interrupt vectors. -Matt ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: (,IFF) IFF File Format >What exactly is the format of an Amiga IFF file? Intro to Amiga IFF ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes ================================================= Carolyn Scheppner - Commodore Amiga Technical Support The IFF (Interchange File Format) for graphic images on the Amiga is called FORM ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap). It follows a standard parsable IFF format. Sample hex dump of beginning of an ILBM: ======================================== Important note! You can NOT ever depend on any particular ILBM chunk being at any particular offset into the file! IFF files are composed, in their simplest form, of chunks within a FORM. Each chunk starts starts with a 4-letter chunkID, followed by a 32-bit length of the rest of the chunk. You PARSE IFF files, skipping past unneeded or unknown chunks by seeking their length (+1 if odd length) to the next 4-letter chunkID. 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A0E0 424F4459 ............BODY 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Interpretation: 'F O R M' length 'I L B M''B M H D'<-start of BitMapHeader chunk 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD length WideHigh XorgYorg PlMkCoPd <- Planes Mask Compression Pad 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... TranAspt PagwPagh 'C A M G' length <- start of C-AMiGa View modes chunk 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... Viewmode 'C M A P' length R g b R <- Viewmode 800=HAM | 4=LACE 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... g b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g <- Rgb's are for reg0 thru regN 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g b 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. R g b R g b R g b R g b 'B O D Y' 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A000 424F4459 ............BODY length start of body data <- Compacted (Compression=1 above) 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Notes on CAMG Viewmodes: HIRES=0x8000 LACE=0x4 HAM=0x800 HALFBRITE=0x80 ------ ILBM is a fairly simple IFF FORM. All you really need to deal with to extract the image are the following chunks: (Note - Also watch for AUTH Author chunks and (c) Copyright chunks and preserve any copyright information if you rewrite the ILBM) BMHD - info about the size, depth, compaction method (See interpreted hex dump above) CAMG - optional Amiga viewmodes chunk Most HAM and HALFBRITE ILBMs should have this chunk. If no CAMG chunk is present, and image is 6 planes deep, assume HAM and you'll probably be right. Some Amiga viewmodes flags are HIRES=0x8000, LACE=0x4, HAM=0x800, HALFBRITE=0x80. CMAP - RGB values for color registers 0 to n (each component left justified in a byte) BODY - The pixel data, stored in an interleaved fashion as follows: (each line individually compacted if BMHD Compression = 1) plane 0 scan line 0 plane 1 scan line 0 plane 2 scan line 0 ... plane n scan line 0 plane 0 scan line 1 plane 1 scan line 1 etc. Body Compression ================ The BODY contains pixel data for the image. Width, Height, and depth (Planes) is specified in the BMHD. If the BMHD Compression byte is 0, then the scan line data is not compressed. If Compression=1, then each scan line is individually compressed as follows: More than 2 bytes the same stored as BYTE code value n from -1 to -127 followed by byte to be repeated (-n) + 1 times. Varied bytes stored as BYTE code n from 0 to 127 followed by n+1 bytes of data. The byte code -128 is a NOP. Interpreting the Scan Line Data: ================================ If the ILBM is not HAM or HALFBRITE, then after parsing and uncompacting if necessary, you will have N planes of pixel data. Color register used for each pixel is specified by looking at each pixel thru the planes. IE - if you have 5 planes, and the bit for a particular pixel is set in planes 0 and 3: PLANE 4 3 2 1 0 PIXEL 0 1 0 0 1 then that pixel uses color register binary 01001 = 9 The RGB value for each color register is stored in the CMAP chunk of the ILBM, starting with register 0, with each register's RGB value stored as one byte of R, one byte G, and one byte of B, with each component left justified in the byte. (ie. Amiga R, G, and B components are each stored in the high nibble of a byte) BUT - if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, it is interpreted differently. === ========= Hopefully, if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, the package that saved it properly saved a CAMG chunk (look at a hex dump of your file with ascii interpretation - you will see the chunks - they all start with a 4-ascii-char chunk ID). If the picture is 6 planes deep and has no CAMG chunk, it is probably HAM. If you see a CAMG chunk, the "CAMG" is followed by the 32-bit chunk length, and then the 32-bit Amiga Viewmode flags. HAM pics will have the 0x800 bit set in CAMG chunk ViewModes. HALBRITE pics will have the 0x80 bit set. To transport a HAM or HALFBRITE picture to another machine, you must understand how HAM and HALFBRITE work on the Amiga. How Amiga HAM mode works: ========================= Amiga HAM (Hold and Modify) mode lets the Amiga display all 4096 RGB values. In HAM mode, the bits in the two last planes describe an R G or B modification to the color of the previous pixel on the line to create the color of the current pixel. So a 6-plane HAM picture has 4 planes for specifying absolute color pixels giving up to 16 absolute colors which would be specified in the ILBM CMAP chunk. The bits in the last two planes are color modification bits which cause the Amiga, in HAM mode, to take the RGB value of the previous pixel (Hold and), substitute the 4 bits in planes 0-3 for the previous color's R G or B component (Modify) and display the result for the current pixel. The color modification bits in the last two planes are interpreted as follows: 00 - no modification. Use planes 0-3 as normal color register index 10 - hold previous, replacing Blue component with bits from planes 0-3 01 - hold previous, replacing Red component with bits from planes 0-3 11 - hold previous. replacing Green component with bits from planes 0-3 How Amiga HALFBRITE mode works: =============================== This one is simpler. In HALFBRITE mode, the Amiga interprets the bit in the last plane as HALFBRITE modification. The bits in the other planes are treated as normal color register numbers (RGB values for each color register is specified in the CMAP chunk). If the bit in the last plane is set (1), then that pixel is displayed at half brightness. This can provide up to 64 absolute colors. Other Notes: ============ Amiga ILBMs images must be a even number of bytes wide. Smaller images (such as brushes) are padded to an even byte width. ILBMs created with Electronic Arts IBM and Amiga "DPaintII" packages are compatible (though you may have to use a '.lbm' filename extension on an IBM). The ILBM graphic files may be transferred between the machines (or between the Amiga and IBM sides your Amiga if you have a CBM Bridgeboard card installed) and loaded into either package. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Subject: (,REQ) Intuition requestors: how to stop them? >How do I make Intuition requestors NOT appear? Just place a $ffffffff (or -1) in the pr_windowptr field of your process, and intuition will mind its own business, returning errors when it would return a message. Note that you will want to restore this after your program exits, as leaving it at -1 will mean the CLI will not get intuition requestors anymore. Normally pr_windowptr is a 0. koster@cory.berkeley.edu David Ashley ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: bryce@cbmvax.UUCP Subject: (,BUG) Crashing all the way to Kickstart (*the solution*) In several articles <> several.net.posters wrote: > [Since installing V1.3 I have noticed something strange. If the > machine ever crashes, it sometimes goes back to the Kickstart hand > instead of the Workbench hand.] Thank you all for noting and reporting this bug. I have located the cause; a code mistake causes the Kickstart protected memory to be left open open for writing during some types of system Alert. This problem will be addressed in the next version of "SetPatch" (no date or distribution details are available at this time). Please note that some types of bug reports can be sent directly to Commodore. Before reporting, please verify the accuracy of your statements. Try removing any special programs or hacks you may be running (booting from your unmodified master Workbench disk is a good way to guarantee this). Submitted reports must include a TELEPHONE number. Reports must be CLEAR, COMPLETE and CONCISE. Based on your bug report alone, we must be able to repeat the bug. Bugs that we can repeat in-house GET FIXED. -Bryce Nesbitt, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Here is a sample bug report form: BUG REPORT ---------- Date: Name: Phone: Company: EMail: ### Bug Location (Hardware, Documentation, Software, Other): ### Your Configuration (Model, number and type of disks, memory, ### add-on equipment): ### Other software running or resident at the time of the bug (should be ### "none"): ### Revisions (Kickstart/Workbench revision numbers, etc.): ### Brief Bug Description: ### Bug Generation Procedure (remember that someone else will be trying to repeat this bug based on your description): ### Related bugs: -- |\_/| . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH! {O o} . Bryce Nesbitt (") BIX: bnesbitt U USENET: cbmvax!bryce@uunet.uu.NET -or- rutgers!cbmvax!bryce Lawyers: America's untapped export market. ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: peter@sugar.UUCP Subject: (,STA) A little help please... This is the code I use to find the stack size for launch... ---------[from launch.shar]--------- struct Process *FindTask(); ... struct Process *me; struct CommandLineInterface *cli; long stack; ... if(stack == 0) { me = FindTask(0); if(me->pr_CLI) { cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)(me->pr_CLI<<2); stack = cli->cli_DefaultStack<<2; /* DefaultStack is in Longwords */ } else stack = me->pr_StackSize; } -- Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva `-_-' Hackercorp. ...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net 'U` ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: page@Sun.COM (Bob Page) Subject: (,BOO) What the Amiga does on reboot u586182058ea@deneb.ucdavis.edu Frank Kuan wrote: >What does the Amiga do when you reboot? - Clear Chips (screen turns blue on custom chip failure) - Disable DMA and Interrupts - Clear the Screen - Check the Hardware - Pass or fail the Hardware to the Screen (dark grey if OK) - Checksum the WCS (OS does not checksum the ROM) - Pass or fail the WCS to the Screen (displays "Insert Kickstart" screen) - System setup - Check the for RAM at $C00000 - Move SYS_BASE to $C00000 if it exists - RAM Test - Pass or fail the RAM to the Screen (green if bad) - Check the Software - Pass or fail the Software to the Screen (light grey if OK) - Set up the RAM - Link the Libraries - Find External RAM and link it to the list - Set up Interrupts and DMA - Start default Task - Check for 68010, 68020, and 68881 - Check for an Exception (screen yellow if found and GURU handler not set up) - System Reset >Is it possible to change a vector somewhere and have the Amiga >run your code instead of the reboot sequence? Yes. This is one of those Amiga Secrets, most people don't discuss it because (presumably) it encourages crackers to write viruses and other nasty stuff. ..bob ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) Subject: (,LIB) Lattice Library Question >From article <690@dsacg2.UUCP>, by nor1675@dsacg2.UUCP (Michael Figg): > I've been programming with Lattice 'C' off and on for about 2.5 years now, > but continually get confused with what libraries need to be linked when. Take a look at the Addendum.docs file on disk 5 of your compiler package. Among other things it contains a description of all the files in the LIB: directory. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : 12 :::::::::::::::::::Library Descriptions::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cback.o Startup routine to detach process from CLI and run in background. catchres.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions in resident programs. lcs.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers. catch.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions. lcms.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library for use with 16-bit integers. lcm881.lib Lattice 68881 Coprocessor Math Library. c.o Standard Lattice Startup routine. lcnb.lib Lattice C Library for use with no base-relative data addressing. catchresnr.o Startup - Catch Exceptions, Resident, No Requesters on exception. lcmffp.lib Lattice Motorola Fast Floating Point Math Library. lcmieee.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Commodore Resident Library. lcsr.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers and Registerized Parameters. lcr.lib Lattice C Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lcmr.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lc.lib Lattice Standard C Library. cres.o Startup routine for Resident Programs. lcm.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library. lcsnb.lib Lattice C Library for 16-bit integers and no base-relative addressing. ddebug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Parallel Port. debug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Serial Port. amiga.lib Library of linkage routines to Amiga Resident Libraries. --Fabbian Dufoe 350 Ling-A-Mor Terrace South St. Petersburg, Florida 33705 813-823-2350 UUCP: ...uunet!pdn!jc3b21!fgd3 ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: uunet!ardent.com!rap (Rob Peck) Subject: (,AUD) audiotools How do I play sounds on the Amiga? I offer a disk of audiotools for the Amiga, for only $8.00. It includes source and object code in both C and Modula that makes it easier to add audio to your programs. It includes functions for obtaining and releasing audio channels, playing notes, explicit frequencies, sampled sounds, allows queueing of sounds to play, and even includes an ability to synchronize sound and graphics by having the audio.device itself tell you when a particular note begins to play. The audiotools are a continuing project, based on an article I originally wrote for Amiga World: July, 1987, but updated to add more capabilities, and with the text of the article now explaining the latest version of the tools. As of this writing, the audiotools are at release 3.0, the same level as that released at the Washington DC developers conference. I encourage submission of additional features and functions for and from interested parties. Pseudo public domain... that is, NO ROYALTIES, but I would hope that interested parties would contact me directly so that I can continue to receive suggestions for improvements and bug reports. Rob Peck, DATAPATH, POBox 1828, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Rob Peck ************************************************************************* From watdragon!watserv1!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!mailrus!cs.utexas.edu!usc!apple!rutgers!cbmvax!peter Thu Feb 22 12:18:18 EST 1990 From: peter@cbmvax.commodore.com (Peter Cherna) Subject: (,AGNUS) the Fatter Agnus In article <6187@cps3xx.UUCP> hensley@frith.egr.msu.edu (John Hensley) writes: >He said that without any fast RAM some programs, among them Deluxe Paint III, >Dungeon Master, and a bunch of other graphics-intensive programs, wouldn't >operate properly. This made absolutely no sense to me. Isn't the 512K on a >stock 500 all chip RAM with the Fatter Agnus? Why would programs that run in that chip RAM run less well with a meg of it? I don't know whether the programs you mention indeed have this trouble, but you can write software that has a bug (programmer misunderstanding, really) that would cause it to fail on 1Meg Agnus machines with no expansion RAM that would work on 1Meg machines with only 512K of chip. It will have nothing to do with how "graphics-intensive" the program is - on that point your dealer is mistaken. It may be that a couple of "graphics-intensive" programs have this problem, but again, it is a programmer's mistake basically unrelated to the category of program or its performance needs. When you allocate memory, you can ask for CHIP memory, FAST memory, or EITHER. Now, if you need chip, you should always ask for chip, but if you don't care, you should ask for either. Make sense? Tell that to people who ask EXPLICITLY for fast memory when they _mean_ either. So the memory allocation will fail if you have no fast memory installed. Now if a program required 1 Meg of memory total to run and made the mistake of asking for fast memory, then it would fail on an all-chip machine, which yours would be. It would work on a 1 Meg A500 or A2000 with an older Agnus, but it wouldn't work at all on an 512K machine. I don't see any reason that a program working on a 512K Amiga would fail on a 1 Meg chip machine (of course, some "creative" programmers who break rules have amazed us before). To add further confusion, you have three basic kinds of memory in the system, and their advantages: Usable by Custom Chips? No Chip Contention? chip yes no fast no yes C00000 no no So while chip memory is good because it can be accessed by the chip set, it can suffer during high DMA. You may find it strange that the C00000 memory (the 2nd 512K on a 1Meg A2000 or A500 with older Agnus) seems to have both disadvantages. The old Agnus just doesn't have the addressing range to use it, but we put it on the chip bus (where it suffers contention) so that it would become chip memory with a Super-Agnus installed. In the system, C00000 memory is classified as "fast" memory. So the "fast" memory that a program got by asking could actually be no better performing than chip, so clearly it never needed to ask for fast. Just to complete the tale, if you ask for "either" kind of memory, the system will try to give you fast memory in preference to chip memory. The system utility FastMemFirst we supply ensures that the order of preference is expansion fast memory (true fast memory), C00000 memory, and then chip memory (without it the system comes up with C00000 memory at the highest priority). So for those with expansion RAM and C00000 RAM, make sure you have FastMemFirst in your startup sequence - you WILL notice the difference. -- Peter Cherna, Software Engineer, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. {uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!peter peter@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com My opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of my employer. *************************************************************************
w-edwinh@microsoft.UUCP (Edwin HOOGERBEETS) (05/02/90)
This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. This posting last changed: May 1, 1990 Changes this month: Added: Amiga Programming Newsletter - Submissions/needs.... (,LET) It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. Please refer to this article first before posting to the net. This will help keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. Previously deleted topics are still available from the editor via email. * * There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. * To save this posting when you are using rn or vn: s newuser<return> to save in the file News/newuser. notes: snewuser<return> to save this article in the file ./newuser. To read any of the following topics, type 'g' for 'go to' and the index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: ,NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP ,MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP ,REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,TEC How to get the Technical Reference Documents from Commodore cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) ,UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,REC Resource reclamation, why can't it be done? cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP ,CUS Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP ,EXC Info on exceptions dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,IFF IFF File Format carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP ,REQ Intuition requestors: how to stop them? koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP ,BUG How to report bugs to Commodore (info on 1.3 crash to KickStart bug) bryce@cbmvax.UUCP ,STA How to find the stack size in a program peter@sugar.UUCP ,BOO What the Amiga does on reboot page@sun.COM (Bob Page) ,LIB A description of the Lattice libraries fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) ,AUD How to get audiotools uunet!ardent.com!rap (Rob Peck) ,AGNUS Questions and answers about the Fatter Agnus peter@cbmvax.commodore.com (Peter Cherna) ,LET Amiga Programming Newsletter - Submissions/needs.... kamidon@dip.eecs.umich.edu (Keith Amidon) Edwin w-edwinh@microsoft or uunet!microsoft!w-edwinh ************************************************************************* From uunet!Sun.COM!cmcmanis Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: cmcmanis@Sun.COM Subject: (,NOV) Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set too low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Manx uses 16 bits as a default size for ints. Lattice uses 32 bits as its default, and is therefore not subject to this. The problem lies in trying to call a routine from Manx that requires 32 bit ints. Most calls to the operating system and most programs or libraries that use the operating system calls need to use 32 bit ints or they do wild and wonderful things all over memory. To get Manx to use 32 bits by default, just add +L to the 'cc' line. Also, once you have done this, remember to link with the 32 bit libraries: c32.lib m32.lib. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to AllocMem: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) A rule of thumb is to double the current size and try again until it works. Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!daveh Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: daveh@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,MOT) B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: (,MOU) AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on Usenet (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! [You might want to simulate a floppy disk on your hard drive so that you can use the Amiga 1.3 DISKCOPY program which only does the job when it believes that the source and destination disks are identical. That is, the number of tracks, the number of sectors per track and the number of heads]. When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector nowhere near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrong! If you apply the formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yes, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 as you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 [ Each mountlist entry seems to separately tell AmigaDOS the complete physical configuration of the drive, but the calculations for starting cylinder, track and number of sectors per surface are simply providing a non-overlapping method of telling AmigaDOS which is calculated sector to assign as the first sector within a logical partition. All of the calculations come down to that.] Some of you may look at this and say, "Why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive?" Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible speed of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calculated from of the current MountList entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)403-4762 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 14465 Middle Pine Creek Dr. Orland Park, IL 60462 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!carolyn Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: carolyn@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,REE) Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!lauren Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: lauren@cbmvax.commodore.com (Lauren Brown CATS) Subject: (,TEC) Tech Ref. Docs This list will be growing, as we make the 1.3 Native Developer Update available, along with some other stuff we're planning. Commodore-Amiga Technical Information ===================================== Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications Full A1000 schematics, timing diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation of auto-config process IFF Manual and Disk Full IFF documentation and source listings, including new IFF form chunk ANIM. IFF disk includes source code, object files, executable programs and documentation. Fall 1986 Developers Conference Notes Contains the diagrams, outlines and additional notes pertaining to each conference speakers' topic. Some additional information has been included (e.g., 8520 specifications). AmigaMail Bimonthly technical newsletter produced by CATS. Articles range from programming standards through programming for compatibility to advance technical information on new products (hardware and software). Cost EACH for any of the above: U.S. $20 (in Canada $22.50, $25 elsewhere) A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual 275 page reference manual that describes the technical features of the A500 and A2000, and the features that differ from the A1000. Included are: System block diagrams, Amiga Expansion, Designing hardware for the Amiga Expansion Arhictecture, Driver documentation, Software for Amiga Expansion, BIOS entry points, Clock/Calendar Registers, plus much more. Also included are schematics. Cost each: U.S. $40 (in Canada $42.50, $45 elsewhere) TO ORDER ======== Send check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 Commodore Amiga Technical Support Programs ========================================== Certified Developer Support Program: Cost is $75 for the first year. Provides technical support through AmigaMail (our bimonthly newsletter) and through the amiga.dev conferences on BIX. Provides marketing information through AmigaMail-Markets our quarterly marketing newsletter. Hardware discounts are available to members of this program. Internal documentation and technical updates are made available when possible. Ths program is for third party developers who have not yet brought a product to market. Also, many user groups and education institutions find this program useful. Commercial Developer Support Program: Cost is $500 for the first year. This program includes all of the benefits listed above, along with eligibility for direct phone support from Commodore Amiga Technical Support (CATS) and membership in the closed developer conferences on BIX. When possible, and when a need is shown, beta versions of hardware and software are made available to Commercial developers. This program is designed for individuals and companies who have already sucessfully launched products into the commercial market. Because of the increased effort and resources required to provide this more intensive form of support, membership is limited, and subject to approval by Commodore. To receive an application for either support program, write to: CATS-Inquiries 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 ------------- New documents: Commodore-Amiga, Incorporated. Amiga Technical Reference Series. Reading, Massachusets: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1989; 3 volumes; 28 cm; paperbound. Amiga Hardware Reference Manual. approx 400 pages. "This maual covers the A1000, A500, and A2000 release machines." ISBN 0-201-18157-6. $24.95. CBM Product Number 327272-04. Includes glossary and index. 1. Introduction 2. Coprocessor Hardware 3. Playfield Hardware 4. Sprite Hardware 5. Audio Hardware 6. Blitter Hardware 7. System Contol Hardware 8. Interface Hardware A. Register Summary--Alphabetical Order B. Register Summary--Address Order C. Custom Chip Pin Allocation List D. System Memory Map E. Interfaces F. Complex Interface Adapters G. AUTOCONFIG(tm) H. Keyboard I. External Disk Connector Interface Specifications J. Hardware Example Include File Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Libraries & Devices. [STILL on order] approx $40 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Includes & Autodocs. approx. 760 pages. "This manual corresponds to V1.3 system software release." ISBN 0-201-18177-0. $32.95. Commodore Item Number 327271-06. Introduction Library Summaries diskfont.doc exec.doc expansion.doc graphics.doc icon.doc intuition.doc layers.doc mathffp.doc mathieeedoubbas.doc mathieeedoubtrans.doc mathtrans.doc translator.doc Devices Summaries audio.doc clipboard.doc console.doc gameport.doc input.doc keyboard.doc narrator.doc parallel.doc printer.doc serial.doc timer.doc trackdisk.doc Resource Summaries cia.doc disk.doc misc.doc potgo.doc C Include files - ".h" Files Assembly Include Files - ".i" Files Linker Libraries [amiga.lib stuff] Sample Device, Sample Library Reference Charts 1.3_Base_Offset_Reference Assembly_Prefix_Reference C_Language_Cross-Reference Chip_Register_Map Structure Reference IFF - Interchange File Format EA IFF 85 - General IFF Format Specifications Form Specifications from the Original EA Document Additional IFF Documents Third Party Registered FORM and Chunk Specifications EA IFF Source Code Additional IFF Examples Function Index ------- John A. Thywissen <thywiss@csvax.cs.ukans.edu> ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!carolyn Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: carolyn@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,UNS) Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession ************************************************************************* From uunet!Sun.COM!cmcmanis Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: cmcmanis@Sun.COM Subject: (,REC) Re: resource reclamation In article <YX2ERcy00Uh0IEQFxo@andrew.cmu.edu> (Miles Bader) writes: > How come simple resource reclamation isn't done? It seems like it > would be pretty simple to hang a list of allocated resources off a > task... > -Miles Because it isn't. The original DOS specified for the Amiga included resource reclamation, however when time got tight and Commodore had to go with MetaCompCo's modified version of TriPOS, there wasn't time to put it in. If you look at some of the structures you will notice that there entries for Tasks such as tc_MemEntry which were for this kind of stuff. That is not to say that it isn't possible. The ARP project (AmigaDOS Replacement Project) has created a library which allows you to track resources and free them on exit. The ARP stuff in on a Fish disk #??? and available thru the amiga archives. The question Miles didn't ask but always follows is : How come I can't kill a hung process with ^C or something? And when the program breaks why do I have to reboot the machine? The reason is that the Amiga does not have memory protection between tasks. And when a program goes astray, you do not know what sort of damage it may have caused to internal memory structures. It can damage the memory free list, trackdisk buffers, the stack of other programs, and a host of other "sensitive" areas. Consequently, if you continue to run the machine after a program has died, you run the much greater risk of destroying completely unrelated data. For most people this is unacceptable and that is why you have to reboot. For those people who like to gamble, there is a commercial program called GOMF which attempts to recover from these situations. It does keep the machine running, however if another program you are running crashes, you should be aware that it is much more likely that the originally crashed program probably is responsible, not a bug in the code that just ran. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP Subject: (,CUS) Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? >How can I redirect System Request windows to a screen other than the >Workbench screen? In particular, I'm interested in the ones that say >"Please insert volume ... in any drive". >From the bag of tricks of Bryce Nesbitt: struct Process *mproc; struct Window *window; APTR temp; ... mproc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L); temp = mproc->pr_WindowPtr; mproc->WindowPtr = (APTR) window; /* any window open on custom screen */ at the end: ... mproc->pr_WindowPtr = temp; /* retore BEFORE CloseWindow */ CloseWindow(window); Enjoy. -- Marco papa 'Doc' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uucp:...!pollux!papa BIX:papa ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: (,EXC) Need info on exceptions Time to go into a brief description of the three types of interrupts that exist on the Amiga: (1) Task Exceptions (via SetExcept() and standard signals). This is a task-level interrupt and only interrupts the task it is attached to. Other tasks still run... the interrupt only interrupts the one task. That is, any number of tasks may be handling exceptions all simultaniously. This is analogous to UNIX signals with one major exception.... system calls can get interrupted in the middle (i.e. library calls). Although all run-time libraries are reentrant between tasks, this is not always so within a given task. For instance, you cannot interrupt a DOS Write() with an exception and then do a Write() from within the exception!! Another for instance: you CAN call AllocMem(). So you have to be very careful as to when to allow an exception and when not to. Forbid() effectively disables exceptions (but also task switching). Also, there is a bug in the exception handler in that if an exception occured during a Forbid() it does NOT execute when you Permit()... i.e. you also have to do a SetExcept(0,0) to force EXEC to check for active exceptions after you Permit(). The 'simple' description of an exception is this: First, a task gets signalled and if the exception bit for that signal bit is set, the EXCEPTION-ENABLE BIT AND THE SIGNAL BIT IS CLEARED and the task then enters its exception handler. D0 contains a mask of the exception that occured (more than one bit may be set if more than one exception occured at once). The exception handler thus must be reentrant for different exception bits. After the handler runs, it must return a bitmask in D0 of those exceptions that occured. EXEC automatically ENABLES the exceptions specified by the bitmask. However, it doesn't check to see if they re-occured at this time... Thus, there is a window of vulnerability here. Usually, I reenable the exceptions manually with a SetExcept() call from the handler and return 0 in D0. Unlike other types of interrupts, EXEC saves and restores ALL of our registers (except the stack pointer) for us. But, you cannot make assumptions as to the contents of the registers (except for D0 and A1(=tc_ExceptData). Specifically, there is no guarentee A4 will contain the small-code-model data segment base so you must reload it if you intend to use that model inside the handler. (2) Software Interrupts. Software interrupts are HIGHER priority than tasks but LOWER priority than interrupts. Essentially, these are pseudo hardware interrupts but without the timing restrictions in real interrupts.... you can do things that you would not want to do in normal interrupts because they would otherwise take too long. BUT! A software interrupt is not a task, and you still may not use memory allocation/free functions within one (same restrictions as for hardware interrupts apply with the exception that you can take a longer time in the soft int). For example, instead of calling ReplyMsg() from an HARD interrupt handler you might want to Cause() a softint instead. This allows the HARD int to end (and other HARD ints to occur). A software interrupt uses the same structure as a hardware interrupt. (3) Hardware Interrupts. Real honest to goodness hardware interrupts. Implemented by SetIntVector() and AddIntServer() and the like. These are real hardware interrupts and the service routine should take as little time as possible in them... I mean as *little* time as possible. Make your code tight. Calling something like ReplyMsg() or PutMsg(), while it works, usually takes too much time for an interrupt handler to spare. Cause() a softint for things that take too much time so other interrupts can go. I don't know how much time Signal() takes. There are two flavors. (1) Direct hardware interrupts (SetIntVector()), and (2) Chained hardware interrupts. In many cases there are also resources (misc.resource, for instance) to arbitrate usage of some of the interrupt vectors. -Matt ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!carolyn Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: carolyn@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,IFF) IFF File Format >What exactly is the format of an Amiga IFF file? Intro to Amiga IFF ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes ================================================= Carolyn Scheppner - Commodore Amiga Technical Support The IFF (Interchange File Format) for graphic images on the Amiga is called FORM ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap). It follows a standard parsable IFF format. Sample hex dump of beginning of an ILBM: ======================================== Important note! You can NOT ever depend on any particular ILBM chunk being at any particular offset into the file! IFF files are composed, in their simplest form, of chunks within a FORM. Each chunk starts starts with a 4-letter chunkID, followed by a 32-bit length of the rest of the chunk. You PARSE IFF files, skipping past unneeded or unknown chunks by seeking their length (+1 if odd length) to the next 4-letter chunkID. 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A0E0 424F4459 ............BODY 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Interpretation: 'F O R M' length 'I L B M''B M H D'<-start of BitMapHeader chunk 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD length WideHigh XorgYorg PlMkCoPd <- Planes Mask Compression Pad 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... TranAspt PagwPagh 'C A M G' length <- start of C-AMiGa View modes chunk 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... Viewmode 'C M A P' length R g b R <- Viewmode 800=HAM | 4=LACE 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... g b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g <- Rgb's are for reg0 thru regN 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g b 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. R g b R g b R g b R g b 'B O D Y' 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A000 424F4459 ............BODY length start of body data <- Compacted (Compression=1 above) 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Notes on CAMG Viewmodes: HIRES=0x8000 LACE=0x4 HAM=0x800 HALFBRITE=0x80 ------ ILBM is a fairly simple IFF FORM. All you really need to deal with to extract the image are the following chunks: (Note - Also watch for AUTH Author chunks and (c) Copyright chunks and preserve any copyright information if you rewrite the ILBM) BMHD - info about the size, depth, compaction method (See interpreted hex dump above) CAMG - optional Amiga viewmodes chunk Most HAM and HALFBRITE ILBMs should have this chunk. If no CAMG chunk is present, and image is 6 planes deep, assume HAM and you'll probably be right. Some Amiga viewmodes flags are HIRES=0x8000, LACE=0x4, HAM=0x800, HALFBRITE=0x80. CMAP - RGB values for color registers 0 to n (each component left justified in a byte) BODY - The pixel data, stored in an interleaved fashion as follows: (each line individually compacted if BMHD Compression = 1) plane 0 scan line 0 plane 1 scan line 0 plane 2 scan line 0 ... plane n scan line 0 plane 0 scan line 1 plane 1 scan line 1 etc. Body Compression ================ The BODY contains pixel data for the image. Width, Height, and depth (Planes) is specified in the BMHD. If the BMHD Compression byte is 0, then the scan line data is not compressed. If Compression=1, then each scan line is individually compressed as follows: More than 2 bytes the same stored as BYTE code value n from -1 to -127 followed by byte to be repeated (-n) + 1 times. Varied bytes stored as BYTE code n from 0 to 127 followed by n+1 bytes of data. The byte code -128 is a NOP. Interpreting the Scan Line Data: ================================ If the ILBM is not HAM or HALFBRITE, then after parsing and uncompacting if necessary, you will have N planes of pixel data. Color register used for each pixel is specified by looking at each pixel thru the planes. IE - if you have 5 planes, and the bit for a particular pixel is set in planes 0 and 3: PLANE 4 3 2 1 0 PIXEL 0 1 0 0 1 then that pixel uses color register binary 01001 = 9 The RGB value for each color register is stored in the CMAP chunk of the ILBM, starting with register 0, with each register's RGB value stored as one byte of R, one byte G, and one byte of B, with each component left justified in the byte. (ie. Amiga R, G, and B components are each stored in the high nibble of a byte) BUT - if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, it is interpreted differently. === ========= Hopefully, if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, the package that saved it properly saved a CAMG chunk (look at a hex dump of your file with ascii interpretation - you will see the chunks - they all start with a 4-ascii-char chunk ID). If the picture is 6 planes deep and has no CAMG chunk, it is probably HAM. If you see a CAMG chunk, the "CAMG" is followed by the 32-bit chunk length, and then the 32-bit Amiga Viewmode flags. HAM pics will have the 0x800 bit set in CAMG chunk ViewModes. HALBRITE pics will have the 0x80 bit set. To transport a HAM or HALFBRITE picture to another machine, you must understand how HAM and HALFBRITE work on the Amiga. How Amiga HAM mode works: ========================= Amiga HAM (Hold and Modify) mode lets the Amiga display all 4096 RGB values. In HAM mode, the bits in the two last planes describe an R G or B modification to the color of the previous pixel on the line to create the color of the current pixel. So a 6-plane HAM picture has 4 planes for specifying absolute color pixels giving up to 16 absolute colors which would be specified in the ILBM CMAP chunk. The bits in the last two planes are color modification bits which cause the Amiga, in HAM mode, to take the RGB value of the previous pixel (Hold and), substitute the 4 bits in planes 0-3 for the previous color's R G or B component (Modify) and display the result for the current pixel. The color modification bits in the last two planes are interpreted as follows: 00 - no modification. Use planes 0-3 as normal color register index 10 - hold previous, replacing Blue component with bits from planes 0-3 01 - hold previous, replacing Red component with bits from planes 0-3 11 - hold previous. replacing Green component with bits from planes 0-3 How Amiga HALFBRITE mode works: =============================== This one is simpler. In HALFBRITE mode, the Amiga interprets the bit in the last plane as HALFBRITE modification. The bits in the other planes are treated as normal color register numbers (RGB values for each color register is specified in the CMAP chunk). If the bit in the last plane is set (1), then that pixel is displayed at half brightness. This can provide up to 64 absolute colors. Other Notes: ============ Amiga ILBMs images must be a even number of bytes wide. Smaller images (such as brushes) are padded to an even byte width. ILBMs created with Electronic Arts IBM and Amiga "DPaintII" packages are compatible (though you may have to use a '.lbm' filename extension on an IBM). The ILBM graphic files may be transferred between the machines (or between the Amiga and IBM sides your Amiga if you have a CBM Bridgeboard card installed) and loaded into either package. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Subject: (,REQ) Intuition requestors: how to stop them? >How do I make Intuition requestors NOT appear? Just place a $ffffffff (or -1) in the pr_windowptr field of your process, and intuition will mind its own business, returning errors when it would return a message. Note that you will want to restore this after your program exits, as leaving it at -1 will mean the CLI will not get intuition requestors anymore. Normally pr_windowptr is a 0. koster@cory.berkeley.edu David Ashley ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!bryce Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: bryce@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,BUG) Crashing all the way to Kickstart (*the solution*) In several articles <> several.net.posters wrote: > [Since installing V1.3 I have noticed something strange. If the > machine ever crashes, it sometimes goes back to the Kickstart hand > instead of the Workbench hand.] Thank you all for noting and reporting this bug. I have located the cause; a code mistake causes the Kickstart protected memory to be left open open for writing during some types of system Alert. This problem will be addressed in the next version of "SetPatch" (no date or distribution details are available at this time). Please note that some types of bug reports can be sent directly to Commodore. Before reporting, please verify the accuracy of your statements. Try removing any special programs or hacks you may be running (booting from your unmodified master Workbench disk is a good way to guarantee this). Submitted reports must include a TELEPHONE number. Reports must be CLEAR, COMPLETE and CONCISE. Based on your bug report alone, we must be able to repeat the bug. Bugs that we can repeat in-house GET FIXED. -Bryce Nesbitt, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Here is a sample bug report form: BUG REPORT ---------- Date: Name: Phone: Company: EMail: ### Bug Location (Hardware, Documentation, Software, Other): ### Your Configuration (Model, number and type of disks, memory, ### add-on equipment): ### Other software running or resident at the time of the bug (should be ### "none"): ### Revisions (Kickstart/Workbench revision numbers, etc.): ### Brief Bug Description: ### Bug Generation Procedure (remember that someone else will be trying to repeat this bug based on your description): ### Related bugs: -- |\_/| . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH! {O o} . Bryce Nesbitt (") BIX: bnesbitt U USENET: cbmvax!bryce@uunet.uu.NET -or- rutgers!cbmvax!bryce Lawyers: America's untapped export market. ************************************************************************* From uunet!sugar!peter Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: peter@sugar.UUCP Subject: (,STA) A little help please... This is the code I use to find the stack size for launch... ---------[from launch.shar]--------- struct Process *FindTask(); ... struct Process *me; struct CommandLineInterface *cli; long stack; ... if(stack == 0) { me = FindTask(0); if(me->pr_CLI) { cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)(me->pr_CLI<<2); stack = cli->cli_DefaultStack<<2; /* DefaultStack is in Longwords */ } else stack = me->pr_StackSize; } -- Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva `-_-' Hackercorp. ...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net 'U` ************************************************************************* From uunet!Sun.COM!page Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: page@Sun.COM (Bob Page) Subject: (,BOO) What the Amiga does on reboot u586182058ea@deneb.ucdavis.edu Frank Kuan wrote: >What does the Amiga do when you reboot? - Clear Chips (screen turns blue on custom chip failure) - Disable DMA and Interrupts - Clear the Screen - Check the Hardware - Pass or fail the Hardware to the Screen (dark grey if OK) - Checksum the WCS (OS does not checksum the ROM) - Pass or fail the WCS to the Screen (displays "Insert Kickstart" screen) - System setup - Check the for RAM at $C00000 - Move SYS_BASE to $C00000 if it exists - RAM Test - Pass or fail the RAM to the Screen (green if bad) - Check the Software - Pass or fail the Software to the Screen (light grey if OK) - Set up the RAM - Link the Libraries - Find External RAM and link it to the list - Set up Interrupts and DMA - Start default Task - Check for 68010, 68020, and 68881 - Check for an Exception (screen yellow if found and GURU handler not set up) - System Reset >Is it possible to change a vector somewhere and have the Amiga >run your code instead of the reboot sequence? Yes. This is one of those Amiga Secrets, most people don't discuss it because (presumably) it encourages crackers to write viruses and other nasty stuff. ..bob ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) Subject: (,LIB) Lattice Library Question >From article <690@dsacg2.UUCP>, by nor1675@dsacg2.UUCP (Michael Figg): > I've been programming with Lattice 'C' off and on for about 2.5 years now, > but continually get confused with what libraries need to be linked when. Take a look at the Addendum.docs file on disk 5 of your compiler package. Among other things it contains a description of all the files in the LIB: directory. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : 12 :::::::::::::::::::Library Descriptions::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cback.o Startup routine to detach process from CLI and run in background. catchres.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions in resident programs. lcs.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers. catch.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions. lcms.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library for use with 16-bit integers. lcm881.lib Lattice 68881 Coprocessor Math Library. c.o Standard Lattice Startup routine. lcnb.lib Lattice C Library for use with no base-relative data addressing. catchresnr.o Startup - Catch Exceptions, Resident, No Requesters on exception. lcmffp.lib Lattice Motorola Fast Floating Point Math Library. lcmieee.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Commodore Resident Library. lcsr.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers and Registerized Parameters. lcr.lib Lattice C Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lcmr.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lc.lib Lattice Standard C Library. cres.o Startup routine for Resident Programs. lcm.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library. lcsnb.lib Lattice C Library for 16-bit integers and no base-relative addressing. ddebug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Parallel Port. debug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Serial Port. amiga.lib Library of linkage routines to Amiga Resident Libraries. --Fabbian Dufoe 350 Ling-A-Mor Terrace South St. Petersburg, Florida 33705 813-823-2350 UUCP: ...uunet!pdn!jc3b21!fgd3 ************************************************************************* From uunet!ardent.com!rap Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: rap@ardent.com (Rob Peck) Subject: (,AUD) audiotools How do I play sounds on the Amiga? I offer a disk of audiotools for the Amiga, for only $8.00. It includes source and object code in both C and Modula that makes it easier to add audio to your programs. It includes functions for obtaining and releasing audio channels, playing notes, explicit frequencies, sampled sounds, allows queueing of sounds to play, and even includes an ability to synchronize sound and graphics by having the audio.device itself tell you when a particular note begins to play. The audiotools are a continuing project, based on an article I originally wrote for Amiga World: July, 1987, but updated to add more capabilities, and with the text of the article now explaining the latest version of the tools. As of this writing, the audiotools are at release 3.0, the same level as that released at the Washington DC developers conference. I encourage submission of additional features and functions for and from interested parties. Pseudo public domain... that is, NO ROYALTIES, but I would hope that interested parties would contact me directly so that I can continue to receive suggestions for improvements and bug reports. Rob Peck, DATAPATH, POBox 1828, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Rob Peck ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!peter Thu Feb 22 12:18:18 EST 1990 From: peter@cbmvax.commodore.com (Peter Cherna) Subject: (,AGNUS) the Fatter Agnus In article <6187@cps3xx.UUCP> hensley@frith.egr.msu.edu (John Hensley) writes: >He said that without any fast RAM some programs, among them Deluxe Paint III, >Dungeon Master, and a bunch of other graphics-intensive programs, wouldn't >operate properly. This made absolutely no sense to me. Isn't the 512K on a >stock 500 all chip RAM with the Fatter Agnus? Why would programs that run in that chip RAM run less well with a meg of it? I don't know whether the programs you mention indeed have this trouble, but you can write software that has a bug (programmer misunderstanding, really) that would cause it to fail on 1Meg Agnus machines with no expansion RAM that would work on 1Meg machines with only 512K of chip. It will have nothing to do with how "graphics-intensive" the program is - on that point your dealer is mistaken. It may be that a couple of "graphics-intensive" programs have this problem, but again, it is a programmer's mistake basically unrelated to the category of program or its performance needs. When you allocate memory, you can ask for CHIP memory, FAST memory, or EITHER. Now, if you need chip, you should always ask for chip, but if you don't care, you should ask for either. Make sense? Tell that to people who ask EXPLICITLY for fast memory when they _mean_ either. So the memory allocation will fail if you have no fast memory installed. Now if a program required 1 Meg of memory total to run and made the mistake of asking for fast memory, then it would fail on an all-chip machine, which yours would be. It would work on a 1 Meg A500 or A2000 with an older Agnus, but it wouldn't work at all on an 512K machine. I don't see any reason that a program working on a 512K Amiga would fail on a 1 Meg chip machine (of course, some "creative" programmers who break rules have amazed us before). To add further confusion, you have three basic kinds of memory in the system, and their advantages: Usable by Custom Chips? No Chip Contention? chip yes no fast no yes C00000 no no So while chip memory is good because it can be accessed by the chip set, it can suffer during high DMA. You may find it strange that the C00000 memory (the 2nd 512K on a 1Meg A2000 or A500 with older Agnus) seems to have both disadvantages. The old Agnus just doesn't have the addressing range to use it, but we put it on the chip bus (where it suffers contention) so that it would become chip memory with a Super-Agnus installed. In the system, C00000 memory is classified as "fast" memory. So the "fast" memory that a program got by asking could actually be no better performing than chip, so clearly it never needed to ask for fast. Just to complete the tale, if you ask for "either" kind of memory, the system will try to give you fast memory in preference to chip memory. The system utility FastMemFirst we supply ensures that the order of preference is expansion fast memory (true fast memory), C00000 memory, and then chip memory (without it the system comes up with C00000 memory at the highest priority). So for those with expansion RAM and C00000 RAM, make sure you have FastMemFirst in your startup sequence - you WILL notice the difference. -- Peter Cherna, Software Engineer, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. {uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!peter peter@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com My opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of my employer. ************************************************************************* From uunet!dip.eecs.umich.edu!kamidon Sat Apr 28 16:30:44 PDT 1990 From: kamidon@dip.eecs.umich.edu (Keith Amidon) Subject: (,LET) Amiga Programming Newsletter - Submissions/needs.... The Amiga Progamming Newsletter is looking for a few good people to write some columns for our readership. I would like to see the following columns in this newsletter: 1 - Amiga Internals: This column would delve into the internals of programming on the Amiga, discussing such topics as message passing, safe task creation, etc. It would hopefully start with a logical overview of the entire Amiga programming system, and then start examining each important sub-system in great detail, including well commented source code to illustrate important points. It would be nice if this could be posted fairly regularly. 2 - Tricks of the Trade: This column would compile a list of bug fixes/workarounds etc. for the Amiga system software and programming utilities. It could also keep a record of the current version numbers of various widely used programming tools. (Not to run on but..) It could also keep a bibliography of currently available box on programming the Amiga, with short descriptions of their good/bad points etc. Those are the two ideas I have had for columns so far. If you have a topic you would like to write about on a regular basis that could be a column, please mail at the address which will be given below, and we can see how it will fit in. (Hint .... PLEASE mail me!!!) Along with the columns, I would also like to post one time articles from various authors. These articles could review a programming tool, explain some complex bit of Amiga programming, or showcase new tools written by the author to make programming easier. Actually, just about anything having to do with programming the Amiga would be great! Now, the submission guidelines. 1 - Please, submit all text as plain ASCII with 80 columns maximum. While this may not be strictly neccessary, it will make my life A LOT easier. 2 - Any source code submitted should be well commented and only included if it is neccessary or relavent to the article. There is no point in distributing usesless or unreadable code, since no one will be able to get anything out of it. 3 - If source code is submitted, please included a uuencoded binary. I require this because there is no way I can get access to all of the programming tools that would allow me to examine the final result of the code. If you are descibing a library etc., please include a demo. 4 - All source code must be either PD or freely-redistributable. I will simply be redistributing the author's material, so it will remain in his or her copyright. However, I prefer not to distribute shareware code. 5 - Thats it! If I feel that any material doesn't fit the above guidelines, I will get in touch with the author so we can work the problems out. This will be done in a nice manner, NOT IT'S not right so FIX IT :^) Thanks for reading this post. I have been using a lot of network bandwidth lately trying to get this thing off the ground. However, things should calm down again soon. Thanks, Keith Amidon Woops.... I almost forgot, the mail address for submission of material follows: apn_sub@dip.eecs.umich.edu (Amiga Programming Newsletter_SUBmit) ------------- >From: kamidon@dip.eecs.umich.edu (Keith Amidon) Subject: Amiga Programming Newsletter, final post (for a while 8^) This is the last post I will be making about the Amiga Programming Newsletter for a while. However, there are a few things I wanted to clear up ASAP, and because the mailing distribution list isn't quite in finished form yet, I thought this would be the best way to reach everyone involved. There are several questions which already seem to be very common, and I would like to deal with these here rather than mailing people individually. So: 1 - Yes, I will be archiving back issues of all articles going through the mailing list. I have not decided how I will handle distributing backissues yet, but I will inform everyone via the mailing list when I know for sure. 2 - I would like this newsletter to reach as many people as possible. For this reason I will be redistributing the material without attaching any copyright etc. (except on my own stuff) Copyright etc. will be left in the name of the person submitting the article (HINT: if you submit one, add the copyright etc) I will not distribute any material which does not allow distribution outside the newsletter, which means that anyone who wishes to may redistribute the newsletter. The only condition I impose is that the redistribution must bne done on a NOT FOR PROFIT basis. A lot of my work will be going into this project, I don't want others making money off it. 3 - For submissions, I will accept anything, written in any langauge as long as there is a binary so I can look at the result of the code. (This is because I can't own all possible programming tools) That about ties it up. I will be writing several standard reply messages for subscriptions etc. as soon as I have time so that people will know they have been added to the list and will get information similar to the above when they subscribe. However, AGAIN I will most likely not produce anything until May 3. If you asked for a subscription and haven't heard from me, don't worry. After May 3 I will post to the list a message dealing with many of these issues along with a simultaneous post to c.s.a so that people will know they should be getting something. If you don't receive something soon after the post in c.s.a, mail me with your subscription again. By the way, for those who joined us late, the subscription address is: apn_sub@dip.eecs.umich.edu (Amiga Programming Newsletter SUBscribe) the address for submissions is: apn_sub@dip.eecs.umich.edu (Amiga Programming Newsletter SUBmit) Yes, they are really the same address 8^) Thanks again, Keith Amidon -- editor, Amiga Programming Newsletter kamidon@dip.eecs.umich.edu *************************************************************************
w-edwinh@microsoft.UUCP (Edwin HOOGERBEETS) (07/04/90)
This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. This posting last changed: June 1, 1990 Changes this month: Updated: Amiga Programming Newsletter (,LET) It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. Please refer to this article first before posting to the net. This will help keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. Previously deleted topics are still available from the editor via email. * * There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. * To save this posting when you are using rn or vn: s newuser<return> to save in the file News/newuser. notes: snewuser<return> to save this article in the file ./newuser. To read any of the following topics, type 'g' for 'go to' and the index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: ,NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP ,MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP ,REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,TEC How to get the Technical Reference Documents from Commodore cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) ,UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,REC Resource reclamation, why can't it be done? cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP ,CUS Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP ,EXC Info on exceptions dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,IFF IFF File Format carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP ,REQ Intuition requestors: how to stop them? koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP ,BUG How to report bugs to Commodore (info on 1.3 crash to KickStart bug) bryce@cbmvax.UUCP ,STA How to find the stack size in a program peter@sugar.UUCP ,BOO What the Amiga does on reboot page@sun.COM (Bob Page) ,LIB A description of the Lattice libraries fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) ,AUD How to get audiotools uunet!ardent.com!rap (Rob Peck) ,AGNUS Questions and answers about the Fatter Agnus peter@cbmvax.commodore.com (Peter Cherna) ,LET Amiga Programming Newsletter kamidon@dip.eecs.umich.edu (Keith Amidon) Edwin w-edwinh@microsoft or uunet!microsoft!w-edwinh ************************************************************************* From uunet!Sun.COM!cmcmanis Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: cmcmanis@Sun.COM Subject: (,NOV) Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set too low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Manx uses 16 bits as a default size for ints. Lattice uses 32 bits as its default, and is therefore not subject to this. The problem lies in trying to call a routine from Manx that requires 32 bit ints. Most calls to the operating system and most programs or libraries that use the operating system calls need to use 32 bit ints or they do wild and wonderful things all over memory. To get Manx to use 32 bits by default, just add +L to the 'cc' line. Also, once you have done this, remember to link with the 32 bit libraries: c32.lib m32.lib. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory (slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K of memory. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to AllocMem: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) A rule of thumb is to double the current size and try again until it works. Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!utai!utcsri!hcr!edwin ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!daveh Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: daveh@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,MOT) B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: (,MOU) AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on Usenet (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! [You might want to simulate a floppy disk on your hard drive so that you can use the Amiga 1.3 DISKCOPY program which only does the job when it believes that the source and destination disks are identical. That is, the number of tracks, the number of sectors per track and the number of heads]. When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector nowhere near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrong! If you apply the formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yes, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 as you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 [ Each mountlist entry seems to separately tell AmigaDOS the complete physical configuration of the drive, but the calculations for starting cylinder, track and number of sectors per surface are simply providing a non-overlapping method of telling AmigaDOS which is calculated sector to assign as the first sector within a logical partition. All of the calculations come down to that.] Some of you may look at this and say, "Why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive?" Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible speed of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calculated from of the current MountList entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)403-4762 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 14465 Middle Pine Creek Dr. Orland Park, IL 60462 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!carolyn Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: carolyn@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,REE) Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!lauren Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: lauren@cbmvax.commodore.com (Lauren Brown CATS) Subject: (,TEC) Tech Ref. Docs This list will be growing, as we make the 1.3 Native Developer Update available, along with some other stuff we're planning. Commodore-Amiga Technical Information ===================================== Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications Full A1000 schematics, timing diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation of auto-config process IFF Manual and Disk Full IFF documentation and source listings, including new IFF form chunk ANIM. IFF disk includes source code, object files, executable programs and documentation. Fall 1986 Developers Conference Notes Contains the diagrams, outlines and additional notes pertaining to each conference speakers' topic. Some additional information has been included (e.g., 8520 specifications). AmigaMail Bimonthly technical newsletter produced by CATS. Articles range from programming standards through programming for compatibility to advance technical information on new products (hardware and software). Cost EACH for any of the above: U.S. $20 (in Canada $22.50, $25 elsewhere) A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual 275 page reference manual that describes the technical features of the A500 and A2000, and the features that differ from the A1000. Included are: System block diagrams, Amiga Expansion, Designing hardware for the Amiga Expansion Arhictecture, Driver documentation, Software for Amiga Expansion, BIOS entry points, Clock/Calendar Registers, plus much more. Also included are schematics. Cost each: U.S. $40 (in Canada $42.50, $45 elsewhere) TO ORDER ======== Send check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 Commodore Amiga Technical Support Programs ========================================== Certified Developer Support Program: Cost is $75 for the first year. Provides technical support through AmigaMail (our bimonthly newsletter) and through the amiga.dev conferences on BIX. Provides marketing information through AmigaMail-Markets our quarterly marketing newsletter. Hardware discounts are available to members of this program. Internal documentation and technical updates are made available when possible. Ths program is for third party developers who have not yet brought a product to market. Also, many user groups and education institutions find this program useful. Commercial Developer Support Program: Cost is $500 for the first year. This program includes all of the benefits listed above, along with eligibility for direct phone support from Commodore Amiga Technical Support (CATS) and membership in the closed developer conferences on BIX. When possible, and when a need is shown, beta versions of hardware and software are made available to Commercial developers. This program is designed for individuals and companies who have already sucessfully launched products into the commercial market. Because of the increased effort and resources required to provide this more intensive form of support, membership is limited, and subject to approval by Commodore. To receive an application for either support program, write to: CATS-Inquiries 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 ------------- New documents: Commodore-Amiga, Incorporated. Amiga Technical Reference Series. Reading, Massachusets: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1989; 3 volumes; 28 cm; paperbound. Amiga Hardware Reference Manual. approx 400 pages. "This maual covers the A1000, A500, and A2000 release machines." ISBN 0-201-18157-6. $24.95. CBM Product Number 327272-04. Includes glossary and index. 1. Introduction 2. Coprocessor Hardware 3. Playfield Hardware 4. Sprite Hardware 5. Audio Hardware 6. Blitter Hardware 7. System Contol Hardware 8. Interface Hardware A. Register Summary--Alphabetical Order B. Register Summary--Address Order C. Custom Chip Pin Allocation List D. System Memory Map E. Interfaces F. Complex Interface Adapters G. AUTOCONFIG(tm) H. Keyboard I. External Disk Connector Interface Specifications J. Hardware Example Include File Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Libraries & Devices. [STILL on order] approx $40 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Includes & Autodocs. approx. 760 pages. "This manual corresponds to V1.3 system software release." ISBN 0-201-18177-0. $32.95. Commodore Item Number 327271-06. Introduction Library Summaries diskfont.doc exec.doc expansion.doc graphics.doc icon.doc intuition.doc layers.doc mathffp.doc mathieeedoubbas.doc mathieeedoubtrans.doc mathtrans.doc translator.doc Devices Summaries audio.doc clipboard.doc console.doc gameport.doc input.doc keyboard.doc narrator.doc parallel.doc printer.doc serial.doc timer.doc trackdisk.doc Resource Summaries cia.doc disk.doc misc.doc potgo.doc C Include files - ".h" Files Assembly Include Files - ".i" Files Linker Libraries [amiga.lib stuff] Sample Device, Sample Library Reference Charts 1.3_Base_Offset_Reference Assembly_Prefix_Reference C_Language_Cross-Reference Chip_Register_Map Structure Reference IFF - Interchange File Format EA IFF 85 - General IFF Format Specifications Form Specifications from the Original EA Document Additional IFF Documents Third Party Registered FORM and Chunk Specifications EA IFF Source Code Additional IFF Examples Function Index ------- John A. Thywissen <thywiss@csvax.cs.ukans.edu> ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!carolyn Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: carolyn@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,UNS) Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession ************************************************************************* From uunet!Sun.COM!cmcmanis Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: cmcmanis@Sun.COM Subject: (,REC) Re: resource reclamation In article <YX2ERcy00Uh0IEQFxo@andrew.cmu.edu> (Miles Bader) writes: > How come simple resource reclamation isn't done? It seems like it > would be pretty simple to hang a list of allocated resources off a > task... > -Miles Because it isn't. The original DOS specified for the Amiga included resource reclamation, however when time got tight and Commodore had to go with MetaCompCo's modified version of TriPOS, there wasn't time to put it in. If you look at some of the structures you will notice that there entries for Tasks such as tc_MemEntry which were for this kind of stuff. That is not to say that it isn't possible. The ARP project (AmigaDOS Replacement Project) has created a library which allows you to track resources and free them on exit. The ARP stuff in on a Fish disk #??? and available thru the amiga archives. The question Miles didn't ask but always follows is : How come I can't kill a hung process with ^C or something? And when the program breaks why do I have to reboot the machine? The reason is that the Amiga does not have memory protection between tasks. And when a program goes astray, you do not know what sort of damage it may have caused to internal memory structures. It can damage the memory free list, trackdisk buffers, the stack of other programs, and a host of other "sensitive" areas. Consequently, if you continue to run the machine after a program has died, you run the much greater risk of destroying completely unrelated data. For most people this is unacceptable and that is why you have to reboot. For those people who like to gamble, there is a commercial program called GOMF which attempts to recover from these situations. It does keep the machine running, however if another program you are running crashes, you should be aware that it is much more likely that the originally crashed program probably is responsible, not a bug in the code that just ran. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP Subject: (,CUS) Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? >How can I redirect System Request windows to a screen other than the >Workbench screen? In particular, I'm interested in the ones that say >"Please insert volume ... in any drive". >From the bag of tricks of Bryce Nesbitt: struct Process *mproc; struct Window *window; APTR temp; ... mproc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L); temp = mproc->pr_WindowPtr; mproc->WindowPtr = (APTR) window; /* any window open on custom screen */ at the end: ... mproc->pr_WindowPtr = temp; /* retore BEFORE CloseWindow */ CloseWindow(window); Enjoy. -- Marco papa 'Doc' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uucp:...!pollux!papa BIX:papa ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: (,EXC) Need info on exceptions Time to go into a brief description of the three types of interrupts that exist on the Amiga: (1) Task Exceptions (via SetExcept() and standard signals). This is a task-level interrupt and only interrupts the task it is attached to. Other tasks still run... the interrupt only interrupts the one task. That is, any number of tasks may be handling exceptions all simultaniously. This is analogous to UNIX signals with one major exception.... system calls can get interrupted in the middle (i.e. library calls). Although all run-time libraries are reentrant between tasks, this is not always so within a given task. For instance, you cannot interrupt a DOS Write() with an exception and then do a Write() from within the exception!! Another for instance: you CAN call AllocMem(). So you have to be very careful as to when to allow an exception and when not to. Forbid() effectively disables exceptions (but also task switching). Also, there is a bug in the exception handler in that if an exception occured during a Forbid() it does NOT execute when you Permit()... i.e. you also have to do a SetExcept(0,0) to force EXEC to check for active exceptions after you Permit(). The 'simple' description of an exception is this: First, a task gets signalled and if the exception bit for that signal bit is set, the EXCEPTION-ENABLE BIT AND THE SIGNAL BIT IS CLEARED and the task then enters its exception handler. D0 contains a mask of the exception that occured (more than one bit may be set if more than one exception occured at once). The exception handler thus must be reentrant for different exception bits. After the handler runs, it must return a bitmask in D0 of those exceptions that occured. EXEC automatically ENABLES the exceptions specified by the bitmask. However, it doesn't check to see if they re-occured at this time... Thus, there is a window of vulnerability here. Usually, I reenable the exceptions manually with a SetExcept() call from the handler and return 0 in D0. Unlike other types of interrupts, EXEC saves and restores ALL of our registers (except the stack pointer) for us. But, you cannot make assumptions as to the contents of the registers (except for D0 and A1(=tc_ExceptData). Specifically, there is no guarentee A4 will contain the small-code-model data segment base so you must reload it if you intend to use that model inside the handler. (2) Software Interrupts. Software interrupts are HIGHER priority than tasks but LOWER priority than interrupts. Essentially, these are pseudo hardware interrupts but without the timing restrictions in real interrupts.... you can do things that you would not want to do in normal interrupts because they would otherwise take too long. BUT! A software interrupt is not a task, and you still may not use memory allocation/free functions within one (same restrictions as for hardware interrupts apply with the exception that you can take a longer time in the soft int). For example, instead of calling ReplyMsg() from an HARD interrupt handler you might want to Cause() a softint instead. This allows the HARD int to end (and other HARD ints to occur). A software interrupt uses the same structure as a hardware interrupt. (3) Hardware Interrupts. Real honest to goodness hardware interrupts. Implemented by SetIntVector() and AddIntServer() and the like. These are real hardware interrupts and the service routine should take as little time as possible in them... I mean as *little* time as possible. Make your code tight. Calling something like ReplyMsg() or PutMsg(), while it works, usually takes too much time for an interrupt handler to spare. Cause() a softint for things that take too much time so other interrupts can go. I don't know how much time Signal() takes. There are two flavors. (1) Direct hardware interrupts (SetIntVector()), and (2) Chained hardware interrupts. In many cases there are also resources (misc.resource, for instance) to arbitrate usage of some of the interrupt vectors. -Matt ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!carolyn Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: carolyn@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,IFF) IFF File Format >What exactly is the format of an Amiga IFF file? Intro to Amiga IFF ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes ================================================= Carolyn Scheppner - Commodore Amiga Technical Support The IFF (Interchange File Format) for graphic images on the Amiga is called FORM ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap). It follows a standard parsable IFF format. Sample hex dump of beginning of an ILBM: ======================================== Important note! You can NOT ever depend on any particular ILBM chunk being at any particular offset into the file! IFF files are composed, in their simplest form, of chunks within a FORM. Each chunk starts starts with a 4-letter chunkID, followed by a 32-bit length of the rest of the chunk. You PARSE IFF files, skipping past unneeded or unknown chunks by seeking their length (+1 if odd length) to the next 4-letter chunkID. 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A0E0 424F4459 ............BODY 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Interpretation: 'F O R M' length 'I L B M''B M H D'<-start of BitMapHeader chunk 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD length WideHigh XorgYorg PlMkCoPd <- Planes Mask Compression Pad 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... TranAspt PagwPagh 'C A M G' length <- start of C-AMiGa View modes chunk 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... Viewmode 'C M A P' length R g b R <- Viewmode 800=HAM | 4=LACE 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... g b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g <- Rgb's are for reg0 thru regN 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g b 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. R g b R g b R g b R g b 'B O D Y' 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A000 424F4459 ............BODY length start of body data <- Compacted (Compression=1 above) 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Notes on CAMG Viewmodes: HIRES=0x8000 LACE=0x4 HAM=0x800 HALFBRITE=0x80 ------ ILBM is a fairly simple IFF FORM. All you really need to deal with to extract the image are the following chunks: (Note - Also watch for AUTH Author chunks and (c) Copyright chunks and preserve any copyright information if you rewrite the ILBM) BMHD - info about the size, depth, compaction method (See interpreted hex dump above) CAMG - optional Amiga viewmodes chunk Most HAM and HALFBRITE ILBMs should have this chunk. If no CAMG chunk is present, and image is 6 planes deep, assume HAM and you'll probably be right. Some Amiga viewmodes flags are HIRES=0x8000, LACE=0x4, HAM=0x800, HALFBRITE=0x80. CMAP - RGB values for color registers 0 to n (each component left justified in a byte) BODY - The pixel data, stored in an interleaved fashion as follows: (each line individually compacted if BMHD Compression = 1) plane 0 scan line 0 plane 1 scan line 0 plane 2 scan line 0 ... plane n scan line 0 plane 0 scan line 1 plane 1 scan line 1 etc. Body Compression ================ The BODY contains pixel data for the image. Width, Height, and depth (Planes) is specified in the BMHD. If the BMHD Compression byte is 0, then the scan line data is not compressed. If Compression=1, then each scan line is individually compressed as follows: More than 2 bytes the same stored as BYTE code value n from -1 to -127 followed by byte to be repeated (-n) + 1 times. Varied bytes stored as BYTE code n from 0 to 127 followed by n+1 bytes of data. The byte code -128 is a NOP. Interpreting the Scan Line Data: ================================ If the ILBM is not HAM or HALFBRITE, then after parsing and uncompacting if necessary, you will have N planes of pixel data. Color register used for each pixel is specified by looking at each pixel thru the planes. IE - if you have 5 planes, and the bit for a particular pixel is set in planes 0 and 3: PLANE 4 3 2 1 0 PIXEL 0 1 0 0 1 then that pixel uses color register binary 01001 = 9 The RGB value for each color register is stored in the CMAP chunk of the ILBM, starting with register 0, with each register's RGB value stored as one byte of R, one byte G, and one byte of B, with each component left justified in the byte. (ie. Amiga R, G, and B components are each stored in the high nibble of a byte) BUT - if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, it is interpreted differently. === ========= Hopefully, if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, the package that saved it properly saved a CAMG chunk (look at a hex dump of your file with ascii interpretation - you will see the chunks - they all start with a 4-ascii-char chunk ID). If the picture is 6 planes deep and has no CAMG chunk, it is probably HAM. If you see a CAMG chunk, the "CAMG" is followed by the 32-bit chunk length, and then the 32-bit Amiga Viewmode flags. HAM pics will have the 0x800 bit set in CAMG chunk ViewModes. HALBRITE pics will have the 0x80 bit set. To transport a HAM or HALFBRITE picture to another machine, you must understand how HAM and HALFBRITE work on the Amiga. How Amiga HAM mode works: ========================= Amiga HAM (Hold and Modify) mode lets the Amiga display all 4096 RGB values. In HAM mode, the bits in the two last planes describe an R G or B modification to the color of the previous pixel on the line to create the color of the current pixel. So a 6-plane HAM picture has 4 planes for specifying absolute color pixels giving up to 16 absolute colors which would be specified in the ILBM CMAP chunk. The bits in the last two planes are color modification bits which cause the Amiga, in HAM mode, to take the RGB value of the previous pixel (Hold and), substitute the 4 bits in planes 0-3 for the previous color's R G or B component (Modify) and display the result for the current pixel. The color modification bits in the last two planes are interpreted as follows: 00 - no modification. Use planes 0-3 as normal color register index 10 - hold previous, replacing Blue component with bits from planes 0-3 01 - hold previous, replacing Red component with bits from planes 0-3 11 - hold previous. replacing Green component with bits from planes 0-3 How Amiga HALFBRITE mode works: =============================== This one is simpler. In HALFBRITE mode, the Amiga interprets the bit in the last plane as HALFBRITE modification. The bits in the other planes are treated as normal color register numbers (RGB values for each color register is specified in the CMAP chunk). If the bit in the last plane is set (1), then that pixel is displayed at half brightness. This can provide up to 64 absolute colors. Other Notes: ============ Amiga ILBMs images must be a even number of bytes wide. Smaller images (such as brushes) are padded to an even byte width. ILBMs created with Electronic Arts IBM and Amiga "DPaintII" packages are compatible (though you may have to use a '.lbm' filename extension on an IBM). The ILBM graphic files may be transferred between the machines (or between the Amiga and IBM sides your Amiga if you have a CBM Bridgeboard card installed) and loaded into either package. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Subject: (,REQ) Intuition requestors: how to stop them? >How do I make Intuition requestors NOT appear? Just place a $ffffffff (or -1) in the pr_windowptr field of your process, and intuition will mind its own business, returning errors when it would return a message. Note that you will want to restore this after your program exits, as leaving it at -1 will mean the CLI will not get intuition requestors anymore. Normally pr_windowptr is a 0. koster@cory.berkeley.edu David Ashley ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!bryce Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: bryce@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,BUG) Crashing all the way to Kickstart (*the solution*) In several articles <> several.net.posters wrote: > [Since installing V1.3 I have noticed something strange. If the > machine ever crashes, it sometimes goes back to the Kickstart hand > instead of the Workbench hand.] Thank you all for noting and reporting this bug. I have located the cause; a code mistake causes the Kickstart protected memory to be left open open for writing during some types of system Alert. This problem will be addressed in the next version of "SetPatch" (no date or distribution details are available at this time). Please note that some types of bug reports can be sent directly to Commodore. Before reporting, please verify the accuracy of your statements. Try removing any special programs or hacks you may be running (booting from your unmodified master Workbench disk is a good way to guarantee this). Submitted reports must include a TELEPHONE number. Reports must be CLEAR, COMPLETE and CONCISE. Based on your bug report alone, we must be able to repeat the bug. Bugs that we can repeat in-house GET FIXED. -Bryce Nesbitt, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Here is a sample bug report form: BUG REPORT ---------- Date: Name: Phone: Company: EMail: ### Bug Location (Hardware, Documentation, Software, Other): ### Your Configuration (Model, number and type of disks, memory, ### add-on equipment): ### Other software running or resident at the time of the bug (should be ### "none"): ### Revisions (Kickstart/Workbench revision numbers, etc.): ### Brief Bug Description: ### Bug Generation Procedure (remember that someone else will be trying to repeat this bug based on your description): ### Related bugs: -- |\_/| . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH! {O o} . Bryce Nesbitt (") BIX: bnesbitt U USENET: cbmvax!bryce@uunet.uu.NET -or- rutgers!cbmvax!bryce Lawyers: America's untapped export market. ************************************************************************* From uunet!sugar!peter Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: peter@sugar.UUCP Subject: (,STA) A little help please... This is the code I use to find the stack size for launch... ---------[from launch.shar]--------- struct Process *FindTask(); ... struct Process *me; struct CommandLineInterface *cli; long stack; ... if(stack == 0) { me = FindTask(0); if(me->pr_CLI) { cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)(me->pr_CLI<<2); stack = cli->cli_DefaultStack<<2; /* DefaultStack is in Longwords */ } else stack = me->pr_StackSize; } -- Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva `-_-' Hackercorp. ...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net 'U` ************************************************************************* From uunet!Sun.COM!page Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: page@Sun.COM (Bob Page) Subject: (,BOO) What the Amiga does on reboot u586182058ea@deneb.ucdavis.edu Frank Kuan wrote: >What does the Amiga do when you reboot? - Clear Chips (screen turns blue on custom chip failure) - Disable DMA and Interrupts - Clear the Screen - Check the Hardware - Pass or fail the Hardware to the Screen (dark grey if OK) - Checksum the WCS (OS does not checksum the ROM) - Pass or fail the WCS to the Screen (displays "Insert Kickstart" screen) - System setup - Check the for RAM at $C00000 - Move SYS_BASE to $C00000 if it exists - RAM Test - Pass or fail the RAM to the Screen (green if bad) - Check the Software - Pass or fail the Software to the Screen (light grey if OK) - Set up the RAM - Link the Libraries - Find External RAM and link it to the list - Set up Interrupts and DMA - Start default Task - Check for 68010, 68020, and 68881 - Check for an Exception (screen yellow if found and GURU handler not set up) - System Reset >Is it possible to change a vector somewhere and have the Amiga >run your code instead of the reboot sequence? Yes. This is one of those Amiga Secrets, most people don't discuss it because (presumably) it encourages crackers to write viruses and other nasty stuff. ..bob ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) Subject: (,LIB) Lattice Library Question >From article <690@dsacg2.UUCP>, by nor1675@dsacg2.UUCP (Michael Figg): > I've been programming with Lattice 'C' off and on for about 2.5 years now, > but continually get confused with what libraries need to be linked when. Take a look at the Addendum.docs file on disk 5 of your compiler package. Among other things it contains a description of all the files in the LIB: directory. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : 12 :::::::::::::::::::Library Descriptions::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cback.o Startup routine to detach process from CLI and run in background. catchres.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions in resident programs. lcs.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers. catch.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions. lcms.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library for use with 16-bit integers. lcm881.lib Lattice 68881 Coprocessor Math Library. c.o Standard Lattice Startup routine. lcnb.lib Lattice C Library for use with no base-relative data addressing. catchresnr.o Startup - Catch Exceptions, Resident, No Requesters on exception. lcmffp.lib Lattice Motorola Fast Floating Point Math Library. lcmieee.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Commodore Resident Library. lcsr.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers and Registerized Parameters. lcr.lib Lattice C Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lcmr.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lc.lib Lattice Standard C Library. cres.o Startup routine for Resident Programs. lcm.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library. lcsnb.lib Lattice C Library for 16-bit integers and no base-relative addressing. ddebug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Parallel Port. debug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Serial Port. amiga.lib Library of linkage routines to Amiga Resident Libraries. --Fabbian Dufoe 350 Ling-A-Mor Terrace South St. Petersburg, Florida 33705 813-823-2350 UUCP: ...uunet!pdn!jc3b21!fgd3 ************************************************************************* From uunet!ardent.com!rap Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: rap@ardent.com (Rob Peck) Subject: (,AUD) audiotools How do I play sounds on the Amiga? I offer a disk of audiotools for the Amiga, for only $8.00. It includes source and object code in both C and Modula that makes it easier to add audio to your programs. It includes functions for obtaining and releasing audio channels, playing notes, explicit frequencies, sampled sounds, allows queueing of sounds to play, and even includes an ability to synchronize sound and graphics by having the audio.device itself tell you when a particular note begins to play. The audiotools are a continuing project, based on an article I originally wrote for Amiga World: July, 1987, but updated to add more capabilities, and with the text of the article now explaining the latest version of the tools. As of this writing, the audiotools are at release 3.0, the same level as that released at the Washington DC developers conference. I encourage submission of additional features and functions for and from interested parties. Pseudo public domain... that is, NO ROYALTIES, but I would hope that interested parties would contact me directly so that I can continue to receive suggestions for improvements and bug reports. Rob Peck, DATAPATH, POBox 1828, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Rob Peck ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!peter Thu Feb 22 12:18:18 EST 1990 From: peter@cbmvax.commodore.com (Peter Cherna) Subject: (,AGNUS) the Fatter Agnus In article <6187@cps3xx.UUCP> hensley@frith.egr.msu.edu (John Hensley) writes: >He said that without any fast RAM some programs, among them Deluxe Paint III, >Dungeon Master, and a bunch of other graphics-intensive programs, wouldn't >operate properly. This made absolutely no sense to me. Isn't the 512K on a >stock 500 all chip RAM with the Fatter Agnus? Why would programs that run in that chip RAM run less well with a meg of it? I don't know whether the programs you mention indeed have this trouble, but you can write software that has a bug (programmer misunderstanding, really) that would cause it to fail on 1Meg Agnus machines with no expansion RAM that would work on 1Meg machines with only 512K of chip. It will have nothing to do with how "graphics-intensive" the program is - on that point your dealer is mistaken. It may be that a couple of "graphics-intensive" programs have this problem, but again, it is a programmer's mistake basically unrelated to the category of program or its performance needs. When you allocate memory, you can ask for CHIP memory, FAST memory, or EITHER. Now, if you need chip, you should always ask for chip, but if you don't care, you should ask for either. Make sense? Tell that to people who ask EXPLICITLY for fast memory when they _mean_ either. So the memory allocation will fail if you have no fast memory installed. Now if a program required 1 Meg of memory total to run and made the mistake of asking for fast memory, then it would fail on an all-chip machine, which yours would be. It would work on a 1 Meg A500 or A2000 with an older Agnus, but it wouldn't work at all on an 512K machine. I don't see any reason that a program working on a 512K Amiga would fail on a 1 Meg chip machine (of course, some "creative" programmers who break rules have amazed us before). To add further confusion, you have three basic kinds of memory in the system, and their advantages: Usable by Custom Chips? No Chip Contention? chip yes no fast no yes C00000 no no So while chip memory is good because it can be accessed by the chip set, it can suffer during high DMA. You may find it strange that the C00000 memory (the 2nd 512K on a 1Meg A2000 or A500 with older Agnus) seems to have both disadvantages. The old Agnus just doesn't have the addressing range to use it, but we put it on the chip bus (where it suffers contention) so that it would become chip memory with a Super-Agnus installed. In the system, C00000 memory is classified as "fast" memory. So the "fast" memory that a program got by asking could actually be no better performing than chip, so clearly it never needed to ask for fast. Just to complete the tale, if you ask for "either" kind of memory, the system will try to give you fast memory in preference to chip memory. The system utility FastMemFirst we supply ensures that the order of preference is expansion fast memory (true fast memory), C00000 memory, and then chip memory (without it the system comes up with C00000 memory at the highest priority). So for those with expansion RAM and C00000 RAM, make sure you have FastMemFirst in your startup sequence - you WILL notice the difference. -- Peter Cherna, Software Engineer, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. {uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!peter peter@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com My opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of my employer. ************************************************************************* From uunet!dip.eecs.umich.edu!kamidon Fri May 4 08:15:59 1990 From: Keith Amidon <uunet!dip.eecs.umich.edu!kamidon> Subject: (,LET) Amiga Programming Newsletter The purpose of this article is to inform Amiga Programming Newsletter (APN) subscribers of the current goals and methods of APN, and to solicit their involvement though a questionaire at the end. This article, updated as necessary, will be distributed to all new subscribers. ********* Amiga Programming Newsletters -- Goals and Methods ********* PURPOSE: The purpose of APN is to deliver the maximum amount of Amiga programming information into the hands of its subscribers in a minimum amount of time. A secondary goal is to increase its readership to as large a base as possible. DISTRIBUTION: In keeping with the goals stated above, APN distribution will be very informal. The core distribution will be a mailing list of subscribers managed by Keith Amidon (myself). A subscription to this core distribution can be obtained by sending a message to: apn_sub@dip.eecs.umich.edu Because these messages are processed automatically by a set of scripts, it is extremely important that the following criteria be met: 1 - The subject line must include the word "Subscribe" 2 - The body of the message must include a line, starting on the first column with the following format: VALID_MAIL_PATH=<a valid mail path to your account> Please note that there are NO SPACES! Any message to apn_sub@dip.eecs.umich.edu which does not contain the keyword Subscribe or one of the other keywords given below, will be automatically deleted before I ever see it, so make sure you include it! If the keyword Subscribe is seen, a script will be invoked that will extract the VALID_MAIL_PATH line from the message and attempt to send this article to the new subscriber. If the VALID_MAIL_PATH cannot be extracted, the message will be saved to a file for later manual update by the mailing list maintainer. However, this will not endear you to him, so try to get it right ;^) SECONDARY DISTRIBUTION: Anyone who recieves APN is allowed to redistribute it on a not for profit basis. Copyright of material appearing in APN will stay with the author of the material, rather than become APN's, since APN isn't really buying its material, but rather just providing a convient distribution path for the author. The only money you can charge for APN would be the cost of disk or other distribution medium. DISTRIBUTION TIMING: Articles for APN will be sent out on an "as they arrive basis." There may be several regular columns if I can get people interested in writing them, but otherwise distribution may be rather erratic. SUBSCRIBER INTERACTON: There are several ways in which subscribers to APN can interact with the distribution personel and authors. The very first thing you can do is return the questionaire at the end of this article. This, along with letters for me can be sent to the address: apn_sub@dip.eecs.umich.edu The subject line of your post should include one of the following keywords: Questionaire -- For the questionaire obviously. Letter -- This keyword indicates a letter which you would like published in APN. Usually this would be used to correct some problem with an article. Suggestion -- This keyword would indicate a message involving a suggestion for some aspect of APN, which I would deal with and get a response back to you ASAP. Submission -- This is what APN is about; The sharing of the expertise of its readers. If you have a project you are working on and would like to write up as an article for APN, please send a message indicating your ideas and include this keyword. I again get back to you ASAP, including the as yet vaporware Author's Toolkit, which will include tools to make articles reasonably formated etc. NOTE: ALL mail to apn_sub@dip.eecs.umich.edu which does not contain one of the above listed keywords in *************************************************************************
w-edwinh@microsoft.UUCP (Edwin HOOGERBEETS) (08/08/90)
This is an introductory posting to comp.sys.amiga.tech. If you are a new reader of this group or even if you just want Amiga/Usenet information, please read the following articles. This posting last changed: Aug 6, 1990 Changes this month: Updated: Questions and Anwswers about starting to program the Amiga in C (,NOV) It is recommended that you save this article for future reference. Please refer to this article first before posting to the net. This will help keep the comp.sys.amiga* groups uncluttered with topics that have already been discussed. Previously deleted topics are still available from the editor via email. * * There is an analogous posting in comp.sys.amiga. * To save this posting when you are using rn or vn: s newuser<return> to save in the file News/newuser. notes: snewuser<return> to save this article in the file ./newuser. To read any of the following topics, type 'g' for 'go to' and the index identifier in capitals that is listed on the left. This article contains the following topics: ,NOV Questions and Answers about starting to program the Amiga in C. cmcmanis@pepper edwin@hcr.UUCP ,MOT Discussion of the 4.3 vs. 4.4 B2000 motherboard. daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,MOU Help with Mountlist entries. kjohn@richp1.UUCP ,REE How to do re-entrant C code in Lattice and Manx. carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,TEC How to get the Technical Reference Documents from Commodore cbmvax!lauren (Lauren Brown CATS) ,UNS Unsupported Programming Practices carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP daveh@cbmvax.UUCP ,REC Resource reclamation, why can't it be done? cmcmanis@pepper.UUCP ,CUS Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP ,EXC Info on exceptions dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP ,IFF IFF File Format carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP ,REQ Intuition requestors: how to stop them? koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP ,BUG How to report bugs to Commodore (info on 1.3 crash to KickStart bug) bryce@cbmvax.UUCP ,STA How to find the stack size in a program peter@sugar.UUCP ,BOO What the Amiga does on reboot page@sun.COM (Bob Page) ,LIB A description of the Lattice libraries fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) ,AUD How to get audiotools uunet!ardent.com!rap (Rob Peck) ,AGNUS Questions and answers about the Fatter Agnus peter@cbmvax.commodore.com (Peter Cherna) ,LET Amiga Programming Newsletter kamidon@dip.eecs.umich.edu (Keith Amidon) Edwin w-edwinh@microsoft or uunet!microsoft!w-edwinh ************************************************************************* From uunet!Sun.COM!cmcmanis Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: cmcmanis@Sun.COM Subject: (,NOV) Novice Question.. Hmmm, in an attempt to avoid religious battles, allow me to enumerate the most common problems that new programmers to the Amiga encounter. (in order of most commonness) : # 1 : The library base variables are declared incorrectly, either in spelling, or with improper case. # 2 : The MANX C compiler is used without the +L option. # 3 : The order of the libraries is reversed when linking Lattice objects (Amiga.lib+LC.lib versus lc.lib+amiga.lib) # 4 : Something that needs to be in CHIP ram isn't there. # 5 : The stack is set too low when the program is run. These are generally discovered by people who have programmed before eventually but they are sometimes insurmountable problems to complete novices. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ----------------- Solutions to these problems: # 1 : Fix the spelling -- see the header files for the correct spelling. (hard, eh?) # 2 : Both Manx and Lattice now use use 32 bits as a default size for ints. However, the Manx C compiler also allows 16 bit ints under a certain flag. When interfacing with system routines, you must make sure the appropriate ints are actually 32 bits longs, or fireworks will happen. In older versions of the Manx compiler (pre 5.0), 16 bits was the default, and you had to make sure the appropriate ints were longs, or you had to compile with the +L option, which made 32 bits the size of an int. # 3 : Reverse 'em. (another easy mistake, but common) # 4 : The Amiga's custom graphics and sound chips can only access the first 512K of memory on older systems, or the first 1 Meg with the enhanced chip set (this memory is the slow or chip memory). Therefore, anything that these chips use must be in the first 512K (1 Meg) of memory. To make sure that you get chip memory do add the MEMF_CHIP constant to your call to AllocMem: foobar *milkchocolate; milkchocolate = ( foobar * ) AllocMem (sizeof(foobar), MEMF_CHIP); Then copy your data to the memory pointed to by "milkchocolate". # 5 : Set the stack using the AmigaDOS 'stack' command to be higher than it is now. (20000 is a good start) A rule of thumb is to double the current size and try again until it works. Edwin Hoogerbeets uunet!microsoft!w-edwinh or w-edwinh@microsoft.uucp ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!daveh Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: daveh@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,MOT) B2000 Rev 4.4 Motherboard in article <826@raven.ukc.ac.uk>, rpa@raven.ukc.ac.uk (R.P.Almeida) says: > Could someone at CATS tell me what the changes between 4.3 and 4.4 are ? How about someone in Systems Design? The R4.4 board has two resistors on the board layout that had to be added by hand on the R4.3 board. It also has a few traces and things moved around, to make it easier to produce than a R4.3 board. > Also could someone tell me which link causes the 0x00C00000 memory to be > mapped at 0x00080000 ? That's the link marked J101. But DON'T move this jumper until you get a 1 meg Fat Agnus installed, or the system will die miserably as soon as any of that remapped-into-chipram-space-but-not-really-chip-accessable memory gets touched. > I also have the memory expansion board from an A2000 (the original Amiga2000) > populated to 1Mbyte. Remove the memory chips and throw it away! > I wanted to install it in the B2000, so i disconnected link J500 on the B2000 > , so as to disable the 0x00C00000 memory totally, and installed the board. > It didnt work. No, it wouldn't. > This worries me, are the A2000 and B2000 CPU slot timings that different? There are some slight differences, both in timing (mainly the difference between Thin and Fat Agnus) and in signals on the CPU slots (due to the B2000's full CPU slot implementation). This isn't a problem is you design things to the published specs. The A2000's add-on board wasn't designed to our specifications, it was designed specifically for the A2000, using unpublished information about the A2000 that doesn't necessarily apply to any other Amiga. It should only be used in an A2000. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {ihnp4|uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy "I can't relax, 'cause I'm a Boinger!" ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: kjohn@richp1.UUCP Subject: (,MOU) AmigaDOS MountList Tips ATTENTION ALL HARD DISK USERS: I do not know if this is common knowledge on Usenet (I never saw it before.....), but the way that AmigaDOS uses MountList information is misleading. When AmigaDOS has a hard disk to use, it treats the disk as if it were a continuous string of sectors (i.e. it ignores track information). Normally, this is not a problem because all partion mounted on a single disk use the same number of sectors per track. THIS IS NOT TRUE WHEN SIMULATING A FLOPPY DISK ON A HARD DISK!!!!! [You might want to simulate a floppy disk on your hard drive so that you can use the Amiga 1.3 DISKCOPY program which only does the job when it believes that the source and destination disks are identical. That is, the number of tracks, the number of sectors per track and the number of heads]. When mounting a simulated floppy disk, you must change the number of heads to 2, the number of track to 80, and the number of sectors per track to 11. This causes a problem with AmigaDOS, because it calculates the first sector to start a partition on based on the following formula: (starting sector #) = (starting track #)*(# of sectors/track)*(# of sides) This causes simulated floopy partions to start on a sector nowhere near where you thought you told AmigaDOS to put it! Since this sounds rather confusing, here is an example: To make a simulated floppy starting at track 100 of an ST238 (4 heads, 610 tracks (according to C.Ltd, 615 by Seagate), 26 sectors/track) MountList entry (in error): DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 100 Ending Cylinder = 179 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 180 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 One would think this would start on track 100. Wrong! If you apply the formula from before you get: starting sector number = 100 * 11 * 2 == 1760 On the ST238 this is actually on physical track: physical track = 2200 / (26*4) = track 21.1538 (near beginning of track 21) Yes, you would have just trashed what ever was on track 21 instead of using track 100 as you had asked (this has bitten me MANY times, it wiped out my main partion for 2 days during the EXPO (made me stay up all night Friday copying disks for Saturdays get-together)). The correct MountList entry should have been: desired starting track = 100 desired starting physical sector = 26 * 4 * 100 = 10400 starting logical track = 10400 / (11 * 2) = 472.7 (don't want to hit physical track 99, so use 473) ending logical track = 473 + 80 - 1 = 552 (80 logical tracks per sector on a floopy) ending physical sector = 552 * (11*2) / (26*4) = 116.8 (not quite into track 117, so use 116) So our MountList entry should have looked like this DH0: Starting Cylinder (track) = 0 Ending Cylinder = 99 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 HF0: (Simulated Floppy) Starting Cylinder (track) = 473 Ending Cylinder = 552 Sectors per Track = 11 Number of sides (heads) = 2 DH1: Starting Cylinder (track) = 117 Ending Cylinder = 609 Sectors per Track = 26 Number of sides (heads) = 4 [ Each mountlist entry seems to separately tell AmigaDOS the complete physical configuration of the drive, but the calculations for starting cylinder, track and number of sectors per surface are simply providing a non-overlapping method of telling AmigaDOS which is calculated sector to assign as the first sector within a logical partition. All of the calculations come down to that.] Some of you may look at this and say, "Why would I want to make my HD look like part of it was a floppy drive?" Well, the first thing that comes to mind is copying disks. If you have to make more than 1 copy of a disk, you can use DISKCOPY to copy it to your HD floppy and then use DISCOPY to copy it onto as many disks as you need (due to the incredible speed of the HD, you save the time it would have taken to read the disk the second, third, etc. times). This is also useful if you wish to work with a foreign disk, just copy it to your simulated floppy. If the disk has a virus and it tries to trash your boot dish, it can't (it's on your HD)! I hope this proves useful, but not too confusing. Just remember, when you are calculating the track numbers to use in the MountList, they are logical track numbers calculated from of the current MountList entry. KJohn I can be reached at: RealTime (prefered): 1(312)403-4762 (6pm to 10:30pm central time) USmail: John Kjellman 14465 Middle Pine Creek Dr. Orland Park, IL 60462 E-Mail: kjohn@richp1.UUCP ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!carolyn Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: carolyn@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,REE) Reentrant Lattice C code I have a couple of versions of reentrant startup code which will appear on the 1.3 Native Developer Update disks when 1.3 is released. These startups can be used in place of Astartup (not Lstartup/c.o). So if you program can be compiled -v and linked with Astartup.obj... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib, and you write YOUR code so it is reentrant, you can link with the new reentrant startup code and create executables that can be made resident. (like 1.3 More program, etc.) Making YOUR code reentrant involves having no globals except for constants (like error message strings, etc), and library bases. When doing OpenLibrary(), you must keep your result in a local variable, only store to the global Base if successful, and use your local when you CloseLibrary. If you have a lot of variables that need to be "known" to all of your subroutines, you can put them all in a dynamically allocated and cleared structure, and pass a pointer to that structure to each of your routines. This has a minimal impact on your coding style, and makes it fairly easy to retrofit reentrancy on existing code. -- ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn Calm down. It's just ones and zeros. ========================================================================== >From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: Re: how to write reentrant C code? > Does anybody know what the dos and don'ts are to write reentrant code with >Manx 3.4? (or 3.6 as I will be upgrading to that soon). Mainly, you have to stay away from most link-library routines (C.LIB). As you said, globals, unless they are constants, are out. For example, SysBase and DOSBase are globals but never change, so they are ok. STDIO (in C.LIB) is DEFINATELY out. If you stick to run-time library calls and keep in mind your code might be running simultaniously in different contexes, you should be fine. AVOID RETURNING STRUCTURES. Many compilers, Aztec included (I'm pretty sure), use static memory to hold structural return values. I don't know of anybody who uses the [mis]feature, though. STATIC variables, unless used purposefully, are also out. NOTE: This means using the main() entry point is out, as it sets up stdio. I am not sure about using _main() ... it might work. If all else fails, you can compile your code +B, and assuming there are no other references to .begin, the code is entered at the first module. In this case you must remember that global variables will NOT be zero'd initially, and neither the DOS or EXEC libraries will be open. Did I miss anything? -Matt >From: carolyn@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: Re: Reentrant Lattice C code In article <Aug.> limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) writes: >Could someone go over what it takes to make code RESIDENT? I was >sort-of-hopeing that most well-behaved programs that don't modify >string constants (that are in the code segment), etc should work... >right? The Amiga 1.3 Workbench resident command just loadsegs the code and sticks it on the DOS resident list. It does not attempt to clone data segments or do anything similar since it would be quite impossible with unknown code generated by an unknown compiler or assembler. i.e. - If you want your program to work with Amiga RESIDENT, either YOU or your compiler must make that code pure. So pure that it is re-executable, reentrant, etc. So that lots of tasks could all use that code at the SAME time with no problem. I am providing a way for YOU to write pure code NOW. Your compiler might offer something better which is compiler-specific. If so, use it. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn If you find my mind, please email it to me. I seem to have mislaid it. ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!lauren Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: lauren@cbmvax.commodore.com (Lauren Brown CATS) Subject: (,TEC) Tech Ref. Docs This list will be growing, as we make the 1.3 Native Developer Update available, along with some other stuff we're planning. Commodore-Amiga Technical Information ===================================== Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications Full A1000 schematics, timing diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation of auto-config process IFF Manual and Disk Full IFF documentation and source listings, including new IFF form chunk ANIM. IFF disk includes source code, object files, executable programs and documentation. Fall 1986 Developers Conference Notes Contains the diagrams, outlines and additional notes pertaining to each conference speakers' topic. Some additional information has been included (e.g., 8520 specifications). AmigaMail Bimonthly technical newsletter produced by CATS. Articles range from programming standards through programming for compatibility to advance technical information on new products (hardware and software). Cost EACH for any of the above: U.S. $20 (in Canada $22.50, $25 elsewhere) A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual 275 page reference manual that describes the technical features of the A500 and A2000, and the features that differ from the A1000. Included are: System block diagrams, Amiga Expansion, Designing hardware for the Amiga Expansion Arhictecture, Driver documentation, Software for Amiga Expansion, BIOS entry points, Clock/Calendar Registers, plus much more. Also included are schematics. Cost each: U.S. $40 (in Canada $42.50, $45 elsewhere) TO ORDER ======== Send check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: CATS-Orders 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 Commodore Amiga Technical Support Programs ========================================== Certified Developer Support Program: Cost is $75 for the first year. Provides technical support through AmigaMail (our bimonthly newsletter) and through the amiga.dev conferences on BIX. Provides marketing information through AmigaMail-Markets our quarterly marketing newsletter. Hardware discounts are available to members of this program. Internal documentation and technical updates are made available when possible. Ths program is for third party developers who have not yet brought a product to market. Also, many user groups and education institutions find this program useful. Commercial Developer Support Program: Cost is $500 for the first year. This program includes all of the benefits listed above, along with eligibility for direct phone support from Commodore Amiga Technical Support (CATS) and membership in the closed developer conferences on BIX. When possible, and when a need is shown, beta versions of hardware and software are made available to Commercial developers. This program is designed for individuals and companies who have already sucessfully launched products into the commercial market. Because of the increased effort and resources required to provide this more intensive form of support, membership is limited, and subject to approval by Commodore. To receive an application for either support program, write to: CATS-Inquiries 1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, PA 19382 ------------- New documents: Commodore-Amiga, Incorporated. Amiga Technical Reference Series. Reading, Massachusets: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1989; 3 volumes; 28 cm; paperbound. Amiga Hardware Reference Manual. approx 400 pages. "This maual covers the A1000, A500, and A2000 release machines." ISBN 0-201-18157-6. $24.95. CBM Product Number 327272-04. Includes glossary and index. 1. Introduction 2. Coprocessor Hardware 3. Playfield Hardware 4. Sprite Hardware 5. Audio Hardware 6. Blitter Hardware 7. System Contol Hardware 8. Interface Hardware A. Register Summary--Alphabetical Order B. Register Summary--Address Order C. Custom Chip Pin Allocation List D. System Memory Map E. Interfaces F. Complex Interface Adapters G. AUTOCONFIG(tm) H. Keyboard I. External Disk Connector Interface Specifications J. Hardware Example Include File Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Libraries & Devices. [STILL on order] approx $40 Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Includes & Autodocs. approx. 760 pages. "This manual corresponds to V1.3 system software release." ISBN 0-201-18177-0. $32.95. Commodore Item Number 327271-06. Introduction Library Summaries diskfont.doc exec.doc expansion.doc graphics.doc icon.doc intuition.doc layers.doc mathffp.doc mathieeedoubbas.doc mathieeedoubtrans.doc mathtrans.doc translator.doc Devices Summaries audio.doc clipboard.doc console.doc gameport.doc input.doc keyboard.doc narrator.doc parallel.doc printer.doc serial.doc timer.doc trackdisk.doc Resource Summaries cia.doc disk.doc misc.doc potgo.doc C Include files - ".h" Files Assembly Include Files - ".i" Files Linker Libraries [amiga.lib stuff] Sample Device, Sample Library Reference Charts 1.3_Base_Offset_Reference Assembly_Prefix_Reference C_Language_Cross-Reference Chip_Register_Map Structure Reference IFF - Interchange File Format EA IFF 85 - General IFF Format Specifications Form Specifications from the Original EA Document Additional IFF Documents Third Party Registered FORM and Chunk Specifications EA IFF Source Code Additional IFF Examples Function Index ------- John A. Thywissen <thywiss@csvax.cs.ukans.edu> ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!carolyn Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: carolyn@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,UNS) Unsupported Programming Practices IMPORTANT ! Official Warning to Rom-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers, and Others ============================================================== From Commodore Engineering, Commodore-Amiga, and C.A.T.S. We who bring you the Amiga want to make it perfectly clear that if you don't follow the rules, you WILL break. The following practices are NOT supported ! - Jumping directly to ROM code - Modifying or depending on private system structures - Depending on the addresses of system structures or free memory - Ignoring hardware or software interfacing specifications Do not jump into ROM. Beware of any example code that calls routines in the $F80000 to $FFFFFF range. Those are ROM addresses and those ROM routines WILL move. The only supported interface to system ROM code is through the provided library, device, and resource calls. Do not modify or depend on the format of the private system structures. This includes the poking of copper lists, memory lists, and library bases. Do not depend on any address containing any particular system structure or type of memory. The system modules dynamically allocate their memory space when they are initialized. The addresses of system structures and buffers differ with every OS, every model, and every configuration, as does the amount of free memory and system stack usage. If you are using the system libraries, devices, and resources, you must follow the defined interface. Assembler programmers (and compiler writers) must enter functions through the library base jump tables, with arguments passed as longs and library base address in A6. Results returned in D0 must be tested, and the contents of D0-D0/A0-A1 must be assumed lost after a system call. Do not use assembler instructions which are priviledged on any 68000 family processor. All addresses must be 32 bits. Do not use the upper 8 bits for other data. Do not execute code on your stack or put system structures on your stack. Do not use the TAS instruction. Do not use software instruction based timimg loops or delays. If you are programming at the hardware level, you must follow hardware interfacing specifications. All hardware is NOT the same. Do not assume that low level hacks for speed or copy protection will work on all drives, or all keyboards, or all systems, or future systems. Software distributers who purchase or contract software from outside programmers must make sure that the programmers are aware of correct programming practices and are providing software which will not break on different machines or different OS revisions. We are dedicated to enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the Amiga hardware and software, while maintaining compatibility wherever possible for those who follow the rules. Those who don't follow the rules can consider themselves warned. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== Subject: Re: Unsupported Programming Practices Don't write self-modifying code. It currently CAN'T be supported for future systems. Even if you get clever and manage to always overrun the cache on a 68020 system, you'll probably not overrun the cache on a future system. If you're messing with exception stacks, you're responsible for doing the right things for each 680x0 processor. Note that even the 68010 has it's own special exception stack in some cases. Don't expect OS level things done by user level programs to always work. Things like changing cache parameters or MMU banging are by definition things that should be managed by the operating system. Currently, some of these aren't. In the future, they should be. And programs that muck with them today will not likely work once OS support is provided. -- Dave Haynie "The 32 Bit Guy" Commodore-Amiga "The Crew That Never Rests" {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh PLINK: D-DAVE H BIX: hazy Amiga -- It's not just a job, it's an obsession ************************************************************************* From uunet!Sun.COM!cmcmanis Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: cmcmanis@Sun.COM Subject: (,REC) Re: resource reclamation In article <YX2ERcy00Uh0IEQFxo@andrew.cmu.edu> (Miles Bader) writes: > How come simple resource reclamation isn't done? It seems like it > would be pretty simple to hang a list of allocated resources off a > task... > -Miles Because it isn't. The original DOS specified for the Amiga included resource reclamation, however when time got tight and Commodore had to go with MetaCompCo's modified version of TriPOS, there wasn't time to put it in. If you look at some of the structures you will notice that there entries for Tasks such as tc_MemEntry which were for this kind of stuff. That is not to say that it isn't possible. The ARP project (AmigaDOS Replacement Project) has created a library which allows you to track resources and free them on exit. The ARP stuff in on a Fish disk #??? and available thru the amiga archives. The question Miles didn't ask but always follows is : How come I can't kill a hung process with ^C or something? And when the program breaks why do I have to reboot the machine? The reason is that the Amiga does not have memory protection between tasks. And when a program goes astray, you do not know what sort of damage it may have caused to internal memory structures. It can damage the memory free list, trackdisk buffers, the stack of other programs, and a host of other "sensitive" areas. Consequently, if you continue to run the machine after a program has died, you run the much greater risk of destroying completely unrelated data. For most people this is unacceptable and that is why you have to reboot. For those people who like to gamble, there is a commercial program called GOMF which attempts to recover from these situations. It does keep the machine running, however if another program you are running crashes, you should be aware that it is much more likely that the originally crashed program probably is responsible, not a bug in the code that just ran. --Chuck McManis uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis BIX: cmcmanis ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you. ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: papa@pollux.usc.edu.UUCP Subject: (,CUS) Can System Request windows appear on custom screens? >How can I redirect System Request windows to a screen other than the >Workbench screen? In particular, I'm interested in the ones that say >"Please insert volume ... in any drive". >From the bag of tricks of Bryce Nesbitt: struct Process *mproc; struct Window *window; APTR temp; ... mproc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L); temp = mproc->pr_WindowPtr; mproc->WindowPtr = (APTR) window; /* any window open on custom screen */ at the end: ... mproc->pr_WindowPtr = temp; /* retore BEFORE CloseWindow */ CloseWindow(window); Enjoy. -- Marco papa 'Doc' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uucp:...!pollux!papa BIX:papa ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP Subject: (,EXC) Need info on exceptions Time to go into a brief description of the three types of interrupts that exist on the Amiga: (1) Task Exceptions (via SetExcept() and standard signals). This is a task-level interrupt and only interrupts the task it is attached to. Other tasks still run... the interrupt only interrupts the one task. That is, any number of tasks may be handling exceptions all simultaniously. This is analogous to UNIX signals with one major exception.... system calls can get interrupted in the middle (i.e. library calls). Although all run-time libraries are reentrant between tasks, this is not always so within a given task. For instance, you cannot interrupt a DOS Write() with an exception and then do a Write() from within the exception!! Another for instance: you CAN call AllocMem(). So you have to be very careful as to when to allow an exception and when not to. Forbid() effectively disables exceptions (but also task switching). Also, there is a bug in the exception handler in that if an exception occured during a Forbid() it does NOT execute when you Permit()... i.e. you also have to do a SetExcept(0,0) to force EXEC to check for active exceptions after you Permit(). The 'simple' description of an exception is this: First, a task gets signalled and if the exception bit for that signal bit is set, the EXCEPTION-ENABLE BIT AND THE SIGNAL BIT IS CLEARED and the task then enters its exception handler. D0 contains a mask of the exception that occured (more than one bit may be set if more than one exception occured at once). The exception handler thus must be reentrant for different exception bits. After the handler runs, it must return a bitmask in D0 of those exceptions that occured. EXEC automatically ENABLES the exceptions specified by the bitmask. However, it doesn't check to see if they re-occured at this time... Thus, there is a window of vulnerability here. Usually, I reenable the exceptions manually with a SetExcept() call from the handler and return 0 in D0. Unlike other types of interrupts, EXEC saves and restores ALL of our registers (except the stack pointer) for us. But, you cannot make assumptions as to the contents of the registers (except for D0 and A1(=tc_ExceptData). Specifically, there is no guarentee A4 will contain the small-code-model data segment base so you must reload it if you intend to use that model inside the handler. (2) Software Interrupts. Software interrupts are HIGHER priority than tasks but LOWER priority than interrupts. Essentially, these are pseudo hardware interrupts but without the timing restrictions in real interrupts.... you can do things that you would not want to do in normal interrupts because they would otherwise take too long. BUT! A software interrupt is not a task, and you still may not use memory allocation/free functions within one (same restrictions as for hardware interrupts apply with the exception that you can take a longer time in the soft int). For example, instead of calling ReplyMsg() from an HARD interrupt handler you might want to Cause() a softint instead. This allows the HARD int to end (and other HARD ints to occur). A software interrupt uses the same structure as a hardware interrupt. (3) Hardware Interrupts. Real honest to goodness hardware interrupts. Implemented by SetIntVector() and AddIntServer() and the like. These are real hardware interrupts and the service routine should take as little time as possible in them... I mean as *little* time as possible. Make your code tight. Calling something like ReplyMsg() or PutMsg(), while it works, usually takes too much time for an interrupt handler to spare. Cause() a softint for things that take too much time so other interrupts can go. I don't know how much time Signal() takes. There are two flavors. (1) Direct hardware interrupts (SetIntVector()), and (2) Chained hardware interrupts. In many cases there are also resources (misc.resource, for instance) to arbitrate usage of some of the interrupt vectors. -Matt ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!carolyn Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: carolyn@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,IFF) IFF File Format >What exactly is the format of an Amiga IFF file? Intro to Amiga IFF ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes ================================================= Carolyn Scheppner - Commodore Amiga Technical Support The IFF (Interchange File Format) for graphic images on the Amiga is called FORM ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap). It follows a standard parsable IFF format. Sample hex dump of beginning of an ILBM: ======================================== Important note! You can NOT ever depend on any particular ILBM chunk being at any particular offset into the file! IFF files are composed, in their simplest form, of chunks within a FORM. Each chunk starts starts with a 4-letter chunkID, followed by a 32-bit length of the rest of the chunk. You PARSE IFF files, skipping past unneeded or unknown chunks by seeking their length (+1 if odd length) to the next 4-letter chunkID. 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A0E0 424F4459 ............BODY 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Interpretation: 'F O R M' length 'I L B M''B M H D'<-start of BitMapHeader chunk 0000: 464F524D 00016418 494C424D 424D4844 FORM..d.ILBMBMHD length WideHigh XorgYorg PlMkCoPd <- Planes Mask Compression Pad 0010: 00000014 01400190 00000000 06000100 .....@.......... TranAspt PagwPagh 'C A M G' length <- start of C-AMiGa View modes chunk 0020: 00000A0B 01400190 43414D47 00000004 .....@..CAMG.... Viewmode 'C M A P' length R g b R <- Viewmode 800=HAM | 4=LACE 0030: 00000804 434D4150 00000030 001000E0 ....CMAP...0.... g b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g <- Rgb's are for reg0 thru regN 0040: E0E00000 20000050 30303050 50500030 .... ..P000PPP.0 b R g b R g b R g b R g b R g b 0050: 90805040 70707010 60E02060 E06080D0 ..P@ppp.`. `.`.. R g b R g b R g b R g b 'B O D Y' 0060: A0A0A0A0 90E0C0C0 C0D0A000 424F4459 ............BODY length start of body data <- Compacted (Compression=1 above) 0070: 000163AC F8000F80 148A5544 2ABDEFFF ..c.......UD*... 0080: FFBFF800 0F7FF7FC FF04F85A 77AD5DFE ...........Zw.]. etc. Notes on CAMG Viewmodes: HIRES=0x8000 LACE=0x4 HAM=0x800 HALFBRITE=0x80 ------ ILBM is a fairly simple IFF FORM. All you really need to deal with to extract the image are the following chunks: (Note - Also watch for AUTH Author chunks and (c) Copyright chunks and preserve any copyright information if you rewrite the ILBM) BMHD - info about the size, depth, compaction method (See interpreted hex dump above) CAMG - optional Amiga viewmodes chunk Most HAM and HALFBRITE ILBMs should have this chunk. If no CAMG chunk is present, and image is 6 planes deep, assume HAM and you'll probably be right. Some Amiga viewmodes flags are HIRES=0x8000, LACE=0x4, HAM=0x800, HALFBRITE=0x80. CMAP - RGB values for color registers 0 to n (each component left justified in a byte) BODY - The pixel data, stored in an interleaved fashion as follows: (each line individually compacted if BMHD Compression = 1) plane 0 scan line 0 plane 1 scan line 0 plane 2 scan line 0 ... plane n scan line 0 plane 0 scan line 1 plane 1 scan line 1 etc. Body Compression ================ The BODY contains pixel data for the image. Width, Height, and depth (Planes) is specified in the BMHD. If the BMHD Compression byte is 0, then the scan line data is not compressed. If Compression=1, then each scan line is individually compressed as follows: More than 2 bytes the same stored as BYTE code value n from -1 to -127 followed by byte to be repeated (-n) + 1 times. Varied bytes stored as BYTE code n from 0 to 127 followed by n+1 bytes of data. The byte code -128 is a NOP. Interpreting the Scan Line Data: ================================ If the ILBM is not HAM or HALFBRITE, then after parsing and uncompacting if necessary, you will have N planes of pixel data. Color register used for each pixel is specified by looking at each pixel thru the planes. IE - if you have 5 planes, and the bit for a particular pixel is set in planes 0 and 3: PLANE 4 3 2 1 0 PIXEL 0 1 0 0 1 then that pixel uses color register binary 01001 = 9 The RGB value for each color register is stored in the CMAP chunk of the ILBM, starting with register 0, with each register's RGB value stored as one byte of R, one byte G, and one byte of B, with each component left justified in the byte. (ie. Amiga R, G, and B components are each stored in the high nibble of a byte) BUT - if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, it is interpreted differently. === ========= Hopefully, if the picture is HAM or HALFBRITE, the package that saved it properly saved a CAMG chunk (look at a hex dump of your file with ascii interpretation - you will see the chunks - they all start with a 4-ascii-char chunk ID). If the picture is 6 planes deep and has no CAMG chunk, it is probably HAM. If you see a CAMG chunk, the "CAMG" is followed by the 32-bit chunk length, and then the 32-bit Amiga Viewmode flags. HAM pics will have the 0x800 bit set in CAMG chunk ViewModes. HALBRITE pics will have the 0x80 bit set. To transport a HAM or HALFBRITE picture to another machine, you must understand how HAM and HALFBRITE work on the Amiga. How Amiga HAM mode works: ========================= Amiga HAM (Hold and Modify) mode lets the Amiga display all 4096 RGB values. In HAM mode, the bits in the two last planes describe an R G or B modification to the color of the previous pixel on the line to create the color of the current pixel. So a 6-plane HAM picture has 4 planes for specifying absolute color pixels giving up to 16 absolute colors which would be specified in the ILBM CMAP chunk. The bits in the last two planes are color modification bits which cause the Amiga, in HAM mode, to take the RGB value of the previous pixel (Hold and), substitute the 4 bits in planes 0-3 for the previous color's R G or B component (Modify) and display the result for the current pixel. The color modification bits in the last two planes are interpreted as follows: 00 - no modification. Use planes 0-3 as normal color register index 10 - hold previous, replacing Blue component with bits from planes 0-3 01 - hold previous, replacing Red component with bits from planes 0-3 11 - hold previous. replacing Green component with bits from planes 0-3 How Amiga HALFBRITE mode works: =============================== This one is simpler. In HALFBRITE mode, the Amiga interprets the bit in the last plane as HALFBRITE modification. The bits in the other planes are treated as normal color register numbers (RGB values for each color register is specified in the CMAP chunk). If the bit in the last plane is set (1), then that pixel is displayed at half brightness. This can provide up to 64 absolute colors. Other Notes: ============ Amiga ILBMs images must be a even number of bytes wide. Smaller images (such as brushes) are padded to an even byte width. ILBMs created with Electronic Arts IBM and Amiga "DPaintII" packages are compatible (though you may have to use a '.lbm' filename extension on an IBM). The ILBM graphic files may be transferred between the machines (or between the Amiga and IBM sides your Amiga if you have a CBM Bridgeboard card installed) and loaded into either package. ========================================================================== Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS Commodore Amiga Technical Support PHONE 215-431-9180 UUCP ...{uunet,allegra,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn ========================================================================== ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: koster@cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP Subject: (,REQ) Intuition requestors: how to stop them? >How do I make Intuition requestors NOT appear? Just place a $ffffffff (or -1) in the pr_windowptr field of your process, and intuition will mind its own business, returning errors when it would return a message. Note that you will want to restore this after your program exits, as leaving it at -1 will mean the CLI will not get intuition requestors anymore. Normally pr_windowptr is a 0. koster@cory.berkeley.edu David Ashley ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!bryce Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: bryce@cbmvax.commodore.com Subject: (,BUG) Crashing all the way to Kickstart (*the solution*) In several articles <> several.net.posters wrote: > [Since installing V1.3 I have noticed something strange. If the > machine ever crashes, it sometimes goes back to the Kickstart hand > instead of the Workbench hand.] Thank you all for noting and reporting this bug. I have located the cause; a code mistake causes the Kickstart protected memory to be left open open for writing during some types of system Alert. This problem will be addressed in the next version of "SetPatch" (no date or distribution details are available at this time). Please note that some types of bug reports can be sent directly to Commodore. Before reporting, please verify the accuracy of your statements. Try removing any special programs or hacks you may be running (booting from your unmodified master Workbench disk is a good way to guarantee this). Submitted reports must include a TELEPHONE number. Reports must be CLEAR, COMPLETE and CONCISE. Based on your bug report alone, we must be able to repeat the bug. Bugs that we can repeat in-house GET FIXED. -Bryce Nesbitt, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Here is a sample bug report form: BUG REPORT ---------- Date: Name: Phone: Company: EMail: ### Bug Location (Hardware, Documentation, Software, Other): ### Your Configuration (Model, number and type of disks, memory, ### add-on equipment): ### Other software running or resident at the time of the bug (should be ### "none"): ### Revisions (Kickstart/Workbench revision numbers, etc.): ### Brief Bug Description: ### Bug Generation Procedure (remember that someone else will be trying to repeat this bug based on your description): ### Related bugs: -- |\_/| . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH! {O o} . Bryce Nesbitt (") BIX: bnesbitt U USENET: cbmvax!bryce@uunet.uu.NET -or- rutgers!cbmvax!bryce Lawyers: America's untapped export market. ************************************************************************* From uunet!sugar!peter Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: peter@sugar.UUCP Subject: (,STA) A little help please... This is the code I use to find the stack size for launch... ---------[from launch.shar]--------- struct Process *FindTask(); ... struct Process *me; struct CommandLineInterface *cli; long stack; ... if(stack == 0) { me = FindTask(0); if(me->pr_CLI) { cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)(me->pr_CLI<<2); stack = cli->cli_DefaultStack<<2; /* DefaultStack is in Longwords */ } else stack = me->pr_StackSize; } -- Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva `-_-' Hackercorp. ...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net 'U` ************************************************************************* From uunet!Sun.COM!page Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: page@Sun.COM (Bob Page) Subject: (,BOO) What the Amiga does on reboot u586182058ea@deneb.ucdavis.edu Frank Kuan wrote: >What does the Amiga do when you reboot? - Clear Chips (screen turns blue on custom chip failure) - Disable DMA and Interrupts - Clear the Screen - Check the Hardware - Pass or fail the Hardware to the Screen (dark grey if OK) - Checksum the WCS (OS does not checksum the ROM) - Pass or fail the WCS to the Screen (displays "Insert Kickstart" screen) - System setup - Check the for RAM at $C00000 - Move SYS_BASE to $C00000 if it exists - RAM Test - Pass or fail the RAM to the Screen (green if bad) - Check the Software - Pass or fail the Software to the Screen (light grey if OK) - Set up the RAM - Link the Libraries - Find External RAM and link it to the list - Set up Interrupts and DMA - Start default Task - Check for 68010, 68020, and 68881 - Check for an Exception (screen yellow if found and GURU handler not set up) - System Reset >Is it possible to change a vector somewhere and have the Amiga >run your code instead of the reboot sequence? Yes. This is one of those Amiga Secrets, most people don't discuss it because (presumably) it encourages crackers to write viruses and other nasty stuff. ..bob ************************************************************************* From uunet!watmath!rose!ehoogerbeets Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: fgd3@jc3b21.UUCP (Fabbian G. Dufoe) Subject: (,LIB) Lattice Library Question >From article <690@dsacg2.UUCP>, by nor1675@dsacg2.UUCP (Michael Figg): > I've been programming with Lattice 'C' off and on for about 2.5 years now, > but continually get confused with what libraries need to be linked when. Take a look at the Addendum.docs file on disk 5 of your compiler package. Among other things it contains a description of all the files in the LIB: directory. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : 12 :::::::::::::::::::Library Descriptions::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cback.o Startup routine to detach process from CLI and run in background. catchres.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions in resident programs. lcs.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers. catch.o Startup routine to catch software exceptions. lcms.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library for use with 16-bit integers. lcm881.lib Lattice 68881 Coprocessor Math Library. c.o Standard Lattice Startup routine. lcnb.lib Lattice C Library for use with no base-relative data addressing. catchresnr.o Startup - Catch Exceptions, Resident, No Requesters on exception. lcmffp.lib Lattice Motorola Fast Floating Point Math Library. lcmieee.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Commodore Resident Library. lcsr.lib Lattice C Library for use with 16-bit integers and Registerized Parameters. lcr.lib Lattice C Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lcmr.lib Lattice IEEE Math Library for use with Registerized Parameters. lc.lib Lattice Standard C Library. cres.o Startup routine for Resident Programs. lcm.lib Lattice Standard IEEE Math Library. lcsnb.lib Lattice C Library for 16-bit integers and no base-relative addressing. ddebug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Parallel Port. debug.lib Commodore debug library for use with Serial Port. amiga.lib Library of linkage routines to Amiga Resident Libraries. --Fabbian Dufoe 350 Ling-A-Mor Terrace South St. Petersburg, Florida 33705 813-823-2350 UUCP: ...uunet!pdn!jc3b21!fgd3 ************************************************************************* From uunet!ardent.com!rap Fri Mar 2 15:59:47 EST 1990 From: rap@ardent.com (Rob Peck) Subject: (,AUD) audiotools How do I play sounds on the Amiga? I offer a disk of audiotools for the Amiga, for only $8.00. It includes source and object code in both C and Modula that makes it easier to add audio to your programs. It includes functions for obtaining and releasing audio channels, playing notes, explicit frequencies, sampled sounds, allows queueing of sounds to play, and even includes an ability to synchronize sound and graphics by having the audio.device itself tell you when a particular note begins to play. The audiotools are a continuing project, based on an article I originally wrote for Amiga World: July, 1987, but updated to add more capabilities, and with the text of the article now explaining the latest version of the tools. As of this writing, the audiotools are at release 3.0, the same level as that released at the Washington DC developers conference. I encourage submission of additional features and functions for and from interested parties. Pseudo public domain... that is, NO ROYALTIES, but I would hope that interested parties would contact me directly so that I can continue to receive suggestions for improvements and bug reports. Rob Peck, DATAPATH, POBox 1828, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Rob Peck ************************************************************************* From uunet!cbmvax!peter Thu Feb 22 12:18:18 EST 1990 From: peter@cbmvax.commodore.com (Peter Cherna) Subject: (,AGNUS) the Fatter Agnus In article <6187@cps3xx.UUCP> hensley@frith.egr.msu.edu (John Hensley) writes: >He said that without any fast RAM some programs, among them Deluxe Paint III, >Dungeon Master, and a bunch of other graphics-intensive programs, wouldn't >operate properly. This made absolutely no sense to me. Isn't the 512K on a >stock 500 all chip RAM with the Fatter Agnus? Why would programs that run in that chip RAM run less well with a meg of it? I don't know whether the programs you mention indeed have this trouble, but you can write software that has a bug (programmer misunderstanding, really) that would cause it to fail on 1Meg Agnus machines with no expansion RAM that would work on 1Meg machines with only 512K of chip. It will have nothing to do with how "graphics-intensive" the program is - on that point your dealer is mistaken. It may be that a couple of "graphics-intensive" programs have this problem, but again, it is a programmer's mistake basically unrelated to the category of program or its performance needs. When you allocate memory, you can ask for CHIP memory, FAST memory, or EITHER. Now, if you need chip, you should always ask for chip, but if you don't care, you should ask for either. Make sense? Tell that to people who ask EXPLICITLY for fast memory when they _mean_ either. So the memory allocation will fail if you have no fast memory installed. Now if a program required 1 Meg of memory total to run and made the mistake of asking for fast memory, then it would fail on an all-chip machine, which yours would be. It would work on a 1 Meg A500 or A2000 with an older Agnus, but it wouldn't work at all on an 512K machine. I don't see any reason that a program working on a 512K Amiga would fail on a 1 Meg chip machine (of course, some "creative" programmers who break rules have amazed us before). To add further confusion, you have three basic kinds of memory in the system, and their advantages: Usable by Custom Chips? No Chip Contention? chip yes no fast no yes C00000 no no So while chip memory is good because it can be accessed by the chip set, it can suffer during high DMA. You may find it strange that the C00000 memory (the 2nd 512K on a 1Meg A2000 or A500 with older Agnus) seems to have both disadvantages. The old Agnus just doesn't have the addressing range to use it, but we put it on the chip bus (where it suffers contention) so that it would become chip memory with a Super-Agnus installed. In the system, C00000 memory is classified as "fast" memory. So the "fast" memory that a program got by asking could actually be no better performing than chip, so clearly it never needed to ask for fast. Just to complete the tale, if you ask for "either" kind of memory, the system will try to give you fast memory in preference to chip memory. The system utility FastMemFirst we supply ensures that the order of preference is expansion fast memory (true fast memory), C00000 memory, and then chip memory (without it the system comes up with C00000 memory at the highest priority). So for those with expansion RAM and C00000 RAM, make sure you have FastMemFirst in your startup sequence - you WILL notice the difference. -- Peter Cherna, Software Engineer, Commodore-Amiga, Inc. {uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!peter peter@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com My opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of my employer. ************************************************************************* From uunet!dip.eecs.umich.edu!kamidon Fri May 4 08:15:59 1990 From: Keith Amidon <uunet!dip.eecs.umich.edu!kamidon> Subject: (,LET) Amiga Programming Newsletter The purpose of this article is to inform Amiga Programming Newsletter (APN) subscribers of the current goals and methods of APN, and to solicit their involvement though a questionaire at the end. This article, updated as necessary, will be distributed to all new subscribers. ********* Amiga Programming Newsletters -- Goals and Methods ********* PURPOSE: The purpose of APN is to deliver the maximum amount of Amiga programming information into the hands of its subscribers in a minimum amount of time. A secondary goal is to increase its readership to as large a base as possible. DISTRIBUTION: In keeping with the goals stated above, APN distribution will be very informal. The core distribution will be a mailing list of subscribers managed by Keith Amidon (myself). A subscription to this core distribution can be obtained by sending a message to: apn_sub@dip.eecs.umich.edu Because these messages are processed automatically by a set of scripts, it is extremely important that the following criteria be met: 1 - The subject line must include the word "Subscribe" 2 - The body of the message must include a line, starting on the first column with the following format: VALID_MAIL_PATH=<a valid mail path to your account> Please note that there are NO SPACES! Any message to apn_sub@dip.eecs.umich.edu which does not contain the keyword Subscribe or one of the other keywords given below, will be automatically deleted before I ever see it, so make sure you include it! If the keyword Subscribe is seen, a script will be invoked that will extract the VALID_MAIL_PATH line from the message and attempt to send this article to the new subscriber. If the VALID_MAIL_PATH cannot be extracted, the message will be saved to a file for later manual update by the mailing list maintainer. However, this will not endear you to him, so try to get it right ;^) SECONDARY DISTRIBUTION: Anyone who recieves APN is allowed to redistribute it on a not for profit basis. Copyright of material appearing in APN will stay with the author of the material, rather than become APN's, since APN isn't really buying its material, but rather just providing a convient distribution path for the author. The only money you can charge for APN would be the cost of disk or other distribution medium. DISTRIBUTION TIMING: Articles for APN will be sent out on an "as they arrive basis." There may be several regular columns if I can get people interested in writing them, but otherwise distribution may be rather erratic. SUBSCRIBER INTERACTON: There are several ways in which subscribers to APN can interact with the distribution personel and authors. The very first thing you can do is return the questionaire at the end of this article. This, along with letters for me can be sent to the address: apn_sub@dip.eecs.umich.edu The subject line of your post should include one of the following keywords: Questionaire -- For the questionaire obviously. Letter -- This keyword indicates a letter which you would like published in APN. Usually this would be used to correct some problem with an article. Suggestion -- This keyword would indicate a message involving a suggestion for some aspect of APN, which I would deal with and get a response back to you ASAP. Submission -- This is what APN is about; The sharing of the expertise of its readers. If you have a project you are working on and would like to write up as an article for APN, please send a message indicating your ideas and include this keyword. I again get back to you ASAP, including the as yet vaporware Author's Toolkit, which will include tools to make articles reasonably formated etc. NOTE: ALL mail to apn_sub@dip.eecs.umich.edu which does not contain one of the above listed keywords in *************************************************************************