[comp.sys.amiga.tech] August '90 BADGE Meeting Notice

thad@cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) (08/14/90)

BADGE (Bay Area Amiga Developers' GroupE) will host its August '90 meeting at
7:30 PM in the SLAC Main Auditorium, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park (just
east (logical north) of I-280) on Thursday, Aug. 16, 1990.  Admission is free.

Opening the meeting will be Mike (Real Amigas Have Keyboard Garages) Meyer,
the new BADGE "Chief Guru".  Many thanks to Chuck McManis for the past year!

The featured speaker is Pete Goodeve discussing and presenting Amiga TCL and
its integration with IPC (Inter Process Communication).

IMPORTANT: Identify yourself at the guard booth as a BADGE attendee and park
in the lot immediately to the right, then cross the driveway to the Auditorium.

For those arriving from out-of-town, Palo Alto is the nearest major city.  SLAC
is 20-30 minutes from either the San Francisco or San Jose airports.  For those
who've asked: SLAC == Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, the home of Amiga VLT
and Willy Langeveld (VLT's author and BIX's Amiga Forum Co-Moderator).

For more information, contact:

Thad Floryan [ thad@cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad ]
               work: (408) 985-7100 (M-F 11a-7p PST), or
               home: (415) 961-5157 (M-F 9p-3a PST, and weekends)