Sheesh. Two typos in my last post. (Yes, I do understand when to use "its" and when to use "it's". I plead lack-of-sleep-induced temporary senility.) Anyway, to update my previous post: Re: Roland Plotter and Amiga Live! digitizer for sale (Plotter works with any micro with serial or parallel port.) The Amiga Live! is potentially sold. I'm still taking offers on the Roland plotter. The plotter understands HPGL (HP Graphics Language) and is suitable for use with CAD and other vector drawing programs which have HPGL drivers. $500 O.O. / \ / / \\\' , / // \\\// _/ //' __ _________________________________________ \_-//' / //<' /// Julie Petersen ( \ /// <//' /// / >> \\\` __ /// "TimeLords aren't supposed to interfere. /,)-^>> _\` \\\ /// This one calls himself 'Doctor' (/ \\ / \\\ \\/// and interferes all the time." // //\\\ ---------------------------------------------------- ((`