[comp.sys.amiga.tech] editor gadget

dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu (Dale Larson) (08/22/90)

<eat me>

I'd like something like a string gadget with multiple lines and a vertical
scroll bar.  The listview gadget comes close, but only selects lines instead
of a cursor position and doesn't let you edit.

Being very lazy, I'm hoping not to have to write this from scratch, especially
since someone must have written this before.  If you have code or suggestions
for an easy way to do this, please email.

Things which aren't optimal but I'm considering because I think they'd be
easier to write than my new gadget type:

A listview gadget with a string gadget underneath to edit the current line.
I think the users would learn to hate this solution.

Use another window with a console.device attached to make writting the editing
stuff much simpler than intuitext.

Use an Arexx port to a real editor.

Even if you don't have code or suggestions, I'd be interested in hearing
comments about these three options.  How many of you would really like to
see me make a custom gadtools gadget to do editor gadget right?
	There are two ways to improve on human factors in computing:
 to make the programmers less stupid and/or to make the users less stupid.  
		Both are necessary, but neither is likely.
     -Dale Larson, Digital Teddy Bear (dlarson@blake.acs.washington.edu)