[comp.sys.amiga.tech] shared database

dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu (Dale Larson) (08/22/90)

<eat what?>

I'm working on an application which will run on a network of amigas and several
people will share data  (i.e. when data is entered everyone's display needs 
to be updated).  I need to decide whether to implement it
with one server process through which the client processes access data and
are notified if anything is changed or added, or to implement it as one 
program which uses AmigaDos2.0 locking and notification to keep everyone
in sync.

The only pros and cons I can come up with is that client/server would probably
be more efficient and that locking/notification would be simpler from the
standpoint of writing the application.  Any ideas, suggestions or comments?
	There are two ways to improve on human factors in computing:
 to make the programmers less stupid and/or to make the users less stupid.  
		Both are necessary, but neither is likely.
     -Dale Larson, Digital Teddy Bear (dlarson@blake.acs.washington.edu)