[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Commodities Questions

koverber@hawk.ulowell.edu (Jet Screamer) (09/07/90)

	Hello, netters...

	Does anyone have any info/programmer's guide to commodities? 
	How does one write a program that will behave as a commodity?
	For those who don't know what a commodity is, it is a new
	2.0 thing.  It is a workbench interface for background processes
	(I think...)  Any one with any information about this subject
	please e-mail me, or post it to the net if you think there is 
	sufficient interest.



| Kurt Overberg            |  "There once was a time when      (   ACK ! )    |
| PO Box 1193              |   my life was so wonderful..."     (____o__)     |
| U. of Lowell             |  "Then they sent me away, taught me     o        |
| Lowell, Ma 01854         |   how to be logical...sensible,         o        |
|--------------------------|   rational, a vegetable..."           _   /|     |
| koverber@hawk.ulowell.edu|              -Supertramp              \`o.O'     |
|koverber@raven.ulowell.edu|                                       =(___)=    |
|	:p		   |					     |U|      |

koverber@hawk.ulowell.edu (Jet Screamer) (09/07/90)

	Hello, netters...

	Does anyone have any info/programmer's guide to commodities? 
	How does one write a program that will behave as a commodity?
	For those who don't know what a commodity is, it is a new
	2.0 thing.  It is a workbench interface for background processes
	(I think...)  Any one with any information about this subject
	please e-mail me, or post it to the net if you think there is 
	sufficient interest.



| Kurt Overberg            |  "There once was a time when      (   ACK ! )    |
| PO Box 1193              |   my life was so wonderful..."     (_O__o__)     |
| U. of Lowell             |  "Then they sent me away, taught me     o        |
| Lowell, Ma 01854         |   how to be logical...sensible,         o        |
|--------------------------|   rational, a vegetable..."           _   /|     |
| koverber@hawk.ulowell.edu|              -Supertramp              \`o.O'     |
|koverber@raven.ulowell.edu|                                       =(___)=    |
|	:p		   |					     |U|      |