(Howard Hull) (09/08/90)
It looks as though the Instrumentation Group here may be initiating the use of a few 386 workstations with PCAD on them, and will abruptly cease to use the Xerox Expert workstations. (The Xerox support for Expert sems to be fading severely these days). The techs will work on a PC 386 that has both Capture and Place & Route for PC. The engineers are "invited" to submit stuff done on Capture only PC's for P&R. The thing on my desk is an upgraded A2000 with an A2620 accelerator, 1 meg Agnus, A2090A + quantum 80 meg hard-disk and a good, solid Mitsubish DiamondScan monitor with the Flicker Fixer - and I don't want to suffer the unrighteous slings and arrows of a single-tasking 386 clone. Perhaps the Bridge can get me out of this mess... I hear PCAD uses a dongle, and it goes on "the IBM serial port". I don't know if that means the COMM1 port or the COMM2 port. From what I've heard, if it's COMM2, I'm already dead, as the Bridge somehow uses that to talk to the Amiga side of things - is this True/False? Thanks in advance for any information on PCAD on the Amiga! Howard Hull
a218@mindlink.UUCP (Charlie Gibbs) (09/10/90)
In article <> (Howard Hull) writes: >Perhaps the Bridge can get me out of this mess... I hear PCAD uses a dongle, >and it goes on "the IBM serial port". I don't know if that means the COMM1 >port or the COMM2 port. From what I've heard, if it's COMM2, I'm already dead, >as the Bridge somehow uses that to talk to the Amiga side of things - is this >True/False? Thanks in advance for any information on PCAD on the Amiga! False! I dropped a multi-I/O card (two serial ports, one parallel port, and one game port) into one of my bridge board slots (it nicely filled the half-slot left by the 30-megabyte RLL hard card that I got for the A2286's exclusive use). It works just fine as COM1:, COM2:, and LPT2: (LPT1: is the Amiga's parallel port, and as for the game port, who cares? :-). I do MS-DOS software development on my bridge board :-( but it pays for my Amigas :-). Charlie_Gibbs@mindlink.UUCP Intel puts the "backward" in "backward compatible."