[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Files as Directories..

mike@eklektik.UUCP (/dev/tty000) (09/20/90)

Ok, here's the problem..
Thinking I'd already created a directory, I tried to move a file to it..
call it a typo, or what (I don't recall exactly what I typed, been trying to
fix it w/o using a sector editor for a couple days..), The file became a
When I use ls -l or list, it shows up as a directory with a size.

I've tried copying it to a file, it basically just renames it.  Can't type,
cat, etc.. because of "file of incorrect type".

Environment: A1000 wb1.3 w/arp 1.3  (Think that's all that's relevant.)

I've tried recreating this occurance, with no luck (trying to see what I
did wrong, mostly.)

Any ideas, or do I break out a sector editor?


Mike 'Sirius' Stilson                                      Sirius Software