[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Device driver from device name?

lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry Phillips) (09/15/90)

In <16014@s.ms.uky.edu>, kherron@ms.uky.edu (Kenneth Herron) writes:
>My problem is that for one solid week now I've been unable to find one
>shred of a way to see what driver is controlling what device.  I can
>follow the exec list of devices to find trackdisk.device, no problem.
>I can follow the device list (SER:, PRT:, et al) to find DFx:, no
>problem.  But no way to determine "trackdisk.device controls these
>devices" or "this device is controlled by trackdisk.device".

Here's a fragment of something I did a while ago.  It looks for devices by name
(DF0:, etc.), and throws away assigned names, etc. You should be able to modify
it easily. If you are using C, it shouldn't be too tough to translate, and at
the least, it will show you the path to the info you need. It's an early
effort, so don't laugh. :-)

getdev    move.l  dos,A0              ; Get dos base
          move.l  dl_Root(A0),A1      ; find the root node
          move.l  rn_Info(A1),A0      ; get the DosInfo struct
          add.l   A0,A0               ; convert from BCPL
          add.l   A0,A0
          move.l  4,a6
          call    Forbid
          move.l  di_DevInfo(A0),A1   ; get pointer to device list
1$        add.l   A1,A1               ; it's BCPL, so convert.
          add.l   A1,A1
          move.l  A1,infosave         ; need this later
          move.l  dl_Type(A1),D0      ; check the type...
          bne     2$                  ; It is not a device.
          move.l  A1,A0

          move.l  dl_Name(a0),a1      ; get pointer to device name
          add.l   a1,a1               ; convert to real pointer
          add.L   a1,a1

          lea	    namesave,A0         ; point at name buffer
          sub.l   loopreg,loopreg
          move.b  (a1)+,loopreg       ; gets BSTR length
          sub.l   #1,loopreg          ; adjust for loop
3$        move.b  (a1)+,(a0)+         ; get the actual name
          dbra    loopreg,3$
          move.b  #':',(a0)+          ; tack a colon onto the end
          move.b  #0,(a0)+            ; and null terminate it

          move.l  #namesave,a0
          move.l  argptr,a1
          move.l  arglen,loopreg
          sub.l   #1,loopreg
          cmp.b   #0,(a1)
          beq     2$
4$        cmp.b   (a0)+,(a1)+		; compare arg name with devname
          dbne    loopreg,4$
          subq    #1,a0
          cmp.b   #0,(a0)
          bne     2$

  ; if we get here, we have found a device with the same name
  ; as we were passed in the command line.

          move.l  infosave,a0           ; recover device node pointer
          move.l  dn_Startup(a0),a0     ; get fssm struct address
          adda.l  a0,a0                 ; convert from BCPL
          adda.l  a0,a0
          move.l  a0,fssmsave           ; cache it
          move.l  fssm_Environ(a0),a0   ; get disk environment struct address
          adda.l  a0,a0
          adda.l  a0,a0

  ; Gather all data for partition we want to look at.

          movem.l d0-d7,-(sp)              ; save everything
          move.l  de_BlocksPerTrack(a0),d0
          move.l  de_Surfaces(a0),d1
          move.l  de_LowCyl(a0),d2
          move.l  de_HighCyl(a0),d3
          move.l  d0,secstrack
          move.l  d1,numheads
          move.l  d2,lowcyl
          move.l  d3,highcyl
          move.l  d1,d4          ; d4 = numheads
          mulu    d0,d4          ; d4 = secs/cyl
          move.l  d4,secscyl
          move.l  d3,d5          ; d5 = highcyl
          sub.l   d2,d5
          addq    #1,d5          ; d5 = numcyl
          move.l  d5,numcyl
          mulu    d4,d5          ; d5 = numsecs
          move.l  d5,numsecs
          lsr.l   #1,d5          ; d5 = root
          btst.b  #0,numsecs+3
          beq.s   7$
          addq    #1,d5
7$        move.l  d5,root
          mulu    d2,d4          ; d4 = base sector for partition
          move.l  d4,base
          lsl.l   #8,d4          ; d4 = base byte offset for partition
          lsl.l   #1,d4
          move.l  d4,basebytes          
          movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7

  ; *** here's the part you want ***

          move.l  fssmsave,a0
          move.l  fssm_Device(a0),a0 ; get pointer to device driver name
          adda.l  a0,a0              ; and convert it (sigh)
          adda.l  a0,a0
          lea     devname,a1
          sub.l   loopreg,loopreg
          move.b  (a0)+,loopreg      ; get length of name
          subq    #1,loopreg         ; adjust for loop
6$        move.b  (a0)+,(a1)+        ; move name
          dbra    loopreg,6$
          move.b  #0,(a1)            ; and null terminate t

          bra.s   5$

2$        move.l  infosave,A1
          move.l  (A1),A1            ; get the next one
          move.l  A1,D0              ; do this for a zero test
          bne     1$                 ; is this the last file?
          move.l  #0,namesave
5$        move.l  4,a6
          call    Permit



It is not possible to both understand and appreciate Intel CPUs.
|   //   Larry Phillips                                                 |
| \X/    lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca -or- uunet!van-bc!lpami!lphillips |
|        COMPUSERVE: 76703,4322  -or-  76703.4322@compuserve.com        |

kherron@ms.uky.edu (Kenneth Herron) (09/16/90)

I hope somebody out there can help me with a problem that's driving
me crazy.

I'm trying to write a program that operates on units managed by
trackdisk.device (ie, floppy disks).  Part of the command line would
specify which drive(s) to operate on.  For the user's convenience I
want to allow names like DF0:, WorkBench:, SYS:, etc. In other words,
the user may specify an actual drive name, a volume that's in a disk drive,
or even an assign to a directory on a floppy, and my program should 
correctly determine which drive to act on.

SOOO...I have to make sure, once I've "dereferenced" the given name to
an actual device like DF0:, RAM:, or whatever, that the referenced drive
is actually controlled by trackdisk.device, without hard-coding names
like DF0: into the program--for instance, if the user mounted DF0: and
DF1: as A: and B:.

My problem is that for one solid week now I've been unable to find one
shred of a way to see what driver is controlling what device.  I can
follow the exec list of devices to find trackdisk.device, no problem.
I can follow the device list (SER:, PRT:, et al) to find DFx:, no
problem.  But no way to determine "trackdisk.device controls these
devices" or "this device is controlled by trackdisk.device".

My last good idea was to open trackdisk.device and extract the MsgPortPtr
from the initialized ioRequest structure, with the intent of comparing
it to the MsgPortPtr in the device entry for DF0:.  But The MsgPortPtr
from trackdisk.device was null, a value deliberately written there by
opendevice().  (How can this be right?  Once you open a device you're
supposed to be able to send it messages, no?)

Any help would be appreciated...

Kenneth Herron

lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry Phillips) (09/27/90)

In <14697@cbmvax.commodore.com>, jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com (Randell Jesup) writes:
>In article <1980@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca> lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry Phillips) writes:
>>          lea	    namesave,A0         ; point at name buffer
>>          sub.l   loopreg,loopreg
>>          move.b  (a1)+,loopreg       ; gets BSTR length
>>          sub.l   #1,loopreg          ; adjust for loop
>>3$        move.b  (a1)+,(a0)+         ; get the actual name
>>          dbra    loopreg,3$
>>          move.b  #':',(a0)+          ; tack a colon onto the end
>>          move.b  #0,(a0)+            ; and null terminate it
>	Note that entries on the Dos Device list do NOT have ':'s following
>them (they are BSTR names followed by a null byte).

Right.. that's why I tack one on there when I save the name for printing to the

>	Also, before examining the startup field, etc, you must check that
>the node is of type DLT_DEVICE.

Good idea. I'll do that next time I need to use the code.

>  Also you must handle Startup values that
>are NOT pointers - for example, SER:, PAR:, PRT: take small integers there.

Hmm... never noticed that, but then I wasn't looking. I'm a little puzzled as
to what the 'small integers' do.


It is not possible to both understand and appreciate Intel CPUs.
|   //   Larry Phillips                                                 |
| \X/    lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca -or- uunet!van-bc!lpami!lphillips |
|        COMPUSERVE: 76703,4322  -or-  76703.4322@compuserve.com        |

jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com (Randell Jesup) (09/28/90)

In article <1980@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca> lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry Phillips) writes:
>          lea	    namesave,A0         ; point at name buffer
>          sub.l   loopreg,loopreg
>          move.b  (a1)+,loopreg       ; gets BSTR length
>          sub.l   #1,loopreg          ; adjust for loop
>3$        move.b  (a1)+,(a0)+         ; get the actual name
>          dbra    loopreg,3$
>          move.b  #':',(a0)+          ; tack a colon onto the end
>          move.b  #0,(a0)+            ; and null terminate it

	Note that entries on the Dos Device list do NOT have ':'s following
them (they are BSTR names followed by a null byte).

	Also, before examining the startup field, etc, you must check that
the node is of type DLT_DEVICE.  Also you must handle Startup values that
are NOT pointers - for example, SER:, PAR:, PRT: take small integers there.

	Under 2.0, all of this is much easier to do.

Randell Jesup, Keeper of AmigaDos, Commodore Engineering.
{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!jesup, jesup@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com  BIX: rjesup  
Common phrase heard at Amiga Devcon '89: "It's in there!"

lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry Phillips) (10/01/90)

In <14764@cbmvax.commodore.com>, andy@cbmvax.commodore.com (Andy Finkel) writes:
>In article <2055@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca> lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry Phillips) writes:
>>>  Also you must handle Startup values that
>>>are NOT pointers - for example, SER:, PAR:, PRT: take small integers there.
>>Hmm... never noticed that, but then I wasn't looking. I'm a little puzzled as
>>to what the 'small integers' do.
>SER:, PAR: and PRT: are the same handler; the startup value is used
>to indicate how you called it.
>(See my port-handler source from the 1988 DevCon disks for more details)

Ahh! You clever devils you! Thanks Andy.


It is not possible to both understand and appreciate Intel CPUs.
|   //   Larry Phillips                                                 |
| \X/    lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca -or- uunet!van-bc!lpami!lphillips |
|        COMPUSERVE: 76703,4322  -or-  76703.4322@compuserve.com        |

andy@cbmvax.commodore.com (Andy Finkel) (10/01/90)

In article <2055@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca> lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry Phillips) writes:
>>  Also you must handle Startup values that
>>are NOT pointers - for example, SER:, PAR:, PRT: take small integers there.
>Hmm... never noticed that, but then I wasn't looking. I'm a little puzzled as
>to what the 'small integers' do.

SER:, PAR: and PRT: are the same handler; the startup value is used
to indicate how you called it.

(See my port-handler source from the 1988 DevCon disks for more details)

andy finkel		{uunet|rutgers|amiga}!cbmvax!andy
Commodore-Amiga, Inc.

"Nothing is as permanent as a temporary kludge."

Any expressed opinions are mine; but feel free to share.
I disclaim all responsibilities, all shapes, all sizes, all colors.