[comp.sys.amiga.tech] BRU / SCSI tape drive / HDBackup problems

jcsmirnios@spurge.uwaterloo.ca (John C. Smirnios) (10/02/90)

Has anybody had any success running BRU with a SCSI tape drive on an A3000?
My roommate and I are trying to use a SCSI tape drive (which is known to
work) from an old Specrix machine. Whenever I use BRU, it times out and
claims that the device cannot be accessed [I don't recall the exact error
message].  We have tried various available physical addresses (updating
s:BRUtab to correspond to the change) but we always get the same result.

To be certain that the Amiga can communicate with the Spectrix SCSI devices,
we attached the Spectrix SCSI hard disk to the amiga and it worked although
it was _really_ slow at formatting it [amigados format, not low-level].  It
took several several seconds per cylinder (5 heads, 17 sectors/head).
However, after formatting, the drive worked quickly. [Can anyone explain
this behaviour?].

We also noticed that the HDToolKit recognized the tape drive controller when
it was connected. We also noticed that BRUtab seems to have no way of
specifying the tape drive's _logical_ unit. It is currently set at zero.

"The case of the missing backup utility:"
The 2.0 documentation also describes an "HDBackup" utility that doesn't seem
to exist anywhere on the hard disk or on the installation disks. Does anyone
know why it has been left out?  

[An email response is probably preferable to a posting.]

Thanks in advance for the help!

John Smirnios
email: jcsmirnios@spurge.waterloo.edu