[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Maxtor XT-3280 Query

ssd@sugar.hackercorp.com (Scott Denham) (10/13/90)

I'm SYSOP of an Amiga user group BBS (Club Amiga) and we are seeking to
expand the storage on our system, as well as get away from our cuokrrent
SeaCrate drive (Manual start model!!)s _[ T
ThI've seen an excellent price on the Maxtor XT-3280, whic+h is a
full height unit with a 30ms access time. Size is not a problem, nor is
the access time.  Does anyone have experience with this drive using either
oTa C-LTD or Supra (500) SCSI u|controller?  
Your input would be most appreciated!!

 Scott Denham 

billsey@agora.uucp (Bill Seymour) (10/15/90)

In article <6784@sugar.hackercorp.com> ssd@sugar.hackercorp.com (Scott Denham) writes:
:I'm SYSOP of an Amiga user group BBS (Club Amiga) and we are seeking to
:expand the storage on our system, as well as get away from our current
:SeaCrate drive (Manual start model!!)
:I've seen an excellent price on the Maxtor XT-3280, which is a
:full height unit with a 30ms access time. Size is not a problem, nor is
:the access time.  Does anyone have experience with this drive using either
:a C-LTD or Supra (500) SCSI controller?  
:Your input would be most appreciated!!

	The Supra software has formatting options for the Maxtor XT-3280S
drive. I have been using one on my system for a couple of years now. You
might want to look for pricing on the newer XT-4380S instead though. The
4000 series are 16ms and *much* quieter. (Plus, the 4380 formats to 319M
as opposed to the 244M you get on the 3280.)

: Scott Denham 
: ssd@sugar.hackercorp.com

     -Bill Seymour                                            billsey@agora
***** American People/Link Amiga Zone Hardware Specialist  NES*BILL *****
Bejed, Inc.       NES, Inc.        Northwest Amiga Group    At Home Sometimes
(503) 281-8153    (503) 246-9311   (503) 656-7393 BBS       (503) 640-0842