[comp.sys.amiga.tech] RUMOR: M.A.S.T. "Infinity Machine" 15NOV90

chandra@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (Kevin M. Kilbride) (10/17/90)

Here's one for the rumor mill:

I phoned M.A.S.T. 15OCT90 to inquire about their so-called "Infinity
Machine," which some of you might recall was announced about a year
ago and has been advertised in print off-and-on for nearly as long.
I hadn't called these folks since early Spring, when they were still
promising a release in the second quarter of 1990, but when I talked
to them this time, they quoted me a release date: 15NOV90.

The machine is now essentially a proprietary expansion bus for A500
and A1000 computers that comes with up to eight slots (the guy I
was talking to spoke of "configurations" that had varying numbers
of slots) into which you can plug a variety of modules. Existing
modules include a selection of SCSI interfaces at a variety of
performance levels (I neglected to ask if they were of the same
family and upgradable) and a 24-bit color card with RGB in and out.
The color card accepts the RGB output of the Amiga and forms a
third playfield that is a backdrop to the Amiga's playfields. The
card supports interlaced resolutions up to the maximum displayable
by the Amiga and M.A.S.T. will put all specifications and utilities
in the public domain. Cost: $495. The guy said the card is FINISHED
and ready to ship and all they are waiting on is the software they
will bundle with the thing. Dale Luck is reportedly interested in
the card. The chassis, SCSI interface(s) and color card are all
scheduled to be released on 15NOV90.

Other modules include DRAM and CPU cards (an '040 card will be
available sometime after Motorola begins producing them in
quantity). One of the big points the guy was trying to make to me
was that their system would be small in comparison to currently-
available Zorro expansion boxes, most of which are half-effective
hacks anyway. Keep in mind that I don't have all the details yet;
please reserve your inacturate-data-poster flames :-)

While it could be argued that we don't need yet another bus standard,
it must be admitted that A500 and A1000 users have been more or less
disenfrachised from the Zorro bus by Commodore. If this product really
does get out the door cheaply, I, for one, will welcome it.

M.A.S.T. said that descriptive literature is being printed up right
now. If you want to receive a copy, I suggest you give them a buzz.
(Sorry, I don't have their ph# in front of me--further proof that I
don't work for these people :-)

BIX: chandra
USM: 183 Palo Verde Tr. / Santa Cruz, CA  95060-3215