[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Pointer dont vanish-Mouse reports to screen.

superbug@lopez.UUCP (Super Bug) (10/19/90)

Howdy' peoples, got a little situation that I was wondering
if some of you could help me with. I am working on this program
that uses MODULA-2 (benchmark) and some library comands to get
double buffered screens. The two problems are:     1 > I have
loaded a bob that will use the mouse as a reference (eg. the bob
will follow the mouse around the screen.) and I dont want the
pointer Image on the double buffered screen (I would like the
pointer image invisible.) I have tried using ClearPointer,
SetPointer (I know they are only good on windows not screens.)
and tried to FreeSprite(0), GetSprite(0), and ChangeSprite(0) to
blanks, and the image does go invisible, but the second I move
the mouse the pointer image (that I blanked out) comes back!
Could some one tell me  **A> WHY the image comes back only when I
move the mouse around the screens?  **B> How to stop it from
becoming visible when I move the mouse?  **C> How to get the
pointer image back to normal once the double buffering is
2 > I know that when programing mouse imput events one can simply
use the IDCMPFlags on the window to capture mouse buttons. But
the screen (double buffered or otherwise doesn't use the
IDCMPFlags how would I use the mouse buttons with a double
buffered screen?
IF at all possible could you send me some examples in C or 
MODULA-2, as that would be the most educational for me
The following is as clip from the program that I am working on,
this should show you what it is I'm trying to do. Remember that
it's the pointer I am having a problem with.
Sp : SpritePtr                                               *
Rp : RastPort                                                *
Vp : ViewPort                                                *
SpriteNum : CARDINAL   (*a CARDINAL is from 0 to 32260*)     *
ImPtr : ImagePtr;    (*this is used for picture data *       * 
*that is placed on the end of the program and stuffed *      *
*into memory *)                                              *
NumDrag : CARDINAL (* this is used to change the dragon      *
bobs to make it look as though it is flying *)               *
Scr := CreateDBufScreen(320,400,4);
Rp := ADR(Scr^.RastPort);
Vp := ADR(Scr^.ViewPort);
FreeSprite(0);                   (*Free that sprite*)
SpriteNum := GetSprite(Sp,0);    (*Get me the mouse sprite*)
Sp.height := 14;                 (*Sprite height*)
Sp,ImPtr^[6].Data);        (*ImPtr^[6].Data is blank data *)
GPtr := CreateGelsInfo(Rp^);
XBow  := CreateBob(160,200,215,229,ImPtr^[0].Depth,
Drag:= CreateBob(BaseX,BaseY,149,202,ImPtr^[2].Depth,
NumDrag := 2;
Dont := TRUE;
Scr^.MouseX := 267;
Scr^.MouseY := 250;
   FOR X := 1 TO 75 DO
	XBow^.BobVSprite^.Y := ((Scr^.MouseY)-50); 
(* so mouseY is placed at the center of bob *)
	XBow^.BobVSprite^.X := ((Scr^.MouseX)-107);
(* so mouseX is placed at the center of bob *)
	Drag^.BobVSprite^.X := BaseX;
	Drag^.BobVSprite^.Y := BaseY;
(* these are used to move the dragon *)
   Drag^.BobVSprite^.ImageData := ImPtr^[NumDrag].Data; (* #1 *)
(* #1: This makes the dragon apper as its flappinf its wings *)
	XBow^.BobVSprite^.Y := ((Scr^.MouseY)-50);
	XBow^.BobVSprite^.X := ((Scr^.MouseX)-107);
   END; (* end For Loop *)
END Intro;
Thanks lots Sent info to 