[comp.sys.amiga.tech] European demo source

spworley@athena.mit.edu (Spaceman Spiff) (10/27/90)

I really enjoy watching "demos"- the neverending contest between European
hacking groups to outprogram each other. They typically play some snazzy 
Noisetracker soundtrack and show off graphic tricks- solid vector animation,
blitter/copper tricks, or other hacks. Many times a group will put together
a disk of these demos written by its members and tie it together with a 
generic "loader" which plays each in turn, and is in itself a demo. Also
typical are "text scrolls" where typically a long boring message from the
programmer says hello to every other group in the world. 

I'm very interested in how these demos are programmed- I'd love to play
with the code and make my own demos or modify one or more. Since these
demos show off 1) sound 2) multitasking 3) graphics 4) animation 5) SPEED
they would make great demos for prospective Amiga buyers, but I don't want
to show many because only a few are free of swearing and LONG lists of hacker
groups. Some even have lines like "Wanna swap games? Call me" (Grrrr.), though
this is only in about %10 of the demos I've seen. 

Anyway, does anyone have the source to one of these demos? Anyone written one?
I've tried to get in touch with the authors that left addresses, but no luck.
Also, why are ALL of these demos European? [Most from Norway, Sweden, Denmark,
etc.] I have yet to see an American demo. :-) This also means most demos are
PAL, so you miss 25% of the graphics on the bottom of the screen, unless you
have a PAL machine, or a 3000. :-) 

Anyway, if anyone has leads to demo source or techniques, I'd be very interested.
E-mail, and if I get anything interesting I'll post a followup.

Steve Worley                                           spworley@athena.mit.edu