Help! Does anyone know how to kill a runaway or infinite loop processs? I've tried different things, none of which seem to work! ____ Cesidio DiBenedetto Jr. // The CDIBENEDETTO@MIAVX1.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU // Apprentice Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, \\ // Tsargon for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup! \X/ Amiga 2000 (Richard J. Lewis, Jr. - Hacker@Large) (11/01/90)
I've always found that tearing the electric cord from the wall and throwing the computer through a third floor plate glass window is VERY effective in stopping an out-of-control endless loop. But then, I get testy when programming... Your milage may vary. - Crash /--------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Rich Lewis A.K.A Crash | | | | "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it! Boldness has | | genius, power and magic in it." | | | | - Goethe | \--------------------------------------------------------------------/
I didn't really want to turn it off. I had other process running, which needed more memory. The looped process was wasting the memory. ---- Cesidio DiBenedetto Jr. // The CDIBENEDETTO@MIAVX1.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU // Apprentice Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, \\ // Tsargon for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup! \X/ Amiga 2000
mclaren (Gavin McLaren) (11/02/90)
Ok. There were two questions really. 1) Can I kill a running task. 2) Can I recover the resources used by that task. The answer to 1) is definitely yes. There are no system commands that help out, however. GOMF (a commercial product) offers a command called 'nuke' that allows you to remove a task from the system, and remove graphics elements (screens, windows) that were associated with the task. I think that the bitmap memory automatically allocated by the system for these items is also released. However, my understanding is that you will NOT be able to recover all the memory used by the program. The code and data areas should be able to be unloaded, along with any memory that was added to the SegList in the task structure. However, memory obtained through AllocMem() must be returned by FreeMem(), and memory allocated with malloc() may or may not be added to the segment list. --Gavin McLaren ..!{uucp}!mdivax1.uucp!mclaren