[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Supervisor stack

rrs@neabbs.UUCP (RONALD VAN EIJCK) (11/07/90)

You, who knows about supervisor stacks,

I need some information about the supervisor stack:

1. What is the sized.
2. Can I make it bigger.

The reason I want to know is:
I have some interrupts which use stackspace. Well lets say a level 1 interrupt
is interrupted by a level 3 and this one is interrupted by a level 5 and
they all use some ( <1k ) stackspace. Is it possible that the supervisor
stack overflows and if that is the case what happens to my machine ?
(guru or dead by unknown cause)


 |  Ronald van Eijck             R&R Software             rrs@neabbs.uucp  |
 |                                                                         |
 |                              No motto today                             |

DXB132@psuvm.psu.edu (11/09/90)

The supervisor stack under both 1.2 and 2.0 is 6,144 bytes. It is typically
located at the top of "local" memory, usually the top of chip mem or $C00000
memory. (I think that's correct, or is the s-stack placed in chip mem on
machines with $c00000 memory too? what about the 3000?)

Anyway, chances are an overflow of the s-stack will just write over memory
that is *probably* not being used. It's not too difficult to extend the range
of the s-stack, or to move it to fast memory for that matter (using the
movessp utility but modified to provide more than 6,144 bytes). Hope this
helps a little...

-- Dan Babcock