[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Compiling huge files with Manx?

martin@cs.uiuc.edu (RoCCo mArtIn) (11/16/90)

Hello all,

    I am working on a compiler project and am having some troubles getting
the code to work on my machine.  I am using the Manx 5.0d compiler on 
some code that my team's scheme-to-C compiler produces.  The problem is that
it is a rather large file of boring C code.  By large, I mean that it 
requires both large code and data segments according to the Manx compiler.
(About 900 lines of code, all embedded in a massive switch statement.)  This
is not a request on how to implement the compilation scheme more efficiently,
mind you. :-)

   Anyway, I compile the resultant program, say fib.c using large code,
but small data.  It compiles fine, but the linker complains that I'm using
more than 64K in data.  So, I compile using large data and large code, and
now I get the following error:

> 3.Work:Tmp/compiler-project> cc -mc -md -c fib.c
> Aztec C 5.0d Sep 28 1990   (C) 1990 by Manx Software Systems, Inc.
>         jsr     _coerce
>                        ^
> File ram:TMPA472.TMP; Line 9452 # Pc relative out of word range, -35820.
> 1 errors

This is the same error I get if I try to compile using large data and small
code.  Could it be that the compiler doesn't really handle the case of 
large data, large code, or is my program just too monstrous for this compiler
to handle???  Please, if you have some insight, let me know.  I'd rather
be doing my testing without tying up the phone line!

					Thanks in advance,
					- Rocco
Name:		Rocco Martin					     	|
Internet:	martin@cs.uiuc.edu, or roccom@tahoe.unr.edu           --+--
Witty saying: 	You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends, 	|
		but you can't wipe your friends off behind the couch... |