[comp.sys.amiga.tech] 1541 =>----<= Amiga

ovb10@cs.kun.nl (Patrick Atoon) (11/29/90)

Does anybody out there have a schema of the 1541 (yes... the C=64 diskdrive)
-to-Amiga cable??

I thought I saw it once in a magazine, but I can't find the darned thing
anymore. My previous try to build one resulted in a deaf Amiga (null-modem:
can send, can't receive :_( ). This should be a fairly simple cable, so I'm
gonna build one (grrr...), just to have more fun of a 64 emulator. 
(Finally.... M.U.L.E.!)

Thanx in advance, 

| Patrick Atoon           |  "READY.                  |
| University of Nijmegen  |   ?OUT OF DATA ERROR."    |
| E-mail: ovb10@cs.kun.nl |                      C=64 |