[comp.sys.amiga.tech] HELP - send FAX modem

ben@epmooch.UUCP (Rev. Ben A. Mesander) (12/13/90)

>In article <90347.223035FDHEIENO@ucf1vm.cc.ucf.edu> FDHEIENO@ucf1vm.cc.ucf.edu writes:
>I recently added  a send fax modem to my toys.  Well the manuf.
>states I need at least 100k free on the disk I install it on.  So
>what can I delete from WB 1.3 and still get good results.  I'm
>using an old 1000 with 2 meg and still love it.
>Please send help/ideas or money ( for a 3000) to the address
>below.  Thanks for the help.

1) Printer drivers for printers that you don't own.

2) Install ARP (saves a _bunch_ of space).

3) If you don't have a hard drive, delete L:FastFileSystem

4) Delete c:ed and c:edit if you never use them

5) Delete a bunch of silly programs from system: and utilities:, like
   SAY, KeyToy2000, FastMemFirst, NoFastMem, etc.

Before I had a hard drive, this is how I configured my 1000's workbench
disk. I still do this, because I use kickbench, which is a combined 
workbench and kickstart disk, to boot my hard drive (it's not auto-
booting). On that disk, I had to delete all the c: commands that I
did not actually use in my startup-sequence, to get everything to fit.

| ben@epmooch.UUCP   (Ben Mesander)       | "Cash is more important than |
| ben%servalan.UUCP@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu |  your mother." - Al Shugart, |
| !chinet!uokmax!servalan!epmooch!ben     |  CEO, Seagate Technologies   |

FDHEIENO@ucf1vm.cc.ucf.edu (12/14/90)

I recently added  a send fax modem to my toys.  Well the manuf.
states I need at least 100k free on the disk I install it on.  So
what can I delete from WB 1.3 and still get good results.  I'm
using an old 1000 with 2 meg and still love it.
Please send help/ideas or money ( for a 3000) to the address
below.  Thanks for the help.