[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Enforcer Question

joachim@urz.unibas.ch (12/19/90)

Hi -

I've got a question concerning the enforcer4 debugging tool:

Currently I'm using a non-DMA, non-autoconfig HD-Controler which is
memory-mapped around 0xEF0000.

The enforcer4 doesn't like the device's accesses to these locations thus
disabling any access to the HD.

My question:

Is there a way to convince the enforcer that reads & writes to a specific area
is ok (e.g. by manipulating system structures) ?

Should anybody out there in Netland know the answer please let me know .

	Peter Joachim <joachim@urz.unibas.ch>

PS: Thanks a lot to the authors of enforcer! This little program made debugging
really VERY MUCH easier!