v089pfrb@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Jeffrey C Murphy) (12/20/90)
In a previous article I said that my 1084 seems to deinterlace after a few minutes of operation. Ten minutes (or so) later is flickers between interlace and non-interlace and then finally syncs back into interlace. This only happens once when you first turn the computer on. I got a reply saying that others have experienced this and said that he heard "removing a turning from the ferrite beads" (or some such) should solve it (although he confessed he never tried it and heard it from someone else). He also said it was a problem with the 2000 itself. Recently (while downloading) I had my 2000 running for an extended period without the monitor turned on. Several hours later I turned on the monitor to finish up and noticed that after a few minutes the problem surfaced. Would this mean it is a problem with the 1084 and not the 2000? --------------------------------------------------------------- X| /// If You Didn't Get An Amiga |X| Galactic Overlord Jeff | X| \\\/// Then Be Sure To |X| V089PFRB@UBVMSD.BITNET | X| \\// Get A Life! |X| Galaxy Central, Buf NY | XX_______________________________________________________________ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Simulated Window FX exclusive to IBM