[comp.sys.amiga.tech] Switching between RAW: and CON:, Best way?

ben@epmooch.UUCP (Rev. Ben A. Mesander) (12/27/90)

Thanks to some help from the net, I used a RAW: console rather than a
CON: console for an application where I did not want input characters
echoed to the screen. I send an ACTION_SCREEN_MODE packet to the CLI
console to switch the CLI to RAW: mode upon startup, and CON: mode
before I exit. Everything works great.

The thing is, that it turns out that all this stuff to do with sending
packets seems a little complex to me. Is there perhaps a simpler way to
do this? Is there a magic escape sequence I can send a CON: window that
will switch it to a RAW: window and vice versa?

Also where is the ACTION_SCREEN_MODE packet documented in the RKMs? All
I could find was the reference to it in libraries/dosextens.h, which was
not particularly informative... (I got the info I have on it from a fish

| ben@epmooch.UUCP   (Ben Mesander)       | "Cash is more important than |
| ben%servalan.UUCP@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu |  your mother." - Al Shugart, |
| !chinet!uokmax!servalan!epmooch!ben     |  CEO, Seagate Technologies   |