[comp.sys.amiga.tech] DOS Errors

a976@mindlink.UUCP (Ron Tarrant) (12/31/90)

> johnv@tower.actrix.gen.nz writes:
> Msg-ID: <3469.tnews@tower.actrix.gen.nz>
> Posted: 1 Jan 91 00:07:52 GMT
> Org.  : Amiga Virus Extermination Services, NZAmigaUG :).
> Person: John Veldthuis
> what this error is? Maybe someone can post a list of all the Dos error
> codes and what they mean. I have the V1.2 Dos manual and it gives nothing
> for 286.
> --
> *** John Veldthuis, NZAmigaUG.         johnv@tower.actrix.gen.nz ***

I don't have any idea what an error 286 is, but here is a short ARexx program I
wrote that tells you most others.

Usage: DosERR <###>

------------------ cut here cut here cut here ---------------------

/* Report the meaning of error code numbers */

parse arg number

        when number = 103 then mes = 'Insufficient free memory'
        when number = 104 then mes = 'Task table full.  20 tasks already,
        when number = 120 then mes = 'Argument line invalid or too long'
        when number = 121 then mes = 'File is not an object module'
        when number = 122 then mes = 'Invalid resident library during load'
        when number = 202 then mes = 'Object in use'
        when number = 203 then mes = 'Object already exists'
        when number = 204 then mes = 'Directory not found'
        when number = 205 then mes = 'Object not found'
        when number = 206 then mes = 'Invalid window description'
        when number = 207 then mes = 'Invalid stream component name'
        when number = 212 then mes = 'Object not of required type'
        when number = 213 then mes = 'Disk not validated'
        when number = 214 then mes = 'Disk is write-protected'
        when number = 215 then mes = 'Rename across devices attempted'
        when number = 216 then mes = 'File not unlocked'
        when number = 218 then mes = 'Device not mounted'
        when number = 220 then mes = 'Comment too big'
        when number = 221 then mes = 'Disk full'
        when number = 222 then mes = 'File is protected from deletion'
        when number = 223 then mes = 'File is protected from writing'
        when number = 224 then mes = 'File is protected from reading'
        when number = 225 then mes = 'Not a DOS disk'
        when number = 232 then mes = 'file not found'
        otherwise say '[32mNot a valid error code![0m'; exit

say 'Error code[32m' number '[0mmeans' '[33m'mes '[0m'

-------------------- cut here cut here cut here -----------------

-Ron Tarrant

johnv@tower.actrix.gen.nz (John Veldthuis) (01/01/91)

I have program that scans a disk getting filenames with the ExNext DOS
function. One disk comes up with a read/write error requester and IoErr()
reports it as an Error 286. This is using WorkBench 1.3. Does anyone know
what this error is? Maybe someone can post a list of all the Dos error
codes and what they mean. I have the V1.2 Dos manual and it gives nothing
for 286.
*** John Veldthuis, NZAmigaUG.         johnv@tower.actrix.gen.nz       ***