[net.micro] Any info on the NEW Sinclair Office Computer???

taylor (03/25/83)

	In the recent issue of DATAMATION (tm) there is a very brief mention
that Uncle Clive and his band of merry engineers (and otherwise merry men)
are planning to introduce a 'Office computer that will be the rival of the
IBM PC (tm) and the Apple IIe (tm) for about $500...'

	Anyone know anything else about it?  It is supposed to be RELEASED 
this fall, with graphics, micro-disks and all, so I would be very suprised
if it does not already exist in some small dark lab somewhere... (US Distrib-
utor is going to be, guess who, Timex (tm) !!!)

	Sounds quite intriguing, huh???!!!!  (I'm poor, I can't afford a PC)

					-- Dave Taylor  (no tm)

ps : (tm) stands for Trademark...