[comp.sys.amiga.tech] YACC

@utrcgw.utc.com:mark@ardnt1 (Mark Stucky) (02/19/91)

on 19 Feb 91 02:46:11 GMT,
"Allen H. Farrington" <@utrcgw.utc.com:allen@grebyn.COM> said:

  Allen> Does YACC exist for the Amiga?  If so, where would
  Allen> I obtain it if I don't have FTP access to remote sites?

  Allen> --Allen
  Allen> -- 
  Allen> |------------------------------------|
  Allen> | Allen H. Farrington (703) 222-9612 | "It's like nothing we've ever
  Allen> | allen@grebyn.com                   |  dealt with before."
  Allen> |------------------------------------|                    -Mr. Spock


  Yes, YACC does exist for the Amiga.  You can find YACC 
and Bison (the GNU "equivalent" of YACC) on the following
Fish disks:

  Bison		A replacement for unix "yacc" command.  This is from
  		the GNU (GNU is Not Unix) effort.  Contains updates
  		to the version on disk number 136, submitted by two  
  		separate sources.  Includes source.
  		Author:  Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman, updates
  			 by William Loftus and Scott Henry
  Yacc		This is a port of Berkeley Yacc for the Amiga.  This
  		Yacc has been made as compatible as possible with the
  		AT&T Yacc, and is completely public domain.  Note that
  		it is NOT the so-called Decus Yacc, which is/was simply
  		a repackaging of the proprietary AT&T Yacc.  This is
  		an update to the version on disk 299.  Includes source.
  		Author:  Bob Corbett et. al.

Since you're looking for YACC, I'm guessing that you might eventually
want "lex".  You can find "flex" on the following Fish disk:
  Flex		Flex is a replacement for the UNIX "lex" (lexical
		analyzer generator) program that is faster than
		lex, and freely redistributable.  This is version 2.3,
		an update to the version on disk 156.  Includes source.
		Authors:  Jef Poskanzer, Vern Paxson, William Loftus,
			  et. al.

If you don't have FTP access, you might be able to get these
mailed to from one of the list servers, such as BITFTP@pucc.princeton.edu
(aka BITFTP@PUCC.BITNET).  I've never used "BITFTP", so I won't be
much help.  Try sending a "help" message to this site to get more info.

Good Luck.


| Mark Stucky                         | Email:                               |
| United Technologies Research Center |   mark%ardnt1@utrcgw.utc.com         |
| East Hartford, CT.                  |   mast%utrc@utrcgw.utc.com           |
| My opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of my employer.      |