Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM (Vision-List moderator Phil Kahn) (11/13/90)
Vision-List Digest Mon Nov 12 16:35:10 PDT 90 - Send submissions to Vision-List@ADS.COM - Send requests for list membership to Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM Today's Topics: Information on the Vision List, Imagery, & Archives Robotic camara systems and Canon lenses image analysis software computer colour vison distinguish rectangle and ellipse CVNet- Spatial Vision Meeting Announcement 2nd Call for 7SCIA 3D vision bibliography ---------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 16:08:37 -0800 From: (Vision List moderator Philip Kahn) Subject: Information on the Vision List, Imagery, & Archives [ This abbreviated reminder is due to the large number of requests for info I received about the imagery archives. I'm on the lookout to add useful imagery; if you have such imagery, please contact me at phil... ] The INTERNET host site for the Vision List is Vision-List@ADS.COM for list contributions and Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM for undistributed correspondence. The Vision List is also distributed as the COMP.AI.VISION newsgroup. As the moderator, I am interested in stimulating exchanges on research and other topics of significance to the vision community. Here is some information which describes the List and related services. ARCHIVES & SERVICES Backissues of the Vision List Digest and some public domain software and imagery is available via anonymous FTP. For those of you without FTP connection, limited backissues may be obtained by mailing your request to Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM . To access the Vision List archives from anonymous FTP: 1) FTP to ADS.COM 2) Login name is ANONYMOUS 3) Once you're logged on, change directory (cd) to pub/VISION-LIST-ARCHIVE * Backissues of the Vision List Digest may be found in pub/VISION-LIST-ARCHIVE/BACKISSUES * Azriel Rosenfeld's Computer Vision bibliographies from 1984-present may be found in pub/VISION-LIST-ARCHIVE/ROSENFELD-BIBLIOGRAPHIES * Public domain software (shareware) may be found in pub/VISION-LIST-ARCHIVE/SHAREWARE * Imagery may be found in pub/VISION-LIST-ARCHIVE/IMAGERY For those wishing to contribute to the archives with shareware, imagery, or other good stuff of general interest to the community, please contact me at Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM . I hope you enjoy the Vision List! Phil Kahn, moderator Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90. From: (Andres Iborra) Subject: Robotic camara systems and Canon lenses. Organitation: Politechnical University of Madrid Hello! We are working on the calibration of a robotic camara system. We have obtained relatively simple transformation equations to determine twelve camara parameters (pan, tilt, zoom, nodal separation, distorsion, etc.) by fitting them to several data points. The calibration must be performed each time the camara system is modi fied. For that reason, we are urgently looking for a table indicating the poti- tion of the nodal point and the distortion throughout the zoom range of the CANON TV zoom lenses: - PH 18x6 - J15x9.5 - PH 15x7 - J18x8.5 - PH 13x6.6 - J8x6 If there is a large request for this info we'll post it, etc ... Thanks in advance. A. Iborra Automatica ETSI. Industriales. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Jose Gutierrez Abascal 2. 28006 Madrid. SPAIN. e-mail: Fax No: +34 (9) 1 5642961/2618618 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 06 Nov 90 12:12:52 CST From: Subject: image analysis software I would appreciate any information you might have on image analysis software (especially those that are public domain) running on X-windows on DECstations. I will post a summary of the information received to the Vision-List. Thanks. Vasant Honavar Department of Computer Science 226 Atanasoff Hall Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011 e-mail: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Nov 90 09:58:52 GMT From: Yangsheng Wang <> Subject: computer colour vison Hi, Does anyone know of any recent papers and books in computer colour vison, colour image processing, etc? Thank you in advance. Y.S.Wang ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 11 Nov 90 21:21:34 GMT From: (Liqiang Feng) Subject: distinguish rectangle and ellipse Keywords: simple, rectangle, ellipse Organization: University of Michigan Engineering, Ann Arbor Hi, I am looking for a real simple method to distinguish a rectangle and an ellipse. I do not want to use edge detection stuff, I would prefer to use geometric properties like area, perimeter, compactness, that sort of things. Does anybody out there have some ideas? Your suggestions are greatly appreciated. E-mail to: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Nov 90 13:44:50 EST From: Color and Vision Network <> Subject: CVNet- Spatial Vision Meeting Announcement The York Vision Group and Department of Computer Science are organizing a conference on Spatial Vision in Humans and Robots at York University, Toronto, June 19 to 22, 1991. The following have agreed to give talks: D. Ballard, J. Bergen, K. DeValois, A. Jepson, B. Julesz, D. Heeger, J. Hinton, S. Klein, K. Nakayam K. Nakayama, A. Pentland, T. Poggio, D. Regan, W. Richards, R. Szeliski, J. Tsotsos, H. Wilson, A. Yuille, S. Zucker. There will be a $50 registration fee ($20 for students). Accomodation and meals may be booked in advance. For registration form and details of the programme send a reply with your full address to Ihoward @ yorkvm1. bitnet. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Nov 90 08:59:38 +0100 From: (Henrik I. Christensen) Subject: 2nd Call for 7SCIA The 7th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis August 13-16, 1991, Aalborg University, Denmark 2ND CALL FOR PAPERS The 7th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis will be arranged by The Pattern Recognition Society of Denmark and sponsored by IAPR, the International Association for Pattern Recognition. The conference will be held in Aalborg from August 13 to 16, 1991. Aalborg is a major industrial and university city in North Jutland, Denmark. The conference site is "Aalborghallen", Centre of Culture, Congresses and Exhibitions, which has amble facilities and a central location in the town. Conference Committee Address of Conference Chair: Erik Granum, Conference Chair 7th SCIA Conference Chair Peter Johansen, Programme Chair Laboratory of Image Analysis Soeren I. Olsen, Progr. Vice-Chair Institute of Electronic Systems Henning Nielsen, Exhibition Chair Aalborg University Henrik I. Christensen, Local Chair Fr. Bajers Vej 7, Bldg. D1 Knut Conradsen, Denmark DK-9220, Aalborg East Juha Roening, Finland Denmark Fritz Albregtsen, Norway tel. + 45 98 15 85 22 ext. 4940 Ewart Bengtsson, Sweden fax. + 45 98 15 40 08 email: SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME The scientific programme includes invited speakers and multi-track sessions with contributed papers for oral and poster presentation. The conference language is English. The contributed papers will cover original, unpublished research results, either theoretical or applied, within the following areas: Image Analysis Pattern Recognition Computer Vision Perception Parallel Algorithms & Architectures Neural Nets Remote Sensing Medical & Biological Applications Industrial Applications Invited speakers and their topics: - Vision and Robotics Prof. J.L. Crowley, Institute National Polytechnique de Grenoble, INPG. - Human Vision Understanding Prof. I. Biederman, Univ. of Minnesota. ,Minneapolis - Knowledge-Based Vision Prof. A. Hanson, Univ. of Mass., Amhurst, Mass. - Scale-Space Analysis Prof. J. J. Koenderink, Univ. of Utrecht. - Range Image Analysis Dr. P. Besl, General Motors Research Laboratory.Warren, MI. - Remote Sensing Dr. R. Haydn, Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Fernerkennung GmbH. Munich SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Papers must be in English, and only full papers will be accepted. Authors are invited to submit four (4) copies of each full paper to: Professor Peter Johansen 7th SCIA Programme Chair Dept. of Computer Science University of Copenhagen Universitetsparken 1 DK-2100 Copenhagen East Denmark tel. +45 - 31 39 64 66 fax. +45 - 31 39 02 21 email: The cover page should contain: - Title of the paper - Name and affiliation of author(s) - Brief abstract (200 words) - Name & addr. for correspondence The text (including illustrations) beginning on page 2 must not exceed 8 pages (single linespacing). All pages must show the name of the (first) author and page number. The deadline for submission of papers is DECEMBER 1, 1990. All papers will be assessed by three reviewers. Authors will be notified as to acceptance by MARCH 1, 1991. For accepted papers, a final camera-ready copy will be required by May 1, 1991. Instructions for authors will be provided. REGISTRATION INFORMATION The registration fee will be 2700 DKK before 15 May 1990, and 3000 DKK for late registration. The fee covers: proceedings, entrance to all oral and poster sessions, exhibition, lunches and coffee breaks, get-together party, reception, and banquet. The fee is payable by Bankers' cheque drawn on a Danish bank and in Danish Kroner (private cheques will not be accepted). Registration forms, hotel information, and practical travel information are available from the Conference Secretariat: 7th SCIA Conference Secretariat c/o: Aalborg Tourist Bureau Oesteraa 8 DK-9000 Aalborg Denmark tel. +45 98 12 63 55 fax. +45 98 16 69 22 There will be hotel rooms available for participants in four different categories: single room double room A DKK 650-770 DKK 940 - 1140 B DKK 535-715 DKK 620 - 925 C* DKK 225-400 DKK 475 - 550 * Rooms without bath. D Youth hostel DKK127 Rates per room and night include breakfast. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Nov 90 15:18:56 EST From: (Patrick J. Flynn) Subject: 3D vision bibliography In the course of my PhD program I accumulated a rather large bibliography of papers on 3D vision. It recently occurred to me that I could make it available over the network so that others wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel. It's in BibTeX format with my own `unique' indexing system, and I don't think it's worth repackaging as a special issue of vision-list. Regards Pat Flynn @string{comment=" Hello. This is the bibliography of 3D vision papers that I accumulated since 1986. It's in BibTeX format, and the index phrase for each entry looks something like NAME-1stword-2ndword-WHERE-WHEN where NAME is the last name of the principal author, 1stword and 2ndword are the first and second words in the title of the item, WHERE is a label for the publication (e.g. `book', `iccv88', `cvpr88'), and WHEN is the last 2 digits of the year of publication. This makes citations in the LaTeX documents kinda long, but easy to read. This list of references is long and eclectic. I will probably continue to update it, and make newer versions available in the future. Pat Flynn Computer Science and Engineering University of Notre Dame "} @string{pami="{IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}"} @string{ai="{Artificial Intelligence}"} @string{csur="{Computing Surveys}"} @string{cga="{IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications}"} @string{cgip="{Computer Graphics and Image Processing}"} @string{cvgip="{Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing}"} @string{pr="{Pattern Recognition}"} @string{prl="{Pattern Recognition Letters}"} @string{ijrr="{International Journal of Robotics Research}"} @string{iccv87="{Proc. First International Conference on Computer Vision}"} @string{iccv88="{Proc. Second International Conference on Computer Vision}"} @string{iccv90="{Proc. Third International Conference on Computer Vision}"} @string{cvpr86="{Proc. 1986 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}"} @string{cvpr89="{Proc. 1989 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}"} @string{cvpr88="{Proc. 1988 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}"} @string{cvpr91="{Proc. 1991 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}"} @string{icpr90="{Proc. Tenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition}"} @article{drumheller-mobile-robot-pami-87, AUTHOR="Michael Drumheller", TITLE="{Mobile Robot Localization Using Sonar}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="PAMI-9", NUMBER=2, PAGES="325-332", YEAR=1987 } @inproceedings{ulupinar-using-symmetries-iccv-88, AUTHOR="Fatih Ulupinar and Ramakant Nevatia", TITLE="{Using Symmetries for Analysis of Shape from Contour}", BOOKTITLE=iccv88, YEAR=1988, PAGES="414-426"} @inproceedings{rao-shape-description-icpr-90, AUTHOR="Kashipati Rao and Ramakant Nevatia", TITLE="{Spahe Description from Imperfect and Incomplete Data}", BOOKTITLE=icpr90, PAGES="125-129", YEAR=1990} @inproceedings{flynn-on-a-cvpr-91, AUTHOR="{Patrick J. Flynn and Anil K. Jain}", TITLE="{On A Taxonomy of Interpretation Trees}", BOOKTITLE=cvpr91, YEAR="1991 (submitted)"} @incollection{besl-the-free-book-90, AUTHOR="Paul J. Besl", TITLE="{The Free-Form Surface Matching Problem}", BOOKTITLE="{Machine Vision for Three-Dimensional Scenes}", EDITOR="Herbert Freeman", PUBLISHER="Academic", YEAR=1990, PAGES="25-71"} @inproceedings{newman-model-driven-spie-91, AUTHOR="Timothy S. Newman and Patrick J. Flynn and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{Model-Driven Surface Classification}", BOOKTITLE="SPIE Conf. on Geometric Methods in Computer Vision", YEAR="1991 (in preparation)" } @book{wilf-generatingfunctionology-book-90, AUTHOR="Herbert S. Wilf", TITLE="{Generatingfunctionology}", PUBLISHER="{Academic Press}", YEAR=1990} @book{hillis-the-connection-book-85, AUTHOR="W.D. Hillis", TITLE="{The Connection Machine}", PUBLISHER="MIT Press", CITY="Cambridge, MA", YEAR=1985} @inproceedings{tucker-object-recognition-cvpr-88, AUTHOR="Lewis W. Tucker and Carl R. Feynman and Donna M. Fritzsche", TITLE="{Object Recognition Using the Connection Machine}", BOOKTITLE=cvpr88, YEAR=1988, PAGES="871-877"} @inproceedings{cass-a-robust-cvpr-88, AUTHOR="Todd Anthony Cass", TITLE="{A Robust Parallel Implementation of 2D Model-Based Recognition}", BOOKTITLE=cvpr88, PAGES="879-884", YEAR=1988} @inproceedings{harris-object-recognition-cvpr-86, AUTHOR="John G. Harris and Anita M. Flynn", TITLE="{Object Recognition Using the Connection Machine's Router}", BOOKTITLE=cvpr86, YEAR=1986} @article{shankar-three-dimensional-prl-90, AUTHOR="Ravi V. Shankar and Ganesh Ramamoorthy and Minsoo Suk", TITLE="{Three-Dimensional Object Recognition on the Connection Machine}", JOURNAL=prl, VOLUME=11, PAGES="485-492", MONTH="July", YEAR=1990 } @techreport{ramaswami-rule-based-unpublished-88, AUTHOR="M.D. Ramaswami and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{Rule-Based 3D Object Recognition from Range Images}", INSTITUTION="Department of Computer Science, Michigan State University", YEAR="1988 (unpublished)"} @inproceedings{flynn-bonsai-3d-iccv-90, AUTHOR="Patrick J. Flynn and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{BONSAI: 3D Object Recognition Using Constrained Search}", BOOKTITLE=iccv90, YEAR="1990 (to appear)" } @phdthesis{flynn-cad-based-thesis-90, AUTHOR="Patrick J. Flynn", TITLE="{CAD-Based Computer Vision: Modeling and Recognition Strategies}", SCHOOL="Department of Computer Science, Michigan State University", YEAR=1990} @inproceedings{flynn-surface-classification-cvpr-88, AUTHOR= "Patrick J. Flynn and Anil K. Jain", TITLE= "{Surface Classification: Hypothesis Testing and Parameter Estimation}", BOOKTITLE=cvpr88, PAGES="261-267", MONTH="June", YEAR="1988" } @inproceedings{flynn-on-reliable-cvpr-89, AUTHOR="Patrick J. Flynn and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{On Reliable Curvature Estimation}", BOOKTITLE=cvpr89, PAGES="110-116", MONTH="June", YEAR="1989" } @article{flynn-cad-based-pami-91, AUTHOR="Patrick J. Flynn and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{CAD-Based Computer Vision: From CAD Models to Relational Graphs}", JOURNAL=pami, YEAR="1991 (to appear)" } @inproceedings{flynn-cad-based-smc-89, AUTHOR="Patrick J. Flynn and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{CAD-Based Computer Vision: From CAD Models to Relational Graphs}", BOOKTITLE="{Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics}", MONTH="November", YEAR=1989, CITY="Cambridge, Massachusetts", PAGES="162-167" } @article{taxt-segmentation-of-pami-89, AUTHOR="Torfinn M. Taxt and Patrick J. Flynn and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{Segmentation of Document Images}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME=11, PAGES="1322-1329" } @inproceedings{taxt-segmentation-of-smc-89, AUTHOR="Torfinn M. Taxt and Patrick J. Flynn and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{Segmentation of Document Images}", BOOKTITLE="{Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics}", MONTH="November", YEAR=1989, CITY="Cambridge, Massachusetts", PAGES="1062-1067" } @article{nadabar-mrf-model-iccv-90, AUTHOR="Sateesha G. Nadabar and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{MRF Model-Based Segmentation of Range Images}", JOURNAL="submitted to Second International Conference on Computer Vision", YEAR=1990 } @phdthesis{choi-vertex-based-thesis-89, AUTHOR="Young Choi", TITLE="{Vertex-Based Boundary Representations of Non-manifold Geometric Models}", INSTITUTION="{Dept of Mechanical Engineering,Carnegie Mellon University}", MONTH="August", YEAR=1989} @inproceedings{park-cad-based-cvpr-88, AUTHOR="H.D. Park and O.R. Mitchell", TITLE="{CAD based planning and execution of inspection}", BOOKTITLE=cvpr88, CITY="Ann Arbor", YEAR=1988, MONTH="June", PAGES="858-863"} @article{patel-engineering-feature-caej-88, AUTHOR="R.M. Patel and A.J. McLeod", TITLE="{Engineering feature description in mechanical engineering design}", JOURNAL="{Computer-Aided Engineering Journal}", PAGES="180-183", MONTH="October", YEAR=1988} @article{shah-functional-requirements-caej-88, AUTHOR="Jami J. Shah and Mary T. Rogers", TITLE="{Functional requirements and conceptual design of the feature-based modelling system}", JOURNAL="{Computer-Aided Engineering Journal}", MONTH="February", YEAR=1988, PAGES="9-15"} @inproceedings{stansfield-representing-generic-icra-88, AUTHOR="S.A. Stansfield", TITLE="{Representing generic objects for exploration and recognition}", BOOKTITLE="{Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation}", PAGES="1090--1095", CITY="Philadelphia", MONTH="April", YEAR=1988} @article{stockman-matching-images-pami-82, AUTHOR="George C. Stockman and S. Kopstein and S. Benett", TITLE="{Matching Images to Models for Registration and Object Detection via Clustering}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="PAMI-4", NUMBER=3, YEAR=1982, PAGES="229-241"} @article{stockman-a-minimax-ai-79, AUTHOR="George C. Stockman", TITLE="{A minimax algorithm better than alpha-beta?}", JOURNAL=ai, VOLUME=12, PAGES="179-196", YEAR=1979} @book{kumar-parallel-algorithms-book-90, AUTHOR="Vipin Kumar and P.S. Gopalakrishnan and Laveen N. Kanal (eds.)", TITLE="{Parallel Algorithms for Machine Intelligence and Vision}", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR=1990} @incollection{kumar-scalable-parallel-book-90, AUTHOR="Vipin Kumar and V. Nageshwara Rao", TITLE="{Scalable Parallel Formulations of Depth-First Search}", BOOKTITLE="{Parallel Algorithms for Machine Intelligence and Vision}", EDITOR="Vipin Kumar and P.S. Gopalakrishnan and Laveen N. Kanal", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", PAGES="1-41", YEAR=1990} @article{kumar-parallel-branch-pami-84, AUTHOR="Vipin Kumar and Laveen N. Kanal", TITLE="{Parallel Branch-and-Bound Formulation for AND/OR Tree Search}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="PAMI-6", NUMBER=6, YEAR=1984, PAGES="768-788"} @inproceedings{pentland-a-simple-cvpr-89, AUTHOR="A. Pentland and T. Darrell and M. Turk and W. Huang", TITLE="{A Simple, Real-Time Range Camera}", BOOKTITLE=cvpr89, YEAR=1989, PAGES="256-261"} @inproceedings{subbarao-direct-recovery-workshop-87, AUTHOR="M. Subbarao", TITLE="{Direct Recovery of Depth-Map}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision", PAGES="58-65", YEAR=1987} @inproceedings{sethi-a-flexible-robex-89, AUTHOR="Ishwar K. Sethi and Nagarajan Ramesh", TITLE="{A Flexible Shape Recognition Approach Through Hashing}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. ROBEX '89 (sponsored by Robotics and Expert Systems Division, Instrument Society of America", CITY="Palo Alto, CA", YEAR=1989, PAGES="185-188"} @techreport{hecker-is-geometric-tr-89, AUTHOR="Yaron C. Hecker and Ruud M. Bolle", TITLE="{Is Geometric Hashing a Hough Transform?}", NUMBER="RC 15202(\#67767)", INSTITUTION="{IBM Research Division, T.J. Watson Research Center}", YEAR=1989} @inproceedings{lamdan-geometric-hashing-iccv-88, AUTHOR="Y. Lamdan and H.J. Wolfson", TITLE="{Geometric Hashing: A General and Efficient Model-Based Recognition Sceme}", BOOKTITLE=iccv88, YEAR=1988, PAGES="238-249"} @article{brody-cad-meets-ht-87, AUTHOR="Herb Brody", TITLE="{CAD Meets CAM}", JOURNAL="High Technology", YEAR=1987, PAGES="12-16"} @article{berenji-use-of-cime-86, AUTHOR="Hamid R. Berenji and Berokh Khoshnevis", TITLE="{Use of Artificial Intelligence in Automated Process Planning}", JOURNAL="{Computers in Mechanical Engineering}", MONTH="September", YEAR=1986, PAGES="47-55"} @inproceedings{lin-csg-based-icpr-88, AUTHOR="Wei-Chung Lin and Tsu-Wang Chen", TITLE="{CSG-Based Object Recognition Using Range Images}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition", CITY="Rome", YEAR=1988, MONTH="November", PAGES="99-103"} @book{faux-computational-geometry-book-79, AUTHOR="I.D. Faux and M.J. Pratt", TITLE="{Computational Geometry for Design and Manufacture}", PUBLISHER="Ellis Horwood", CITY="Chichester", YEAR=1979} @inproceedings{haralick-methodology-for-cvpr-89, AUTHOR="Robert M. Haralick", TITLE="{Methodology for Experimental Computer Vision}", BOOKTITLE=cvpr89, PAGES="437-438", MONTH="June", Year=1989} @article{hoffman-cad-driven-smc-89, AUTHOR="Richard Hoffman and H. Keshavan and Farhad Towfiq", TITLE="{CAD-Driven Machine Vision}", JOURNAL="IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", VOLUME=19, NUMBER=6, MONTH="November/December", YEAR=1989, PAGES="1477-1488"} @mastersthesis{clemens-the-recognition-thesis-86, AUTHOR="David T. Clemens", TITLE="{The Recognition of Two-Dimensional Modeled Objects in Images}", SCHOOL="Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology", YEAR=1986} @article{gaston-tactile-recognition-pami-84, AUTHOR="P.C. Gaston and T.Lozano-P\'{e}rez", TITLE="{Tactile Recognition and Localization Using Object Models: The Case of Polyhedra on a Plane}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="PAMI-6", NUMBER=3, PAGES="257-265", YEAR=1984} @techreport{grimson-the-combinatorics-tr-89, AUTHOR="W. Eric L. Grimson", TITLE="{The Combinatorics of Heuristic Search Termination for Object Recognition in Cluttered Environments}", NUMBER="1111", INSTITUTION="AI Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology", YEAR=1989} @inproceedings{huttenlocher-object-recognition-iccv-87, AUTHOR="Daniel P. Huttenlocher and Shimon Ullman", TITLE="{Object Recognition Using Alignment}", BOOKTITLE=iccv87, YEAR=1987, PAGES="102-111"} @article{hansen-cagd-based-pami-89, AUTHOR="C. Hansen and T. Henderson", TITLE="{CAGD-Based Computer Vision}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME=11, NUMBER=11, YEAR=1989, MONTH="November", PAGES="1181-1193"} @inproceedings{stewart-the-trinocular-iccv-88, AUTHOR="Charles V. Stewart and Charles R. Dyer", TITLE="{The Trinocular General Support Algorithm: A Three-Camera Stereo Algorithm for Overcoming Binocular Matching Errors}", BOOKTITLE="Proc 2nd Int. Conf. on Computer Vision", MONTH="December", YEAR=1988, PAGES="134-138"} @inproceedings{hansen-towards-real-iccv-88, AUTHOR="Charles Hansen and Nicholas Ayache and Francis Lustman", TITLE="{Towards Real-Time Trinocular Stereo}", BOOKTITLE="Proc 2nd Int. Conf. on Computer Vision", MONTH="December", YEAR=1988, PAGES="129-133"} @article{mitiche-detection-of-pami-83, AUTHOR="Amar Mitiche and J.K. Aggarwal", TITLE="{Detection of Edges Using Range Information}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="PAMI-5", NUMBER=2, PAGES="174-178", MONTH="March", YEAR=1983} @inproceedings{inokuchi-a-three-icpr-82, AUTHOR="Seiji Inokuchi and Takeshi Nita and Fumio Matsuda and Yoshifumi Sakurai", TITLE="{A Three Dimensional Edge-Region Operator for Range Pictures}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition", PAGES="918-920", YEAR=1982} @inproceedings{kasvand-the-k1k2-icpr-88, AUTHOR="T. Kasvand", TITLE="{The k1k2 Space in Range Image Analysis}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition", CITY="Rome", YEAR=1988, MONTH="November", PAGES="923-926"} @inproceedings{stephens-outdoor-vehicle-cvpr-89, AUTHOR="M.J. Stephens and R.J. Blissett and D. Charnley and E.P. Sparks and J.M. Pike", TITLE="{Outdoor Vehicle Navigation Using Passive 3D Vision}", BOOKTITLE=cvpr89, PAGES="556-562", YEAR=1989} @article{blostein-shape-from-pami-89, AUTHOR="Dorothea Blostein and Narendra Ahuja", TITLE="{Shape From Texture: Integrating Texture-Element Extraction and Surface Estimation}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME=11, NUMBER=12, PAGES="1233-1251", MONTH="December", YEAR=1989} @article{nalwa-line-drawing-pami-89, AUTHOR="Vishvjit S. Nalwa", TITLE="{Line-Drawing Interpretation: Bilateral Symmetry}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME=11, NUMBER=10, YEAR=1989, MONTH="October", PAGES="1117-1120"} @article{jain-range-intensity-prl-90, AUTHOR="A.K. Jain and T. Newman and M. Goulish", TITLE="{Range-Intensity Histogram for Segmenting LADAR Images}", JOURNAL="submitted to {Pattern Recognition Letters}", YEAR=1990} @inproceedings{krotkov-range-from-icra-86, AUTHOR="E. Krotkov and J.P. Martin", TITLE="{Range From Focus}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1986 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation", MONTH="April", YEAR=1986, PAGES="1093-1098"} @article{orourke-decomposition-of-pami-79, AUTHOR="J. O'Rourke and N.I. Badler", TITLE="{Decomposition of Three-Dimensional Objects into Spheres}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="PAMI-1", MONTH="July", YEAR=1979} @inproceedings{lu-a-relational-3dworkshop-89, AUTHOR="Haiyuan Lu and Linda G. Shapiro and Octavia I. Camps", TITLE="{A Relational Pyramid Approach to View Class Determination}", BOOKTITLE="{Proc. IEEE Workshop on Interpretation of 3D Scenes}", CITY="Austin, Texas", MONTH="November", YEAR=1989, PAGES="177-183"} @techreport{camps-premio-the-tr-89, AUTHOR="Octavia I. Camps and Linda G. Shapiro and Robert M. Haralick", TITLE="{PREMIO: The Use of Prediction in a CAD-Model-Based Vision System}", NUMBER="EE-ISL-89-01", INSTITUTION="Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington", YEAR=1989} @inproceedings{vaillant-using-occluding-3dworkshop-89, AUTHOR="R. Vaillant and O.D. Faugeras", TITLE="{Using Occluding Contours for Recovering Shape Properties of Objects}", BOOKTITLE="{Proc. IEEE Workshop on Interpretation of 3D Scenes}", CITY="Austin, Texas", MONTH="November", YEAR=1989, PAGES="26-32" } @article{witkin-recovering-surface-ai-81, AUTHOR="A.P. Witkin", TITLE="{Recovering Surface Shape and Orientation from Texture}", JOURNAL=ai, VOLUME=17, NUMBER="1-3", PAGES="17-45", YEAR=1981, MONTH="August"} @techreport{chen-3D-poly-tr-88, AUTHOR="C.H. Chen and A.C. Kak", TITLE="{3D-POLY: A Robot Vision System for Recognizing Objects in Occluded Environments}", NUMBER="TR-EE 88-48", INSTITUTION="{School of Electrical Engineering, Purdue University}", YEAR=1988, MONTH="December" } @article{chen-a-robot-smc-89, AUTHOR="C.H. Chen and A.C. Kak", TITLE="{A Robot Vision System for Recognizing 3-D Objects in Low-Order Polynomial Time}", JOURNAL="IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", VOLUME=19, NUMBER=6, MONTH="November/December", YEAR=1989, PAGES="1535-1563"} @inproceedings{bergevin-generic-object-3dworkshop-89, AUTHOR="Robert Bergevin and Martin D. Levine", TITLE="{Generic Object Recognition: Building Coarse 3D Descriptions from Line Drawings}", BOOKTITLE="{Proc. IEEE Workshop on Interpretation of 3D Scenes}", CITY="Austin, Texas", MONTH="November", YEAR=1989, PAGES="68-74" } @inproceedings{eggert-computing-the-3dworkshop-89, AUTHOR="David Eggert and Kevin Bowyer", TITLE="{Computing the Orthographic Projection Aspect Graph of Solids of Revolution}", BOOKTITLE="{Proc. IEEE Workshop on Interpretation of 3D Scenes}", CITY="Austin, Texas", MONTH="November", YEAR=1989, PAGES="102-108" } @inproceedings{sripradisvarakul-generating-aspect-3dworkshop-89, AUTHOR="Thawach Sripradisvarakul and Ramesh Jain", TITLE="{Generating Aspect Graphs for Curved Objects}", BOOKTITLE="{Proc. IEEE Workshop on Interpretation of 3D Scenes}", CITY="Austin, Texas", MONTH="November", YEAR=1989, PAGES="109-115" } @book{hoffmann-geometric-and-book-89, AUTHOR="Christoph M. Hoffmann", TITLE="{Geometric \& Solid Modeling: An Introduction}", PUBLISHER="Morgan Kaufmann", YEAR=1989 } @incollection{jain-report-1988-book-90, AUTHOR="Ramesh C. Jain and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{Report: 1988 NSF Range Image Understanding Workshop}", BOOKTITLE="{Analysis and Interpretation of Range Images}", EDITOR="Ramesh C. Jain and Anil K. Jain", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR=1990, PAGES="1-31" } @book{jain-analysis-and-book-90, AUTHOR="Ramesh C. Jain and Anil K. {Jain (eds.)}", TITLE="{Analysis and Interpretation of Range Images}", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR=1990} @incollection{tanaka-a-rule-book-90, AUTHOR="S. Tanaka and A. C. Kak", TITLE="{A Rule-Based Approach to Binocular Stereopsis}", BOOKTITLE="{Analysis and Interpretation of Range Images}", EDITOR="Ramesh C. Jain and Anil K. Jain", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR=1990, PAGES="33-139" } @incollection{besl-geometric-signal-book-90, AUTHOR="Paul J. Besl", TITLE="{Geometric Signal Processing}", BOOKTITLE="{Analysis and Interpretation of Range Images}", EDITOR="Ramesh C. Jain and Anil K. Jain", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR=1990, PAGES="141-205" } @inproceedings{gupta-quantitative-and-3dworkshop-89, AUTHOR="A. Gupta and L. Bogoni and R. Bajcsy", TITLE="{Quantitative and Qualitative Measures for the Evaluation of the Superquadric Models}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. IEEE Workshop on Interpretation of 3D Scenes", YEAR=1989, PAGES="162-169"} @incollection{bajcsy-segmentation-versus-book-90, AUTHOR="Ruzena Bajcsy and Franc Solina and Alok Gupta", TITLE="{Segmentation versus Object Representation--Are They Separable?}", BOOKTITLE="{Analysis and Interpretation of Range Images}", EDITOR="Ramesh C. Jain and Anil K. Jain", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR=1990, PAGES="207-223" } @incollection{stockman-object-recognition-book-90, AUTHOR="George Stockman", TITLE="{Object Recognition}", BOOKTITLE="{Analysis and Interpretation of Range Images}", EDITOR="Ramesh C. Jain and Anil K. Jain", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR=1990, PAGES="225-253" } @incollection{corby-applications-of-book-90, AUTHOR="N. R. Corby and J. L. Mundy", TITLE="{Applications of Range Image Sensing and Processing}", BOOKTITLE="{Analysis and Interpretation of Range Images}", EDITOR="Ramesh C. Jain and Anil K. Jain", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR=1990, PAGES="255-272" } @incollection{hebert-3-D-book-90, AUTHOR="Martial Hebert and Takeo Kanade and InSo Kweon", TITLE="{3-D Vision Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles}", BOOKTITLE="{Analysis and Interpretation of Range Images}", EDITOR="Ramesh C. Jain and Anil K. Jain", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR=1990, PAGES="273-337" } @incollection{chaudhary-parallelism-in-book-90, AUTHOR="Vipin Chaudhary and J. K. Aggarwal", TITLE="{Parallelism in Computer Vision: A Review}", BOOKTITLE="{Parallel Algorithms for Machine Intelligence and Vision}", EDITOR="Vipin Kumar and P.G. Gopalakrishnan and Laveen N. Kanal", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR=1990, PAGES="271-309"} @incollection{aggarwal-multisensor-fusion-book-90, AUTHOR="J. K. Aggarwal and N. Nandhakumar", TITLE="{Multisensor Fusion for Automatic Scene Interpretation}", BOOKTITLE="{Analysis and Interpretation of Range Images}", EDITOR="Ramesh C. Jain and Anil K. Jain", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR=1990, PAGES="339-361" } @book{rogers-mathematical-elements-book-90, AUTHOR="David F. Rogers and J. Alan Adams", TITLE="{Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics}", EDITION="Second", PUBLISHER="McGraw-Hill", YEAR=1990 } @book{rogers-procedural-elements-book-85, AUTHOR="David F. Rogers", TITLE="{Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics}", PUBLISHER="McGraw-Hill", YEAR=1985 } @book{samet-the-design-book-90, AUTHOR="Hanan Samet", TITLE="{The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures}", PUBLISHER="{Addison-Wesley}", YEAR=1990 } @article{jain-report-on-mva-89, AUTHOR="Ramesh C. Jain and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{Report on Range Image Understanding Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan, March 21--23, 1988}", JOURNAL="{Machine Vision and Applications}", VOLUME=2, PAGES="45-60", YEAR=1989 } @inproceedings{swain-object-recognition-darpaiu-88, AUTHOR="Michael Swain", TITLE="{Object Recognition from a Large Database Using a Decision Tree}", BOOKTITLE="{Proc. 1988 DARPA Image Understanding Workshop}", YEAR=1988, PAGES="690-696" } @inproceedings{reeves-shape-analysis-cvpr-85, TITLE="{Shape Analysis of Three Dimensional Objects Using Range Information}", AUTHORS="Anthony P. Reeves and Richard J. Prokop and Russell W. Taylor", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1985 IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", YEAR=1985, PAGES="452-457" } @article{bhanu-recognition-of-pr-89, AUTHOR="Bir Bhanu and Lawrence A. Nuttall", TITLE="{Recognition of 3-D Objects in Range Images Using a Butterfly Multiprocessor}", JOURNAL=pr, VOLUME=22, NUMBER=1, YEAR=1989, PAGES="49-64"} @inproceedings{bhanu-clustering-based-icpr-86, AUTHOR="Bir Bhanu and John C. Ming", TITLE="{Clustering Based Recognition of Occluded Objects}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition", PAGES="732-734", YEAR=1986, CITY="Paris" } @inproceedings{shu-reordering-of-icpr-86, AUTHOR="David B. Shu and C. C. Li", TITLE="{Reordering of Surface Feature Vectors in Training for 3-D Object Recognition}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition", PAGES="111-115", YEAR=1986, CITY="Paris" } @inproceedings{shu-an-approach-icra-86, AUTHOR="David B. Shu and C. C. Li and Y. N. Sun", TITLE="{An Approach to 3-D Object Identification Using Range Images}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1986 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation", PAGES="118-125" } @inproceedings{ponce-using-generic-darpaiu-88, AUTHOR="Jean Ponce and Glenn Healy", TITLE="{Using Generic Geometric and Physical Models For Representing Solids}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. DARPA Image Understanding Workshop", YEAR=1988, PAGES="488-503" } @inproceedings{morgenthaler-the-ita-darpaiu-87, TITLE="{The ITA Range Image Processing System}", AUTHOR="David G. Morgenthaler and Keith D. Gremban and Mitch Nathan and John D. Bradstreet", BOOKTITLE="Proc. DARPA Image Understanding Workshop", YEAR=1987, PAGES="127-142" } @inproceedings{magee-multilevel-vision-icra-89, AUTHOR="Michael Magee and Jeffrey Becker and Donald Mathis and Cheryl Sklain and William Wolfe", TITLE="{Multilevel Vision Based Spatial Reasoning for Robotic Tasks}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation", CITY="Scottsdale, Arizona", PAGES="503-508", YEAR=1989 } @inproceedings{sanderson-attributed-image-icra-89, AUTHOR="Arthur C. Sanderson and Nigel Foster", TITLE="{Attributed Image Matching Using a Minimum Representation Size Criterion}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation", CITY="Scottsdale, Arizona", PAGES="360-365", YEAR=1989 } @inproceedings{mulgaonkar-scene-description-icra-89, TITLE="{Scene Description for Object manipulation in Unstructured Environments}", AUTHOR="Prasanna G. Mulgaonkar and Jeff DeCurtins", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation", CITY="Scottsdale, Arizona", PAGES="354-359", YEAR=1989 } @inproceedings{ellis-uncertainty-estimates-icra-89, TITLE="{Uncertainty Estimates for Polyhedral Object Recognition}", AUTHOR="R.E. Ellis", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation", CITY="Scottsdale, Arizona", PAGES="348-353", YEAR=1989 } @inproceedings{allen-haptic-object-icra-89, TITLE="{Haptic Object Recognition Using a Multi-Fingered Dextrous Hand}", AUTHOR="Peter K. Allen and Kenneth S. Roberts", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation", CITY="Scottsdale, Arizona", PAGES="342-347", YEAR=1989 } @inproceedings{kriegman-computing-aspect-3dworkshop-89, AUTHOR="David J. Kriegman and Jean Ponce", TITLE="{Computing Exact Aspect Graphs of Curved Objects: Solids of Revolution}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. IEEE Workshop on Interpretation of 3D Scenes", YEAR=1989, PAGES="116-122"} @inproceedings{allen-acquisition-and-3dworkshop-89, AUTHOR="P.K. Allen and P. Michaelman", TITLE="{Acquisition and Interpretation of 3-D Sensor Data from Touch}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. IEEE Workshop on Interpretation of 3D Scenes", YEAR=1989, PAGES="33-40"} @inproceedings{alevizos-on-the-icra-89, TITLE="{On the Order induced by a set of rays: Application to the probing of non convex polygons}", AUTHOR="P. Alevizos and J.D. Boissonnat and M. Yvinec", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation", CITY="Scottsdale, Arizona", PAGES="202-207", YEAR=1989 } @inproceedings{aubry-biulding-hierarchical-icra-89, TITLE="{Building Hierarchical Solid Models from Sensor Data}", AUTHOR="St\'{e}phane Aubry and Vincent Hayward", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation", CITY="Scottsdale, Arizona", PAGES="196-201", YEAR=1989 } @inproceedings{srinivasan-computational-geometric-icra-89, TITLE="{Computational Geometric Methods in Volumetric Intersection for 3D Reconstruction}", AUTHOR="Partha Srinivasan and Ping Liang and Susan Hackwood", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation", CITY="Scottsdale, Arizona", PAGES="190-195", YEAR=1989 } @inproceedings{gatrell-cad-based-icra-89, TITLE="{CAD-Based Grasp Synthesis Utilizing Polygons, Edges, and Vertices}", AUTHOR="Lance B. Gatrell", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation", CITY="Scottsdale, Arizona", PAGES="184-189", YEAR=1989 } @inproceedings{grandjean-3-d-icra-89, TITLE="{3-D Modeling of Indoor Scenes by Fusion of Noisy Range and Stereo Data}", AUTHOR="Pierrick Grandjean", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation", CITY="Scottsdale, Arizona", PAGES="681-687", YEAR=1989 } @inproceedings{woodham-determining-surface-icra-89, AUTHOR="Robert J. Woodham", TITLE="{Determining Surface Curvature with Photometric Stereo}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1989 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation", PAGES="36-42", YEAR=1989, MONTH="May" } @article{blinn-platonic-solids-cga-87, AUTHOR="James F. Blinn", TITLE="{Platonic Solids}", JOURNAL=cga, YEAR=1987, PAGES="62-66", MONTH="November" } @article{casale-free-form-cga-87, AUTHOR="Malcolm S. Casale", TITLE="{Free-Form Solid Modeling with Trimmed Surface Patches}", JOURNAL=cga, YEAR=1987, MONTH="January", PAGES="33-43" } @article{piegl-infinite-control-cga-87, AUTHOR="L. Piegl", TITLE="{Infinite Control Points - A Method for Representing Surfaces of Revolution Using Boundary Data}", JOURNAL=cga, MONTH="March", YEAR=1987, PAGES="45-55" } @article{hardwick-comparison-of-cga-87, AUTHOR="Martin Hardswick and David L. Spooner", TITLE="{Comparison of Some Data models for Engineering Objects}", JOURNAL=cga, MONTH="March", YEAR=1987, PAGES="56-66" } @article{wilson-a-short-cga-87, AUTHOR="Peter R. Wilson", TITLE="{A Short History of CAD Data Transfer Standards}", JOURNAL=cga, MONTH="June", YEAR=1987, PAGES="64-67" } @article{grabowski-iges-model-cga-87, AUTHORS="H. Grabowski and R. Glatz", TITLE="{IGES Model Comparison System: A Tool for Testing and Validating IGES Procressors}", JOURNAL=cga, MONTH="November", YEAR=1987, PAGES="47-57" } @article{lee-machine-understanding-cga-87, AUTHOR="Y.C. Lee and K.S. Fu", TITLE="{Machine Understanding of CSG: Extraction and Unification of Manufacturing Features}", JOURNAL="IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", YEAR=1987, PAGES="20-32", MONTH="January" } @article{wilson-conic-representations-cga-87, TITLE="{Conic Representations for Shape Description}", AUTHOR="Peter R. Wilson", JOURNAL=cga, VOLUME=7, NUMBER=4, PAGES="23-30", YEAR=1987 } @article{lee-a-pattern-ai-88, AUTHOR="Kai-Fu Lee and Sanjoy Mahajan", TITLE="{A Pattern Classification Approach to Evaluation Function Learning}", JOURNAL=ai, VOLUME=36, NUMBER=1, PAGES="1-25", YEAR=1988 } @article{terzopoulos-constrints-on-ai-88, AUTHOR="Demetri Terzopoulos and Andrew Witkin and Michael Kass", TITLE="{Constraints on Deformable Models: Recovering 3D Shape and Nonrigid Motion}", JOURNAL=ai, VOLUME=36, NUMBER=1, PAGES="91-123", YEAR=1988 } @techreport{al-hujzai-range-image-tr-89, AUTHOR="Ezzet Al-Hujazzi and Arun K. Sood", TITLE="{Range Image Segmentation with Applications to Robot Bin-Picking Using Vacuum Gripper}", NUMBER="CV-89-1", INSTITUTION="Computer Vision and Distributed Systems Research Laboratory, School of Information Technology and Engineering, George Mason University", YEAR=1989} @phdthesis{wu-recognizing-and-thesis-88, AUTHOR="Hsianglung Wu", TITLE="{Recognizing and Locating Three-Dimensional Objects From Range Data Using Feature Extraction by Demand}", SCHOOL="Department of Computer Engineering and Science, Case Western Reserve University", YEAR=1988 } @article{hall-measuring-curved-computer-82, AUTHOR="Ernest L. Hall and James K. B. Tio and Charles A. McPherson and Firooz A. Sadjadi", TITLE="{Measuring Curved Surfaces for Robot Vision}", JOURNAL="COMPUTER", YEAR=1982, PAGES="42-54", VOLUME=15, NUMBER=12, MONTH="December" } @incollection{lu-synthesis-of-book-88, AUTHOR="S. W. Lu and A. K. C. Wong", TITLE="{Synthesis of Attributed Hypergraphs for Knowledge Representation of 3-D Objects}", BOOKTITLE="Pattern Recognition", EDITOR="J. Kittler", SERIES="Lecture Notes in Computer Science", VOLUME=301, YEAR=1988, PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag" } @inproceedings{lu-recognition-of-syroco-85, AUTHOR="S. W. Lu and A. K. C. Wong and M. Rioux", TITLE="{Recognition of 3-D Objects in Range Images by Attributed Hypergraph Monomorphism and Synthesis}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1st IFAC Symp. on Robot Control (SYROCO '85)", YEAR=1985, PAGES="389-394", ADDRESS="Barcelona", MONTH="November" } @inproceedings{lu-analysis-of-icpr-88, TITLE="{Analysis of 3-D Scene with Partially Occluded Objects for Robot Vision}", AUTHOR="Siwei Lu and Andrew K. C. Wong", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition", ADDRESS="Rome", YEAR=1988, MONTH="November", PAGES="303-308" } @inproceedings{potmesil-generating-models-ijcai-83, AUTHOR="M. Potmesil", TITLE="{Generating Models of Solid Objects by Matching 3D Surface Segments}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1983 Int. Jt. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence", MONTH="August", YEAR=1983, PAGES="1089-1093" } @inproceedings{chien-construction-of-cvpr-88, AUTHOR="C. H. Chien and Y. B. Sim and J. K. Aggarwal", TITLE="{Construction of Volume-Surface Octree from Range Data}", BOOKTITLE=cvpr88, MONTH="June", YEAR="1988", PAGES="254-260" } @article{martin-volumetric-descriptions-pami-83, AUTHOR="Worthy N. Martin and J. K. Aggarwal", TITLE="{Volumetric Descriptions of Objects From Multiple Views}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="PAMI-5", NUMBER=2, MONTH="March", YEAR=1983, PAGES="150-158" } @inproceedings{veenstra-efficient-octree-cvpr-86, AUTHOR="Jack Veenstra and Narendra Ahuja", TITLE="{Efficient Octree Generation from Silhouettes}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1986 IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", MONTH="June",YEAR=1986,PAGES="537-542" } @article{chien-volume-surface-cvgip-86, AUTHOR="C. H. Chien and J. K. Aggarwal", TITLE="{Volume/Surface Octrees for the Representation of Three-Dimensional Objects}", JOURNAL=cvgip, VOLUME=36, YEAR=1986, PAGES="100-113" } @article{shneier-model-based-cvgip-86, AUTHOR="Michael O. Shneier and Ronald Lumia and Ernest W. Kent", TITLE="{Model-Based Strategies for High-Level Robot Vision}", JOURNAL=cvgip, VOLUME=33, YEAR=1986, PAGES="293-306" } @techreport{chen-computing-a-tr-87, AUTHOR="Sei-Wang Chen and George Stockman and Neelima Shrikhande", TITLE="{Computing a Pose Hypothesis from a Small Set of 3-D Object Features}", NUMBER="MSU-ENGR-87-001", INSTITUTION="Department of Computer Science, Michigan State University", YEAR=1987} @phdthesis{chen-3d-representation-thesis-89, AUTHOR="Sei-Wang Chen", TITLE="3D Representation and Recognition Using Object Wings", SCHOOL="Department of Computer Science, Michigan State University", YEAR="1989" } @article{defigueiredo-a-framework-titechjournal-87, AUTHOR="{Rui J.P.} deFigueriedo", TITLE="{A Framework for Automation of 3D Machine Vision}", JOURNAL="TI Technical Journal", YEAR=1987, PAGES="62-72" } @inproceedings{rosenfeld-recognizing-unexpected-darpaiu-87, AUTHOR="Azriel Rosenfeld", TITLE="{Recognizing Unexpected Objects: A Proposed Approach}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. DARPA Image Understanding Workshop", YEAR="1987", PAGES="620-627" } @article{kak-knowledge-based-ijpr-88, AUTHOR="A.C. Kak and A.J. Vayda and R.L. Cromwell and W.Y. Kim and C.H. Chen", TITLE="{Knowledge-based Robotics}", JOURNAL="Int. J. Prod. Res.", VOLUME=26, NUMBER=5, PAGES="707-734", YEAR=1988 } @article{walker-geometric-reasoning-ai-88, AUTHOR="Ellen Lowenfeld Walker and Martin Herman", TITLE="{Geometric Reasoning for Constructing 3D Scene Descriptions from Images}", JOURNAL="Artificial Intelligence", VOLUME=37, PAGES="275-290", YEAR=1988 } @article{ballard-viewer-independent-pami-83, AUTHOR="Dana H. Ballard and Daniel Sabbah", TITLE="{Viewer Independent Shape Recognition}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="PAMI-5", NUMBER=6, PAGES="653-660", YEAR=1983 } @article{cyganski-object-recognition-advances-88, AUTHOR="D. Cyganski and J.A. Orr", TITLE="{Object Recognition and Orientation Determination by Tensor Methods}", BOOKTITLE="{Advances in Computer Vision and Image Processing}", VOLUME=3, PAGES="101-144", YEAR=1988, PUBLISHER="JAI Press" } @article{engelbrecht-polyhedral-object-pr-88, AUTHOR="Jan R. Engelbrecht and Friedrich M. Wahl", TITLE="{Polyhedral Object Recognition Using Hough-Space Features}", JOURNAL=pr, VOLUME=21, NUMBER=6, PAGES="155-168", YEAR=1988 } @article{ben-arie-3d-objects-cvgip-87, TITLE="{3D Objects Recognition by Optimal Matching Search of Multinary Relations Graphs}", AUTHOR="Jezekiel Ben-Arie and A. Zvi Meiri", JOURNAL=cvgip, VOLUME=37, PAGES="345-361", YEAR=1987 } @book{shirai-three-dimensional-book-87, AUTHOR="Yoshiaki Shirai", TITLE="{Three-Dimensional Computer Vision}", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR=1987 } @book{brooks-model-based-book-84, AUTHOR="Rodney A. Brooks", TITLE="{Model-Based Computer Vision}", PUBLISHER="UMI Research Press", YEAR=1984 } @book{brown-advances-in-book-88, EDITOR="Christopher Brown", TITLE="Advances in Computer Vision", PUBLISHER="Lawrence Erlbaum Associates", YEAR=1988 } @book{woodwark-computing-shape-book-86, TITLE="{Computing Shape}", AUTHOR="John Woodwark", PUBLISHER="Butterworths", YEAR=1986 } @article{choi-triangulation-of-cad-88, AUTHOR="B. K. Choi and H. Y. Shin and Y. I Woon and J. W. Lee", TITLE="{Triangulation of Scattered Data in 3D Space}", JOURNAL="Computer Aided Design", VOLUME=20, NUMBER=5, PAGES="239-248", YEAR=1988, MONTH="June" } @article{pasquill-practical-uses-cad-88, AUTHOR="K. G. Pasquill", TITLE="{Practical Uses of IGES}", JOURNAL="Computer Aided Design", VOLUME=20, NUMBER=6, PAGES="x-x", YEAR=1988, MONTH="July/August" } @article{asteasu-intersection-of-cad-88, AUTHOR="C. Asteasu", TITLE="{Intersection of Arbitrary Surfaces}", JOURNAL="Computer Aided Design", VOLUME=20, NUMBER=9, PAGES="x-x", YEAR=1988, MONTH="November" } @article{aldefeld-variation-of-cad-88, AUTHOR="B. Aldfeld", TITLE="{Variation of Geometries Based on a Geometric-Reasoning Method}", JOURNAL="Computer Aided Design", VOLUME=20,NUMBER=3, MONTH="April", YEAR=1988, PAGES="x-x" } @article{goldman-analytic-approach-cad-87, AUTHOR="R. N. Goldman and T. W. Sederberg", TITLE="{Analytic Approach to Intersection of All Piecewise Parametric Rational Cubic Curves}", JOURNAL="Computer Aided Design", VOLUME=19, NUMBER=6, MONTH="August", YEAR=1987, PAGES="x-x" } @article{woodwark-speculations-on-cad-88, AUTHOR="J. R. Woodwark", TITLE="{Some Speculations on Feature Recognition}", JOURNAL="Computer Aided Design", VOLUME=20, NUMBER=4, MONTH="May", YEAR=1988, PAGES="x-x" } @article{stockman-object-recognition-cvgip-87, AUTHOR="George C. Stockman", TITLE="{Object Recognition and Localization via Pose Clustering}", JOURNAL=cvgip, VOLUME=40, PAGES="361-387", YEAR=1987 } @inproceedings{chen-object-wings-cvpr-89, AUTHOR="Sei-Wang Chen and George Stockman", TITLE="{Object Wings-2 1/2-D Primitives for 3-D Recognition}", BOOKTITLE=cvpr89, MONTH="June", YEAR=1989, PAGES="535-540" } @inproceedings{grimson-the-combinatorics-iccv-88, AUTHOR="W. Eric L. Grimson", TITLE="{The Combinatorics of Object Recognition in Cluttered Environments using Constrained Search}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1988 Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV '88)", YEAR=1988, PAGES="218-227" } @techreport{grimson-the-combinatorics-tr-88, AUTHOR="W. Eric L. Grimson", TITLE="{The Combinatorics of Object Recognition in Cluttered Environments using Constrained Search}", NUMBER="1019", YEAR=1988, INSTITUTION="AI Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology"} @article{jain-evidence-based-pami-88, TITLE="{Evidence-Based Recognition of 3-D Objects}", AUTHOR="Anil K. Jain and Richard L. Hoffman", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME=10, NUMBER=6, MONTH="November", YEAR=1988, PAGES="783-802" } @inproceedings{hoffman-learning-rules-cvpr-88, AUTHOR="Richard L. Hoffman and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{Learning Rules for 3D Object Recognition}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. IEEE 1988 Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", MONTH="June", YEAR=1988, PAGES="885-892" } @article{shneier-prediction-based-computer-87, AUTHOR="Michael O. Shneier and Ronald Lumia and Martin Herman", TITLE="{Prediction-Based Vision for Robot Control}", JOURNAL="Computer", VOLUME="20", NUMBER="8", MONTH="August", YEAR="1987", PAGES="46-55" } @book{lowe-perceptual-organization-book-85, AUTHOR="David G. Lowe", TITLE="Perceptual Organization and Visual Recognition", PUBLISHER="Kluwer", YEAR=1985 } @article{lowe-three-dimensional-ai-87, AUTHOR="David G. Lowe", TITLE="{Three-Dimensional Object Recognition from Single Two-Dimensional Images}", JOURNAL=ai, VOLUME=31, YEAR=1987, PAGES="355-395" } @article{edelsbrunner-constructing-arrangements-siamjc-86, AUTHOR="H. Edelsbrunner and J. O'Rourke and R. Seidel", TITLE="{Constructing Arrangements of Lines and Hyperplanes with Applications}", JOURNAL="SIAM J. Comput.", VOLUME=15, PAGES="341-363", YEAR=1986 } @techreport{plantinga-visibility-occlusion-tr-87, AUTHOR="Harry Plantinga and Charles R. Dyer", TITLE="{Visibility, Occlusion, and the Aspect Graph}", INSTITUTION="Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin--Madison", NUMBER=736, YEAR=1987, MONTH="December" } @article{koenderink-the-singularities-biolcybern-76, AUTHOR="J. J. Koenderink and A. J. van Doorn", TITLE="{The Singularities of the Visual Mapping}", JOURNAL="Biological Cybernetics", VOLUME=24, NUMBER=1, PAGES="51-59", YEAR=1976 } @article{koenderink-the-internal-biolcybern-79, AUTHOR="J. J. Koenderink and A. J. van Doorn", TITLE="{Internal Representation of Solid Spahe with Respect to Vision}", JOURNAL="Biological Cybernetics", VOLUME=32, NUMBER=4, PAGES="211-216", YEAR=1979 } @inproceedings{shapiro-the-use-icpr-88, AUTHOR="Linda G. Shapiro and Haiyuan Lu", TITLE="{The Use of a Relational Pyramid Representation for View Classes in a CAD-to-Vision System}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition", MONTH="November", YEAR=1988, PAGES="379-381" } @inproceedings{hansen-towards-the-iccv-88, TITLE="{Towards the Automatic Generation of Recognition Strategies}", AUTHOR="Charles Hansen and Thomas Henderson", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Computer Vision", MONTH="December", YEAR=1988, PAGES="275-279" } @inproceedings{stewman-creating-the-iccv-88, AUTHOR="John Stewman and Kevin Bowyer", TITLE="{Creating the Perspective Projection Aspect Graph of Polyhedral Objects}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Computer Vision", MONTH="December", YEAR=1988, PAGES="494-500" } @inproceedings{stark-aspect-graphs-iccv-88, AUTHOR="Louise Stark and David Eggert and Kevin Bowyer", TITLE="{Aspect Graphs and Nonlinear Optimization in 3-D Object Recognition}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Computer Vision", MONTH="December", YEAR=1988, PAGES="501-507" } @article{gigus-computing-the-pami-90, AUTHOR="Ziv Gigus and Jitendra Malik", TITLE="{Computing the Aspect Graph for Line Drawings of Polyhedral Objects}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME=12, NUMBER=2, YEAR=1990, PAGES="113-122", MONTH="February"} @inproceedings{gigus-efficiently-computing-iccv-88, AUTHOR="Ziv Gigus and John Canny and Raimund Seidel", TITLE="{Efficiently Computing and Representing Aspect Graphs of Polyhedral Objects}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Computer Vision", MONTH="December", YEAR=1988, PAGES="30-39" } @inproceedings{bowyer-errors-2-icpr-88, AUTHOR="Kevin Bowyer and John Stewman and Louise Stark and David Eggert", TITLE="{ERRORS-2: A 3-D Object Recognition System Using Aspect Graphs}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition", MONTH="November", YEAR=1988, PAGES="6-10" } @article{korn-3-d-pr-87, AUTHOR="Matthew R. Korn and Charles R. Dyer", TITLE="{3-D Multiview Object Representations for Model-Based Object Recognition}", JOURNAL=pr, VOLUME=20, NUMBER=1, PAGES="91-103", YEAR=1987 } @inproceedings{stewman-aspect-graphs-workshop-87, TITLE="{Aspect Graphs for Convex Planar-Face Objects}", AUTHOR="John H. Stewman and Kevin W. Boyer", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1987 IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision", MONTH="November", YEAR=1987, PAGES="123-130" } @inproceedings{kender-what-is-darpaiu-87, AUTHOR="John R. Kender and David G. Frudenstein", TITLE="{What Is A ``Degenerate'' View\?}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. DARPA Image Understanding Workshop", YEAR=1987, PAGES="589-598" } @inproceedings{bolle-differential-geometry-spie754-87, AUTHOR="Ruud M. Bolle and Daniel Sabbah", TITLE="{Differential Geometry Applied to Least-Square Error Surface Approximations}", BOOKTITLE="Optical and Digital Pattern Recognition", VOLUME="754", PUBLISHER="SPIE", PAGES="117-127", YEAR=1987 } @inproceedings{bolle-visual-recognition-cvpr-89, AUTHOR="Ruud M. Bolle and Andrea Califano and Rick Kjeldsen and Russel W. Taylor", TITLE="{Visual Recognition Using Concurrent and Layered Parameter Networks}", BOOKTITLE=cvpr89, PAGES="625-631", YEAR=1989, CITY="San Diego"} @inproceedings{gigus-computing-the-cvpr-88, AUTHOR="Ziv Gigus and Jitendra Malik", TITLE="{Computing the Aspect Graph for Line Drawings of Polyhedral Objects}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. IEEE 1988 Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", PAGES="654-661", MONTH="June", YEAR="1988" } @inproceedings{callahan-a-model-cvpr-85, TITLE="{A Model for Describing Surface Shape}", AUTHOR="James Callahan and Richard Weiss", BOOKTITLE="Proc. IEEE 1985 Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", PAGES="240-245", MONTH="June", YEAR="1985" } @manual{geomod-4.0, AUTHOR="{Structural Dynamics Research Corporation}", TITLE="{Geomod 4.0 User Guide}", YEAR=1988 } @book{farin-curves-and-book-88, AUTHOR="Gerald Farin", TITLE="{Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design: A Practical Guide}", PUBLISHER="Academic Press", YEAR=1988 } @book{farin-geometric-modeling-87, EDITOR="Gerald Farin", TITLE="Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends", PUBLISHER="SIAM", YEAR=1987 } @article{computer-cad-issue, TITLE="{Guest Editor's Introduction, Special Issue on CAD-Based Robot Vision}", AUTHOR="Bir {Bhanu (ed.)}", JOURNAL="COMPUTER", MONTH="August", YEAR="1987" } @article{hu-3-d-pami-88, AUTHOR="Gongzhu Hu and George C. Stockman", TITLE="{3-D Surface Solution Using Structured Light and Constraint Propagation}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="11", YEAR="1989", PAGES="390-402" } @inproceedings{sander-stable-surface-icpr-86, AUTHOR="Peter T. Sander and Steven W. Zucker", TITLE="{Stable Surface Estimation}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition", MONTH="October", YEAR=1986, PAGES="1165-1167" } @inproceedings{sander-tracing-surfaces-iccv-87, AUTHOR="Peter T. Sander and Steven W. Zucker", TITLE="{Tracing Surfaces for Surfacing Traces}", BOOKTITLE="{Proc. First Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV '87)}", PAGES="241-249", YEAR=1987 } @inproceedings{ittner-3-d-cvpr-85, AUTHOR="David J. Ittner and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{3-D Surface Discrimination from Local Curvature Measures}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. IEEE 1985 Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", PAGES="119-123", MONTH="June", YEAR=1985 } @inproceedings{naik-spline-based-cvpr-88, AUTHOR="Sanjeev M. Naik and Ramesh C. Jain", TITLE="{Spline-Based Surface Fitting on Range Images for CAD Applications}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. IEEE 1988 Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", PAGES="249-253", MONTH="June", YEAR="1988" } @inproceedings{ferrie-darboux-frames-3dworkshop-89, AUTHOR="F.P. Ferrie and J. Lagarde and R. Bajcsy", TITLE="{Darboux Frames, Snakes, and Super-Quadrics: Geometry from the Bottom-Up}", BOOKTITLE="{Proc. IEEE Workshop on Interpretation of 3D Scenes}", YEAR=1989, PAGES="170-176"} @inproceedings{ferrie-deriving-coarse-cvpr-88, AUTHOR="F.P. Ferrie and M.D. Levine", TITLE="{Deriving Coarse 3D Models of Objects}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. IEEE 1988 Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", PAGES="345-353", MONTH="June", YEAR="1988" } @inproceedings{ferrie-piecing-together-cvpr-85, AUTHOR="F. P. Ferrie and M. D. Levine", TITLE="{Piecing Together the 3D Shape of Moving Objects: An Overview}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1985 IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", YEAR="1985", PAGES="574-584" } @inproceedings{besl-robust-window-iccv-88, AUTHOR="Paul J. Besl and Jeffrey B. Birch and Layne T. Watson", TITLE="{Robust Window Operators}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1988 Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV '88)", YEAR="1988", PAGES="" } @book{docarmo-differential-geometry-book-76, AUTHOR="M.P. do Carmo", TITLE="{Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces}", PUBLISHER="Prentice-Hall", YEAR="1976" } @book{millman-elements-of-book-77, AUTHOR="Richard S. Millman and George D. Parker", TITLE="{Elements of Differential Geometry}", PUBLISHER="Prentice-Hall", YEAR="1977" } @article{besl-segmentation-through-pami-88, AUTHOR="Paul J. Besl and Ramesh C. Jain", TITLE="{Segmentation Through Variable-Order Surface Fitting}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME=9, NUMBER=2, PAGES="167-192", YEAR="1988" } @article{besl-invariant-surface-cvgip-86, AUTHOR="Paul J. Besl and Ramesh C. Jain", TITLE="{Invariant Surface Characteristics for 3D Object Recognition in Range Images}", JOURNAL=cvgip, VOLUME="33", PAGES="33-80", YEAR="1986" } @article{yokoya-range-image-pami-89, AUTHOR="Naokazu Yokoya and Martin D. Levine", TITLE="{Range Image Segmentation Based on Differential Geometry: A Hybrid Approach}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME=11, PAGES="643-649", NUMBER=6, MONTH="June", YEAR=1989} @techreport{yokoya-range-image-tr-87, AUTHOR="Naokazu Yokoya and Martin D. Levine", TITLE="{Range Image Segmentation Based on Differential Geometry: A Hybrid Approach}", INSTITUTION="McGill Research Centre for Intelligent Machines, McGill University", YEAR="1987", NUMBER="McRCIM-TR-CIM 87-16" } @inproceedings{bourdon-object-recognition-icpr-90, AUTHOR="Olivier Bourdon and G\'{e}rard Medioni", TITLE="{Object Recognition Using Geometric Hashing on the Connection Machine}", BOOKTITLE=icpr90, YEAR=1990, PAGES="596-600" } @article{fan-segmented-descriptions-jra-87, AUTHOR="Ting-Jun Fan and G\'{e}rard Medioni and Ramakant Nevatia", TITLE="{Segmented Descriptions of 3-D Surfaces}", JOURNAL="{IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation}", MONTH="December", YEAR=1987, PAGES="527-538" } @article{fan-recognizing-3-pami-89, AUTHOR="Ting-Jun Fan and G\'{e}rard Medioni and Ramakant Nevatia", TITLE="{Recognizing 3-D Objects Using Surface Descriptions}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME=11, NUMBER=11, PAGES="1140-1157", YEAR=1989 } @inproceedings{fan-recognizing-3-iccv-88, AUTHOR="T.J. Fan and G. Medioni and R. Nevatia", TITLE="{Recognizing 3-D Objects Using Surface Descriptions}", BOOKTITLE=iccv88, MONTH="December", YEAR=1988, PAGES="474-481" } @inproceedings{fan-surface-segmentation-iu-87, AUTHOR="T.J. Fan and G. Medioni and R. Nevatia", TITLE="{Surface Segmentation and Description from Curvature Features}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1987 DARPA Image Understanding Workshop", YEAR=1987, PAGES="351-359" } @inproceedings{fan-description-of-cvpr-86, AUTHOR="T.J. Fan and G. Medioni and R. Nevatia", TITLE="{Description of Surfaces from Range Data Using Curvature Properties}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1986 IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", MONTH="May", YEAR="1986", PAGES="86-91" } @article{hayes-the-least-jima-74, AUTHOR="J. G. Hayes and J. Halliday", TITLE="{The Least-squares Fitting of Cubic Spline Surfaces to General Data Sets}", JOURNAL="J. Inst. Maths Applics", VOLUME="14", PAGES="89-103", YEAR="1974" } @article{dierckx-an-algorithm-jcam-77, AUTHOR="P. Dierckx", TITLE="{An Algorithm for least-squares fitting of cubic spline surfaces to functions on a rectilinear mesh over a rectangle}", jOURNAL="J. Comput. Appl. Math.", VOLUME="3", NUMBER="2", PAGES="113-129", YEAR="1977" } @article{brown-padl-2-cga-82, AUTHOR="Christopher M. Brown", TITLE="{PADL-2:A Technical Summary}", JOURNAL=cga, VOLUME="2", PAGES="69-84", MONTH="March", YEAR="1982" } @inproceedings{kak-knowledge-based-icra-87, AUTHOR="A.C. Kak and A.J. Vayda and R.L. Cromwell and W.Y. Kim and C.H. Chen", TITLE="{Knowledge-Based Robotics}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1987 Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation", ADDRESS="Raleigh, North Carolina", MONTH="March-April", YEAR="1987", PAGES="637-646" } @article{yang-determination-of-cvgip-86, AUTHOR="H.S. Yang and A.C. Kak", TITLE="{Determination of the Identity, Position, and Orientation of the Topmost Object in a Pile}", JOURNAL=cvgip, VOLUME=36, PAGES="229-255", YEAR=1986 } @inproceedings{york-3-d-ijcai-81, AUTHOR="Bryant W. York and Allen R. Hanson and Edward M. Riseman", TITLE="{3D Object Representation and Matching with B-Splines and Surface Patches}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 7th. Int. Jt. Conf. Artificial Intell.", YEAR="1981", PAGES="648-651" } @incollection{stockman-object-recognition-book-rii-89, AUTHOR= "George C. Stockman", TITLE= "Object Recognition", BOOKTITLE="{Range Image Understanding}", EDITOR="Ramesh C. Jain", EDITOR="Anil K. Jain", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR="forthcoming" } @article{chin-automated-visual-cvgip-88, AUTHOR= "Roland T. Chin", TITLE= "{Automated Visual Inspection: 1981 to 1987}", JOURNAL=cvgip, VOLUME="41", PAGES="346-381", YEAR="1988" } @article{coggins-a-spatial-prl-85, AUTHOR="J. Coggins and A.K. Jain", TITLE="{A Spatial Filtering Approach to Texture Analysis}", JOURNAL=prl, VOLUME=3, YEAR=1985, PAGES="195-203"} @phdthesis{coggins-a-framework-thesis-82, AUTHOR="James Coggins", TITLE="{A Framework for Texture Analysis Based on Spatial Filtering}", SCHOOL="Department of Computer Science, Michigan State University", YEAR=1982 } @phdthesis{hoffman-object-recognition-thesis-86, AUTHOR= "Richard L. Hoffman", TITLE= "{Object Recognition from Range Images}", SCHOOL="Department of Computer Science, Michigan State University", YEAR="1986" } @article{hoffman-segmentation-and-pami-87, AUTHOR="Richard L. Hoffman and Anil K. Jain", TITLE="{Segmentation and Classification of Range Images}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="PAMI-9", NUMBER=5, PAGES="608-620", YEAR=1987, MONTH="September" } @article{friedman-an-algorithm-toms-77, AUTHOR= "Jerome H. Friedman and Jon Louis Bentley and Raphael Ari Finkel", TITLE= "{An Algorithm for Finding Best Matches in Logarithmic Expected Time}", JOURNAL=toms, VOLUME="3", NUMBER="3", MONTH="September", YEAR="1977", PAGES="209-226" } @article{levin-mathematical-models-cgip-79, AUTHOR= "Joshua Zev Levin", TITLE= "{Mathematical Models for Determining the Intersections of Quadric Surfaces}", JOURNAL=cgip, VOLUME="11", PAGES="73-87", YEAR="1979" } @article{sarraga-algebraic-methods-cvgip-83, AUTHOR= "Ramon F. Sarraga", TITLE= "{Algebraic Methods for Intersections of Quadric Surfaces in GMSOLID}", JOURNAL=cvgip, VOLUME="22", PAGES="222-238", YEAR="1983" } @techreport{iges-3.0, AUTHOR="{National Bureau of Standards}", TITLE="{Initial Graphics Exchange Specification, Version 3.0}", NUMBER="Publication PB86-199759", INSTITUTION="U.S. National Bureau of Standards (National Engineering Laboratory)", MONTH="April", YEAR="1986" } @techreport{iges-4.0, AUTHOR="{National Institute of Standards and Technology}", TITLE= "{Initial Graphics Exchange Specification, Version 4.0}", INSTITUTION="U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology", YEAR=1988 } @article{grimson-model-based-ijrr-84, AUTHOR= "W. Eric L. Grimson and Tom\'{a}s Lozano-P\'{e}rez", TITLE= "{Model-Based Recognition and Localization from Sparse Range or Tactile Data}", JOURNAL=ijrr, VOLUME="3", NUMBER="3", PAGES="3-35", MONTH="Fall", YEAR="1984" } @article{murray-model-based-cvgip-87, AUTHOR= "D.W. Murray", TITLE= "{Model-Based Recognition Using 3D Shape Alone}", JOURNAL=cvgip, VOLUME="40", PAGES="250-266", YEAR="1987" } @article{binford-survey-of-ijrr-82, AUTHOR= "Thomas O. Binford", TITLE= "{Survey of Model-Based Image Analysis Systems}", JOURNAL=ijrr, VOLUME="1", NUMBER="1", MONTH="Spring", YEAR="1982", PAGES="18-64" } @incollection{besl-active-optical-book-sanz-88, AUTHOR= "Paul J. Besl", TITLE= "{Active Optical Range Imaging Sensors}", BOOKTITLE="Advances in Machine Vision: Architectures and Applications", EDITOR="J. L. C. Sanz", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR="1988" } @article{nitzan-three-dimensional-pami-88, AUTHOR= "David Nitzan", TITLE= "{Three-Dimensional Vision Structure for Robot Applications}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="10", NUMBER="3", PAGES="291-309", MONTH="May", YEAR="1988" } @phdthesis{poulo-three-dimensional-thesis-85, AUTHOR= "Richard J. Poulo", TITLE= "{Three Dimensional Recognition from Depth Images by Detailed Surface Encoding}", SCHOOL="Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University", YEAR="1985" } @phdthesis{silberberg-three-dimensional-thesis-84, AUTHOR= "Teresa Marie Silberberg", TITLE= "{Three Dimensional Object Recognition Using Linear Features and Oriented Model Points}", SCHOOL="Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland", YEAR="1984" } @article{silberberg-an-iterative-pr-84, AUTHOR= "Teresa M. Silberberg and Larry Davis and David Harwood", TITLE= "{An Iterative Hough Procedure for Three-Dimensional Object Recognition}", JOURNAL=pr, VOLUME="17", NUMBER="6", PAGES="621-629", YEAR="1984" } @incollection{goad-fast-3d-book-pentland-86, AUTHOR= "Chris Goad", TITLE= "{Fast 3D Model-Based Vision}", BOOKTITLE="From Pixels to Predicates", EDITOR="Alex P. Pentland", PUBLISHER="Ablex", YEAR="1986", PAGES="371-391" } @article{knoll-recognizing-partially-ijra-86, AUTHOR= "Thomas F. Knoll", AUTHOR= "Ramesh C. Jain", TITLE= "{Recognizing Partially Visible Objects Using Feature Indexed Hypotheses}", JOURNAL=jra, VOLUME="RA-2", NUMBER="1", MONTH="March", YEAR="1986", PAGES="3-13" } @inproceedings{burns-recognition-in-ijcai-87, AUTHOR= "J. Brian Burns and Leslie J. Kitchen", TITLE= "{Recognition in 2D Images of 3D Objects from Large Model Bases Using Prediction Hierarchies}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 10th Int. Joint. Conf. on Artificial Intell. (IJCAI-87)", MONTH="August", YEAR="1987", PAGES="763-766" } @inproceedings{burns-rapid-object-darpaiu-88, AUTHOR= "J. Brian Burns and Leslie J. Kitchen", TITLE= "{Rapid Object Recognition From a Large Model Base Using Prediction Hierarchies}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1988 DARPA Image Understanding Workshop", PAGES="711-719", YEAR="1988" } @article{clowes-on-seeing-ai-71, AUTHOR="M. B. Clowes", TITLE="{On Seeing Things}", JOURNAL="Artificial Intelligence", VOLUME="2", NUMBER="1", YEAR="1971" } @inproceedings{magee-a-rule-cvpr-86, AUTHOR= "Michael Magee and Mitchell Nathan", TITLE= "{A Rule Based System for Pattern Recognition that Exploits Topological Constraints}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1986 IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", PAGES="62-67", MONTH="June", YEAR= "1986" } @article{tiller-rational-b-cga-83, AUTHOR= "Wayne Tiller", TITLE= "{Rational B-Splines for Curve and Surface Representation}", JOURNAL=cga, VOLUME="3", NUMBER="6", MONTH="September", YEAR="1983", PAGES="61-69" } @inproceedings{caponetti-a-three-cvpr-86, AUTHOR= "L. Caponetti and M.T. Chiaradia and A. Distante and G. Pasquariello and A. Serafini and E. Stella and N. Ancona and G. Attolico", TITLE= "{A Three-Dimensional Vision System for Bin-Picking}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. IEEE 1986 Conf. on Compuer Vision and Pattern Recognition", MONTH="May", YEAR= "1986", PAGES="407-411" } @incollection{caponetti-three-dimensional-book-88, AUTHOR= "L. Caponetti and A. Distante and N. Acona and R. Mugnuolo", TITLE= "{Three-dimensional Object Recognition based on Multiview Representation and Extended Gaussian Image}", BOOKTITLE="{Real-Time Object Measurement and Classification}", EDITOR="Anil K. Jain", SERIES="NATO ASI Series", VOLUME="42", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", YEAR="1988", PAGES="227-249" } @inproceedings{connolly-matching-from-iccv-87, AUTHOR= "C.I. Connolly and J.L. Mundy and J.R. Stenstrom and D.W. Thompson", TITLE= "{Matching from 3-D Range Models into 2-D Intensity Scenes}", BOOKTITLE=iccv87, MONTH="June", YEAR="1987", PAGES="65-72" } @inproceedings{cyrluk-the-formation-darpaiu-87, AUTHOR="D. Cyrluk and D. Kapur and J.L. Mundy and V. Nguyen", TITLE="{The Formation of Partial 3D Models from 2D Projections - An Application of Algebraic Reasoning}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. DARPA Image Understanding Workshop", YEAR=1987, PAGES="798-809" } @article{brooks-symbolic-reasoning-ai-81, AUTHOR= "Rodney A. Brooks", TITLE= "{Symbolic Reasoning Among 3-D Models and 2-D Images}", JOURNAL=ai, VOLUME="17", YEAR="1981", PAGES="285-348", NUMBER="1-3" } @article{brooks-model-based-pami-83, AUTHOR= "Rodney A. Brooks", TITLE= "{Model-Based Three-Dimensional Interpretations of Two-Dimensional Images}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="PAMI-5", NUMBER="2", MONTH="March", YEAR="1983", PAGES="140-150" } @inproceedings{chakravarty-characteristic-views-spie-82, AUTHOR= "I. Chakravarty and H. Freeman", TITLE= "{Characteristic Views as a Basis for Three-Dimensional Object Recognition}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. SPIE Conf. on Robot Vision", VOLUME="336", MONTH="May", YEAR="1982", PAGES="37-45" } @inproceedings{bajcsy-three-dimensional-iccv-87, AUTHOR= "Ruzena Bajcsy and Franc Solina", TITLE= "{Three Dimensional Object Representation Revisited}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV-87)", MONTH="June", YEAR="1987", PAGES="231-240" } @article{pentland-perceptual-organization-ai-86, AUTHOR= "Alex P. Pentland", TITLE= "{Perceptual Organization and the Representation of Natural Form}", JOURNAL=ai, VOLUME="28", PAGES="293-331", MONTH="May", YEAR="1986" } @inproceedings{barr-global-and-siggraph-84, AUTHOR= "Alan H. Barr", TITLE= "{Global and Local Deformations of Solid Primitives}", BOOKTITLE="ACM Computer Graphics SIGGRAPH '84", PAGES="21-30", MONTH="July", YEAR="1984" } @inproceedings{boult-on-the-darpaiu-88, AUTHOR="Terrance E. Boult and Ari D. Gross", TITLE="{On the Recovery of Superellipsoids}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. DARPA Image Understanding Workshop", YEAR=1988, PAGES="1052-1063" } @article{goldman-two-approaches-cga-83, AUTHOR= "Ronald N. Goldman", TITLE= "{Two Approaches to a Quadric Model for Surfaces}", JOURNAL=cga, VOLUME="3", NUMBER="1", MONTH="September", YEAR="1983", PAGES="21-24" } @article{requicha-representations-for-csur-80, AUTHOR= "Aristides A.G. Requicha", TITLE= "{Representations for Rigid Solids: Theory, Methods, and Systems}", JOURNAL=csur, VOLUME="12", NUMBER="4", MONTH="December", YEAR="1980", PAGES="437-464" } @article{requicha-solid-modeling-cga-82, AUTHOR= "A.A.G. Requicha and H.B. Voelcker", TITLE= "{Solid Modeling: A Historical Summary and Contemporary Assessment}", JOURNAL=cga, VOLUME="2", NUMBER="2", MONTH="March", YEAR="1982", PAGES="9-24" } @article{requicha-solid-modeling-cga-83, AUTHOR= "A.A.G. Requicha and H.B. Voelcker", TITLE= "{Solid Modeling: Current Status and Research Directions}", JOURNAL=cga, VOLUME="3", NUMBER="7", MONTH="October", YEAR="1983", PAGES="25-37" } @article{brown-some-mathematical-pami-81, AUTHOR= "Christopher M. Brown", TITLE= "{Some Mathematical and Representational Aspects of Solid Modeling}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="PAMI-3", NUMBER="4", MONTH="July", YEAR="1981", PAGES="444-453" } @article{besl-three-dimensional-csur-85, AUTHOR= "Paul J. Besl and Ramesh C. Jain", TITLE= "{Three-Dimensional Object Recognition}", JOURNAL=csur, VOLUME="17", NUMBER="1", MONTH="March", YEAR="1985", PAGES="75-145" } @article{chin-model-based-csur-86, AUTHOR= "Roland T. Chin and Charles R. Dyer", TITLE= "{Model-Based Recognition in Robot Vision}", JOURNAL=csur, VOLUME="18", NUMBER="1", MONTH="March", YEAR="1986", PAGES="67-108" } @article{grimson-localizing-overlapping-pami-87, AUTHOR= "W.E.L. Grimson and T. Lozano-P\'{e}rez", TITLE= "{Localizing Overlapping Parts by Searching the Interpretation Tree}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="PAMI-9", NUMBER="4", MONTH="July", YEAR="1987", PAGES="469-482" } @techreport{grimson-on-the-tr-87, AUTHOR= "W. Eric L. Grimson", TITLE= "{On the recognition of Curved Objects}", NUMBER="A.I. Memo 983", INSTITUTION="MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory", MONTH="July", YEAR="1987" } @techreport{grimson-on-the-tr-87, AUTHOR= "W. Eric L. Grimson", TITLE= "{On the Recognition of Parametrized Objects}", NUMBER="A.I. Memo 985", INSTITUTION="MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory", MONTH="October", YEAR="1987" } @inproceedings{grimson-recognition-of-iccv-87, AUTHOR= "W. Eric L. Grimson", TITLE= "{Recognition of Object Families Using Parametrized Models}", JOURNAL=iccv87, MONTH="June", YEAR="1987", PAGES="93-101" } @techreport{stansfield-representing-generic-tr-87, AUTHOR= "Sharon A. Stansfield", TITLE= "{Representing Generic Objects for Exploration and Recognition}", NUMBER="Tech. Rep. MS-CIS-87-61, GRASP Lab 112", INSTITUTION="Dept of Computer and Information Science, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Pennsylvania", MONTH="June", YEAR="1987" } @article{solina-recovery-of-pami-90, AUTHOR="F. Solina and R. Bajcsy", TITLE="{Recovery of Parametric Models from Range Images: The Case for Superquadrics with Global Deformations}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME=12, NUMBER=2, YEAR=1990, MONTH="February", PAGES="131-147"} @techreport{solina-object-recognition-tr-86, AUTHOR= "Franc Solina", TITLE= "{Object Recognition Using Function Based Category Models}", NUMBER="Tech. Rep. MS-CIS-86-56, GRASP Lab 69", INSTITUTION="Department of Computer and Information Science, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Pennsylvania", MONTH="July", YEAR="1986" } @techreport{brady-recent-progress-tr-88, AUTHOR= "J.P. Brady and N. Nandhakumar and J.K. Aggarwal", TITLE= "{Recent Progress in the Recognition of Objects from Range Data}", NUMBER="Tech. Rep. TR-88-1-46", INSTITUTION="Computer and Vision Research Center, University of Texas at Austin", YEAR="1988" } @inproceedings{brady-recent-progress-icpr-88, AUTHOR= "J.P. Brady and N. Nandhakumar and J.K. Aggarwal", TITLE= "{Recent Progress in the Recognition of Objects from Range Data}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition", MONTH="November", YEAR=1988, PAGES="85-92" } @article{vemuri-curvature-based-ivc-86, AUTHOR="B.C. Vemuri and A. Mitiche and J.K. Aggarwal", TITLE="{Curvature-Based Representation of Objects from Range Data}", JOURNAL="Image and Vision Computing", VOLUME=4, NUMBER=2, MONTH="May", YEAR=1986, PAGES="107-114" } @techreport{vemuri-representation-and-tr-87, AUTHOR= "B.C. Vemuri and J.K. Aggarwal", TITLE= "{Representation and Recognition of Objects from Depth Maps}", NUMBER="Tech. Rep. TR-87-8-40", INSTITUTION="Computer and Vision Research Center, University of Texas at Austin", YEAR="1987" } @inproceedings{vemuri-resolving-the-srmf-87, AUTHOR="B. C. Vemuri and J. K. Aggarwal", TITLE="{Resolving the Orientation and Identity of an Object From Range Data}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1987 Workshop on Spatial Reasoning and Multisensor Fusion", CITY="St. Charles, Illinois", MONTH="October", YEAR=1987, PAGES="178-187" } @book{horn-robot-vision-book-86, AUTHOR= "Berthold Klaus Paul Horn", TITLE= "{Robot Vision}", PUBLISHER="MIT Press", ADDRESS="Cambridge, Massachusetts", YEAR="1986" } @book{ballard-computer-vision-book-82, AUTHOR= "Dana H. Ballard and Christopher M. Brown", TITLE= "{Computer Vision}", PUBLISHER="Prentice-Hall", ADDRESS="Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey", YEAR="1982" } @book{gonzalez-digital-image-book-87, AUTHOR= "Rafael C. Gonzalez and Paul Wintz", TITLE= "{Digital Image Processing}", EDITION="second", PUBLISHER="Addison-Wesley", ADDRESS="Reading, Massachusetts", YEAR="1987" } @book{levine-vision-in-book-85, AUTHOR= "Martin D. Levine", TITLE= "{Vision In Man and Machine}", PUBLISHER="McGraw-Hill", ADDRESS="New York, New York", YEAR="1985" } @book{lancaster-curve-and-book-86, AUTHOR= "Peter Lancaster and Kestutis Salkauskas", TITLE= "{Curve and Surface Fitting: An Introduction}", PUBLISHER="Academic Press", ADDRESS="London, England", YEAR="1986" } @book{preparata-computational-geometry-book-85, AUTHOR= "Franco P. Preparata and Michael Ian Shamos", TITLE= "{Computational Geometry: An Introduction}", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", ADDRESS="New York, New York", YEAR="1985" } @book{jolliffe-principal-component-book-86, AUTHOR= "I. T. Jolliffe", TITLE= "{Principal Component Analysis}", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", ADDRESS="New York, New York", YEAR="1986" } @book{scales-introduction-to-book-85, AUTHOR= "L. E. Scales", TITLE= "{Introduction to Non-Linear Optimization}", PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag", ADDRESS="New York, New York", YEAR="1985" } @book{mortenson-geometric-modeling-book-85, AUTHOR= "Michael E. Mortenson", TITLE= "{Geometric Modeling}", PUBLISHER="Wiley", ADDRESS="New York", YEAR="1985" } @book{pavlidis-algorithms-for-book-82, AUTHOR= "Theo Pavlidis", TITLE= "{Algorithms for Graphics and Image Processing}", PUBLISHER="Computer Science Press", ADDRESS="Rockville, Maryland", YEAR="1982" } @incollection{jain-symbolic-surface-book-88, AUTHOR= "Ramesh Jain and Thawach Sripradisvarakul and Nancy O'Brien", TITLE= "{Symbolic Surface Descriptors}", BOOKTITLE="Real-Time Object Measurement and Classification", EDITOR="Anil K. Jain", SERIES="NATO ASI Series", VOLUME="42", PAGES="251-266", PUBLISHER=" Springer-Verlag", ADDRESS=" Berlin", YEAR="1988" } @article{bhanu-intro-computer-87, AUTHOR= "Bir Bhanu", TITLE= "{CAD-Based Robot Vision}", JOURNAL="Computer", VOLUME="20", NUMBER="8", MONTH="August", YEAR="1987", PAGES="13-16" } @article{bhanu-cad-based-computer-87, AUTHOR= "Bir Bhanu and Chih-Cheng Ho", TITLE= "{CAD-Based 3D Object Representation for Robot Vision}", JOURNAL="Computer", VOLUME="20", NUMBER="8", MONTH="August", YEAR="1987", PAGES="19-35" } @article{roach-a-cad-computer-87, AUTHOR= "John W. Roach and Praveen K. Paripati and Jeffrey S. Wright", TITLE= "{A CAD System based on Spherical Dual Representations}", JOURNAL="Computer", VOLUME="20", NUMBER="8", MONTH="August", YEAR="1987", PAGES="37-44" } @article{schneier-prediction-based-computer-87, AUTHOR= "Michael O. Schneier and Ronald Lumia and Martin Herman", TITLE= "{Prediction-Based Vision for Robot Control}", JOURNAL="Computer", VOLUME="20", NUMBER="8", MONTH="August", YEAR="1987", PAGES="46-55" } @article{horaud-model-based-computer-87, AUTHOR= "Radu Horaud and Thomas Skordas", TITLE= "{Model-based Strategy Planning for Recognizing Partially Occluded Parts}", JOURNAL="Computer", VOLUME="20", NUMBER="8", MONTH="August", YEAR="1987", PAGES="58-65" } @article{gunnarsson-cad-model-computer-87, AUTHOR= "Kristjan T. Gunnarsson and Friedrich B. Prinz", TITLE= "{CAD Model-Based Localization of Parts in Manufacturing}", JOURNAL="Computer", VOLUME="20", NUMBER="8", MONTH="August", YEAR="1987", PAGES="66-74" } @article{stevenson-model-based-computer-87, AUTHOR= "Charles N. Stevenson", TITLE= "{Model-Based Programming and Control of Robot Manipulators}", JOURNAL="Computer", VOLUME="20", NUMBER="8", MONTH="August", YEAR="1987", PAGES="76-84" } @phdthesis{gunnarsson-optimal-part-thesis-86, AUTHOR= "Kristjan T. Gunnarsson", TITLE= "{Optimal Part Localization by Data Base Matching with Sparse and Dense Data}", SCHOOL="Department of Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University", YEAR="1986" } @phdthesis{hansen-cagd-based-thesis-88, AUTHOR= "Charles D. Hansen", TITLE= "{CAGD-Based Computer Vision: The Automatic Generation of Recognition Strategies}", SCHOOL=" Department of Computer Science, The University of Utah", YEAR="1988" } @inproceedings{hansen-cagd-based-icpr-86, AUTHOR= "Tom Henderson and Chuck Hansen and Ashok Samal and C.C. Ho and Bir Bhanu", TITLE= "{CAGD-Based 3-D Visual Recognition}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition", MONTH="October", YEAR="1986", ADDRESS=" Paris", PAGES="230-232" } @inproceedings{bhanu-computer-aided-icpr-86, AUTHOR= "Bir Bhanu and Chih-Cheng Ho", TITLE= "{Computer-Aided Geometric Design Based 3-D Models for Machine Vision}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition", ADDRESS=" Paris", MONTH="October", YEAR="1986", PAGES="107-110" } @inproceedings{henderson-cad-based-icra-87, AUTHOR= "Thomas C. Henderson and Eliot Weitz and Chuck Hansen and Rod Grupen and C.C. Ho and Bir Bhanu", TITLE= "{CAD-Based Robotics}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1987 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation", ADDRESS=" Raleigh, North Carolina", MONTH="March-April", YEAR="1987", PAGES="631-635" } @inproceedings{hansen-cagd-based-workshop-87, AUTHOR= "Chuck Hansen", AUTHOR= "Thomas C. Henderson", TITLE= "{CAGD-Based Computer Vision}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1987 IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision", ADDRESS=" Miami Beach, Florida", MONTH="November-December", YEAR="1987", PAGES="100-105" } @article{bhanu-3-d-prl-87, AUTHOR= "Bir Bhanu and Chih-Cheng Ho and Thomas C. Henderson", TITLE= "{3-D Model Building for Computer Vision}", JOURNAL=prl, VOLUME="5", PAGES="349-356", YEAR="1987" } @inproceedings{bhanu-cad-based-icsmc-86, AUTHOR= "Bir Bhanu and Chih-Cheng Ho and Sungkee Lee", TITLE= "{CAD Based 3-D Models for Computer Vision}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. IEEE Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", ADDRESS="Atlanta", MONTH="October", YEAR="1986", PAGES="1002-1006" } @inproceedings{bhanu-cagd-based-icra-85, AUTHOR= "Bir Bhanu and Thomas C. Henderson", TITLE= "{CAGD Based 3-D Vision}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 1985 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation", ADDRESS="St. Louis, Missouri", MONTH="March", YEAR="1985", PAGES="411-417" } @techreport{bhanu-3-d-tr-85, AUTHOR= "Bir Bhanu and Chih-Cheng Ho and Thomas C. Henderson", TITLE= "{3-D Model Building for Computer Vision}", NUMBER="Tech. Rep. UUCS 85-112", PUBLISHER="Dept. of Computer Science, University of Utah", MONTH="September", YEAR="1985" } @inproceedings{idesawa-3-d-icpr-86, AUTHOR= "Manasori Idesawa", TITLE= "{3-D model Reconstruction and Processing for CAE}", JOURNAL="Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition", ADDRESS=" Paris", MONTH="October", YEAR="1986", PAGES="220-225" } @incollection{henderson-intrinsic-characteristics-book-87, AUTHOR= "Thomas C. Henderson and Chuck Hansen and Bir Bhanu", TITLE= "{Intrinsic Characteristics as the Interface between CAD and Machine Vision Systems}", BOOKTITLE="Pattern Recognition Theory and Applications", EDITOR="P.A. Devijver and J. Kittler", SERIES=" NATO ASI Series", VOLUME="F30", PAGES="461-470", PUBLISHER=" Springer-Verlag", ADDRESS=" Berlin", YEAR="1987" } @incollection{henderson-multisensor-knowledge-book-88, AUTHOR= "Thomas C. Henderson and Chuck Hansen", TITLE= "{Multisensor Knowledge Systems}", BOOKTITLE="Real-Time Object Measurement and Classification", EDITOR="Anil K. Jain", SERIES=" NATO ASI Series", VOLUME="42", PAGES="375-390", PUBLISHER=" Springer-Verlag", ADDRESS=" Berlin", YEAR="1988" } @incollection{steiger-object-identification-book-88, AUTHOR= "A. Steiger-Gar\c{c}\~{a}o and J. Santos-Afonso and C. Queir\'{o}s", TITLE= "{Object Identification and Automatic Learning (A Vision, CAD, and AI Based Approach)}", BOOKTITLE="Real-Time Object Measurement annd Classification", EDITOR="Anil K. Jain", SERIES="NATO ASI Series", VOLUME="42", PAGES="281-292", PUBLISHER=" Springer-Verlag", ADDRESS=" Berlin", YEAR="1988" } @article{connell-generating-and-ai-87, AUTHOR= "Jonathan H. Connell and Michael Brady", TITLE= "{Generating and Generalizing Models of Visual Objects}", JOURNAL=ai, VOLUME="31", YEAR="1987", PAGES="159-183" } @article{besl-geometric-modeling-procieee-88, AUTHOR= "Paul J. Besl", TITLE= "{Geometric Modeling and Computer Vision}", JOURNAL="Proc. IEEE", VOLUME="76", NUMBER="8", MONTH="August", YEAR="1988", PAGES="936-958" } @article{ikeuchi-automatic-generation-procieee-88, AUTHOR="Katsushi Ikeuchi and Takeo Kanade", TITLE="{Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Programs}", JOURNAL="Proc. IEEE", PAGES="1016-1035", VOLUME=76, NUMBER=8, MONTH="August", YEAR=1988 } @inproceedings{ikeuchi-applying-sensor-iccv-88, AUTHOR="Katsushi Ikeuchi and Takeo Kanade", TITLE="{Applying Sensor Models to Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Programs}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Computer Vision", MONTH="December", PAGES="228-237", YEAR=1988 } @techreport{ikeuchi-towards-automatic-tr-88, AUTHOR="Katsushi Ikeuchi and Takeo Kanade", TITLE="{Towards Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Programs}", INSTITUTION="Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University", YEAR="1988", MONTH="May", NUMBER="CMU-CS-88-138" } @article{ikeuchi-generating-an-ijcv-87, AUTHOR= "Katsushi Ikeuchi", TITLE= "{Generating an Interpretation Tree from a CAD Model for 3-D Object Recognition in Bin-Picking Tasks}", JOURNAL=ijcv, VOLUME="1", NUMBER="2", YEAR="1987", PAGES="145-165" } @inproceedings{ikeuchi-precompiling-a-darpaiu-87, AUTHOR= "Katsushi Ikeuchi", TITLE= "{Precompiling a Geometrical Model into an Interpretation Tree for Object Recognition in Bin-Picking Tasks}", BOOKTITLE="Proc. DARPA Image Understanding Workshop", MONTH="February", YEAR="1987", PAGES="321-330" } @article{bolles-3dpo-a-ijrr-86, AUTHOR= "Robert C. Bolles and Patrice Horaud", TITLE= "{3DPO: A Three-Dimensional Part Orientation System}", JOURNAL=ijrr, VOLUME="5", NUMBER="3", MONTH="Fall", YEAR="1986", PAGES="3-26" } @article{bolles-3dpo-a-ijcai-83, AUTHOR= "Robert C. Bolles and Patrice Horaud and Marsha Jo Hannah", TITLE= "{3DPO: A Three-Dimensional Part Orientation System}", JOURNAL="Proc. 8th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence", ADDRESS=" Karlsruhe, West Germany", MONTH="August", YEAR="1983", PAGES="1116-1120" } @inproceedings{benarie-optimal-recognition-icpr-86, AUTHOR= "Jezekiel Ben-Arie and Zvi A. Meiri", TITLE= "{Optimal Recognition of 3-D Objects By Search: Generic Models}", JOURNAL="Proc 8th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition", ADDRESS=" Paris", MONTH="October", YEAR="1986", PAGES="100-103" } @book{jain-algorithms-for-book-88, AUTHOR="Anil K. Jain and Richard C. Dubes", TITLE="{Algorithms for Clustering Data}", PUBLISHER="Prentice-Hall", YEAR=1988 } @article{cox-the-numerical-jima-72, TITLE="{The Numerical Evaluation of B-Splines}", AUTHOR="M. G. Cox", JOURNAL="J. Inst. Maths Applics", VOLUME=10, PAGES="134-149", YEAR=1972 } @book{dongarra-linpack-users-book-79, AUTHOR="J. J. Dongarra and J. R. Bunch and C. B. Moler and G. W. Stewart", TITLE="{LINPACK Users' Guide}", PUBLISHER="Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics", YEAR=1979 } @book{book-eispack, AUTHOR="B.T. Smith and J.M. Boyle and J.J. Dongarra and B.S. Garbow and Y. Ikebe and V.C. Klema and C.B. Moler", TITLE="{Matrix Eigensystem Routines: EISPACK Guide}", YEAR=1976, PUBLISHER="Springer-Verlag"} @article{jarvis-a-perspective-pami-83, AUTHOR="R. A. Jarvis", TITLE="{A Perspective on Range Finding Techniques for Computer Vision}", JOURNAL=pami, VOLUME="PAMI-5", NUMBER=2, PAGES="122-139", YEAR=1983 } @article{verly-machine-intelligence-llj-89, AUTHOR="J.G. Verly and R.L. Delanoy and D. E. Dudgeon", TITLE="{Machine Intelligence Technology for Automatic Target Recognition}", JOURNAL="{The Lincoln Laboratory Journal}", VOLUME=2, NUMBER=2, YEAR=1989, PAGES="277-310" } @techreport{sampson-real-time-tr-xx, AUTHOR="R.E. Sampson and C.W. Swonger and P.W. VanAtta", TITLE="{Real Time 3 Dimensional Image Processing for Robot Applications}", INSTITUTION="Environmental Research Institute of Michigan", YEAR="1984" } @manual{100x-manual, TITLE="{100X 3-Dimensional Scanner: User's Manual and Application Programming Guide}", AUTHOR="{Technical Arts Corporation}", ADDRESS="Redmond, Washington" } @inproceedings{agin-computer-description-ijcai-73, AUTHOR="G.J. Agin and T.O. Binford", TITLE="{Computer Description of Curved Objects}", BOOKTITLE="{Proc. 3rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}", YEAR=1973, PAGES="1113-1115", CITY="Karlsruhe, West Germany"} @article{nevatia-description-and-ai-77, AUTHOR="R. Nevatia and T.O. Binford", TITLE="{Description and Recognition of Curved Objects}", JOURNAL=ai, VOLUME=8, NUMBER=1, YEAR=1977, PAGES="77-98"} @article{biederman-recognition-by-psychreview-87, AUTHOR="Irving Biederman", TITLE="{Recognition-by-Components: A Theory of Human Image Understanding}", JOURNAL="Psychological Review", VOLUME=94, NUMBER=2, PAGES="115-147", YEAR=1987} @article{dudani-aircraft-identification-ieeetc-77, AUTHOR="Sahibsingh A. Dudani and Kenneth J. Breeding and Robert B. McGhee", TITLE="{Aircraft Identification by Moment Invariants}", JOURNAL="{IEEE Transactions on Computers}", VOLUME="C-26", NUMBER=1, YEAR=1977,PAGES="39-46"} ------------------------------ End of VISION-LIST ********************
Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM (Vision-List moderator Phil Kahn) (11/15/90)
Vision-List Digest Wed Nov 14 09:39:46 PDT 90 - Send submissions to Vision-List@ADS.COM - Send requests for list membership to Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM Today's Topics: Re: Shape from Shading Motion Detection Using Neural Nets Making personal bibliographies public MPEG/JPEG images, software implementations Video image sequences Colour ref. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 22:26:11 EST From: (Todd A. Mancini) Subject: Re: Shape from Shading Ikeuchi and Horn make several simplifying assumptions in their original shape from shading algorithm. I am more interested in processing real images, so I have begun my work using ray-traced images. These images have several properties which are not handled well by the original algorithm, such as perspective projection, non-centered objects, and Lambertian models which diminish source intensity as distance increases. My intial models are quadrics (and super-quadrics). Simpler methods of enforcing continuity in the smoothness over the surface given the occlduing boundary work better and faster than Ikeuchi and Horn's method which also seeks out to use intensity information. There are other problems to be dealt with; one involves an over-simplification corresponding surface orientations to expected intensity values given a Lambertian model. In effect, the algorithm presented in the paper treats all objects as spheres (or ellipsoids) of unit size. It is possible to create quadrics which will not render correctly given their simple definition of a reflectance map. I am seeking an algorithm which is more concerned with observed intensity values in the bit-mapped image to find the orientation map. Ideally, such an algorithm would not require the orientation at the occulding boundary to be input, but by means of a system similar to edge detection would quickly determine the occluding boundary and work off of that. I have already started to show that for a large set of smooth surfaces, it is enough to determine the occluding boundary to find the entire surface orientation with a very high degree of accuracy; information from the intensity map over the surface will be mainly used to resolve local perturbations from the smoothness (even in light of image noise.) -Todd ------------------------------ Date: 13 Nov 90 22:56:52 GMT From: leadsv!laic! (Randy Stiles) Subject: Motion Detection Using Neural Nets Keywords: neural networks, motion detection, neuroethology, machine vision, connectionism Organization: Lockheed AI Center, Menlo Park Fellow netters, Does anyone out there have more info on this development reported last week by the Wall Street Journal, concerning visual object recognition using color to recognize objects and motion detection based on the dragonfly's visual system? The paper reports Michael Swain at U. Chicago and Randal Nelson at U. Rochester, respectively, as the researchers on these systems. I would be especially keen to receive information from them about these developments. Please send any info directly to my email address I will gather the messages together and post them to the net. Randy Stiles ( [ Interesting to see what appears in the popular media. Swain/Wixson/Ballard and Nelson's work is described in the Proceedings of the AAAI-90 Workshop on Qualitative Vision. See also Nelson & Aloimonos, PAMI, Oct. 1989; also University of Rochester TRs. phil... ] Wall Street Journal Friday, November 9, 1990: Scientists are teaching robots and computers to see in living colors and to identify moving objects while in motion themselves. In research funded partly by the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), scientists at the University of Rochester and the University of Chicago report successfully programming robots to recognize multicolored objects solely by their colors. That's a departure from the traditional approach, in which objects are recognized by their shape, and from machine vision experiments, in which robots "see" only single or dominant colors in a pattern. The Rochester robot, for example, was capable of picking out a box of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes from among 70 similiarly colored objects. And while most robots today must remain still to detect movement, another robot in Rochester was programmed to pick out moving objects while on the go itself. the robot was programmed to identify objects that aren't moving in synch with the movement of its own visual field. Randal Nelson, an assistant progessor of computer science at Rochester, says the software was inspired by the dragonfly, which is though to stalk its prey by identifying small objects whose movement doesn't coincide with that of the rest of the its visual field as it buzzes around. Michael Swain, a University of Chicago researcher, says he has received inquireies from companies that view the color vision research as potentially useful in commercial applications such as supermarket checkout systems. "You can't bar-code a squash," he says, but the computer might one day be programmed to recognize one. Mr. Nelson sees his motion-detection research in future surveillance systems. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Nov 90 14:10:13 GMT From: Subject: Making personal bibliographies public Organisation: Kingston Polytechnic Hello I would like to thank Patrick Flynn for sending his personal bibliography in to the list. I was able to make use of many references. Perhaps other members of the vision list could do the same? Or send in a description of the key areas in your bibliography so that it can be made available on request. Regards, Paul Netherwood janet : Research internet : phone : (+44) 81 549 1366 ext 2923 local : cs_s424@ux.king School of Computer Science and Electronic Systems, Kingston Polytechnic, Penrhyn Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey KT1 2EE, UK. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Nov 90 19:35:26 +0100 From: John Husoy-stip <> Subject: MPEG/JPEG images, software implementations The Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), a working group under ISO/IEC have recently agreed on a standard for the compression of digital still images. The Motion Pictures Expert Group (MPEG) has been concered with the same problem in conjunction with storage of digial video sequences. We are currently engaged in image coding research for both video and still images and would like to test our algorithms on the images/image sequences that have been used in conjunction with the standardization activities. Therefore, -- does anybody know of a source where I can get hold of test images/sequences that has been used by the JPEG/MPEG working groups? Also is anyone aware of any software implementing these coding standards, commerically or otherwise. Any help is greatly appreciated! John Haakon Husoy The Norwegian Institute of Technology Department of Electical and Computer Engineering 7034 Trondheim - NTH NORWAY email: tel: ++ 47 + 7 + 594453 fax: ++ 47 + 7 + 944475 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Nov 90 13:36:47 CST From: (Peter Silsbee) Subject: video image sequences Hello, we are doing research in image sequence compression. For evaluation of results, it is necessary to record the compressed/decompressed sequences on videotape. The equipment to which we have access is not great and we are looking for an alternative. We would appreciate any information about what equipment other researchers in the field are using that gives high-quality video. Thanks in advance, Peter Silsbee ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Nov 90 14:30:54 BST From: Subject: Colour ref. NJC Strachan, P Nesvadba, and AR Allen, "Calibration of a Video Camera Digitising System in the CIE L*u*v* Colour Space", Pattern Recognition Letters, (in press, Nov. 1990). Dr A R Allen Dept of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB9 2UE, UK. ------------------------------ End of VISION-LIST ********************
Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM (Vision-List moderator Phil Kahn) (11/28/90)
Vision-List Digest Tue Nov 27 12:28:14 PDT 90 - Send submissions to Vision-List@ADS.COM - Send requests for list membership to Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM Today's Topics: PD Range Image Archive RE: Optical Flow in Realtime Public domain image processing / vision software CVNet- Several Postdoctoral Positions Job opening: Assistant Professor, Cognitive Psychology, Yale Job opening: Chair of Computer Science at Birmingham University, UK Call for Papers: Neural Networks in System, Control, Vision and Genetics CVNet- Neural Net Conference Announcement ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 26 Nov 90 14:38:09 EST From: (Patrick J. Flynn) Subject: PD Range Image Archive Back in February, I made 44 range images available for anonymous ftp from my workstation at Michigan State University, and said: >> I will try to keep these images available [...] >> until I leave MSU this summer. >> If my next job has machines with internet access and some disk space, >> I'll put them there. The archive has been expanded (over 200 images, including 100 synthetic images generated from CAD models) and moved from Michigan State to my Sun here at Notre Dame. The machine name and IP address is: ( The images are in the pub/range-images directory. The README file from that directory appears below. Please remember to use binary mode when transferring files, and perform ftp transfers AFTER `normal' business hours (i.e. do it between 1700 EST and 0800 EST). I reserve the right to disable ftp activity during the day if it significantly impacts my ability to use shillelagh for my work. Direct *specific* questions about the images to me ( General questions about range sensing are best answered by reading the surveys by Jarvis (PAMI '83), Nitzan (PAMI '88), or Besl (in the `Advances in Machine Vision' book by J. Sanz, pub. by Springer, or in the `Machine Vision and Applications' journal, volume 1). A European version of the archive is in the works (courtesy of Adrian Clark). I will post details to vision-list when we get it set up. Here is the text of the README file in the pub/range-images directory. This directory contains a bunch of range images produced by - the MSU Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Lab's Technical Arts 100X scanner (aka `White scanner'), OR - scan-conversion software that I adapted from a program originally written by Paul Besl many years ago. You are free to use these images to test your algorithms. If the images are to appear in a published article, please acknowledge the MSU PRIP Lab as the source of the images (you don't have to mention my name, though). File format: rather than deal with all the goofy standards out there for images (and to preserve the floating-point representation), these images are compressed ASCII text files. Beware: they expand by about 10x when uncompressed. I recommend that you keep them compressed to save disk space. Many of you will probably convert these files to your own `local' image format anyway. Each image file has a three-line header giving the number of rows and columns. This is followed by four images. The first is the so-called 'flag' image, where a pixel value of 1 means the corresponding (x,y,z) values at that pixel are valid. If the flag value is zero, you should ignore the (x,y,z) components for that pixel. Following the flag image is the image of X-coordinates, the image of Y-coordinates, and the image of Z-coordinates. All are floating-point images. MSU's White scanner is configured so that each stripe of range values occupies one column in the image. The object is swept under the stripe with an XY table to get an image. So the X coordinate image is a linear ramp; the X value is taken from the absolute position of the X stage in the XY table. The Y value depends on the column number of the pixel, and the Z value is the measured range (the height above a table). You can use the 3D coordinates of each range pixel, or you can throw away the X and Y images, and concern yourself with the Z-value alone. Note that the `aspect ratio' of the image doesn't have to be 1, although I try to keep it in the neighborhood of 1. Remember to use binary mode when you transfer the images. Contents: In this directory, there are 4 subdirectories: NAME SIZE CONTENTS cluttered 1302KB 10 White Scanner images of pairs of objects isolated 9270KB 100 White Scanner images; 5 images of each of 20 objects misc 6008KB 47 `miscellaneous' images of various objects The files labeled `foot1' and `foot2' are images of a human foot (belonging to Dr. Rick Hallgren). Most of the others are blocky, industrial-ish parts. synth 22027KB 100 synthetic images; 5 images of each of 20 objects (the same 20 objects as in the `isolated' directory). ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Nov 90 11:11:54 GMT From: Massimo Tistarelli <> Subject: RE: Optical Flow in Realtime I have developed a system for the computation of the optical flow in real-time using the Connection Machine. It is capable of computing a dense optic flow from image sequences at near real time, allowing the computation of one velocity field at a rate of 20 frames per second. The program is Public Domain, I can send it directly to you or you can ask Thinking Machines Co. in Cambridge (MA), together with related documentation. Also the time-to-impact can be computed at almost no "extra cost" in terms of processing time. As the algorithm is devised, it will be possible to realize an implementation of the system on other parallel machines. I' m currently working on it! Regards, Massimo Tistarelli ( ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Nov 90 11:40:08 CST From: Subject: public domain image processing / vision software Thanks to all those who volunteered information on public domain image processing packages. Here is a summary. Vasant Honavar ************************************************************* From: Stephen M. Pizer <> I write in response to your news item requesting info on public domain image processing packages using X. UNC's /usr/image image processing package is Unix and X based. It is in the public domain and is licensed and distributed by for a copying cost of $300. It is installed in around 40 sites worldwide, most of which are involved in medical image processing. It consists of a collection of image access modules, numerous X-based display modules, including 2D, 3D, and cinematic display, and a wide range of around 75 image processing, analysis, and utility programs. Maintenance is not provided. Further information can be obtained from ************************************************************** From: (Yang Chen) Well, we have an OBVIUS system from MIT available from It provides some basics for doing image processing using LISP. It runs under either SunView or X-window. ************************************************************** From: (John Rasure) The Vision Lab at the University of New Mexico announces the open distribution of the Khoros system (Beta release)! INTRODUCTION Khoros is an integrated software development environ- ment for information processing and visualization, based on X11R4. Khoros components include a visual programming language, code generators for extending the visual language and adding new application packages to the system, an interactive user interface editor, an interactive image display package, an extensive library of image and signal processing routines, and 2D/3D plotting packages. SYSTEM COMPONENTS X Windows Applications Cantata - Extensible Visual Programming Language Editimage - Interactive Image Display & Manipulation Program Animate - Interactive Image Sequence Display Tool Xprism2 and xprism3 - Comprehensive 2D and 3D Plotting Packages Image & Signal Processing Algorithms The library of algorithms contains over 220 programs, in the following categories: arithmetic, classifica- tion, color conversion, data conversion, file format conversion, feature extraction, frequency filtering, spatial filtering, morphology filtering, geometric manipulation, histogram manipulation, statistics, sig- nal generation, linear operations, segmentation, spec- tral estimation, subregion, and transforms. User Interface Tools Preview - Graphical User Interface Display Tool Composer - Interactive Graphical User Interface Editor Conductor - Code Generation Tool for a Graphical User Interface Ghostwriter - Code Generation Tool for a Command Line User Interface Source Configuration & Management Tools KHOROS DISTRIBUTION METHODS 1) Anonymous FTP Khoros is available via anonymous ftp from ( Use your e-mail address as the password (for example, Once you have logged in, cd to the "pub/khoros" directory and get the ascii file RELEASE_NOTES.ftp. This file will give you com- plete instructions on how to get Khoros and install it on your system. To get this file, execute the following com- a. Use ftp to connect to % ftp -or- % ftp b. Use "anonymous" or "ftp" as the user name. Name ( anonymous -or- Name ( ftp c. Use your e-mail address as the password; please care- fully use a valid e-mail address, as this version site logs all anonymous ftp's. Password ( {your valid email address} 331 Anonymous login ok, use your E-MAIL address as the password. 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. d. Get the release notes for acquiring Khoros via anonymous ftp (note that "RELEASE_NOTES.ftp" is the plain text file - both ".ms" and ".ps" files are avail- able for those who would like them). ftp> cd /pub/khoros ftp> get RELEASE_NOTES.ftp 2) UPS Delivery If you would like to have a tape and printed documenta- tion sent to you, send the order form below (last page) along with a $1000.00 check or purchase order (payable to UNM EECE Dept., in U.S. funds) to: KHOROS Room 110 Department of EECE University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 We will begin shipping tapes (source, binaries and printed documentation) no earlier than November 1st. Please remember, this is a BETA release; the final release will be complete in January 1991. There will be no support or updates provided for the beta release. KHOROS REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS To run Khoros, you must have a UNIX platform running the X11R3, X11R4, or OpenWindows servers. The Khoros system consists of ~350,000 lines of C code; it requires ~100 Meg for storage for source, documentation and binaries. To com- pile Khoros, the system requires X11R4 from MIT (patch lev- els 1-18), and an additional ~30 Meg of storage. If you have questions or problems, mail Once you have the system and want to report bugs or comments, mail UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories. The X Window System is a trademark of Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology. SunOS is a trademark for Sun Microsystems. Ultrix is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Nov 90 09:35:55 EST From: Color and Vision Network <> Subject: CVNet- Several Postdoctoral Positions Postdoctoral Positions CENTER FOR VISUAL SCIENCE University of Rochester The Center for Visual Science has postdoctoral positions available in several areas of visual science, including, but not restricted to, psychophysical, computational and physiological aspects of spatial vision, color vision, eye-movements, and motion perception. Through its provision of shared resources the Center for Visual Science brings together faculty and students from different parts of the University, including the College of Arts and Science, and the Medical School. The Center encourages collaborative research, and post-doctoral fellows have substantial freedom to pursue projects that involve several members of the faculty. Faculty include: Joanne Albano, Richard Aslin, Dana Ballard, Robert Chapman, Robert Emerson, Mary Hayhoe, Michael King, Kyunghee Koh, Peter Lennie, Walter Makous, John Maunsell, William Merigan, Gary Paige, Tatiana Pasternak, David Williams. For general information about the Center and about postdoctoral opportunities, contact Peter Lennie (, phone: 716-275-2450). Prospective postdoctoral fellows interested in working with particular members of faculty should contact those members directly. Any member of the Center can be reached by email using his or her surname as a username (e.g., ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Nov 90 11:05:36 EST From: michael tarr <tarr-michael@CS.YALE.EDU> Subject: Job opening: Assistant Professor, Cognitive Psychology, Yale Assistant Professor, Cognitive Psychology: The Department of Psychology at Yale University expects to make an appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in the area of cognitive psychology effective July 1, 1991. Outstanding candidates in any subspeciality of this area are encouraged to apply. All applicants are expected to provide high- quality teaching at the undergraduate level and in a graduate cognitive psychology program, and to have exhibited (or shown very clear promise of) excellence in research. Applicants should send a letter of application, a resume, and papers or reprints, and should arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to: Chair, Cognitive Psychology Search Committee, Department of Psychology, Yale University, Box 11A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520-7447. Deadline for completed applications: February 1, 1991. Yale is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer, and applications from women and minority group members are especially encouraged. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Nov 90 09:06:58 -0500 From: (Steve Stevenson) Subject: Job opening: Chair of Computer Science at Birmingham University, UK Birmingham University (which I shall be joining from 1st August 1991) wishes to appoint another professor in the School of Computer Science. Only candidates with an established research and publications record and potential for attracting research students will be considered. Applicants from any area of Computer Science will be considered, and the primary requirement is academic distinction, though because there is already one professor with interests in AI/cognitive science, applicants from other fields will have preference, other things being equal. The post will be on the professorial scale (minimum 27013 pounds p.a.) Full details are available from Mr. P.J.F. Scott, Director of Staffing Services University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TT England Phone +44 (0)21-414-3841 FAX +44 (0)21-414-4802 Applications (ten copies for UK applicants, one copy for overseas applicants) should be in by 14 December, though late applications will be considered. It is hoped that short-listed candidates will be interviewed on 19th March. Further enquiries about the nature of the job to Prof Peter Jarratt School of Computer Science University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TT England Phone +44 (0)21-414 3711 Email P.JARRATT@BIRMINGHAM.AC.UK The university is located on a large park south of the centre of Birmingham, with academic buildings at one end, student halls at the other and a lake in between. Substantial resources have recently been made available for developing computer science and cognitive science. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Nov 90 19:00:49 GMT From: (Dr. Roman Swiniarski) Subject: Call for Papers: Neural Networks in System, Control, Vision & Genetics Organization: San Diego State University, Computer Science Call for Papers The First International Conference on ``NEURAL NETWORKS IN SYSTEM, CONTROL, VISION AND GENETICS'' Methodologies and Applications May 29-31, 1991, San Diego, U.S.A. The conference will be organized under the auspice of International Organization ``Association Pour Promotion Des Techniques de Modelisation at de Simulation dans L'Enterprise with the participation of San Diego State University. The conference will be an international forum for presenting and discussing the issues in neural networks and their applications in: system, control, robotics, computer vision, and genetic engineering. TOPICS 1. Neural Network Architectures and Learning Algorithms. Static Neural Networks. Dynamic and Recurrent Neural Networks. Fuzzy Neural Networks. Probabilistic Neural Networks. Fractal and Cellular Neural Networks. Oscillating Neural Networks. Hybrid Neural Networks. Ensembles of Neural Networks. Genetic and Parallel Training Algorithms. Fast and Adaptive Learning Algorithms. Adaptive Critic and Reinforcement Learning. Unsupervised Learning. Generalization. Learnability. Stability and Informational Capacity of Neural Networks. 2. Applications of Neural Networks. 2.1. Signals and Systems: Temporal Pattern Recognition. Modeling. Nonlinear Systems. Adaptive Signal Processing. Identification. Estimation and Filtering. Temporal Data Compression. Combinatorial Optimization. 2.2. Control and Robotics: Stability Analysis and Robust Control. Optimal Control. Adaptive Control. Self-Tuning Control. Variable Structure Control. Sequential Control. Predictive Control. Adaptive Control of Robot. Autonomous Robots. Target Recognition and Tracking. Robot Grasping. Trajectory Planning. Multisensor Fusion. 2.3. Diagnostic and Inspection: Failure Detection in Control Systems. Sensor Failure Detection. Diagnostic of Dynamic Systems. Feature Extraction from Temporal Signals. 2.4. Computer Vision: Image Modelling and Estimation. Image Compression. Feature Extraction. Image Filtering and Enhancing. Segmentation. Motion Detection. 2.5. Genetics: Retrieving Information from Large Genome Data Banks. Genome Sequence Matching. Genome Sequence Alignments Hard Combinatorial Optimization. in Phylogenetic Analysis. 2.6. Text Processing and Pattern Recognition: Hand Written Recognition. Printed Text Recognition. Text Compression. Paper Submission Authors are cordially invited to submit papers describing relevant research and experience. Authors should send two copies of a ``One page summary'' on a standard sheet of paper (A4 21x29.7 cm). Summaries including full names, affiliations, addresses, and FAX or e-mail of authors, should be mailed to the General Chairman of the Conference. Deadline for submission of a summary: February 28, 1991.\\ Summaries of proposed papers, will be reviewed by the International Program Committee. Full texts of accepted papers may be provided up to the Conference. Initiatives in organizing sessions are invited.\\ The selected papers presented at the Conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Selected papers will be additionally published in a special monograph. Conference Committee. General Chair G. Masnard President of ``Association Pour Promotion Des Techniques de Modelisation at de Simulation dans L'Enterprise '' 16 avenue de Grange-Blanche, 69160 TASSIN-LA-DEMI-LUNE, France FAX 011-33-78345417 (from USA). Chair of International Program Committee Roman Swiniarski Department of Mathematical Sciences San Diego State University San Diego , CA 92182-0314, USA e-mail: Tel: (619) 594-5538 Fax: 619-594-5642 The venue of conference and other details will be provided in a later announcement. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Nov 90 17:03:11 EST From: Color and Vision Network <> Subject: CVNet- Neural Net Conference Announcement NEURAL NETWORKS COURSE AND CONFERENCE AT BOSTON UNIVERSITY NEURAL NETWORKS: FROM FOUNDATIONS TO APPLICATIONS May 5-10, 1991 This self-contained 5-day course is sponsored by the Boston University Wang Institute, Center for Adaptive Systems, and Graduate Program in Cognitive and Neural Systems. The course provides a systematic interdisciplinary introduction to the biology, computation, mathematics, and technology of neural networks. Boston University tutors are Stephen Grossberg, Gail Carpenter, Ennio Mingolla, Michael Cohen, Dan Bullock, and John Merrill. Guest tutors are Federico Faggin, Robert Hecht-Nielsen, Michael Jordan, Andy Barto, and Alex Waibel. Registration fee: $985 (professional) and $275 (student). NEURAL NETWORKS FOR VISION AND IMAGE PROCESSING May 10-12, 1991 This research conference at the Wang Institute will present invited lectures and contributed posters, herewith solicited, ranging from visual neurobiology and psychophysics through computational modelling to technological applications. Invited speakers include: Jacob Beck, Gail A. Carpenter, David Casasent, John Daugman, Robert Desimone, Stephen Grossberg, Robert Hecht-Nielsen, Ralph Linsker, Ennio Mingolla, Alex Pentland, V.S. Ramachandran, Eric Schwartz, George Sperling, James Todd, and Alex Waxman. A featured Poster Session will be held on May 11. To present a poster, submit 3 copies of an abstract (1 single-spaced page), postmarked by March 1, 1991, for refereeing. Include with the abstract the author's name, address, and telephone number. Mail to VIP Poster Session, Neural Networks Conference, Wang Institute of Boston University, 72 Tyng Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879. Authors will be informed of abstract acceptance by March 31, 1991. Registration fee: $95 (professionals) and $75 (student). Fee includes lectures and poster session, reception, meals, and coffee services. TO REGISTER: For one or both events by phone, call (508) 649-9731 with VISA or MasterCard between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (EST). For a meeting brochure, call as above or write: Neural Networks, Wang Institute of Boston University, 72 Tyng Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879. ------------------------------ End of VISION-LIST ********************
Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM (Vision-List moderator Phil Kahn) (12/01/90)
Vision-List Digest Fri Nov 30 13:54:50 PDT 90 - Send submissions to Vision-List@ADS.COM - Send requests for list membership to Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM Today's Topics: Converting Rosenfeld's mebib troff format to BiBtex/Refer/etc. Anyone doing PSYCHOPHYSICAL testing of image compression??? Graduate study in neural networks 7th IEEE Conference on AI Applications - Program available Questionnaire on State of the Art in CAD-Based Vision Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 27 Nov 90 17:06:32 -0800 From: (Philip Kahn) Subject: converting Rosenfeld's mebib troff format to BiBtex/Refer/etc. Rosenfeld's bibliographies are in a format called mebib. Several readers have noted an interest in obtaining a database accessible version of his references (e.g., in BibTex or Refer format). Please contact me if you know how to do this or are interested in finding out how it can be done. thanks, phil... ------------------------------ Date: 28 Nov 90 05:38:03 GMT From: David Honig <honig@ICS.UCI.EDU> Subject: anyone doing PSYCHOPHYSICAL testing of image compression??? I'm interested in obtaining references to groups doing psychophysical research on image and image-sequence compression methods. Where the "psychophysical" study can be defined as anything more formal than asking your neighbor, "hey Joe, how do ya' think this version looks?" (which I'm afraid is all too common!) Thanks, David ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Nov 90 15:13:20 -0500 From: Subject: graduate study in neural networks GRADUATE PROGRAM IN COGNITIVE AND NEURAL SYSTEMS (CNS) AT BOSTON UNIVERSITY Gail A.Carpenter & Stephen Grossberg, Co-Directors The Boston University graduate program in Cognitive and Neural Systems offers comprehensive advanced training in the neural and computational principles, mechanisms, and architectures that underly human and animal behavior, and the application of neural network architectures to the solution of outstanding technological problems. Applications for Fall, 1991 admissions and financial aid are now being accepted for both the MA and PhD degree programs. To obtain a brochure describing the CNS Program and a set of application materials, write or telephone: Cognitive & Neural Systems Program Boston University 111 Cummington Street, Room 240 Boston, MA 02215 (617) 353-9481 or send a mailing address to: Applications for admission and financial aid should be received by the Graduate School Admissions Office no later than January 15. Applicants are required to submit undergraduate (and, if applicable, graduate) transcripts, three letters of recommendation, and Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores. The Advanced Test should be in the candidate's area of departmental specialization. GRE scores may be waived for MA candidates and, in exceptional cases, for PhD candidates, but absence of these scores may decrease an applicant's chances for admission and financial aid. Description of the CNS Program: The Cognitive and Neural Systems (CNS) Program provides advanced training and research experience for graduate students interested in the neural and computational principles, mechanisms, and architectures that underly human and animal behavior, and the application of neural network architectures to the solution of outstanding technological problems. Students are trained in a broad range of areas concerning cognitive and neural systems, including vision and image processing; speech and language understanding; adaptive pattern recognition; associative learning and long-term memory; cognitive information processing; self-organization; cooperative and competitive network dynamics and short-term memory; reinforcement, motivation, and attention; adaptive sensory-motor control and robotics; and biological rhythms; as well as the mathematical and computational methods needed to support advanced modeling research and applications. The CNS Program awards MA, PhD, and BA/MA degrees. The CNS Program embodies a number of unique features. Its core curriculum consists of eight interdisciplinary graduate courses each of which integrates the psychological, neurobiological, mathematical, and computational information needed to theoretically investigate fundamental issues concerning mind and brain processes and the applications of neural networks to technology. Each course is taught once a week in the evening to make the program available to qualified students, including working professionals, throughout the Boston area. Students develop a coherent area of expertise by designing a program that includes courses in areas such as Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Psychology, in addition to courses in the CNS core curriculum. The CNS Program prepares Ph.D. students for thesis research with scientists in one of several Boston University research centers or groups, and with Boston-area scientists collaborating with these centers. The unit most closely linked to the Program is the Center for Adaptive Systems. The Center for Adaptive Systems is also part of the Boston Consortium for Behavioral and Neural Studies, a Boston-area multi-institutional Congressional Center of Excellence. Another multi-institutional Congressional Center of Excellence focussed at Boston University is the Center for the Study of Rhythmic Processes. Other research resources include distinguished research groups in dynamical systems within the mathematics department; in theoretical computer science within the Computer Science Department; in biophysics and computational physics within the Physics Department; in sensory robotics, biomedical engineering, computer and systems engineering, and neuromuscular research within the Engineering School; and in neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, and neuropharmacology at the Medical School. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Nov 90 10:50:28 EST From: finin@PRC.Unisys.COM Subject: 7th IEEE Conference on AI Applications - Program available A copy of the advanced program of the the Seventh IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (CAIA-91) is now available and can be obtained by sending email to the mail agent CAIA-PROGRAM@PRC.UNISYS.COM. This agent will respond to all messages by returning via email the text of the advanced program, including a registration form and an accommodations form. CAIA-91 will be held on February 24-28, 1991 at the Fontainbleau Hilton Resort and Spa in Miami Beach, Florida. A series of twelve half-day tutorials will be held on February 24th and 25th. The technical program will be held on February 26th through the 28th. This will include 73 submitted papers, a number panels and the following invited talks: AI in Biology and Challenges of the Human Genome Project, Bruce Buchanan, University of Pittsburgh Technology and People, Eric Bloch, former director, NSF Toward Intelligent Systems in the DoD, Major Steven Cross, DARPA Application Projects at ICOT, K. C. Furukawa, ICOT The ESPRIT Program, D. E. Talbot, Commission of the European Communities "Applying Common Sense" - Necessity or Oxymoron?, Doug Lenat, MCC For more information about the conference in general, or to request hardcopy of the advanced program, contact: IEEE Computer Society, 1730 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036, 202-371-1013, fax: 202-728-0884. For more information about the technical program, contact: Tim Finin, Unisys Center for Advanced Information Tech., PO Box 517, Paoli PA 19301, 215-648-2840, fax: 215-648-2288, ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Nov 90 18:03:47 EST From: Dr. Kevin Bowyer <> Subject: Questionnaire on State of the Art in CAD-Based Vision Systems IEEE Workshop on Directions in Automated ``CAD-Based'' Vision June 2-3, 1991 Maui, Hawaii (just prior to CVPR '91) Questionnaire on State of the Art in CAD-Based Vision Systems This survey form is being distributed for the purpose of organizing a panel session at the upcoming workshop on Directions in Automated ``CAD-Based'' Vision. We hope that this will serve to give the workshop a sharper focus and to facilitate some interesting discussion. Responses are solicited from all interested persons. Some representative subset of the respondents will be asked to lead a panel discussion at the workshop, organized by Avi Kak. A written report of the survey results will also be prepared. Responses are needed by January 1. You may respond by e-mail to or by regular mail to Kevin Bowyer / Department of Computer Science and Engineering / University of South Florida / Tampa, Florida 33620 / USA. 1. What is the name of the system? 2. What is the system's purpose (intended application)? 3. What is the best generally accessible reference which describes the system? 4. What language(s) is the system written in? 5. What computer(s) does the system run on? 6. How long does it take to analyze the ``average'' scene of a single object? (If multiple computers are listed just above, specify which one this time is for.) 7. How long does it take to analyze the ``average'' scene of a jumbled pile of about a dozen objects in order to recognize at least one of the objects? (If multiple computers are listed just above, specify which one this time is for.) 8. Is the computational complexity of the system known? If so, what is it? (Specify order N-whatever, where N is ...) 9. What class of object shapes does the system handle? 10. Are object models entered into the system ... by hand? from a CAD system-- which one? by a set of standard images? some other method? 11. How many different objects are in the system database? 12. How many objects have been in the most complex scenes analyzed by the system? Were these all the same object or different objects? Have the objects all been made of the same material? Have the objects all been the same color? 13. Does the system use ... orthographic projection? perspective projection? orthographic with scale factor? 14. What type of imagery does the system use? range-- if so, what type(s)? intensity-- if so, grayscale or color? other-- if so, what? 15. Does the system use a single view or multiple views? 16. If the system uses multiple views, are the viewpoints fixed ahead of time? 17. If the system uses multiple views from varying viewpoints, how are they selected? 18. Does the system incorporate a ``table-top'' assumption? (That is, does it use explicit knowledge of a supporting plane for the objects?) 19. Can the system recognize occluded objects? if they share a supporting plane (example-- one behind the other on a table)? if they are laying on top of each other (example-- a pile of objects on a table)? 20. What type of image features are used by the system for matching? purely shape-based (edges, contours, junctions)? texture? color? other-- if so, what? 21. Does recognition include estimation of pose? 22. How many scenes has the system analyzed? 23. Is the lighting ... ``normal room lighting''? special lighting set up some time ago and not changed between scene analyses? optimized for each scene analysis? under automatic control of the recognition system in some way? 24. Is the matching strategy based on: interpretation trees of some type? iterative optimization techniqes? geometric hashing of some sort? other-- if so, what? 25. What do you consider the strongest point of your system? 26. What do you consider the strongest point of CAD-based vision systems generally? 27. What do you consider the weakest point of your system? 28. What do you consider the weakest point of CAD-based vision systems generally? 29. What important dimension of CAD-based vision systems is not captured in this survey? 30. E-mail and regular mail address for contacting you. ------------------------------ End of VISION-LIST ********************
Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM (Vision-List moderator Phil Kahn) (12/12/90)
Vision-List Digest Tue Dec 11 10:30:41 PDT 90 - Send submissions to Vision-List@ADS.COM - Send requests for list membership to Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM Today's Topics: Gaussian Blurring Autofocus Microscope Devices for aerial rangefinding Aerial Photographs Preliminary CFP: Conference - ICARCV 92 Consciousness & Science Discussion Group/DEC.14 MEETING ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 3 Dec 90 22:59:11 CST From: (Keith Bartels) Subject: Gaussian Blurring Does anyone have any reference or information on the removal of Gaussian blur from images? I am specifically interested in blur that is the result of a diffusion process, but anything on Gaussian blur would be useful. Thanks, Keith B. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 1 Dec 90 14:17:48 EST From: (Frank X.J HUANG) Subject: Autofocus Microscope We do need some kind of _AutoFocus_ microscope for the upcoming project. We don't want to spend most of the time on focusing when moving from one object(probably cell) to another. Does anybody know which company has this kind of products. I would like to have more detailed information like company name, price, focusing time, resolution, etc. Thanks a lot. | E-mail: || Frank X.J. Huang | | || School of Computer Science | | Tel#: || McGill University | | Office:(514)398-7086 || Montreal, Canada | | Home :(514)284-5479 || H3A 2A7 | | Fax: (514)398-3883 || | ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Dec 90 18:57:07 CST From: (Richard E. Raby) Subject: Devices for aerial rangefinding I have recently begun a project that involves capturing video images of arbitrary landscapes from an airplane for input to a Geographic Information System (GIS). We have the hardware to grab single frames of video and digitize them in raster form, but what we really need is an inexpensive, yet accurate rangefinder (RADAR) to indicate our position above the lanscape. This device should be accurate to within 10 meters and cost no more than $10,000. It should also be capable of producing a digital output (I'd settle for analog) that can be inputted to an IBM PC compatible computer. If anyone knows of such a device and what company makes it, please conact me directly at Thanks in advance, - Richard Raby NRGIS CWE NRRI UMD ------------------------------ Date: 1 Dec 90 18:36:10 -0600 From: Subject: Aerial Photographs Organization: Mankato State University I would like to make contact with individuals who have some experience in working with low-level (10,000 feet) black and white infrared photographs in relationship to object identification. Lee Cornell Dept of Computer Science Box 225 Mankato State University Mankato, MN 56002-8400 e-mail: CORNELL@MSUS1.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: 2 December 90, 09:22:19 UPM From: FACC005@SAUPM00.BITNET Subject: Preliminary CFP: Conference - ICARCV 92 SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER VISION (ICARCV '92) PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS Organised by Nanyang Technological Institute and Institution of Engineering, Singapore. Cosponsored by IEEE Singapore chapter, Instrumention and Control Society, Economics Development Board, National Computer Board, SDAA and GINTIC, Institute of CIM, Singapore. To be held in Singapore, on 15-18 September 1992. Authors are invited to send four copies of the extended summary (500-1000 words) and a brief abstract to : A/Prof D P Mital School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Nanyang Technological Institute Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 2263 Republic of Singapore Fax: (65)264 1687 E-Mail: EMITAL@NTIVAX.BITNET The deadline for submission of the abstract and four copies of the summaries is MARCH 31, 1992. SUGGESTED AREAS (BUT NOT LIMITED TO) ARE : ROBOTICS * Robotic control * Mobile robots and navigation * Task planning * Intellegent sensors * Micro robots COMPUTER VISION * Image processing * 3-D/Colour/Stereo image analysis * Dynamic scense analysis * Machine vision * Vision systems INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION * Instrumentation systems * Flexible manufacturing systems * Process Automation * Man-machine interation NEURAL NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS * Network dynamics * Network architectures * Learning algorithms * Hardware implementation PARALLEL COMPUTING * Algorithms * Software AI & EXPERT SYSTEMS * Knowledge acquisition * Knowledge representation * AI Languages * Intelligent control * User interface and tools CONTROL APPLICATIONS * System identification * Power system control * Motion control * Modelling and simulation REAL TIME SYSTEMS * Specification and analysis * Fault tolerance * Implementation aspects Proposals for offering one day Tutorials/Workshops in the relevant areas are also invited. We encouraged Tutorial proposals from the prospective authors. Note : Beside presenting your papers, you would get a chance to visit the beautiful garden city Singapore in South East Asia. ------------------------------ Date: 11 Dec 90 03:35:10 GMT From: bvi@cca.ucsf.EDU (Ravi Gomatam) Subject: CONSCIOUSNESS & SCIENCE DISCUSSION GROUP/DEC.14 MEETING Organization: Computer Center, UCSF CONSCIOUSNESS AND SCIENCE--DISCUSSION GROUP The purpose of this group, which meets on the second Friday of every month, is to explore the nature of consciousness and its relationship to science, in such fields as biology, physics, artificial intelligence, psychology and parapsychology. Relevant ideas from mathematics will also be discussed. In general, a minimum of graduate level training is assumed of participants. The meetings are free and open to all interested persons. Next Meeting Announcement BRAIN AND CONSCIOUSNESS SPEAKER:John R Smythies, M.D., Institute of Neurology, Univ. of London; Distinguished Emeritus Prof., Univ. of Alabama Medical Center and Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Philosophy, Stanford Univ. DATE: December 14, 1990 (Friday) PLACE: Room N721, School of Nursing, U.C. San Francisco TIME: 7:30 P.M FORMAT: 7:30-8:00 Social; 8:00-9:00 Talk; 9:00-10:00 Discussion This presentation will concentrate on a new theory of the relationship between phenomenological consciousness and the brain. If consciousness is taken as the collection of sensations, images and thoughts, this taken with the Representative Theory of Perceptions, indicates that Descartes was wrong in selecting the criterion of extension in space as differentiating the physical from the mental. So far from being a thinking spirit, consciousness (mind) is a spatial entity. Therefore our understanding of the mind/brain problem may be advanced by an investigation of the geometrical relationships between the phenomenological space of consciousness and physical space.Registration: If you are attending for the first time, please pre-register by calling Kainila Rajan Ph.D. at (415) 753-8647/8648, or Jean Burns, Ph.D. at (415) 481-7507. Directions: The closest parking is the UCSF public garage at 500 Parnassus Avenue. Special $1 parking rate if you get your ticket validated at the meeting. After parking, come upto street level on Parnassus, cross the street to enter Medical Sciences Building (513 Parnassus). Go through the double doors and follow the first corridor to your right all the way to the school of Nursing Building.. Take elevator to the seventh floor and turn left. ------------------------------ End of VISION-LIST ********************
Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM (Vision-List moderator Phil Kahn) (12/28/90)
Vision-List Digest Thu Dec 27 11:30:42 PDT 90 - Send submissions to Vision-List@ADS.COM - Send requests for list membership to Vision-List-Request@ADS.COM Today's Topics: Conference on Spatial Vision in Humans and Robots Call for Papers: Geometric Methods in Computer Vision Preliminary Announcement (ECCV92) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 23 Dec 90 00:52:39 EST From: <> Subject: Conference on Spatial Vision in Humans and Robots CONFERENCE ON SPATIAL VISION IN HUMANS AND ROBOTS YORK UNIVERSITY, NORTH YORK, CANADA JUNE 18TH to 22ND 1991 Tentative Programme June 18: 6:00 - 10:00 pm Buffet Reception June 19: Six talks on Robotics June 20: Four talks on Vision, two on Robotics June 21: Four talks on Vision, three on Robotics Evening Banquet June 22: Three talks on Vision Barbecue Lunch and Social TENTATIVE LIST OF SPEAKERS Danna Ballard Ken Nakayama J. R. Bergen Alex Pentland Michael Brady Tomaso Poggio Patrick Cavanaugh David Regan John Daugman Whitman Richards Karen DeValois John Tsotsos David Heeger Hugh Wilson Geoffrey Hinton Alan Yuille Allan Jepson Steven Zucker Bela Julesz Stanley Klein REGISTRATION FEE $50.00 Canadian ($20.00 for students) if paid by May 15th. $60.00 Canadian ($25.00 for students) if paid after May 15th. MEALS Meals will be available in the University dining halls or off campus. There will be a banquet on June 21st for which advance payment of $25.00 Canadian is required by May 15th. ACCOMMODATIONS Accommodations will be available in the Colleges of York University at approximately $30 to $35 per person per night, or at La Strada Hotel at approximately $51.00 per person per night (single or double). Registration Form NAME:_______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________ I enclose payment for registration fee $__________________(CDN) I enclose payment for ____ banquet tickets $______________(CDN) Please book the following rooms (no deposit required) College single Hotel single Hotel double Tuesday June 18th _____ _____ _____ Wednesday June 19th _____ _____ _____ Thursday June 20th _____ _____ _____ Friday June 21st _____ _____ _____ POSTERS: Facilities could be available for Posters to be displayed if there is sufficient interest. Would you be interested in presenting a Poster?_____________ Please return this form to: Ian P. Howard 103 Farquharson Building York University North York, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3. *Registration and banquet fees should be in Canadian Dollars by Check or Money Order payable to York University. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Dec 90 10:51:36 -0500 From: Baba Vemuri <> Subject: Call for Papers: Geometric Methods in Computer Vision Call for Papers Geometric Methods in Computer Vision (Part of SPIE's 36th Annual International Symposium on Optoelectronic Applied Science and Engineering; 25-26th July 1991; San Diego, California, San Diego Convention Center, Marriott Hotel and Marina) Conference Chair: Baba C. Vemuri, Dept. of CIS University of Florida, Gainesville, Fl. Cochairs: Ruud M. Bolle, IBM T. J. Watson Research Ctr., Yorktown Heights NY Demetri Terzopoulos, Dept. of CS, Univ. of Toronto, Canada Richard Szeliski, CS Research labs, DEC, Boston, MA Gabriel Taubin, IBM T. J. Watson Research Ctr., Yorktown Heights NY. Key Note Address: Dr. David Mumford (A world renowned Mathematician) Dept. of Mathematics and Applied Sciences,Harvard University The theme of this conference is application of geometric methods in low-level vision tasks, specifically for shape and motion estimation. Over the past few years, there has been increased interest in the use of differential geometry and geometric probability methods for various low-level vision problems. Papers describing novel contributions in all aspects of geometric and probabilistic methods in low-level vision are solicited, with particular emphasis on: Differential Geometric Methods for Shape Representation Probability and Geometry (Geometric Probability) Energy-based Methods for Shape Estimation Geometry and Motion Estimation DEADLINES Abstract Due Date: 24th Dec. 1990 Manuscript Due Date: 24 June 1991 Author applications can be obtained from SPIE directly (If you are SPIE member, you should have received one already) by calling them or Faxing a request to the below given numbers. Send your submissions to: SPIE Technical program committee/ San Diego '91 P. O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, USA TELEFAX: 206/647-1445 Telephone: 206/676-3290 (pacific time) Note: Late abstract submissions may be considered, subject to program time availability and chair's approval. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Dec 90 15:32:01 GMT From: European Conference on Computer Vision <> Subject: Preliminary Announcement (ECCV92) ECCV-92 Second European Conference on Computer Vision PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT May 18-23, 1992 Santa Margherita Ligure ITALY OBJECTIVES AND TOPICS ECCV-92 will be held in Santa Margherita Ligure (Italy) in May 1992. The main objective of the Conference is to pro- vide a forum to present and discuss recent research advances in the field of Computer Vision. The first ECCV Conference was held in Antibes (France) in April 1990 and was stimulated by the perception that the com- munity of researchers working on computer vision in Europe has grown considerably in the last few years. The ESPRIT initia- tive and the increasing number of research projects carried out jointly by scientists from different European Countries, has helped the creation of a "network" of research centers active in this field. The Conference is open to international participation (in ECCV-90 one third of the published papers came from outside Europe) and all the papers will be evaluated by the Programme Committee on scientific grounds. Topics of interest are: Colour, Texture, Stereo, Motion, Image Features, Stereo Motion Cooperation, Active Vision, Shape, Vision based Control, Hardware Architectures, Applica- tions. STRUCTURE OF THE CONFERENCE The programme will be articulated in three parts: (1) A four day, single track Conference (2) an "ESPRIT day" devoted to the presentation of ESPRIT projects in the field of computer vision (this day will be opened to non-European participants). (3) Workshops on Esprit Basic Research Action on Machine Vision. PAPERS Authors will be asked to present unpublished, original papers either as LONG PAPERS (appoximately 20 double spaced pages) or as SHORT PAPERS (approximately 7 double spaced pages). A poster session will also be organized. DEADLINES November 1990: First Announcement March 1991: Call for Papers October 15, 1991: Submission of Papers December 15, 1991: Notification of Acceptance January 31, 1992: Final Version Received May 18-23, 1992: ECCV-92 and Related Events CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN Giulio Sandini - DIST University of Genoa CONFERENCE BOARD Bernard Buxton GEC-Marconi, Hirst Research Centre Olivier Faugeras INRIA - Sophia Antipolis Goesta Granlund Linkoping University John Mayhew Sheffield University Hans H. Nagel Karlsruhe University, Fraunhofer Inst. PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Nicholas Ayache INRIA - Rocquencourt Mike Brady Oxford University Andrew Blake Oxford University Hans Burkhardt University Hamburg-Harburg Hilary Buxton Queen Mary and Westfield College James Crowley LIFIA-INPG Grenoble Rachid Deriche INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis E. Dickmanns Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen Jan-Olof Eklundh Royal Institute of Technology David Hogg Leeds University Ian Koenderink Utrecht State University Hans Knutsson Linkoping University Roger Mohr LIFIA-INPG Grenoble Bernd Neumann FB Informatik, Hamburg University Carme Torras Institut de Cibernetica - Barcelona Vincent Torre University of Genova ESPRIT DAY Patrick Van Hove CEC - DGXIII ESPRIT BASIC RESEARCH WORKSHOPS James Crowley LIFIA - Grenoble VIDEO PROCEEDINGS Giovanni Garibotto ELSAG S.p.A. PROCEEDINGS The proceedings of ECCV-90 were published by Springer-Verlag in the "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" series and it is intended to make a similar arrangement for ECCV-92. The proceedings will be distributed to participants at the begin- nig of the Conference. In addition, a selection of the best papers from ECCV-90 will shortly be published in a Special Issue of Image and Vision Computing. Again, it is intended to make similar arrangements for ECCV-92. VIDEO PROCEEDINGS In addition to the publication of the "paper proceedings" a collection of videos will be produced showing the dynamic results presented. The selection of the videos will be coordi- nated by Giovanni Garibotto of ELSAG S.p.A. RELATED EVENTS Scientific Events: In the week preceding ECCV-92 the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation will be held in Nice (France). Santa Margherita Ligure is conveniently connected through local transportation (train or car) for those who whish to attend both events. 1992 Celebration of the Discovery of America: The year 1992 will be a special year for the city of Genoa. The city will host a number of cultural and entertainement events in honour of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America by the Genoese explorer Cristoforo Colombo. Among these events a world exhibition and a new acquarium will be opened to the public. VENUE OF THE CONFERENCE The conference will be held in Santa Margherita Ligure at the Hotel Miramare. Santa Margherita Ligure is a small town in the Italian Riviera close to the city of Genova. The Hotel Miramare is located on the sea facing the Portofino Gulf a few kilometers from the village of Portofino. Also close to the conference site is the pleasant resort area of "Cinque Terre" whose picturesque villages on the rocky coast can be reached by train only. The Conference site can be reached by car or by train from the major cities of the northern and central Italy. The closest international airports are Genova, Pisa, Milan and Rome. SPONSORS: European Vision Society Special Project on Robotics of the CNR INRIA Commission of the European Communities ORGANIZATION: DIST University of Genoa Consorzio Genova Ricerche CEC - DG XIII COORDINATION AND INFORMATION: Paola Ponte ECCV-92 Secretariat Consorzio Genova Ricerche Via dell'Acciaio 139 16152 Genova - Italy Phone: +39 10 651-4000 Fax: +39 10 603-801 e-mail: SECRETARIAT: Bice Del Papa DIST Genova Francesca Tassara c/o DIST Genova ACCOMODATION AND LOGISTICS: Nicoletta Piccardo Eurojob Srl Genova ------------------------------ End of VISION-LIST ********************