[ut.ai] Annoying junk mail in your mailbox?

tjhorton@ai.toronto.edu ("Timothy J. Horton") (02/15/88)

Last September, when the "Toronto Intelligence" mailing lists were set up,
most people on the "aigroup" mailing list were included, as a convenient first
estimate of who *might* be interested in the AI area.  Some of those people
may find the newsletter completely outside their interests, or their interests
may even have changed after innumerable thesis proposals.  I intended to find
a way to filter through that list of people long ago.

Rather than tossing the newsletter in the wastebin, if that's what you do
now, you might save the sponsors some cash by dropping me a one liner to
that effect.  Don't be shy.  I'm about to mail out a few hundred copies of
a "cognitive science directory", at a cost of about $1 each.  On the other
hand, if you might be interested in a copy of this thing, send me a note.
That's what the money's for.  I'll try to leave a few copies around, in
any event.


(Publication is being sponsored by the Department of Computer Science,
Department of Psychology, Department of Linguistics, Center for Applied
Cognitive Science at OISE, Philosophy (hopefully), and the McLuhan Program)

tjhorton@ai.toronto.edu ("Timothy J. Horton") (02/15/88)

Small clarification:

>Rather than tossing the newsletter in the wastebin, if that's what you do
>now, you might save the sponsors some cash by dropping me a one liner to
>that effect.  I'm about to mail out a few hundred copies of a "cognitive
>science directory", at a cost of about $1 each.  On the other hand, if

                you aren't on the mailing list but

>you might be interested in a copy of this thing, send me a note.