[net.micro] How about some references?

vestal (03/31/83)

I know you guys are hacking in the bits, but I'm curious about
what really counts.  About bit-mappied dislays, their utility,
how they're progrmmmed:

If you divide graphics sysems into two processes (one running on
the special diaplay machine and one running on the special user
machine) you (hopefully) have come up with:

A Formal interface language which expresses how people think
about graphics (mostly typeset characters for met right now)
and how machines think about graphics (mostly lines of bits
for me right now) would be an extremely interesting thing
for me to hear about.

Are there any interesting discussions about where Descartes
went wrong reducing geometry to arithmetic imbeded here>
Can/should mathematics develop intuitive/spatial/graphic
models (left off since when....) that we can implement on
graphic terminals so that mechanical engineers/ animation
artists/ optical engineers/ etc. can try to visualize
things in terms they're use to?