jose@LEARNING.SIEMENS.COM (Steve Hanson) (09/27/90)
NIPS*90 WORKSHOP PRELIMINARY PROGRAM ____________________________________________________________ ! POST CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS AT KEYSTONE ! ! THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29 - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1990 ! !____________________________________________________________! Dear Collegue, I am pleased to send you a preliminary description of workshops to be held during our annual "NIPS Post-conference Workshops". Among the many workshop proposals we have received we believe to have selected a program of central topics that we hope will cover most of your interests and concerns. As you know from previous years, our NIPS Post-conference Workshops are an opportunity for scientists actively working in the field to gather in an informal setting and to discuss current issues in Neural Information Processing. The Post-conference workshops will meet in Keystone, right after the IEEE conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, on November 30 and December 1. You should be receiving an advance program, travel information and registration forms for both NIPS and the Post-conference workshops. Please use these forms to register for both events. Please also indicate which of the workshop topics below you may be most interested in attending. Your preferences are in no way binding or limiting you to any particular workshop but will help us in allocating suitable meeting rooms and minimizing overlap between workshop sessions. Please mark your three most prefered workshops (1,2 and 3) on the corresponding form in your registration package. I look forward to seeing you soon at NIPS and its Post-conference Workshops. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have about the workshops in general (phone: 412-268-7676, email at: Should you like to discuss a specific workshop, please also feel free to contact the individual workshop leaders listed below. Sincerely yours, Alex Waibel NIPS Workshop Program Chairman School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15217 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, November 29, 1990 5:00 PM: Registration and Reception at Keystone Friday, November 30, 1990 7:30 - 9:30 AM: Small Group Workshops 4:30 - 6:30 PM: Small Group Workshops 7:30 - 10:30 PM: Banquet and Plenary Discussion Saturday, December 1, 1990 7:30 - 9:30 AM: Small Group Workshops 4:30 - 6:30 PM: Small Group Workshops 6:30 - 7:15 PM: Plenary Discussion, Summaries 7:30 - 11:00 PM: Fondue Dinner, MountainTop Restaurant ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NIPS '90 WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONS Workshop Program Coordinator: ALEX WAIBEL Carnegie Mellon University phone: 412-268-7676 E-mail: 1. OSCILLATIONS IN CORTICAL SYSTEMS Ernst Niebur Computation and Neural Systems Caltech 216-76 Pasadena, CA 91125 Phone: (818) 356-6885 Bitnet: ernst@caltech Internet: 40-60 Hz oscillations have long been reported in the rat and rabbit olfactory bulb and cortex on the basis of single-and multi-unit recordings as well as EEG activity. Periodicities in eye movement reaction times as well as oscillations in the auditory evoked potential in response to single click or a series of clicks all support a 30-50 Hz framework for aspects of cortical activity and possibly cortical function. Recently, highly synchronized, stimulus specific oscillations in the 35-85 Hz range were observed in areas 17, 18 and PMLS of anesthetized as well as awake cats. Neurons with similar orientation tuning up to 10 mm apart and even across the vertical meridian (i.e. in different hemispheres) show phase-locked oscillations. The functional importance of these oscillations as well as the underlying mechanisms are a matter of debate. For the time being, the field is characterized by relatively few experiments and a certain abundance of theories, some coming from biology, some from the neural network community, and also from physics (coupled oscillators have been discussed by physicists in many circumstances). This workshop will be an opportunity to bring together experimentalists and theoreticians. 2. BIOLOGICAL SONAR Herbert L. Roitblat Department of Psychology University of Hawaii 2430 Campus Road Honolulu, HI 96822 Phone: (808) 956-6727 E-mail: Patrick W. B. Moore & Paul E. Nachtigall Naval Ocean Systems Center Hawaii Laboratory P. O. Box 997 Kailua, Hawaii, 96734 Phone: (808) 257-5256 & (808) 257-1648 E-mail: & Several species, most notably bats and dolphins, are known to use biological sonar to obtain information about the world around them. These animals have evolved solutions to severe processing problems that can be exploited in the development of artificial signal processing mechanisms, including intelligent sonar and radar. We call the process of using biological studies to inform the design of artificial systems "biomimetics" because the artificial systems are designed as mimics of biological ones. This workshop will consider the neural network and neurobiological models of animal signal processing that have recently been advanced. It will attempt to integrate studies of dolphins, bats, and other species with computational models. The workshop will be of interest to investigators of biological signal processing as well as those interested in the development or artificial signal processing systems. 3. NETWORK DYNAMICS Richard Rohwer Centre for Speech Technology Research Edinburgh University 80, South Bridge Edinburgh EH1 1HN Scotland Phone: (44 or 0) (31) 225-8883 x261 E-mail: The 1990 network dynamics workshop is to consist of mini-presentations to nucleate discussions about temporal patterns in real and model neural networks, much as was done in 1989. The subject area includes the description, interpretation and engineering design of these patterns. An effort will be made to arrange presentations on different specific subjects than were discussed last year, although priority will be given to new developments in any area. An issue of particular interest is the functional or cognitive significance of temporal patterns. Another is the diversity of temporal behaviour produced by specific classes of models, with implications for the evaluation of biological models and the selection of models for engineering. Training algorithms are also of interest. 4. CONSTRUCTIVE AND DESTRUCTIVE LEARNING ALGORITHMS Scott E. Fahlman School of Computer Science Carnegie-Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Phone: (412) 268-257 Internet: Most existing neural network learning algorithms work by adjusting connection weights in a fixed network. Recently we have seen the emergence of new learning algorithms that alter the network's topology as they learn. Some of these algorithms start with excess connections and remove any that are not needed; others start with a sparse network and add hidden units as needed, sometimes in multiple layers. The user is relieved of the burden of guessing in advance what network topology will best fit a given problem. In addition, many of these algorithms claim improved learning speed and generalization. In this workshop we will review what is known about the relationship between network topology, expressive power, learning speed, and generalization. Then we will examine a number of constructive and destructive algorithms, attempting to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each. Finally, we will look at open questions and possible future developments. 5. COMPARISONS BETWEEN NEURAL NETWORKS AND DECISION TREES Lorien Y. Pratt Computer Science Department Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Phone: (201) 932-4634 E-mail: Steven W. Norton Siemens Corporate Research, Inc. 755 College Road East Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone: (609) 734-3365 E-mail: nortonD The fields of Neural Networks and Machine Learning have evolved separately in many ways. However, close examination of multilayer perceptron learning algorithms (such as Back-Propagation) and decision tree induction methods (such as ID3 and CART) reveals that there is considerable convergence between these subfields. They address similar problem classes (inductive classifier learning) and can be characterized by a common representational formalism of hyperplane decision regions. Furthermore, topical subjects within both fields are related, from minimal trees and brain-damaged nets to incremental learning. In this workshop, invited speakers from the Neural Network and Machine Learning communities (including Les Atlas and Tom Dietterich) will discuss their empirical and theoretical comparisons of the two areas. In a discussion period, we'll then compare and contrast them along the dimensions of representation, learning, and performance algorithms. We'll debate the ``strong convergence hypothesis'' that these two research areas are really studying the same problem. 6. GENETIC ALGORITHMS David Ackley MRE-2B324 Bellcore 445, South St. Morristown, NJ 07962-1910 Phone: (201) 829-5216 E-mail: "Genetic algorithms" are optimization and adaptation techniques that employ an evolving population of candidate solutions. "Recombination operators" exchange information between individuals, creating a global search strategy quite different from --- and in some ways complementary to --- the gradient-based techniques popular in neural network learning. The first segment of this workshop will survey the theory and practice of genetic algorithms, and then focus on the growing body of research efforts that combine genetic algorithms and neural networks. Depending on the participants' interests and backgrounds, possible discussion topics range from "So what's all this, then?" to "How should networks best be represented as genes?" to "Is the increased schema disruption inherent in uniform crossover a feature or a bug?" As natural neurons provide inspiration for artificial neural networks, and natural selection provides inspiration for genetic algorithms, other aspects of natural life can provide useful inspirations for studies in "artificial life". In artificial worlds simulated on computers, experiments can be performed whose natural world analogues would be inconvenient or impossible for reasons of duration, expense, danger, observability, or ethics. Interactions between genetic evolution and neural learning can be studied over many hundreds of generations. The consensual development of simple, need-based lexicons among tribes of artificial beings can be observed. The second segment of this workshop will survey several such "alife" research projects. A discussion of prospects and problems for this new, interdisciplinary area will close the workshop. 7. IMPLEMENTATIONS OF NEURAL NETWORKS ON DIGITAL, MASSIVELY PARALLEL COMPUTERS S. Y. Kung and K. Wojtek Przytula Hughes Research Laboratories, RL69 3011 Malibu Canyon Road Malibu, California 90265 Phone: (213) 317-5892 E-mail: Implementations of neural networks span a full spectrum from software realizations on general-purpose computers to strictly special-purpose hardware realizations. Implementations on programmable, parallel machines, which are to be discussed during the workshop, constitute a compromise between the two extremes. The architectures of these machines reflect the structure of neural network models better than do those of sequential machines, thus resulting in higher processing speed. The programmability provides more flexibility than is available in specialized hardware implementations and opens a way for realization of various models, including future modifications, on a single machine. We will discuss the degree to which the architectures of the machines should mimic the structure of the neural network models versus the degree of the match to be obtained by programmability. 8. VLSI NEURAL NETWORKS Jim Burr Starlab Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 Phone: (415) 723-4087 (office) (415) 725-0480 (lab) (415) 574-4655 (home) E-mail: This one day workshop will address the latest advances in VLSI implementations of neural nets. How successful have implementations been so far? Are dedicated neurochips being used in real applications? What algorithms have been implemented? Which ones have not been? Why not? How important is on chip learning? How much arithmetic precision is necessary? Which is more important, capacity or performance? What are the issues in constructing very large networks? What are the technology scaling limits? Any new technology developments? Several invited speakers will address these and other questions from various points of view in discussing their current research. We will try to gain better insight into the strengths and limitations of dedicated hardware solutions. 9. OPTICAL NEURAL NETWORKS Kristina Johnson University of Colorado, Boulder Campus Box 425 Boulder, CO 80309 Phone: (303) 492-1835 E-mail: This workshop will address issues in the implementation of neural networks in parallel optical hardware including issues in scaleability, speed, bipolar neurons and weights, influence of component characteristics on system performance and methods for all-optical learning. The goal of the workshop will be to identify algorithms and applications or neural networks that are particularly suited for optoelectronic implementation. Novel device and systems that can implement neural processes will also be highlighted, such as recent advances in custome VLSI/ modulator technology. 10. NEURAL NETWORKS IN MUSIC Samir I. Sayegh Department of Physics Purdue University Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499 Phone: (219) 481-6157 E-mail: The workshop is to address aspects of perception, composition and motor skill performance in different aspects of music and their modeling using Neural Networks. Although music applications can be dismissed as not "technical," the topic is of great importance precisely because most of the knowledge involved occurs at a preverbal cognitive level. In music, as in neural networks, teaching by example is predominant. The recent surge in interest is indicated by the increasing number of presentations at major conferences and the publication of special issues of the Computer Music Journal (Fall89, Winter90) dedicated to Neural Networks and Connectionism. A special volume, with contributions from and additions to these articles is being edited. A large spectrum of applications as well as mature and refined developments will be represented at the workshop. These include pitch perception, composition, quantization of musical time, performance, chord classification and fully developed systems. 11. SPEECH RECOGNITION Nelson Morgan and John Bridle International Computer Science Institute 1947 Center Street, Suite 600 Berkeley, CA 94704 Phone: (415) 643-9153 E-mail: In the early, heady days of the most recent neural-network revival, many devotees felt that undifferentiated masses of simple neural models could solve any classification problem. More recently, it has been widely accepted that constraints on connections, structure, and sometimes the form of the input representation are necessary for good performance in complex domains such as speech. In the workshop, we will discuss perspectives on this issue. The emphasis will be on the value and risk of using application-specific knowledge to constrain network topologies and to integrate ANN algorithms into systems which recognize speech. 12. NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING Robert Allen MRE-2A367 Bellcore 445, South St. Morristown, NJ 07962-1910 Phone: (201) 829-4315 E-mail: rba@flash.bellcore.comp It is possible to imagine fully integrated network-based speech processing systems, massive connectionist knowledge bases, and swarms of communicating connectionist agents. Indeed, networks have many properties which seem to make them suitable for pro- cessing natural language. Activations can readily integrate con- text ranging from phoneme interactions, to reference, to seman- tics and pragmatics. Likewise temporal processing may accommo- date syntax and learning in networks can model acquisition. Nonetheless even some basic issues stir controversy such as: the ability to handle context-free grammars, compositionality, the need for rule-like behavior, and generating past-tense verb forms. This workshop will consider both conceptual and practical limitations in bridging the gap between existing demonstrations and potential applications. 13. HAND-PRINTED CHARACTER RECOGNITION Gale Martin & Jay Pittman, MCC, 3500 Balcones Center Drive, Austin, Texas 78759 Phone: (512) 338-3334, 338-3363, E-mail:, Over the past several years backpropagation techniques have successfully been applied to isolated hand-printed character recognition. This workshop will consider what has been learned and where the field is headed next. The issues to be addressed include the following: 1) Black art issues (what works, what doesn't, what matters), 2) What are the current important research problems & approaches (segmentation, incorporation of higher level constraints, very large symbol sets)? 3) How can the field foster collaborations and comparisons of techniques? The format will include very brief talks by interested participants and subsequent discussion periods. The target audience includes those interested in and/or working on handwriting recognition and related visual recognition problems. Individuals interested in giving brief talks are invited to contact Gale or Jay at the above addresses. 14. NN PROCESSING TECHNIQUES TO REAL WORLD MACHINE VISION PROBLEMS Murali M. Menon & Paul J. Kolodzy MIT Lincoln Laboratory Lexington, MA 02173-9108 Phone: (617) 863-5500 E-mail: Menon@LL.LL.MIT.EDU Kolodzy@LL.LL.MIT.EDU Our proposed workshop will discuss the application of neural networks to vision applications, including, but not limited to, image restoration and pattern recognition. Participants will present their specific applications for discussion to highlight the relevant issues. Since the discussions will be driven by actual applications, we will place an emphasis on the advantages of using neural networks at the system level in addition to the individual processing steps. To focus the discussions in the workshop we plan to present the following applications: a medical screening system using neural networks for identification of Pap smears, a description of a software and hardware implementation of a neural network for multi-scale edge extraction, a large scale software implementation of Grossberg's Boundary Contour System (BCS), and a Markov Random Field (MRF) based image restoration system. The proposed workshop invites participation from researchers in machine vision, neural network modeling, pattern recognition and biological vision. 15. INTEGRATION OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS WITH EXISTING TECHNOLOGIES EXPERT SYSTEMS AND DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Veena Ambardar 15251 Kelbrook Dr Houston, TX 77062 Phone: (713) 663-2264 E-mail: veena@shell.uucp Integration of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) with Expert Systems (ES) & Database Management Systems (DBMS) is already being researched in several ways such as : a) extraction of rules from a given neural network b) developme- nt of hybrid systems using both ANNs & ESs & c) information retrieval & query processing using ANNs etc. Possible benefits of this integration are a) facilit- ated acquisition of knowledge bases b) automated extension of existing expert systems( without knowing the rules explicitly) c) better understanding of the dynamics of ANNs d) reducing the size of the existing expert systems by using threshold logic functions e) better retrieval of information & queries embedded with partial cues or noise & f) facilitated preprocessing of data before it is fed to ANNs etc. The workshop shall focus on this integration with the following specific questions in perspective : a) the benefits from this integration b) theoretical & practical issues those ought to be addressed for this bridging c) current status of research efforts & commercial packages in this direction d) discussion of the different techniques for the extraction of rules from a given ANN and if they could be extended to Hopfield & ART etc. e) different ways those could be used to improve upon the accuracy rate for the processing of the query with partial cues/noise using neural nets f) future directions for both researchers and vendors. Both researchers & commercial vendors would be invited. 16. BIOPHYSICS J. J. Atick Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, NY 08540 Phone: 609-734-8000 B. Bialek Department of Physiology University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 E-mail: The workshop will proceed through organized discussion with as minimal formal presentation as possible. The discussion will focus on the development of new theoretical ideas in neurocomputing that could be tested with real biological experiments. The workshop will review some of the recent progress, discuss its implications and try to come up with new directions to pursue. The emphasis will be on sensory systems where the signal processing problems involved could be sharply defined and the performance well qualified. Some of the specific questions that the workshop will address are: - Are there theories of what the nervous system should compute? - Can we rate the observed performance of the nervous system on some absolute scale? How optimal are its computational strategies? - What is the nature of the encoding of information in the nervous system? Is the encoding for trigger features or is there general purpose encoding? To what extent is the information distributed? - How universal are the computations involved? Could the same theoretical principle account for the variety of neural computations observed in the as well as different species. - What is the role of adaptation and what is its precise computational formulation? What is kept constant in the process of adaptation? - Are there critical experimental tests of recent theories in neurocomputing. Participants who have done work related to the theme of this workshop are encouraged to provide preprints of their work for general distribution. 17. ASSOCIATIVE LEARNING RULES David Willshaw University of Edinburgh Centre for Cognitive Science 2 Buccleuch Place Edinburgh EH8 9LW Phone: 031 667 1011 ext 6252 E-mail: <Abstract Unavailable> 18. RATIONALES FOR, AND TRADEOFFS AMONG VARIOUS NODE FUNCTION SETS J. Stephen Judd Siemens Corporate Research, Inc. 755 College Road East Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone: (609) 734-6500 E-mail: Linear threshold functions and sigmoid functions have become very standard node functions for our neural network studies, but the reasons for using them are not very well founded. Are there other types of functions that might be more justifiable? or work better? or make learning more tractable? This workshop will explore various issues that might help answer such questions. Come hear the experts tell us what matters and what doesn't matter; then tell the experts what *really* matters.