[comp.theory.dynamic-sys] Midwest Dynamical Systems conference

clark@RUFUS.MATH.NWU.EDU (Clark Robinson) (02/01/90)

              Midwest Dynamical Systems Seminar
      Institute for  Mathematics  and  its Applications
                   University of Minnesota
                    Minneapolis, MN 55455

                      March 16-18, 1990

The  seminar  will  be  held  in  conjunction with the IMA workshop on
"Twist maps and their applications" which runs March 12-16 in the same
location.   Participants  in  the  workshop  include P.  Boyland, G.R.
Hall, M.  Herman, J.  Moser, E.  Zehnder and others.

The seminar is sponsored in part by an NSF grant.  If you want support
or wish to speak contact one of the following:
     Dick McGehee  1-612-625-5591
     Ken Meyer     meyer%csfsa.cs.umn.edu@umnacvx.bitnet
     Rick Moeckel  1-612-624-9548.

Make your own hotel reservations at IMA rates:
     Days Inn, 2407 University Ave SE, Minneapolis,
        MN 55414 1-800-325-2525 or 1-612-623-3999.
        ($32-single, $38 double)
     Best Western, 2600 University Ave. SE, Minneapolis, MN
        1-612-379-2313 ($33-single, $39-double)
     Holiday Inn  Metrodome, 1500 Washington Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN
        1-612-333-4646 ($58 single/double)

clark@RUFUS.MATH.NWU.EDU (Clark Robinson) (02/23/90)

              The Midwest Dynamical Systems Seminar
                      March 16-18, 1990,

will  be  held  in  conjunction with the

         Workshop on "Twist maps and their applications"
                      March 12-16, 1990.

Both will be held at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications
at the University of Minnesota.

         Workshop on Twist Maps & Their Applications
      Institute for  Mathematics  and  its Applications
                   University of Minnesota
                    Minneapolis, MN 55455
                      March 12-16, 1990

Monday March 12

 9:30 Glen R. Hall, Boston University
      Poincare proof of Poincare's last theorem

11:00 Edward Ott, University of Maryland
      Chaotic flows and fast magnetic dynamos

 2:00 John Franks, Northwestern University
      Periodic points and rotation numbers for area preserving
         diffeomorphisms of the plane

 3:00 Leo Michelotti, Fermilab
      The transverse phase space of accelerators

Tuesday March 13

 9:30 V. Bangert, University of Bern
      To be announced

11:00 Chris Gole, IMA
      Ghost tori in monotone maps of  T^n X R^n

 2:00 R.S. Mackay, University of Warwick
      Scaling of the phonon spectrum at the depinning
         transition for incommensurate structures

 3:00 Sigurd Angenent, University of Wisconsin
      The Melnikov method in averaging problems

Wednesday March 14

 9:00 S. Aubry, Lab. Leon Brillouin
     The concept of anti-integrability: definition,
        theorems and applications

11:00 Victor Donnay, Princeton University/IMA
      Using integrability to produce chaos: Billiards with
         positive entropy

Thursday March 15

 9:30 Jerry Marsden, UC Berkeley/Cornell
      Discrete Reduction

11:00 Philip Boyland, MSRI/IMA
      Rotation sets and annulus homeomorphisms

 3:30 Michael Herman, Ecole Polytechnique
      Generic properties of twist maps

Friday March 16

 9:30 Eduard Zehnder, ETH, Zurich
      KAM theorey in configuration space

11:00 Anatole Katok, Caltech
      Hyperbolic twist and invariant cocycles for
         dynamical systems

 3:00 Jurgen Moser, ETH, Zurich
      On some discrete integrable dynamical systems
      (This talk will conclude the Workshop and open the MWDS Seminar.)

              Midwest Dynamical Systems Seminar
      Institute for  Mathematics  and  its Applications
                   University of Minnesota
                    Minneapolis, MN 55455

                      March 16-18, 1990

Friday March 16

 3:00  Jurgen Moser, ETH, Zurich
       On some discrete integrable dynamical systems

Saturday March 17

 9:30 Victor Pliss, Leningrad State University
      Relative position of stable and unstable manifolds
         of hyperbolic systems

11:00 Mary Lou Zeeman, IMA
      Competitive three dimensional Lotka-Volterra systems

 2:00 Kening Lu, IMA
      A Hartman-Grobman theorem for parabolic equations

 3:30 Michael Benedicks, Royal Inst. of Tech., Sweden
      The dynamics of the Henon map

Sunday March 18

 9:30 Roger Kraft, Northwestern University
      Intersection of thick Cantor sets

11:00 Jack Wagoner, UC Berkeley
      Algebraic topology and Williams lifting problem
         in symbolic dynamics

Make your own hotel reservations for the MWDS Seminar at IMA rates:
     Days Inn, 2407 University Ave SE, Minneapolis,
        MN 55414 1-800-325-2525 or 1-612-623-3999.
        ($32-single, $38 double)
     Best Western, 2600 University Ave. SE, Minneapolis, MN
        1-612-379-2313 ($33-single, $39-double)
     Holiday Inn  Metrodome, 1500 Washington Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN
        1-612-333-4646 ($58 single/double)

For further information contact:
     Dick McGehee  1-612-625-5591
     Ken Meyer     meyer%csfsa.cs.umn.edu@umnacvx.bitnet
     Rick Moeckel  1-612-624-9548.

clark@RAINIER.MATH.NWU.EDU (Clark Robinson) (10/06/90)

                      Midwest Dynamical Systems Seminar
                           University of Cincinnati
                            Institute for Dynamics
                               Cincinnati, Ohio

Friday, October 26
3:00:  Konstantin Mischaikow, Existence and structure of connecting orbits.
4:30:  Pau Atela, Bifurcations of dynamic rays in complex polynomials.

Saturday, October 27
9:30:  Jim Yorke, Embedology -- Whitney and Takens revisited.
10:30  Coffee
11:00  Pat McSwiggen, Filling in stable laminations.
12:00  Lunch
1:30  Mark Levi, Periodically and quasiperiodically forced conservative
2:30  Coffee
3:00  Jenny Harrison, Stokes' theorem for topological submanifolds: calculus
                      on fractals.
6:00  Party in Moscow

Sunday, October 28
9:30  Coffee
10:00 Judy Kennedy, Pseudo circles and cylinder maps.
11:00 Steve Pelikan, Maps with homoclinic points.

Contact Meyer at meyer@ucunix.san.uc.edu

Clark Robinson   Department of Mathematics
                 Northwestern University
                 Evanston IL 60208