[net.micro] program to access cpm-style floppies

wwb (04/02/83)

	The following is the manual page for a program to 
deal with floppies in cpm format. It is a modified version of
the program by Wohl (wohl@cmuc), but is interactive and a
little more user-friendly.  If anyone is interested, post
cbl!wwb for the source.

CPMFLOPPY(CBL)      UNIX Programmer's Manual       CPMFLOPPY(CBL)

     cpmfloppy - program for maintaining cpm-formatted floppies

     cpmfloppy [ key ] [ name ... ]

     _C_p_m_f_l_o_p_p_y saves and restores files on the floppy disk.  Its
     actions are controlled by the _k_e_y argument.  The _k_e_y is a
     string of characters containing at most one function letter
     and possibly one or more function modifiers.  Other argu-
     ments to the command are file names specifying which files
     are to be dumped or restored.

     The program prompts for further commands after executing the
     command line. The format for these is the same as that for
     the command line, with the exception that all modifier flag
     arguments are toggled, when specified again, with the excep-
     tion of the mode switches.

     _C_p_m_f_l_o_p_p_y requires that an access mode be given before it
     can access any files. This mode has either the value _b_i_n_a_r_y
     or _t_e_x_t. The mode is set by specifying either a b (for
     binary) or a t (for text) with the function argument.  Once
     set, the mode switch maintains its value for all subsequent
     files accessed unless specifically changed.

     The function portion of the key is specified by one of the
     following letters:

     l       List the files specified. If no arguement is given,
             all files on the floppy are listed.

     g       Get the given  files from the floppy.

     p        Put the given files onto the floppy.

     n        Nuke - delete matching files from the floppy.

     c        Create a new file system.

     q        (quit) Exit from program.

     h       Type out the list of commands

     ?       Alias for h

     s        Escape to a subshell.

     !       Alias for s

     d       Change the working (unix) directory, via CHDIR(2) to

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CPMFLOPPY(CBL)      UNIX Programmer's Manual       CPMFLOPPY(CBL)


              If no argument is given, It invokes a subshell as
              determined by the SHELL enviroment variable.
              Otherwise, the argument is executed from a sub-

     The option flags are

     t       Set the mode flag to text.

     b       Set the mode flag to binary.

     i       Disable the use of the interleaving mapping

     u       Set the user number to the argument.

     a       Set the absolute disk address, start.length e.g.

     f       Use the named unix file instead of /dev/floppy.

     o       Override, allows writes to a damaged directories.

     The program will recognize *.* file name abreviations when-
     ever it would make sense.


     Keith Sklower, Richard Tuck, William Barker

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