rogene@NEURO.MED.UMN.EDU (Rogene Eichler) (04/23/91)
I am a first year grad student at the U of MN Neuroscience Program. I am interested in modeling the nervous system at the physiological level. Within this first year, the computational group here has "broken up", and I find myself without an available lab to complete my thesis in. Specificly, I am interested in pursuing non-linear ("Chaotic") models. I am requesting: 1) Information on Ph.D. programs with a strong group in this area 2) Opportunities to work with individuals not affiliated with a University, to set up an off-site thesis advisor situation, while still being affiliated with U of MN (National Laboratory or Industry researchers) 3) Suggestions for literature readings to become better aqu acquainted with research in this area. I have read much of Rall's work, and have been been examining Chaotic phenomena via Glass and Mackey, Chay and Rinzel, and May and Oster. I have had a year of intense biological and physiological reading in many areas of Neuroscience. Ultimatley, I would like to look at learning and memory systems. For now, I need a good lab in which to develop modeling skills at any level of nervous system phenomena. While I am more interested in learning mathematics than learning an experimental prep, I would be willing to invest time into expanding my electrophysiology skills. Please respond via E-Mail. I appreciate any information that can be forwarded to me. Rogene M. Eichler