(Gerolf Starke [mw]) (06/17/91)
This time I wanna force a discussion 'bout life and meta life. Man is looking every time for it's destination, searching trues. We'll all want to understand our own position in the universe. That's why we do our piece of research every day. In all disciplines. Now Goedel teached us, that a incomplet system cannont decide for all questions whether they are true or false. Our life belongs to that class of systems which are consistent but incomplet (I'll hope I be right at this point). At that time the question must be: Is it possible to get a right understanding of life or in other words, is it possible to comprehend our own life in relation to universe? What is it that makes us aware of ourselfs? Are these questions determined in terms of Goedel's Theorem, or aren't they? Or is it only possible to 'feel' the answers, not to put them in words. Only to put them in parables, like the religions do? Gerolf Starke (06/18/91)
Have you read "The anthropic comological principle" by Barrow and Tipler ? You might find some answers ... and even more questions. [jack]