[uk.events] BNCOD8 - The 8th British National Conf. on Databases

alanb@minster.york.ac.uk (06/08/90)


       The Eighth British National Conference on Databases,
                       9th - 11th July 1990,
                 The University of York, England.

                      CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

The Eighth British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD-8) is to
be held at the University of York from 9th-11th July 1990.  This is
the premier British  database  conference  of  the  year,  bringing
recent  developments  and current research to the attention of both
the industrial and academic communities.  The main  themes  of  the
eighth conference of the series will be:

     +   Object-Oriented Databases

     +   Office Information Systems and User Interfaces

     +   Functional and Knowledge Based Systems

     +   Database Applications

     +   Standards and IRDS

Guest speakers at this year's conference include  William  Kent  of
Hewlett  Packard  (USA)  who  will discuss object-oriented database
systems, and David Gradwell, chairman of the ISO Technical  Commit-
tee on the Framework for the Information Resource Dictionary System
(IRDS), who will discuss the arrival of IRDS and its likely  impact
on the future of database systems.


The conference will be held over three days - from lunch on Monday,
9th  July  to  lunch  on Wednesday 11th July - at the campus of the
University of York.

The cost of the attending the conference includes accommodation for
the  evenings  of the 9th and 10th July, all meals and refreshments
during the conference and a copy of the conference proceedings  (to
be  published by Pitman publishing company).  In addition, the cost
also includes a conference dinner at the Merchant Adventurers' Hall
in York, preceded by a guided tour of the City of York.

A special reduced fee is  available  for  full-time  students,  and
members  of the British Computer Society (BCS) or academic institu-
tions.  A limited amount of additional accommodation  is  available
both immediately before and after the main conference for those who
wish to extend their stay to explore the beautiful  City  of  York.
Please contact the conference organisers for more details.

On the evening of Monday 9th July,  guests  at  BNCOD-8  have  been
invited  to a buffet and reception hosted by INGRES (UK) Ltd.  This
reception will take the form of a pleasure cruise on the river Ouse
through  the  heart of the city of York.  Buffet, drinks and enter-
tainment will be provided on board.

To book a place at the conference, please complete and  return  the
attached booking form.  For multiple bookings, please photocopy the
form for each participant.


Alan Brown (0904-432746 alanb@uk.ac.york.minster)
Peter Hitchcock (0904-432745 ph@uk.ac.york.minster)
Rebecca Wise (0904-432782 rebecca@uk.ac.york.minster)

                      P R O G R A M M E

Monday, 9th July

*Invited Paper*

The Evolving Role of Database in Object Systems
William Kent
Hewlett Packard (USA)

*Database Architectures*

A Version Model for Object-Oriented Databases
Jean Louis Cheval
Laboratoire LGI (France)

Parallel DB4GL: A Transputer Based  Implementation  of  a  Parallel
Database System
J P Gray, F Poole
Sheffield City Polytechnic

TriStarp - An Investigation into the Implementation  and  Exploita-
tion of Binary Relational Storage Structures
P King, M Deraksham, A Poulovassilis, C Small
Birkbeck College

Tuesday, 10th July

*Theoretical Issues*

Compilation of Complex DATALOG with Stratified Negation
Thomas Ludwig
University of Trier (W.Germany)

Semantic Transaction Optimization in Relational Databases
X Y Wang, W A Gray, N J Fiddian
University of Wales, Cardiff

Graph Views and Recursive Query Languages
Peter T Wood
University of Cape Town (S.Africa)


Implementing the emerging ISO Standard STEP into a Relational Data-
Deborah Thomas

Object-Oriented Database Design for the Ozone Software  Development
Greg Nicholls, Steve A Demurjian
University of Connecticut (USA)

A Geoscientific Database System Supporting Cartography and Applica-
tion Programming
Friedrich Lohmann, Karl Neumann
Technische Universitat Bruanschweig (W.Germany)

*Commercial Session*

Martin Butler (Butler, Bloor Ltd.)
Theme: Future Commercial Database Systems
(See details below)

Wednesday, 11th July

*Invited Paper*

The Arrival of the IRDS Standard
David Gradwell
Analyst Workbench Products Ltd.

*Interfaces and Office Information Systems*

A Modelling Paradigm for Retrieval of Office Documents
Augusto Celentano, Maria Grazia Fugini, Silvano Pozzi
Universita di Brescia, Politecnio di Milano, CEFRIEL (Italy)

Trail Management in  Hypertext:  Database  Support  for  Navigation
through Textual Complex Objects
T J Sillitoe, B N Rossiter, M A Heather
University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Design and Construction of Graphical Database User Interfaces Using
Surface Interaction
Alan W Brown, Roger K. Took, William G. Daly
University of York


The afternoon of Tuesday 10th July will be devoted to a  commercial
session  addressing  the theme: Future Commercial Database Systems.
This session will be led by  an  experienced  independent  database
consultant,  Martin  Butler of Butler, Bloor Associates.  Following
his talk a number of speakers from commercial database  manufactur-
ers  will address the theme, identifying the key approaches as they
see them.  Planned speakers will include representatives  from  the
manufacturers  of  the  Ingres and Empress relational database sys-
tems, and from the Ontologic Corporation, who  produce  and  market
the  ONTOS  object-oriented database system.  The afternoon will be
concluded by a discussion session where the audience  can  question
the speakers about their presentations.


To accompany the BNCOD-8 conference there is an exhibition at which
database  manufacturers will be displaying their products.  Also in
attendance will be representatives from database consultants and  a
wide  range of publishers who will be exhibiting their latest data-
base text books.

If any other interested parties wish to exhibit at BNCOD-8,  please
contact any of the conference organisers for further details.


                       B O O K I N G   F O R M

Return to:   Dr. Alan Brown, BNCOD-8, Department of Computer Science,
             University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD, England.

             Please circle the rate that is applicable.

Cheques and invoices should be made payable to "The University of York".

Conference Fees
The conference fee covers:   attendance at all sessions, two nights bed and
                             breakfast accomodation for the 9th and 10th July,
                             all meals and refreshments during the conference
                             (including the conference dinner) and a copy
                             of the conference proceedings.

         Full-time students                      130 pounds

         Members of the BCS                      160 pounds

         Members of Academic Institutions        160 pounds

         Others                                  190 pounds

         Late Fee (for bookings after 1st June)   30 pounds

Daily Rates
The daily rate covers attendance at the conference and also includes lunch
and tea or coffee for that day.

         Monday 9th July p.m.                     40 pounds

         Tuesday 10th July all day                80 pounds

         Wednesday 11th July a.m.                 40 pounds

Name:  ________________________________________     Title:  ___________

BCS Number:  __________________________________

Company/Organisation:  ________________________________________________

Address:  _____________________________________________________________



Tel:  ________________________  E-mail address:  ______________________

Please state any dietary requirements:  _______________________________

   Total Fee Enclosed : .........................................