timd@aiai.uucp (Tim Duncan) (02/01/91)
ALPUK'91 Association for Logic Programming (UK) 3rd Annual Conference University of Edinburgh 10th-12th April 1991 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Please fill in your name and affiliation as you wish them to appear on your badge. Name: ............................... ALP Member No. [ ] Affiliation: ................................................ Full postal address: ........................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ E-Mail: ..................................................... Conference registration includes proceedings, lunch and coffee, reception, and banquet. The conference registration charge is subject to a 10% discount if postmarked before 25th February. Prices are in pounds Sterling. ALP Members Before 25/2/91 After 25/2/91 Normal ................................ 140.40 [] ..... 156.00 [] Student ............................... 71.10 [] ..... 79.00 [] Non-ALP Members Normal ................................ 167.40 [] ..... 186.00 [] Student ............................... 89.10 [] ..... 99.00 [] The tutorial sessions, which run concurrently, are considered to be part of the conference and are therefore not charged separately. Please indicate which tutorials you require notes for. Thinking in Parallel: Four Steps to Parlog (Tom Conlon) ... 1.50 [] Programming with Constraints (Ian Jones) .................. 1.50 [] Meta-Programming in Lambda Prolog (Dale Miller) ........... 1.50 [] Accommodation and Options: Accommodation (9th-11th April) including breakfasts, and evening meal ......................................... 56.00 [] Extra banquet tickets for accompanying guests ............... 25.00 [] Special dietary requirements: .................................... Other special requirements (eg: disablement): .................... Please return your completed form to the address below. Cheques should be made payable to "University of Edinburgh (ALPUK91)" ALPUK91 Registration AI Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh, 80 South Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1HN. Tel: 031-650-2732 or 2722 Fax: 031-226-2730 (mark for attention: ALPUK91) Email: ALPUK91@uk.ac.ed \documentstyle{article} \makeatletter \newdimen\mainfontsize \mainfontsize=1\@ptsize pt \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{.25 true in} % left margin 1.25 inch \setlength{\textwidth}{14.85 true cm} % 21.2 cm - 2.5*(2.54 cm) \topskip=\mainfontsize % plain has 10pt, so this is the equivalent \maxdepth=.4\mainfontsize % plain has 4pt \@maxdepth=\maxdepth % this has to be set as well (cf. latex.tex) \makeatother \setlength{\textheight}{9.5in} \setlength{\topmargin}{0in} \setlength{\headheight}{0in} \setlength{\headsep}{0in} \setlength{\footheight}{0in} \setlength{\footskip}{0in} \pagestyle{empty} \parindent 0cm \parskip 0cm \def\tickbox{\ \fbox{\rule[-.02cm]{0cm}{0.2cm}\ }} \def\memberbox{\fbox{\rule[-.02cm]{0cm}{0.2cm}\hspace{.34cm}}} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\Huge {\bf ALPUK'91}} \\ {\Large Association for Logic Programming ({\sc UK}) \\ $3^{rd}$ Annual Conference } \\ \vspace{0.4cm} {\bf University of Edinburgh \\ 10th--12th April 1991} \\ \vspace{0.2in} {\LARGE {\sc Conference Registration Form}} \end{center} \vspace{0.4cm} Please fill in your name and affiliation as you wish them to appear on your badge. \vspace*{0.3cm} \\ {\sc Name:} \dotfill ALP Member No. \memberbox \memberbox \memberbox \memberbox \memberbox \\ {\sc Affiliation:} \dotfill \\ {\sc Full postal address:} \dotfill \\ \hspace*{0.8in} \dotfill \\ \hspace*{0.8in} \dotfill \\ \hspace*{0.8in} \dotfill \\ {\sc E-mail:} \dotfill \subsection*{Conference Registration} Conference registration includes proceedings, lunch and coffee, reception, and banquet. The conference registration charge is subject to a 10\% discount if postmarked before 25th February. \vspace*{0.2cm} \\ \hspace*{.3in} \parbox[t]{4.3in}{ \underline{ALP Members} \hfill \underline{Before 25/2/91}\\ Normal \dotfill \pounds 140.40 \tickbox \\ Student \dotfill \pounds 71.10 \tickbox \\ \underline{Non-ALP Members} \\ Normal \dotfill \pounds 167.40 \tickbox \\ Student \dotfill \pounds 89.10 \tickbox } \parbox[t]{1.2in}{\hfill \underline{After 25/2/91}\\ .\dotfill \pounds 156.00 \tickbox \\ .\dotfill \pounds 79.00 \tickbox \\ \ \\ .\dotfill \pounds 186.00 \tickbox \\ .\dotfill \pounds 99.00 \tickbox } \subsection*{Tutorials} The tutorial sessions, which run concurrently, are considered to be part of the conference and are therefore not charged separately. Please indicate which tutorials you require notes for. \vspace*{0.1cm} \\ \hspace*{.3in} \parbox[t]{5.5in}{ Thinking in Parallel: Four Steps to Parlog (Tom Conlon) \dotfill \pounds 1.50 \tickbox \\ Programming with Constraints (Ian Jones) \dotfill \pounds 1.50 \tickbox \\ Meta-Programming in Lambda Prolog (Dale Miller) \dotfill \pounds 1.50 \tickbox} \subsection*{Accommodation and Options} \parbox[t]{5.8in}{ Accommodation (9th--11th April), including breakfasts, and evening meal \dotfill \pounds 56.00 \tickbox \\ Extra banquet tickets for accompanying guests \dotfill \pounds 25.00 \tickbox} \\ Special dietary requirements: \dotfill \\ Other special requirements: (eg: disablement) \dotfill \vspace{0.4cm} \\ {\sc Please return your completed form to the address below. Cheques should be made payable to ``University of Edinburgh (alpuk91)''} \vspace{0.1in} \begin{tabular}[t]{@{\hspace{0.3in}}l@{\hspace{0.6in}}l} {\sc ALPUK91} Registration \\ AI Applications Institute, \\ University of Edinburgh, & Tel: 031-650-2732 or 2722 \\ 80 South Bridge, & Fax: 031-226-2730 (mark for attention: {\sc ALPUK91}) \\ Edinburgh, EH1 1HN. & Email: ALPUK91@uk.ac.ed \\ \end{tabular} \end{document}