[net.micro] Homebrew T.I. Intfc.

rogers (04/04/83)

Subject:  Homebrew T.I. 99/4A to Z80/8080 Interface

	I recently bought a T.I. 99/4A computer and would like to connect it
to a Z-80/8080 based system I am building.  Does anyone have any (technical)
info/advice/pointers-to-info that they would send to me?

	My design constraints are:

	1.  Cost/simplicity:  The interface must be as inexpensive/simple as
	    it can be yet also do the job.

	2.  The interface must be transparent to the T.I. BASIC in the machine;
	    I have no R.O.M. cartidges(yet).

	3.  I would like to use the expansion port on the right side of the cab-	    inet.

	4.  The interface may be serial or parallel.

	5.  Any T.I. BASIC patches that may be required would be very much ap-

	6.  This is intended to be a temporary state of affairs until I can get
	    the money together for the Serial/Parallel I/O board.

	I am a "hardware type" with little programming experience(8080 Assembler
& learning BASIC); hence the programming requirements.

