horlache@sun1.ruf.uni-freiburg.de (Ullrich Horlacher) (11/21/89)
Hi ppl, Since yesterday I have access to uucp-news and I discovered this group here. On BITNET there is a similar group, called hp-28@ndsuvm1.bitnet (it's a listserver-list). Wouldn't it be nice to link them together, like other listerserver and news- groups (eg infovax-comp.os.vms), because they have nearly the same topic and not everyone has access to both networks? Now my questions: - What do you think about it? - Who can, or better said, who is allowed to link together listserver and news-groups? - Where can one built up such a gateway? #---------------------------------------------------------------------# # this mail came from Framstag! (sometimes known as Ulli Horlacher) # # framstag@dtupev5a.bitnet ullrich.horlacher@ruf.uni-freiburg.dbp.de # # "Murphy was an optimist" # #---------------------------------------------------------------------#