[comp.sys.handhelds] from bitnet

horlache@sun1.ruf.uni-freiburg.de (Ullrich Horlacher) (11/27/89)

:r tmp

Date:         Mon, 27 Nov 89 11:24:52 N
Reply-To:     HP-28 -  HP-28C and HP-28S Calculators <HP-28@NDSUVM1>
Sender:       HP-28 -  HP-28C and HP-28S Calculators <HP-28@NDSUVM1>
From:         Jean-Charles Andlauer <andlauer@ELDE.EPFL.CH>
Subject:      RE: from comp.sys.handhelds
To:           "'Ulli Horlacher,Ulm,W-Germany'" <FRAMSTAG@DTUPEV5A>

To Bill Wickes:

When I programmed my HP-41, I liked very much all the little tips you wrote in
your book about the synthetic programming. Now you just seem to grin at our
clumsy ways. If I don't support the assembler that was sent to this list just as

you do, your behaviour doesn't seem quite logical. Your wrote a excellent book
on HP-41 that HP didn't support, if I remember well. Now you don't give us a
clue. What we would need is a list of the ROM routines of the HP-28S. I am
sure you could help us, even in a biased way to get to it. So please, please,
please give us the best support you can. Best regards


PS: could anyone send this to handhelds