[comp.sys.handhelds] Handheld for school use

dl1@ukc.ac.uk (D.Langford) (12/01/89)

Many thanks to the incredibly large numbers of kind people who
replied to my recent plea for help in considering a replacement for
Maddy's old calculator... I was overwhelmed, and very touched, by
the huge range of replies from all over.

Advice tended to fall into three groups; the 'don't rot her brain
with artificial aids' (2) the 'go for what /she/ wants, but /I/ rather
like the..' (14) and the 'if only you get her a portable powerpack
and a trolley, how about a /real/ computer..' (3)  (I may have exaggerated
a bit on the last one!)

Most popular suggestions were from the H-P range (and thanks to the
H-P people who gave me non-biased advice; it confirmed my pro H-P stance!)
although several people swore by TI. Favourite calculators seem to bring
out the collector in people; I had loads of lists, showing the progress
up a range... incidentally, almost everyone advised against getting a
too-expensive calculator, due to the high risk of losing it at school.

Maddy and I went on a very enjoyable expedition; she ended up with a
flashy black folding Casio Scientific (I've forgotten the number - sorry!)
and we've agreed to make an annual Calculator Renewal expedition, when
she'll look to move upmarket a stage at a time.

Again, /many/ thanks for the advice. Everyone who gave a snailmail
address will be getting a postcard of Canterbury, with a personal
'thank you' from Maddy. (It may take a while; she's better on a keyboard!)

thanks again

- duncan

 dl1@ukc.ac.uk  duncan langford computing lab., university of kent, uk