[comp.sys.handhelds] HP28: correction to processor notes

alonzo@microsoft.UUCP (Alonzo Gariepy) (12/21/89)

| From: grue@lance.hss.bu.oz (Frobozz) [Paul Dale]
| Newsgroups: comp.sys.handhelds
| Subject: HP28 resident disassembler
| ...
| Branch instructions correctly (?) figure out what the target address is and
| output that. Hopefully, there are no bugs in the program (famous last words).
| If you discover any bugs could I be informed about it/them so I can repair the
| damage.  If there were errors in the original instruction set listings then
| they are faithfully reproduced here. (I have some doubts about some of the
| instructions starting 81A??q where q > 7, but since I've got no better
| information to go by......)

My apologies to all, and thanks to Paul Dale for finding a mistake in the 
81A instructions.  The k column, for instructions beginning with 81A, should 
go from 8 to C and not from 9 to D as published.  Please update your copy
of the processor notes as follows:

81At0j		MOVE.f	A,Rn
81At0k		MOVE.f	C,Rn
81At1j		MOVE.f	Rn,A
81At1k		MOVE.f	Rn,C
81At2j		SWAP.f	A,Rn
81At2k		SWAP.f	C,Rn

 t | f         j k | Rn
-------       ----------
 0 | P         0 8 | R0
 1 | WP        1 9 | R1
 2 | XS        2 A | R2
 3 | X         3 B | R3
 4 | S         4 C | R4
 5 | M
 6 | B
 7 | W
 F | A

Also note another error in the processor notes:

The incorrect lines:

09	MOVE.X	C,ST			***
0A	MOVE.X	ST,C			***

should be corrected to:

09	MOVE.X	ST,C			***
0A	MOVE.X	C,ST			***

Please pass this around to anyone who has my notes or the disassembler.

