[comp.sys.handhelds] And Yet Another Fractal Generator

adams@hpfelg.HP.COM (John Adams) (12/30/89)

    Here is (another) Fractal generator.  This uses two programs, the
    first parses the parameters and loops thru all the display pixels
    positions (for speed).  It in turn calls a second program (specified
    in the parameter) to calculate if the pixels needs to be turn on or
    off.  I have supplied a Generator for calculating Mandelbrot sets.
    Someday I'll write a Julia or strange attractor Generator (or someone
    else could..nudge nudge wink wink).  It takes about 1 hour to generate
    a picture.  To create the ever-popular Mandelbrot set type:


       NOTE:  Could someone post this the the list server.  I cannot ftp

    John Adams


Fractal [F483] (x,y)   length  Generator
	       (x1,y1) (x2,y2) Generator

   IF 2 PICK TYPE 0        ; Check if 2nd parm is a simple number
==                         ;
   THEN SWAP DUP 4         ; If so convert to double coord notation
PICK C->R ROT + ROT        ;  (x,y) + length -> (x+length,y+length)
ROT + SWAP R->C SWAP       ; 
  END ROT C->R 4 ROLL      ; Split (x1,y1) (x2,y2) -> x1,y1,x2,y2
C->R 100 1 FS? -> prog     ; Store generator x1,y1 x2,y2 maximum #
xs ys xe ye maxl fs        ;  # iterations and current flag #1
  << CLLCD xs ys R->C      ; Clear display, store (x1,y1) -> PMIN
PMIN xe ye R->C PMAX       ;  (x2,y2) -> PMAX
xe xs - 137 / ye ys        ; Calculate the x increment needed for 137 steps
- 32 / -> xd yd            ; Due the same for 32 y steps.
     << xs xe              ;
	FOR xx ys ye       ; Loop thru all 32 y points
	  FOR yy xx yy     ; Loop thru all 137 x points
maxl                       ; Stack = xx yy maxl
	    IF prog        ; Call generator function
EVAL                       ;  if returns TRUE turn on pixel @ xx,yy
	    THEN xx yy     ;
R->C PIXEL                 ;
	    END yd         ;
          STEP xd          ; End-of-x-loop
        STEP 1             ; End-of-y-loop
	IF fs              ; Restore #1 flag to original value
	THEN SF            ;
	ELSE CF            ;
	END                ;
     >>                    ;
  >> DGTIZ                 ; 
>>                         ;

Mandelbrot [91DD] <max iterations>

<< 0 0 0 -> a b maxl x     ; Save initial x,y,maxl -> a,b,maxl
y i                        ; Initiaize x,y,i to 0
  << 1 CF                  ; Clear flag 1
     WHILE i maxl < 1      ; While current iteration < maximum
FC? AND                    ;  and flag 1 is clear (solution not found)
     REPEAT i 1 + 'i'      ; Kick up the iteration # and calc new point
STO x SQ y SQ - a +        ;  x^2 - y^2 + a  -> x
2 x * y * b + 'y'          ;  2*x + y*b      -> y
STO 'x' STO                ;
       IF x SQ y SQ +      ; If (0,0) (x,y) length >= 2 break
4 >=                       ; 
       THEN 1 SF           ;
       END                 ;
     END i 1 FC? + 2       ; Calculate pixel 'color'
/ FP                       ;  (iterations+!soln_fnd) / 2
   >>                      ; 
>>                         ;