(Mark Adler) (01/14/90)
Well, after messing around with the resistor and getting better, but not good enough results, it dawned on me how to get around the run-together- bits problem in software. I had not previously considered using the information available about the length of the pulse. The melded bits only occur for adjacent half-bit times with pulses, so all I have to do is decode the run-together-bits for what they are, using the length of the pulse to figure out how many there are. I did that. I now have a program that can download data from an HP-28S (and presumably any other HP with an IR LED) using an unmodified Radio Shack GP1U52X Infrared Receiver (catalog number 276-137), available for a mere $3.49 (plus tax). I decided to make the program (written in Turbo C 2.0) shareware, and I am charging a modest $5 for it. I will send a separate mail item containing the source to comp.sys.handhelds. So for less than $10 and little bit of wiring, you can read data from your HP into your PC. The details are in the source code. Have fun. Mark Adler The opinions expressed here are not in fact mine, but rather belong to a small worm that lives on the fourth planet out from Betelgeuse.