[comp.sys.handhelds] How to crash your hp down

mm86247@korppi.tut.fi (Moisio Mikko Juhani) (02/15/90)

	Greetings handhelds.

Last night I was typing in some programs from Aaron Dinwiddie's
Hp-toolkit, which I joyfully had some weeks ago found from the net,
AND first I found some small bugs, like cheksum for CHKSUM (checksum pgr)
was not 21D1 but C624...this may be my own mistake but the program works 
well after all. Any similar experiences? Then the LDISP pgr did make
sense only after I added one missing ->STR command, CDISP, which uses
LDISP as variable got well too. When I was messing with SYS pgr,
I couldn't get system objects out alltough I triple cheked and CHKSUMed
both stings and program. Well then I decided to see what happened inside
SYS-run and tried single-step suspended program while using "FAST-string"
as input (the SYS should have created a system object for FAST).
So I put HALT just after STEP (and loop) and when I got to SYSEVAL
my HP stopped nicely, not responding to any keys I tried. It displayed
normal single-step output #FFCEh SYSEVAL and "processing" annunciator.
Happily it stopped with ON and " cursor up", but when I checked what had
happened I found some of my variables and directories a bit screwed,
they got system objects and objects from random variables in them.
Weird enough some directories and programs were just fine and 
others looked good but when evaluating they made system halt or got
looped without reason. And rejoice was great. I tried to purge out
some nutcase variables but I got each time I went down to one
directory different variables like: (W- n and :<< CHR(0).Fine.
Then my dear hp got tired and got himself looped so that I couldn't
made even system halt (this was while purge:ing some weirdo named
variable) and I, while crying out for 15K worth of tears finally
made MEMORY LOST to get out.

I do know that sysevals are dangerous, but I didn't know about any
restrictions making suspended programs which include syseval commands
or something like that. Now I do know. And you too. If anyone knows
more ways to haywire our precious bytes/hp's please let all net-
dwellers know them too.

If someone more wiser and less "trial&error"-happy could please
explain what really happened, I would be most grateful.

And yes, I don't have the corrected LDISP-program here just now, but
it is simple to troubleshoot (local var. s must be made string too
before adding...).


	Mikko Moisio
	mm86247@tut.fi					"oh well
	Tampere University of technology         back to the drawing board"

MT666_VINARC@kcgl1.eng.ohio-state.edu (Michael Vinarcik) (02/15/90)

In response to the HP crash post,

This mirrors my personal experience with the Toolkit:

The first time I typed in CHKSUM and such, all went well..until I went to
create the system objects...and I got a crash.  All I had in Memory was a dice-
roller for Champions, and 411 (directory assistance)...I don't do ML programming
or mess with flags...

However, typing it in on the "cold" HP resulted in success...So I re-typed in
411 and some other stuff...and when I went to re-create the system objects,
crash again...so I had to re-enter everything again.

Bye the way, the programs I was entering were in the HOME directory, just
like they are supposed to be...

Michael J. Vinarcik
The Ohio State University

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