[comp.sys.handhelds] Casio BOSS questions

zaphod@madnix.UUCP (Ron Bean) (02/19/90)

   I've been looking at the Casio "B.O.S.S.", and it looks real
tempting, but I haven't gotten a look at a user's manual for it
yet. What I mainly want to know is, does the "memo" program have
any kind of text-editing features (at least cut & paste)? If not,
it seems like it would be of limited usefulness to me, since it's
not likely to be programmable at the system level.
(Waldensoftware is selling them for $200, but I don't know what
they want for the PC file-transfer adapter).
   The Atari Portfolio is such a near miss that I expect someone
will do it right one of these years (I'd be more tempted if it
had the serial port built in). In fact, I'm a little afraid to
buy anything right now, they keep getting better-- I'm also
starting to look at the Psion MC200, even though it's larger &
more expensive (we would have called it small a couple of years

P.S. I crossposted this to both comp.sys.laptops and comp.sys handhelds
because I don't know which is really appropriate. Most of the time
the latter is dominated by HP calculators. Any comments?
zaphod@madnix.UUCP (Ron Bean)

jordan_b_pollack@toto.cis.ohio-state.edu (02/20/90)

I bought a casio fx720p (and cassette/printer) in 1984, and love it,
but only as calculator and programmable toy, and as 
proof of "what could be"; a full machine with keyboard, display, mass storrage
and printer. Opening it was ominous, as Casio could afford to
package 2 custom surface-mount chips on a single sided PCB for $50.
The memory is 4k, the display 12 characters, the keyboard non-usable.
(I also have a TRS model 100 for the same reason, only its
got 32k and 4 by 40 display and usable keyboard)

I wouldn't get a nonprogrammable toy like the Wizard or Boss,
especially for scheduling, because pretty soon one of the pocket
80C88 machines (e.g. atari, poquet, go, psion) will include Lotus Agenda...

Jordan Pollack                            Assistant Professor
CIS Dept/OSU                              Laboratory for AI Research
2036 Neil Ave                             Email: pollack@cis.ohio-state.edu
Columbus, OH 43210                        Fax/Phone: (614) 292-4890