[comp.sys.handhelds] HP28 T2C and C2T program source

jc@atcmp.nl (jc van Winkel) (03/03/90)

Below you can find the source to two programs (and it's initialization
program) to convert cassette deck counters, tape counters, vcr counters to
a real time and back. 

You supply it 4 numbers in the variables T1 T2 C1 and C2. These are the
'coordinates' of two measurement points on the tape. T1 is the time of
the tape counted from the start somewhere in the middle of the tape, C1 is the
accompanying counter value of the deck. T2 and C2 are similar, but further
in time, preferably near the end of the tape. times are in minutes.seconds
format.  Dont forget to reset the tape counter at the beginning of the tape.
T2C: push the time on the stack, run T2C and the display will show you the
place on the tape that would appear on the deck's counter after T minutes
C2T: push the counter value on the stack, run C2T and the HP28 will calculate
the time elapsed since counter value 000.

My cassette deck displays number 500 after 25 minutes of playing a C90 cassette
and 730 after 45 minutes. store 500 in C1, 25 in T1, 730 in C2 and 45 in T2
and run TINI. (two new variables appear: D and DLT)
Now suppose my counter says 450. How much time is left on the tape? push
450, run C2T, result is 21.21, meaning 450 on the counter is reached after
21 minutes, 21 seconds. So (on the same C90 tape) 23 minutes and 39 seconds
are left.
The other way around: Suppose I need at least 5 more minutes on the tape. What
can the maximum counter value be? push 40 (45 minutes - 5), run T2C, and
the HP says: 677.89 so at count 677 there are some 5 minutes left on the tape.

The code:
(sorry, I'm new in this newsgroup, so I don't have a checksum program. Could
someone send me it, along with some other info and tricks?)

TINI: (PI means the pi symbol on the keyboard, shift period)
  << HMS-> 60 * >> -> RT
  << PI ->NUM INV DUP T1 RT EVAL * SWAP T2 RT EVAL * { 2 1 } ->ARRY 
     C1 C1 SQ C1 - 2 / C2 C2 SQ C2 - 2 / { 2 2 } ->ARRY
     / ARRY-> DROP 'DLT' STO 'D' STO

T2C: (SQRT means the square root symbol on the keyboard, shift -)
  HMS-> 60 * -> T
  '(DLT/2-D+SQRT(SQ(D-DLT/2)+2/PI*DLT*T))/DLT' ->NUM

  DUP 1 - DLT * 2 / D + * PI * ->NUM 60 / ->HMS