[comp.sys.handhelds] Portfolio to Mac Connection

bannon@andromeda.rutgers.edu.rutgers.edu (Ron Bannon) (03/09/90)

Is there a way to connect the portfolio to the Mac?  I would like to
transfer text files and WingZ (Lotus-123 format) spreadsheets. I 
would also like to be able to transfer files in both directions.

Ron Bannon

Ron Bannon
Is George Bush a traitor? Read "October Surprise" by Honegger. Send for details.

d89mpe@efd.lth.se (Mikael Persson) (03/09/90)

>Is there a way to connect the portfolio to the Mac?  I would like to
>transfer text files and WingZ (Lotus-123 format) spreadsheets. I 
>would also like to be able to transfer files in both directions.
>Ron Bannon

The easiest way is to use the serial interface and xmodem on both
sides. There is pd-terminalprogram for the Atari-portfolio (size 2k).
I could send it by email if you want it.

/mICKE  (d89mpe@efd.lth.se)
        d89mpe@efd.lth.se                 (InterNet)
        2:200/107.0 Micke Persson <sysop> (FidoNet)