[comp.sys.handhelds] HP Function Comparison

dan@Apple.COM (Dan Allen) (03/12/90)

Here it is by public demand... it is ugly, it contains a few
Mac-specific non-ASCII characters, some of the fields are quoted (thanks
too much Excel), and it is tab/return delimited, and
it compares the HP-75C with Math and IO ROMs, the HP-71B with Math and
HP-IL ROMs, the HP-28S, the HP-42S, and the HP-48SX on a feature by
feature basis.  The conclusion reached is that the HP-48SX is the most
powerful HP ever made so far, although it is a bit weak in the binary,
file, string, and time areas.  The review is catagorized into 20 areas.


Function	HP-75C	HP-71B	HP-28S	HP-42S	HP-48SX	
Binary - ASCII string bit set/test	"FLAG$, FLAG?"					
Binary - ASCII string bitwise operations	"AAND$, AOR$, AXOR$"		"AND,OR,XOR,NOT"		"AND,OR,XOR,NOT"	
Binary - ASCII string rotate/shift	"AROT$, ASHF$"					
Binary - binary arithmetic			+  -  *  /  NEG	"BASE+,BASE-,I"	+  -  *  /  NEG	
Binary - bit 1Us complement	BITCMP	BITCMP	NOT	NOT	NOT	
Binary - bit arithmetic shift right			ASR		ASR	
Binary - bit rotate			"RL, RLB, RR, RRB"	ROTXY	"RL, RLB, RR, RRB"	
Binary - bit shift			"SL, SLB, SR, SRB"		"SL, SLB, SR, SRB"	
Binary - bit test	BIT	BIT		BIT?		
Binary - decimal to/from binary string	"DTB$, BTD"					
Binary - decimal to/from binary/octal/hex	"BSTR$, BVAL"					
Binary - decimal to/from hex string	"DTH$, HTD"	"DTH$, HTD"				
Binary - decimal to/from octal string	"DTO$, OTD"					
Binary - decimal to/from string in any base	"TOBASE$, TODEC"					
Binary - hex string operations	"HAND$, HOR$, HXOR$"					
Binary - hex string rotate/shift	"HROT$, HSHF$"					
Binary - hex string to/from ASCII string	"ASC$, HEX$"					
Binary - manipulate wordsize			"STWS, RCWS"		"STWS, RCWS"	
Binary - octal to/from decimal				"->DEC,  ->OCT"		
Binary - real to/from binary			"R->B, B->R"		"R->B, B->R"	
Binary - set binary base			BIN	BINM	BIN	
Binary - set decimal base			DEC	DECM	DEC	
Binary - set hex mode			HEX	HEXM	HEX	
Binary - set octal mode			OCT	OCTM	OCT	
Complex - arithmetic	"CADD,CSUB,I"	+  -  *  /  ^	+  -  *  /  ^	+  -  *  V  y^x	+  -  *  /  ^	
Complex - complex results from real (C-1)			always allowed ?	CPXRES	always allowed	
Complex - conjugate	CONJ	CONJ	"CONJ, SCONJ"		"CONJ, SCONJ"	
Complex - finite Fourier transform	FOUR	FOUR				
Complex - hyperbolic inverse functions	"CASINH,CACOSHI"		"ASINH, ACOSH,I"	"ASINH, ACOSH,I"	"ASINH, ACOSH,I"	
Complex - logarithms	"CLOG, CEXP"	"LOG, EXP"	"LOG, EXP"	"LOG,LN,EXP"	"LOG, EXP"	
Complex - matrix conjugate transpose	CTRN	TRN	TRN		TRN	
Complex - matrix determinant	CDET		DET	DET	DET	
Complex - matrix inversion	CINV	INV	"INV, SINV"	INV	"INV, SINV"	
Complex - matrix solve system of eqns	CSYS	SYS	/	"/, SIMQ"	/	
Complex - matrix transpose	CTRN			TRAN		
Complex - real & imaginary parts		"REPT, IMPT"	"RE, IM"		"RE, IM"	
Complex - real <-> complex			"R->C, C->R"	COMPLEX	"R->C, C->R, ->V2"	
Complex - reciprocal	CRECP		INV	1/X	INV	
Complex - solve for nth complex roots	CROOT					
Complex - solve for roots of polynomial	PROOT	PROOT				
Complex - square root	CSQR	SQRT	C	SQRT	C	
Complex - trigonometric functions	"CSIN,CCOS,CTAN"	"SIN,COS,TAN"	"SIN,COS,TAN"	"SIN,COS,TAN"	"SIN,COS,TAN"	
Complex - trigonometric inverses	"CASIN,CACOS,CATN"		"ASIN,ACOS,ATAN"	"ASIN,ACOS,ATAN"	"ASIN,ACOS,ATAN"	
Complex - unit vector		SGN	SIGN	UVEC	SIGN	
Control - branch	"GOTO, GOTOX"	GOTO		"GTO, KEYG"		
Control - conditional branch	IF THEN ELSE		IF THEN ELSE		IF THEN ELSE	
Control - conditional branch (single stmt)			"IFT, IFTE"		"IFT, IFTE"	
Control - conditional case statement					CASE THEN ELSE	
Control - counter loop			START STEP	"ISG, DSE"	START STEP	
Control - definite loop	FOR {EXIT} NEXT	FOR NEXT	FOR NEXT		FOR NEXT	
"Control - indefinite loop, test at bottom"			DO UNTIL		DO UNTIL	
"Control - indefinite loop, test at top"			WHILE REPEAT		WHILE REPEAT	
Control - procedure call with parameters	CALL	CALL	variable name		variable name	
Control - purges and execute new file		CHAIN				
Control - resume program execution	CONT	CONT	CONT	R/S	CONT	
Control - routine delimiters	END	END	<<  >>	"LBL, END"	<<  >>	
Control - selects DATA statement		ON RESTORE				
Control - selects error handling code	ON/OFF ERROR	ON/OFF ERROR	IFERR	FS? 25	IFERR	
Control - selects statement to GOSUB	ON GOSUB	ON GOSUB				
Control - selects statement to GOTO	ON GOTO	ON GOTO				
Control - subroutine call	GOSUB	GOSUB	variable name	"XEQ, KEYX"	variable name	
Control - subroutine call via variable	GOSUBX		var name EVAL		var name EVAL	
Control - subroutine return	"RETURN, POP"	"RETURN, POP"		RTN		
Control - suspend program		PAUSE	HALT	STOP	HALT	
Control - terminate execution of program	END	STOP	"ABORT, KILL"		"ABORT, KILL"	
Control - user defined function	DEF FN  END DEF	DEF FN  END DEF			DEFINE	
Control - user defined subprogram	SUB	SUB  END SUB	<<  >>		<<  >>	
Control - wait for specified time	WAIT	WAIT	WAIT		WAIT	
Display - clear all user menus			0 MENU	CLMENU	0 MENU	
Display - clear display			CLLCD	"CLLCD, CLA"	CLLCD	
Display - declare menu variable				MVAR		
Display - display string	DISP	DISP	DISP	"VIEW,AVIEW,PSE"	DISP	
Display - display string and get input	INPUT	"INPUT, LINPUT"		"INPUT, PROMPT"	"INPUT, PROMPT"	
Display - display string with formatting	DISP USING	DISP USING				
Display - freeze a portion of the display	"WINDOW, TEMPLATE$"	WINDOW			FREEZE	
Display - get current custom menu					RCLMENU	
Display - get current endline string	ENDLINE$					
Display - get current window size	WSTART? WEND? WSIZE?					
Display - list current display devices	DISPLAY$					
Display - list lines of a file	LIST	LIST		LIST		
Display - manipulate display time	"DELAY, DELAY?"	DELAY				
Display - manipulate display width	"WIDTH, WIDTH?"	WIDTH				
Display - manipulate right margin	MARGIN MARGIN?					
"Display - notation, all digits"		STD	STD	ALL	STD	
"Display - notation, engineering"		ENG	ENG	ENG	ENG	
"Display - notation, fix place"		FIX	FIX	FIX	FIX	
"Display - notation, scientific"		SCI	SCI	SCI	SCI	
Display - pop all levels of nested menus				EXITALL		
"Display - radix, comma"			SF 48	"RDX,"	SF -51	
"Display - radix, period"			CF 48	RDX.	CF -51	
Display - rearrange directory menu order			ORDER		ORDER	
Display - set contrast		CONTRAST				
Display - set custom menu			MENU	"MENU, VARMENU"	"MENU, TMENU"	
Display - set display devices	DISPLAY IS	DISPLAY IS				
Display - show stack display			CLMF	CLD	TEXT	
Display - tab to column	TAB	TAB				
Display - turn display on or off	LCD ON/OFF			AON/AOFF		
Files - accessing libraries					"ATTACH, DETACH"	
Files - advance data pointer in file	ADVANCE#					
Files - archive all of memory					"ARCHIVE,RESTORE"	
Files - assign number to named file	ASSIGN#	ASSIGN#				
Files - auto line numbering	AUTO	AUTO				
Files - change directory					UPDIR	
Files - change to root directory			HOME		HOME	
Files - clear all ASSIGN# assignments	CLEAR ASSIGN#					
Files - convert between file types	TRANSFORM	TRANSFORM				
Files - copy files to/from memory	"COPY, MCOPY"	COPY			"STO, RCL"	
Files - create data file		CREATE				
Files - create directory			CRDIR		CRDIR	
Files - current directory path			PATH		PATH	
Files - delete data items	DELETE#	DELETE#				
Files - delete directory and its contents					PGDIR	
Files - delete file	PURGE	PURGE			PURGE	
Files - delete lines	DELETE	DELETE		DEL		
Files - edit	EDIT	"EDIT, EDTEXT"			EDIT	
Files - find string and edit line	FETCH	FETCH				
Files - get catalog entry	"CAT$, TCAT$"	CAT$			LIBS	
Files - get current data pointer pos	INDEX#					
Files - get current line number in file	LINE#					
Files - get last line number in file	LASTLN?					
Files - get number of items in line	LINELEN#					
Files - get number of nth ASSIGN#ed file	CAT#					
Files - get number of records in file		FILESZR				
Files - get pointer position in current line	ITEM#					
Files - initialize disk or tape	INITIALIZE	INITIALIZE				
Files - insert an item at data pointer	INSERT#	INSERT#				
Files - lists files	CAT  /  CAT ALL	CAT  /  CAT ALL			PVARS	
Files - load private file from tape	INSTALL					
Files - make file execute-only		PRIVATE				
"Files - make file read-only, unpurgeable"		SECURE				
"Files - make file read/write, purgeable"		UNSECURE				
Files - make magnetic card read-only	PROTECT					
Files - make magnetic card read-write	UNPROTECT					
Files - merge lines of files together	MERGE	MERGE				
"Files - name current file, edit workfile"	NAME	NAME				
Files - pack directory space		PACKDIR				
Files - pack file system	PACK	PACK				
Files - port manipulation		"CLAIM PORT, FREE PORT, SHOW PORT"			"MERGE, FREE"	
Files - read from file	"READ, READ#"	"READ, READ#"			RCL	
Files - rename file	RENAME	RENAME				
Files - renumber line numbers of  file	RENUMBER	RENUMBER				
Files - replace a data item in a file	REPLACE#	REPLACE#				
Files - reset data pointer	RESTORE#	RESTORE#				
Files - search for value in a data file	SEARCH#	SEARCH				
Files - seek to a given location in a file	SEEK#					
Files - set verify mode for card reader	VERIFY ON/OFF					
Files - show name of ASSIGN# file	FILE$					
Files - static data	DATA	DATA				
Files - write to file	PRINT#	PRINT#			STO	
Files - write to textfile with USING format	PRINT# USING	PRINT# USING				
Graphics - activates interactive plot			DGTIZ		GRAPH	
Graphics - create blank graphics object					BLANK	
Graphics - define character set		CHARSET				
Graphics - draw arcs (circles)					ARC	
Graphics - draw axes			DRAX		DRAX	
Graphics - draw box					BOX	
Graphics - draw line					"LINE, TLINE"	
Graphics - draw stat bar plot					BARPLOT	
Graphics - draw stat data			DRW7		DRW7	
Graphics - draw stat histogram plot					HISTPLOT	
Graphics - draw stat scatter plot			DRW7		SCATRPLOT	
Graphics - draw string as bit image		GDISP	->LCD	AGRAPH	"->LCD, ->GRO"	
Graphics - erase current picture					"ERASE, RESET"	
Graphics - extract graphics images					"REPL, SUB"	
Graphics - get display as string		GDISP$	LCD->		LCD->	
Graphics - get plot parameters			PPAR			
Graphics - label plot					LABEL	
Graphics - manipulate plot equation			"STEQ, RCEQ"		"STEQ, RCEQ"	
Graphics - pixels to/from user coordinates					"PX->C, C->PX"	
Graphics - plot bar chart					BAR	
Graphics - plot conic section					CONIC	
Graphics - plot function			DRAW		"FUNCTION, DRAW"	
Graphics - plot histogram					HISTOGRAM	
Graphics - plot in polar form					POLAR	
Graphics - plot parametric equations					PARAMETRIC	
Graphics - plot scatter chart					SCATTER	
Graphics - plot truth area					TRUTH	
Graphics - redimension current picture size					PDIM	
Graphics - scale plot automatically					AUTO	
Graphics - scale stat data			SCL7		SCL7	
Graphics - set center of plot display			CENTR		CENTR	
Graphics - set default graphics object					PICT	
Graphics - set dependent variable					DEPN	
Graphics - set independent variable			INDEP		INDEP	
Graphics - set intersection of axes			AXES		AXES	
Graphics - set pixel to value			PIXEL	PIXEL	"PIXON, PIXOFF"	
Graphics - set plot height and width			"*H, *W"		"*H, *W"	
"Graphics - set plot minima, maxima"			"PMIN, PMAX"		"PMIN, PMAX"	
Graphics - set plot resolution			RES		RES	
Graphics - set scale of current picture					SCALE	
Graphics - set size of plot					"XRNG, YRNG"	
Graphics - superimpose graphics images			"AND,OR,XOR,NOT"		"GXOR, GOR"	
Graphics - test pixel value					PIX?	
Graphics - view named graphics object					PVIEW	
IO - assign loop at power on	AUTOLOOP ON/OFF					
IO - assigns device codes	ASSIGN IO	ASSIGN IO			OPENIO	
IO - change device code of a device	REASSIGN					
IO - check for errors in data transmission	SEND?	STATUS			KERRM	
IO - copy files to/from device	COPY CARD	COPY			"SEND, RECV, RECN"	
IO - force auto assignment of loop	"ASSIGN LOOP, ASNLOOP$"					
IO - get accessory ID as a string	DEVAID$	DEVAID				
IO - get address of specified device	DEVADDR	DEVADDR				
IO - get contents of specified buffer	BUF$					
IO - get device code of a device	DEVNAME$					
IO - get device ID as a string	DEVID$	DEVID$				
IO - get IO buffer size	"IOSIZE, IOSIZE?"				BUFLEN	
IO - get number of devices on loop	ADDRESS					
IO - get number of last DDC msg		READDDC				
IO - get result of parallel poll	PPOLL					
IO - get result of serial poll	"SPOLL, SPOLL$"	SPOLL				
IO - get value of interrupt cause byte		READINTR				
IO - handle interrupts		"ON INTR, OFF INTR, ENABLE INTR"				
IO - list current device codes	"LIST IO, LISTIO$"	LIST IO				
IO - lock out local control of devices	LOCAL LOCKOUT	LOCAL LOCKOUT				
IO - manipulate HP-IL register	"RIO, WIO"					
IO - pass control to another device		PASS CONTROL				
IO - receive data from device	ENTER	ENTER			"KGET, SRECV"	
IO - reenable ON SRQ after ON SRQ	ENABLE SRQ					
IO - reset all devices	CLEAR LOOP	"CLEAR LOOP, RESET HPIL"				
IO - reset specific devices	CLEAR	CLEAR				
IO - restore communications	RESTORE IO	RESTORE IO				
IO - send commands or data 	"SEND, SENDIO"	SEND			"XMIT, SBRK"	
IO - send data to specific device	"OUTPUT, ENTIO$"	OUTPUT				
IO - send group execute trigger cmd	TRIGGER	TRIGGER				
IO - send Kermit command packet					PKT	
IO - service request response handling	"ON SRQ, OFF SRQ"	REQUEST				
IO - set baudrate					BAUD	
IO - set character format	IMAGE				TRANSIO	
IO - set checksum type					CKSM	
IO - set controller status		CONTROL OFF/ON			"SERVER, FINISH"	
IO - set device control mode	"LOCAL, REMOTE"	"LOCAL, REMOTE"				
IO - set parity					PARITY	
IO - set timeout	TIMEOUT ON/OFF				STIME	
IO - suspend communications	OFF IO	OFF IO			CLOSEIO	
Keys - activate user key assignments		USER		"KEYASN, LCLBL"	SF -62	
Keys - assign active keyboard	KEYBOARD IS					
Keys - assign key equivalent	DEF KEY	"KEY, DEF KEY"		ASSIGN	"ASN, STOKEYS"	
Keys - clear all key assignments	PURGE KEYS	PURGE KEYS		CLKEYS	DELKEYS	
Keys - get current key definition	DEFKEY$	KEYDEF$			RCLKEYS	
Keys - get device code of keyboard	KEYBOARD$					
Keys - get next buffered key	"WKEY$, SKEY$"	KEY$	KEY	GETKEY	KEY	
Keys - post key event	PUT	PUT				
Keys - test if a key is currently down	KEY$	KEYDOWN	KEY		KEY	
Keys - user defined ENTER					SF -63	
Logical - complement	NOT	NOT	NOT	NOT	NOT	
Logical - conjunction	AND	AND	AND	AND	AND	
"Logical - disjunction, exclusive"	EXOR	EXOR	XOR	XOR	XOR	
"Logical - disjunction, inclusive"	OR	OR	OR	OR	OR	
"Logical - flag, clear"		CFLAG	CF	CF	CF	
"Logical - flag, set"		SFLAG	SF	SF	SF	
"Logical - flag, test for clear"			"FC?, FC?C"	"FC?, FC?C"	"FC?, FC?C"	
"Logical - flag, test for set"		FLAG	"FS?, FS?C"	"FS?, FS?C"	"FS?, FS?C"	
Logical - relational x equal y	=	=	"==, SAME"	"X=Y?, X=/?"	"==, SAME"	
Logical - relational x greater than or equal y	>=	>=	3	"X3Y?, X3/?"	3	
Logical - relational x greater than y	>	>	>	"X>Y?, X>/?"	>	
Logical - relational x less than or equal y	<=	<=	2	"X2Y?, X2/?"	2	
Logical - relational x less than y	<	<	<	"X<Y?, X</?"	<	
Logical - relational x not equal y	<>	<>	-	"X-Y?, X-/?"	-	
Math - arithmetic	+  -  *  /  ^	+  -  *  /  ^	+  -  *  /  ^	+  -  *  V  y^x	+  -  *  /  ^	
"Math - coordinates, display in cylindrical"					"CF -15, SF -16"	
"Math - coordinates, display in polar/spherical"				POLAR	"SF -15,-16"	
"Math - coordinates, display in rectangular"				RECT	"CF -15,-16"	
"Math - coordinates, rectangular <-> polar"	"CRTOP, CPTOR"	"POLAR, RECT"	"R->P, P->R"	"->POL, ->REC"	"R->P, P->R"	
"Math - exponential e to x, minus 1"		EXPM1	EXPM	E^X-1	EXPM	
Math - exponentials	"EXP, 10^X"	"EXP, 10^X"	"EXP, ALOG"	"E^X, 10^X"	"EXP, ALOG"	
Math - exponentiation	^	^	^	Y^X	^	
Math - hyperbolic inverse functions	"ASINH, ACOSH,I"	"ASINH, ACOSH,I"	"ASINH, ACOSH,I"	"ASINH, ACOSH,I"	"ASINH, ACOSH,I"	
"Math - integral, error bound"	IBOUND	IBOUND	returned	returned	IERR	
"Math - integral, last value"	IVALUE	IVALUE				
Math - integrate numerically	INTEGRAL	"INTEGRAL, IVAR"	D	"INTEG, PGMINT"	D	
Math - inverse	1/x	1/x	INV	1/x	INV	
Math - logarithm any base	LOGA					
Math - logarithm base 10 (common)	LOG10	"LOG10, LGT"	LOG	LOG	LOG	
Math - logarithm base 2	LOG2	LOG2				
Math - logarithm base e (natural)	LOG	"LN, LOG"	LN	LN	LN	
Math - logarithm base e of 1+X		LOGP1	LNP1	LN1+X	LNP1	
Math - negation	-	-	NEG	+/-	NEG	
Math - nth root					XROOT	
Math - percent		%	%	%	%	
Math - percent change			%CH	%CH	%CH	
Math - percent of total			%T		%T	
Math - solve for roots of a polynomial	PROOT	PROOT				
Math - solve for roots of equation	FNROOT	FNROOT	ROOT	"SOLVE, PGMSLV"	ROOT	
Math - solve interactively			Solver		Solver	
"Math - solve, last root"	FNGUESS	"FGUESS, FVALUE"				
Math - square			SQ	X^2	SQ	
Math - square root	SQR	"SQR, SQRT"	C	SQRT	C	
Math - summation of finite series					7	
"Math - trigonometric, angle of a (x,y) pair"	ANGLE	ANGLE	ARG		ARG	
"Math - trigonometric, co-functions"	"CSC,SEC,COT"					
"Math - trigonometric, degree mode"	OP. A. DEGREES	DEGREES	DEG	DEG	DEG	
"Math - trigonometric, degrees <-> radians"	"RAD, DEG"	"RAD, DEG"	"D->R, R->D"	"->RAD, ->DEG"	"D->R, R->D"	
"Math - trigonometric, function inverses"	"ASIN,ACOS,ATN"	"ASIN,ACOS,ATN"	"ASIN,ACOS,ATAN"	"ASIN,ACOS,ATAN"	"ASIN,ACOS,ATAN"	
"Math - trigonometric, functions"	"SIN,COS,TAN"	"SIN,COS,TAN"	"SIN,COS,TAN"	"SIN,COS,TAN"	"SIN,COS,TAN"	
"Math - trigonometric, gradian mode"				GRAD	GRAD	
"Math - trigonometric, radian mode"	OP. A. RADIANS	RADIANS	RAD	RAD	RAD	
"Math - unit, convert"			CONVERT		CONVERT	
"Math - unit, create"					->UNIT	
"Math - unit, factoring"					UFACT	
"Math - unit, reduce to basic SI units"					UBASE	
"Math - unit, value"					UVAL	
Matrix - arithmetic	"+,-,*, CMMULT"	"MAT +, -, *"	"+, -, *, /, SQ, NEG"	"+,-,*,/,SQ,C,SIN,I"	"+, -, *, /, SQ, NEG"	
Matrix - array to/from stack as elements			"ARRY->, ->ARRY"		"ARRY->, ->ARRY"	
"Matrix - bound, lower"	LBND	"LBND, LBOUND"				
"Matrix - bound, upper"	UBND	"UBND, UBOUND"	SIZE		SIZE	
Matrix - create constant matrix	"CON, ZER"	"CON, ZER"	CON		CON	
Matrix - create identity matrix	"IDN, CIDN"	IDN	IDN		IDN	
Matrix - create vector of column totals	CSUM					
Matrix - create vector of row totals	RSUM			RSUM		
Matrix - define lower bounds of arrays	OPTION BASE	OPTION BASE				
Matrix - determinant	"DET, DETL"	"DET, DETL"	DET	DET	DET	
Matrix - edit matrix				"EDIT, EDITN"	MatrixWriter	
Matrix - increment/decrement row/column				I+  I-  J+  J-  INDEX		
Matrix - insert/delete current row of matrix				"INSR, DELR"		
Matrix - LU decomposition	LUFACT					
Matrix - manipulate matrix elements			"GET, PUT"	"STOEL, RCLEL"	"GET, PUT"	
Matrix - manipulate matrix pointers			"GETI, PUTI"	"STOIJ, RCLIJ"	"GETI, PUTI"	
Matrix - manipulate submatrices				"GETM, PUTM"		
Matrix - matrix inversion	INV	INV	INV	INVRT	INV	
Matrix - move by one element				arrow keys	arrow keys	
"Matrix - norm, column (one)"	CNORM	CNORM	CNRM		CNRM	
"Matrix - norm, Frobenius  (Cx*x )"	FNORM	FNORM	ABS	FNRM	ABS	
"Matrix - norm, row (infinity)"	RNORM	RNORM	RNRM	RNRM	RNRM	
Matrix - residual			RSD		RSD	
Matrix - set matrix editor mode				"GROW, WRAP"		
Matrix - solve system of equations	SYS	SYS	/	"/, SIMQ"	/	
Matrix - swaps specified indexed rows				R<>R		
Matrix - transpose	TRN	TRN	TRN	TRANS	TRN	
Matrix - undo editing of last matrix element				OLD		
Matrix - unit vector				UVEC		
Matrix - vector cross product	CROSS		CROSS	CROSS	CROSS	
Matrix - vector dot product	DOT	DOT	DOT	DOT	DOT	
Matrix - vectors to/from real numbers					"->V2, ->V3, V->"	
Memory - allocate array variables	"DIM, REDIM"	DIM	"[  ], RDM"	NEWMAT	"[  ], RDM"	
Memory - allocate complex variables		COMPLEX	"(,)"	COMPLEX	"(,)"	
Memory - allocate integer variables	INTEGER	INTEGER	#		#	
Memory - allocate list variables			{  }		{  }	
Memory - allocate real variables	REAL	REAL	implicit	DIM	implicit	
Memory - allocate short complex variables		COMPLEX SHORT				
Memory - allocate short real variables	SHORT	SHORT				
Memory - allocate string variables	DIM	DIM	""" """	ASTO	"""  "", C n ""  """	
Memory - available memory in bytes	MEM	MEM	MEM		MEM	
Memory - create new object					NEWOB	
Memory - delete all programs and data				CLALL		
Memory - delete all variables	CLEAR VARS	DESTROY ALL	CLUSR	CLRG	"CLUSR, CLVAR"	
Memory - delete program	PURGE	PURGE	PURGE	CLP	PURGE	
Memory - delete variable		DESTROY	PURGE	CLV	PURGE	
Memory - get hex address of file in RAM		ADDR$				
Memory - get list of objects			VARS		"VARS, TVARS"	
Memory - get size and checksum of an object					BYTES	
Memory - get type of object		TYPE	TYPE	STR|CPX|MAT|REAL?	"TYPE, VTYPE"	
Memory - increment/decrement variable					"INCR, DECR"	
Memory - manipulate memory		"POKE, PEEK$"	SYSEVAL		SYSEVAL	
Memory - manipulate register block				"SIZE, DIM?"		
Memory - manipulate variable	LET	LET	"STO, RCL"	"STO, RCL"	"STO, RCL"	
Memory - recall arithmetic				"RCL+,RCL-,I"		
Memory - register arithmetic			"STO+,STO-,I"	"STO+,STO-,I"	"STO+,STO-,I"	
Memory - swaps x with any other register				X<>		
NumTheory - absolute value	ABS	ABS	ABS	ABS	ABS	
"NumTheory - combinations, permutations"			"COMB, PERM"	"COMB, PERM"	"COMB, PERM"	
NumTheory - exponent of argument		EXPONENT	XPON		XPON	
NumTheory - factorial	FACT	FACT	FACT	N!	!	
NumTheory - fractional part	FP	FP	FP	FP	FP	
NumTheory - gamma function	FACT	GAMMA	FACT	GAMMA	!	
NumTheory - IEEE class of argument		CLASS				
NumTheory - IEEE default values	DEFAULT ON/OFF	DEFAULT EXTEND				
NumTheory - IEEE denormalized numbers		yes				
"NumTheory - IEEE exception, divide by zero"		"TRAP, FLAG DVZ"		FS? 24  FS?25		
"NumTheory - IEEE exception, inexact op"		"TRAP, FLAG INX"				
"NumTheory - IEEE exception, invalid op"		"TRAP, FLAG IVL"		REALRES		
"NumTheory - IEEE exception, overflow"		"TRAP, FLAG OVF"	"SF 58, SF 59"	FS? 24  FS?25	"SF -21,-22"	
"NumTheory - IEEE exception, underflow"		"TRAP, FLAG UNF"	SF 57		SF -20	
NumTheory - IEEE infinities		"1INF, PROJ"				
NumTheory - IEEE relational inequality		#				
NumTheory - IEEE relational unordered		?				
NumTheory - IEEE rounding modes		"NEAR,NEG,POS,ZERO"				
NumTheory - IEEE signaling & diagnostic NaNs		"NAN, NAN$"				
NumTheory - IEEE signed zeros		"-0, +0"				
NumTheory - integer division	"\, DIV"	DIV		BASEV		
NumTheory - integer part (truncate)	IP	IP	IP	IP	IP	
"NumTheory - integer, largest 2 x"	"FLOOR, INT"	"FLOOR, INT"	FLOOR		FLOOR	
"NumTheory - integer, smallest 3 x"	CEIL	CEIL	CEIL		CEIL	
NumTheory - mantissa of argument			MANT		MANT	
NumTheory - maximum/minimum of x and y	"MAX, MIN"	"MAX, MIN"	"MAX, MIN"		"MAX, MIN"	
"NumTheory - number, largest machine"	INF	MAXREAL	MAXR		MAXR	
"NumTheory - number, nearest machine"		NEIGHBOR				
"NumTheory - number, smallest denormalized"		MINREAL				
"NumTheory - number, smallest machine"	EPS	EPS	MINR		MINR	
NumTheory - power of 10 scaling		SCALE10				
NumTheory - round to integer		IROUND				
NumTheory - round to nth digit	ROUND		RND	RND	RND	
NumTheory - sign of a number	SGN	SGN	SIGN	SIGN	SIGN	
NumTheory - truncate at nth digit	TRUNCATE				TRUNC	
NumTheory - x-y*Floor(x/y) = modulo	MOD	MOD	MOD	MOD	MOD	
NumTheory - x-y*IP(x/y) = remainder	RMD	RMD				
NumTheory - x-y*Nearest(x/y) = reduction		RED				
NumTheory - 9	PI	PI	9	PI	9	
Printing - advances by a blank line			CR	ADV	CR	
Printing - get current print line width	PWIDTH?					
Printing - get current printer devices	PRINTER$					
Printing - print all programs and variables				PRUSR		
Printing - print entire display as graphics			PRLCD	PRLCD	PRLCD	
Printing - print keystrokes and results			SF 32	TRACE		
Printing - print modes			PRMD			
Printing - print record of keystrokes				NORM		
Printing - print specified program	PLIST	PLIST		PRP		
Printing - print stack			"PRST, PRSTC"	PRSTK	"PRST, PRSTC"	
Printing - print variable	PRINT	PRINT	PRVAR	"PRV, PR7"	PRVAR	
Printing - prints x			PR1	PRX	PR1	
Printing - set endline character sequence	ENDLINE				SF -38	
Printing - set line length	PWIDTH	PWIDTH			PRTPAR	
Printing - set line spacing (single/double)					Flag -37	
Printing - set manual print mode				MAN		
Printing - set printer devices	PRINTER IS	PRINTER IS			Flag -34	
Printing - set time between lines			Flag 52	DELAY	DELAY	
Printing - toggle printing				"PROFF, PRON"		
Stack - clear stack			CLEAR	"CLX, CLST"	CLEAR	
Stack - counts objects on stack			DEPTH		DEPTH	
Stack - drop (roll) stack down			"ROLLD, DROP"	RDN	"ROLLD, DROP"	
Stack - drops objects off stack			"DROP2, DROPN"		"DROP2, DROPN"	
Stack - duplicates objects on stack			"DUP, DUP2, DUPN"	ENTER	"DUP, DUP2, DUPN"	
Stack - get element from stack			"OVER, PICK"		"OVER, PICK"	
Stack - return last stack argument	RES	RES	"LAST, LASTARG"	LASTX	"LAST, LASTARG"	
Stack - roll stack up			"ROLL, ROT"	R^	"ROLL, ROT"	
Stack - swaps x and y registers			SWAP	X<>Y	SWAP	
Stats - clear statistics registers		CLSTAT	CL7	CL7	CL7	
Stats - correlation coefficient		CORR	CORR	CORR	CORR	
"Stats - curve fit model, best"				BEST	BESTFIT	
"Stats - curve fit model, exponential"				EXPF	EXPFIT	
"Stats - curve fit model, linear"		LR	LR	LINF	LINFIT	
"Stats - curve fit model, logarithmic"				LOGF	LOGFIT	
"Stats - curve fit model, power"				PWRF	PWRFIT	
"Stats - distribution, upper Chi-Square"			UTPC		UTPC	
"Stats - distribution, upper Normal"			UTPN		UTPN	
"Stats - distribution, upper SnedecorUs F"			UTPF		UTPF	
"Stats - distribution, upper StudentUs t"			UTPT		UTPT	
Stats - forecast x given y				FCSTX	PREDX	
Stats - forecast y given x		PREDV	PREDV	FCSTY	"PREDY, PREDV"	
Stats - line of best fit through 7DAT					7LINE	
Stats - linear regression			LR	"SLOPE, YINT"	LR	
Stats - mean		MEAN	MEAN	MEAN	MEAN	
Stats - minimum/maximum absolute value	"MINAB, MAXAB"					
Stats - minimum/maximum element	"AMIN, AMAX"		"MIN7, MAX7"		"MIN7, MAX7"	
Stats - random number	RND	RND	RAND	RAN	RAND	
Stats - set random generator seed	RANDOMIZE	RANDOMIZE	RDZ	SEED	RDZ	
Stats - set stat columns			COL7	"ALL7, LIN7"	"XCOL,YCOL,COL7"	
Stats - set statistics array		STAT	"STO7, RCL7"	"7REG, 7REG?"	"STO7, RCL7"	
Stats - sort stat matrix into bins					BINS	
Stats - standard deviation		SDEV	SDEV	SDEV	SDEV	
Stats - sum	"SUM, ABSUM"	TOTAL	TOT	SUM	"TOT, 7X, 7X^2, I"	
Stats - summation & deletion		"ADD, DROP"	"7+, 7-"	"7+, 7-"	"7+, 7-"	
"Stats - variance, covariance"			"VAR, COV"		"VAR, COV"	
Stats - weighted mean				WMEAN		
Strings - append integer part to string				AIP		
Strings - ASCII character to number	NUM	NUM	NUM	ATOX	NUM	
Strings - change case of string	"UPRC$, LWRC$"	UPRC$				
Strings - concatenation	&	&	+		+	
Strings - escape sequences	ESC$					
Strings - fill a string with a char	FILL$					
Strings - find and replace in a string	REPL$				REPL	
Strings - find next char in list	BREAK					
Strings - find pos of 1st char not in list	SPAN					
Strings - find substring in string w/wildcard	FIND					
Strings - get portion of string	"LEFT$, MID$, RIGHT$"					
Strings - get position of substring	POS	POS	POS	POSA	POS	
Strings - get string of chars in range	ASCII$					
Strings - get substring chars a to b	SUB$		SUB		SUB	
Strings - length of string	LEN	LEN	SIZE	ALENG	SIZE	
Strings - number to ASCII character	CHR$	CHR$	CHR	XTOA	CHR	
Strings - number to string	STR$	STR$	->STR	ARCL	->STR	
Strings - repeat string n times	RPT$					
Strings - reverse string	REV$					
Strings - rotate string by char count	ROT$			AROT		
Strings - shift string by char count				ASHF		
Strings - string to number (value)	VAL	VAL	STR->		STR->	
Strings - translate chars in a string	MAP$					
Strings - trim specified chars from ends	"LTRIM$, RTRIM$"					
Strings - underscoring	"USCR$, NSCR$"					
Symbolic - algebraic equations			'a=b'		'a=b'	
Symbolic - bind value to local variable					|    (where)	
Symbolic - collects terms of an algebraic			COLCT		COLCT	
Symbolic - concatenate lists			+		+	
Symbolic - decimal approximation -> ratio					"->Q, ->Q9, RATIO"	
Symbolic - differentiation			6		6	
Symbolic - evaluates an object			EVAL		EVAL	
Symbolic - expands an algebraic			EXPAN		EXPAN	
Symbolic - expression substitute			"EXSUB, OBSUB"		MATCH	
Symbolic - find object in a list			POS		POS	
Symbolic - forces numeric evaluation			->NUM		->NUM	
Symbolic - get an algebraic subexpression			"EXGET, OBGET"		OBJ->	
Symbolic - get unevaluated expressions					"APPLY, QUOTE"	
Symbolic - integration			D  (only simple poly)		D	
Symbolic - interactive equation editor			FORM		EquationWriter	
Symbolic - isolate expression			ISOL		ISOL	
Symbolic - list <-> stack			"LIST->, ->LIST"		"LIST->, ->LIST"	
Symbolic - manipulate list elements			"PUT,GET,PUTI,I"		"PUT,GET,PUTI,I"	
Symbolic - numeric constants			"9,e,i,MAXR,MINR"		"9,e,i,MAXR,MINR"	
Symbolic - quadratic formula			QUAD		QUAD	
Symbolic - separate sides of an equation					EQ->	
Symbolic - show variable			SHOW		SHOW	
Symbolic - tag an object with a name					"->TAG, DTAG"	
Symbolic - Taylor series approximation			TAYLR		TAYLR	
System - automatic run of programs	SHELL ON/OFF					
System - beep at a specific frequency	BEEP	BEEP	BEEP	"BEEP, TONE"	BEEP	
System - cause a specific error	DO ERROR				DOERR	
System - change insert replace mode	ESC-I/R ON OFF					
System - comments	"REM, !"	"REM, !"				
System - debug flow	TRACE FLOW	TRACE FLOW				
System - debug message	USERMSG	MSG$				
System - debug off	TRACE OFF	TRACE OFF				
System - debug variables	TRACE VARS	TRACE VARS				
System - get version of operating system	VER$	VER$	#10d SYSEVAL			
"System - last error, clear"					ERR0	
"System - last error, msg string"		ERRM$	ERRM		ERRM	
"System - last error, number"	ERRN	ERRN	ERRN		ERRN	
System - line number of last error	ERRL	ERRL				
System - manipulate system flags	STATUS	FLAG	"STOF, RCLF"		"STOF, RCLF"	
System - set password	LOCK	LOCK				
System - shutdown	BYE	"OFF, BYE"		OFF	OFF	
System - sound on/off	BEEP ON/OFF	BEEP ON/OFF	SF 51 for quiet	"QUIET, CF 26"	"SF -57, SF -57"	
System - standby (continuous on)	STANDBY ON/OFF	STANDBY		"ON, SF 44"		
System - startup sequence		STARTUP		SF 11		
Time - acknowledge past-due alarms					"ACK, ACKALL"	
Time - alarms on/off	ALARM ON/OFF					
Time - clear time adjustment	RESET	RESET CLOCK				
Time - clock continuously displayed					SF -40	
Time - convert date & time to string					TSTR	
Time - date & time as numbers	"DATE, TIME"	"DATE, TIME"			"DATE, TIME"	
Time - date & time as strings	"DATE$, TIME$"	"DATE$, TIME$"				
Time - date arithmetic					"DATE+, DDAYS"	
"Time - decimal hours <-> hours,minutes,sec."			"HMS->, ->HMS"	"HMS->, ->HR"	"HMS->, ->HMS"	
Time - delete appointment					DELALARM	
Time - find appointment					FINDALARM	
Time - get appointment					RCLALARM	
Time - get current clock adjust factor	ADJUST$	AF				
"Time - hour,minute,second arithmetic"			"HMS+, HMS-"	"HMS+, HMS-"	"HMS+, HMS-"	
Time - manipulate specific timers	ON|OFF TIMER#	ON|OFF TIMER#				
Time - return current timer interval	TIMER?					
Time - set adjust factor for clock	ADJUST	ADJUST			CLKADJ	
Time - set appointment	APPT				STOALARM	
Time - set system date & time	SET	"SETDATE, SETTIME"			"->DATE, ->TIME"	
Time - set time as exact	EXACT	EXACT				
Time - system ticks (1/8192 of a sec)					TICKS	
Binary	15	5	14	11	14	
Complex	17	13	18	16	18	
Control	16	17	16	8	18	
Display	14	14	12	16	15	
Files	39	32	3	1	15	
Graphics	0	3	18	2	42	
IO	31	24	0	0	14	
Keys	8	7	2	4	7	
Logical	10	13	14	14	14	
Math	26	27	28	27	38	
Matrix	18	14	17	21	20	
Memory	9	15	15	14	18	
Number Theory	18	35	19	14	20	
Printing	8	5	9	13	11	
Stack	1	1	9	6	9	
Stats	5	11	19	19	26	
Strings	23	8	8	8	9	
Symbolic	0	0	19	0	24	
System	17	16	6	5	8	
Time	11	8	2	2	14	
TOTAL:	286	268	248	201	354