dbplass@abp.lcs.mit.edu (David Plass) (03/20/90)
<Flame on>
IS RIGHT! I WANT MORE non-HP Bandwidth, or I'll suggest to rename this
comp.sys.handhelds.hp again, causing much debate and non-HP (i.e. non-computer
related) bandwitdth.
<Flame off>
Some TR(a)S(H)-80 PC-1 banter:
Does anyone know how to speed up the execution? Is there any way to
access machine language? I still have original manuals (somewhere)
but nowhere does it mention machine language? I have written may
programs for it (when it still worked, now I have a cracked crystal
and perhaps a destroyed bubble memory) but usually could figure out
things by hand faster.
Most useful applications:
1) Unit converstion program
2) cubic equation solver (And higher order too, using Newton's method)
3) Animation (!) My little brother programmed multitudes of these,
which were many lines of "print" statements [excuse me, PAUSE statements]
which showed themselveson the screen one at a time.
More bandwidth for TRS-80 handheld! 8-)
Anyone ever try to hook a CRT to one of those guys?
I'd love to but would first rather get a fixed screen (and memory).
--David Plass
Grammer, spellnig flames to /dev/null