[comp.sys.handhelds] Anonymous FTP for HP's BBS programs

ji@close.cs.columbia.edu (John Ioannidis) (03/20/90)

It's had to believe that noone with local access to area code 503 
has internet access. Can someone please please please download the
HP programs? If you don't want to allocate space on your system
(I can understand that), feel free to put them on machine
ibmp70d.cs.columbia.edu ( in direcory pub/hp48sx. 
When transferring them, please don't forget to set Image mode!
(Of course that directory is not restricted to HP stuff! Anyone
can put their favorite hack there. Also, it would be a good idea
to send me mail (ji@cs.columbia.edu) when that happens)



In-Real-Life: John "Heldenprogrammer" Ioannidis
E-Mail-To: ji@cs.columbia.edu
V-Mail-To: +1 212 854 5510
P-Mail-To: 450 Computer Science \n Columbia University \n New York, NY 10027